21 natural appetite suppressants: these foods help combat cravings

High Carb Low Fat Food

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Natural appetite suppressants are not diet pills or powders, but normal foods. Many foods contain appetite suppressants that make our hunger go away. You can stop cravings with these home remedies.

You have just mega much desire for chocolate, cookies, fruit gum or other rather not so healthy foods that contain lots of calories?

We've probably all been there. Especially the inner conflict: Should I give in to cravings? Should I stay strong? Most of the time, we don't stay strong. It's just a piece of chocolate. It can't be that bad.

But let's be honest: When does it stop at that one single piece? Never.

This irrepressible craving for sweets is really pretty nasty. But there is help! Natural appetite suppressants can help and prevent this desire from arising in the first place.

Sounds good, good?

So you must No appetite suppressants take in the form of tablets or drops. Appetite suppressants from the pharmacy are usually very expensive. Their effect is questionable and they are not really healthy.

We think: You can safely keep your hands off chemical appetite suppressants. Many pills and powders have side effects like depression, heart palpitations, high blood pressure and worse.

Much healthier are foods against cravings.

Are natural appetite suppressants just a myth?

Who thinks that natural appetite suppressants are just a rumor, you're wrong. Because as the saying goes: "There's a herb for everything" - even for too much appetite.

Even if the pharmaceutical industry would like to teach us otherwise. They earn a lot of money with weight loss pills, appetite suppressants and the like. But that doesn't have to be the case.

Nature has taken care and created for us a lot of natural foods against cravings. The advantage of these simple but effective appetite blockers is that they are not only Against ravenous appetite but also contain vitamins at the same time.

Natural appetite suppressants help us to eat smart. They support weight loss without pills, drops, powders and the like.

If you want to know how to curb your appetite, you've come to the right place. We've done our homework and come up with lots of delicious and Food against cravings for you!

Tip: bitter substances!

Good to know: No matter what's making you want to eat a whole bar of chocolate right now, bitters help curb that craving.

Mix a little of it into your smoothie or recipes and you won't get cravings later.

Today, we hardly eat any bitter substances. Instead, we eat everything that is sweet. And after that, we get even more of a craving for sweets. With slightly bitter salad, many already pull a face.

Yet bitter substances are so enormously important for the balance of our body. And even more important: they protect against cravings.

If you often suffer from food cravings, you should try the Products from Bitterliebe* try.

Bitterliebe has developed drops made from natural herbs that suppress the desire for sweets.

Bitterliebe anti cravings drops
View at Amazon* Note: This box contains affiliate links (images, titles, buttons). As an Amazon partner, we earn from qualified sales. Read more

The drops you simply take in between. Just look at the reviews, they are quite positive :)

Are natural appetite suppressants dangerous?

No. It is just normal food from the supermarket.

Foods that have been eaten for hundreds of years. You'll be surprised at many of the hunger blockers. Others you're probably already familiar with.

This speaks for natural appetite suppressants

  • They provide you with important nutrients
  • They are natural and do not contain chemistry
  • You can not get an overdose
  • They are much cheaper than pills, drops and powders

The best way to lose weight is to turn your life upside down a bit.

Mix natural appetite suppressants with healthy food and Sports and you will already see the first successes.

What is the difference between cravings and hunger?

Cravings are not the same as hunger. "Real" hunger is usually accompanied by a rumbling stomach and an aching or tightening stomach. People who suffer from cravings usually want something specific, usually something sweet, salty or fatty. Nutritionists call this "emotional hunger" and have discovered that stress can influence our eating habits. According to this theory, we eat about two thirds of people due to Stress.

Carbohydrates, such as starchy or sweet meals, are particularly tempting during cravings. According to the "selfish brain theory," this is because the brain prioritizes its own energy-rich glucose before other organs, muscles, and cells can access it.

That's why, under stress, many people's brains signal, "Eat!" Chocolate and other high-energy meals are at the top of the list.

But what can you do about these cravings? It seems that the key to less cravings and long-term weight loss is not dieting. Much more, one should avoid stressful situations and exercise more. The experiences the brain has in early childhood and adolescence have a great influence on how the brain metabolism functions later on.

For us women, however, there's another point that I'm sure a lot of people know: Cravings before your period. This can be prevented with the right nutrients.

The right eating behavior can have a preventive effect

If you eat a balanced diet and eat regularly, you will be less likely to be plagued by cravings. The daily diet should ideally include three main meals spread over four to five hours. A good balance is 40 percent carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

A meal should consist of at least half vegetables and a small amount of fruit. also at least a quarter protein (both animal and non-animal) and good fats and oils.

Mindfulness when eating also has an influence on whether a meal reaches the "brain" or not. A quick lunch in front of the PC does not contribute to satiety and good mood. Thorough chewing helps with digestion and satiates even before the food is swallowed.

Protein is a powerful hunger suppressant. It satiates you for a long time, which reduces cravings. If you eat only carbohydrates, you will not be full for long, because the insulin produced by carbohydrates ensures that cravings return quickly.

Foods to combat cravings: Nature's top 21 appetite blockers

Basically, if you want to lose weight, you should eat more protein and fewer carbohydrates (carbs). Colloquially, a distinction is made between "bad" and "good" carbs.

Bad carbohydrates are mainly found in white flour and sugar. They quickly make you hungry again and make you eat more. Therefore, you should eliminate all white flour products from your plan.

Replace them with good carbohydrates in whole grain products.

Omega-3 fatty acids also help with weight loss because they curb appetite.

You also have to learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite. Often, we only feel like eating something, but we're not really hungry yet. It is precisely such unhealthy snacks (chocolate and the like) that make us fat.

My personal top 5:
  • Coffee
  • Oatmeal
  • Cinnamon*
  • Eggs
  • Green tea

But now let's look at them all in detail. I'll tell you which foods they are and give you tips on how to prepare them.

1. nibbling almonds fills you up

We love almonds. Whether in muesli, as a snack or as almond paste in cakes. Almonds are full of antioxidants, vitamin E and magnesium. In 2006, the study of the "Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting" found that almonds fool us into thinking we are full.

But be careful, do not overdo it. 100 grams of almonds have 611 calories.

My tip: mix a teaspoon of almond butter into your muesli, it tastes delicious and you'll feel fuller for longer. Or you can prepare one of my favorite recipes "No bake brownies with banana-almond paste-cocoa cream" 😋

Natural appetite suppressants: almonds

2. eggs keep you full and slim for a long time

Eggs should not only be on your menu at Easter. Protein-rich foods increase the production of an anti-hunger hormone in our body. This was found by researchers at University College in London.

Even one or two eggs for breakfast should be pleasantly filling.

3. coffee is a natural appetite suppressant

What's better in the morning than the smell of fresh coffee? And now the good news for all coffee addicts: Coffee stimulates digestion and inhibits our hunger.

The caffeine mixed with antioxidants stops the hunger for sweets. However, this is only true if you don't add too much cream, caramel or other toppings in and on the coffee. That tastes better, but so can even Coffee fattening.

4. oatmeal keeps you full for a long time

It is not for nothing that many nutrition experts recommend that you include oatmeal in your breakfast. Mixed with yogurt and fruits you get a healthy breakfast.

Oatmeal occupies our stomach for a long period of time, this ensures that we are not hungry.

The flakes provide a large amount of magnesium. It is responsible for the oxygen supply of the cells and thus stimulates fat burning.

If simple muesli is too boring for you, you can also make porridge or Overnight Oats prepare. This tastes a little juicier :)

Healthy and natural appetite suppressants: muesli and oatmeal for breakfast

5. natural appetite suppressants: peppermint

This trick just works every time. Brush your teeth with peppermint toothpaste when you have a craving. Or chew a leaf of fresh peppermint.

This helps especially after lunch, when dessert is smiling at you even though you're not really hungry anymore.

Mint ensures that the taste in the mouth is neutralized. And that peppermint can help against appetite is even scientifically proven.

6. ginger as a hunger blocker

Put ginger on your menu regularly. Whether in a smoothie, with vegetables or in a rice dish. Ginger stimulates the body by activating many taste buds in the mouth at the same time. Thus, the root can satisfy the appetite for sweet and savory. In addition, ginger stimulates digestion and provides energy.

By the way, the tuber makes us feel less hungry.

Try our ginger water. Fill a bottle with water and chop the ginger and lemon. Leave the mix in the refrigerator for about an hour. And then you can enjoy your ginger water.

This natural appetite suppressant is refreshing on hot days and warms you from the inside on cold days. If fresh ginger tastes too intense, you can also use ginger tea.

7. avocados as a natural appetite suppressant

Avocados - yummy! Their high content of fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids has many benefits for our body.

They have a positive effect on our heart and even better. Avocados ensure that a natural feeling of fullness in the stomach.

8. the apple is a craving blocker

Yes, read correctly. The ordinary apple can help you lose weight. Fruits and vegetables that grow right on our doorstep are often underestimated.

Be sure to put apples on your shopping list. Because an apple actually helps against cravings. It stabilizes glucose in the blood and protects against appetite disguised as hunger.

In addition, apples are very good for digestion. They also help the body produce a hormone that has fat-burning effects.

Natural appetite suppressants: apple

Apples contain pectins. This soluble fiber detoxifies, stimulates digestion and keeps us full longer.

Try this when you have cravings again: Drink a glass of ginger water, eat 10 almonds and then another apple. And you've already tricked yourself.

Tip: Apple also tastes good in the form of homemade applesauce without sugar really tasty and brings a lot of flavor to the muesli.

9. dark chocolate as a natural appetite suppressant

Now it's getting sweet! If you want to lose weight, you can also snack a little. But really only a little. Supposedly dark chocolate* Inhibit hunger. But only chocolate that has a very high cocoa content. It must be at least 70%.

Responsible for this are the bitter substances in the chocolate. Also, the stearic acid in cocoa is said to make the feeling of fullness last longer. I recommend you a dark Chocolate without sugar* to taste. It takes some getting used to at first, but it's delicious!

10. cayenne pepper and chili to curb hunger

You know the saying, "Eat spicy and lose weight!"

It really works. Just one teaspoon of cayenne pepper revs up the metabolism. If you regularly eat spicier, you can burn calories per meal on the side.

If you rarely eat spicy food and then add a little chili or pepper, you can consume as many as 60 calories per meal.

Whether you choose chili or pepper is up to you. Both foods contain capsaicin. This not only makes them hot, but also boosts fat burning.

Anyone who has ever eaten too spicy knows the internal heat that suddenly rises. Our body has to fight with the higher body core temperature and burns calories. By the way, capsaicin regulates the blood sugar level, lowers blood fat levels and is even said to have an anti-cancer effect.

Tip: Try it with homemade chili salt or Chili oil!

11. natural appetite suppressants: Jerusalem artichoke

So far, you've been relatively familiar with all the appetite suppressant foods, right? With Jerusalem artichoke, our "natural appetite suppressants" list gets a little more exotic.

Jerusalem artichoke root contains the dietary fiber inulin, which swells in the stomach. The tuber consists of even 16 % of inulin. This is very difficult for our body to digest. So hunger has no chance.

The blood sugar level remains constant and the feeling of hunger becomes less. Jerusalem artichoke can be used to prepare a delicious soup.

Swelling foods are always a great way to keep the stomach busy and inhibit appetite.

12. sweet potatoes inhibit hunger

In the U.S., it's a favorite side dish for turkey, and in many tropical countries it's a staple food. And here? Well, it's still taking a while. But the sweet potato is increasingly finding its way onto our plates.

Sweet potatoes contain relatively few calories, are low in fat, rich in minerals and vitamins.

No other low-fat food provides as much vitamin E as sweet potatoes. Just 100 grams cover a third of the daily requirement. The orange tuber also contains plenty of vitamins A and C.

And the most important: starch, which makes us feel full for a long time. Natural appetite suppressants like the batata can be prepared in a very varied way: From Sweet potato cake over soup, to French fries, Sweet potato curry, or stuffed potato.

13. the classic appetite suppressant: water

Well, that's really no surprise. Because one to two glasses of water before the meal reduce the feeling of hunger.

Did you know that we are often not hungry at all, but thirsty? But our body can't interpret the signals correctly. So we think that we are hungry and eat.

Water is necessary for really all metabolic processes in the body. It gets the metabolism going, prevents headaches and helps with digestion. At the same time it has 0 calories.

So the next time you get a craving, just drink a glass of water or unsweetened tea. And you'll feel better.

14. lenses help you lose weight

Be sure to add more lentils to your diet! Like beans and corn, lentils contain a lot of protein.

And protein keeps us full for a long time. Lentils also get a special plus because of their high fiber content. This fills the stomach with low calories.

Lentils contain good carbohydrates. They cause the blood sugar level to rise only slowly. This also means that hunger does not arise so quickly.

You have no idea what to cook with lentils? The legumes are versatile. How about Lentil fritters?

Or Spaghetti Bolognese with lentils. Simply replace the meat with lentils. Season with tomato paste, herbs, garlic, onion and salt.

15. soups are natural appetite suppressants

Natural appetite suppressant: make instant vegetable broth yourself

If you want to use home remedies to stop cravings, then you should eat soup before every meal. Soups of all kinds fill you up and make sure we don't eat as much of the main dish. Of course, it should be clear soups and not high calorie cream soups.

Vegetable soup is always a good start. Or a clear instant vegetable broth with quinoa.

Like water, soups fill our stomachs while also providing us with adequate hydration.

Vegetable soup is a great appetite suppressant appetizer. Vegetables also contain a lot of fiber, which keeps us full for a long time.

Tip: You don't have to resort to soup cubes, you can make your own Instant vegetable broth easy to make yourself.

16. tofu is a natural appetite blocker

Vegetarians and vegans love it: tofu. You too should give the little cubes of soy another chance.

Tofu makes you full because it is very rich in protein. Protein curbs appetite and keeps us full for a long time. Especially those who are hungry again in the early afternoon should include more protein in the form of tofu or lentils in their meals.

If you've never tried tofu before, you can start by putting it in salad or in a vegetable stir-fry.

17. green tea can satisfy hunger

Tired of water? Then try green tea. It brings a little more flavor into your drinking glass.

By the way, green tea is one of the well-known Teas for weight loss. This is due to the catechins in green tea. They prevent the storage of glucose in the fat cells.

And the tea has positive effects on our blood sugar level. If it remains stable, hunger also stays away.

18. salad as an appetite killer

Natural appetite suppressants: lettuce

A large mixed salad with tomatoes, green leaf lettuce, sprouts and herbs contains few calories and fills the belly well.

It provides us with valuable secondary plant substances, vitamins and minerals.

By the way, bitter salads such as chicory, dandelion or radicchio are particularly good at inhibiting hunger. The bitter substances give us the feeling of being full faster.

Salad should become a fixed part of your meal. But save on oil, it contains many calories. With the vinegar you reach best to Apple cider vinegar - it is said to stimulate the metabolism.

19. fish is a home remedy to satisfy hunger

Fresh wild fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring or trout contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

When eating fish, our body produces the hormone leptin. It is responsible for suppressing our appetite.

Omega 3, by the way, also helps to increase muscle mass in the body. Provided you exercise regularly. You can treat yourself to 2 servings of fish per week.

20. cinnamon inhibits hunger and appetite

You like to eat cereal, oatmeal or drink a cup of hot chocolate? Next time give a little Cinnamon* in addition.

Cinnamon* lowers the blood sugar level and thus curbs the appetite. And also tastes incredibly delicious!

It is also said that you can can take off with cinnamon and honey.

21. tomatoes as natural appetite suppressants

If you want to lose weight, you should eat tomatoes regularly. Their healthy bitter substances, high chromium content and high water content (95%) make them the perfect food against cravings.

Chromium ensures that the blood sugar level remains constant and that you are full for a long time. Chromium also has a positive effect on carbohydrate and fat metabolism. And they can do even more. Tomatoes are namely natural cholesterol reducers. They lower harmful LDL cholesterol levels. The lycopene in red vegetables is said to have anti-cancer effects and prevent blood clots.

The great thing about tomatoes is that they are so incredibly versatile. Whether as a soup, DIY ketchup, in salads, sauces or simply as a snack in between.

Two extra tips against food cravings

It's not just your diet that plays a role, but also your physical condition. Two points in particular have been proven to kill cravings: exercise and sleep.

Sport as a natural hunger blocker

Physical activity of any kind boosts the metabolism and makes kilos fall. But sport also helps to curb the appetite.

At the same time, of course, we consume a lot of calories. Muscle mass increases our basal metabolic rate. So the more muscles, the better for us.

In addition, exercise relieves stress, which is also known to affect our Fat pads on the abdomen grow.

Enough sleep is an appetite suppressant

Those who sleep too little are hungry. We not only notice this the day after going out, it has also been scientifically proven. Too little sleep leads to a 25% increase in the hormone ghrelin. This hormone is responsible for making us hungry.

At the same time, the anti-appetite hormone leptin is lowered. And that too by up to 25 %.

And let's be honest: When you're really tired, you don't feel like cooking something healthy and fresh. Instead, fast food often ends up on the plate.

Sleeping itself is also a good strategy for acceptance. Because during you burn a lot of calories while sleeping!

Our conclusion

As you can see, there are a lot of natural appetite suppressants. You don't have to resort to pills, powders or drops. Nature has everything we need to fight cravings and inhibit appetite.

Above all, make sure you always drink enough fluids. This will help you learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite.

All the best for you! 🙂

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