Stop cravings - How to never get food cravings again

Sweets without sugar - cravings

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Who doesn't know this irrepressible desire for something unhealthy? Sometimes sweet, sometimes salty, sometimes greasy. And sometimes all at the same time. The main thing is a lot of it. We show you how you can Stop cravings can!

A binge seems to paralyze our brain. We know that the whole jar of chocolate cream or the full packet of potato chips is anything but healthy. But the ravenous appetite overcomes us. We just can't help it. The only thing that helps now is eating. And as quickly and as much as possible.

And just 10 minutes later we are sitting there. The belly is full. Absolutely amazed, we look at the empty glass, which was just full of chocolate cream. 5000 calories. Oh no. That will be noticeable again on the hips.

And you've been eating so healthy and low-calorie all day. And even sport was on the program today. But this craving for chocolate and pudding just won't let you rest.

Oh, a piece of chocolate does not hurt. And a second one goes too. After all, it also contains nuts, which are healthy. And then the whole bar suddenly disappears from the face of the earth.

The bad conscience haunts you. You get angry with yourself. But only until the next craving.

But can we really not do anything else?

Yes, we can. And how! You can stop your cravings! And defeat the munchies before they even arise. And we show you how.

Why cravings arise

Cravings are a sign of our body. Binge eating and Desire for unhealthy can point to a Lack of nutrients point out.

However, ravenous hunger always indicates hypoglycemia. This often occurs when you eat too many products with sugar and white flour. Attention: Also Light products solve cravings off!

The combination of working out and not taking in enough calories can also lead to binge eating.

Avoid cravings tips

Our body signals hunger so we give it a supply of nutrients.

Insulin levels play a key role in the development of hunger pangs.

You're probably familiar with this: after eating sweets or white flour, our blood sugar level rises rapidly. We feel strong, invincible and full of power. We feel really good.

At least for a short time. Because just as quickly as the blood sugar level has risen, just as quickly it falls again.

Now our body tells us: Eat something! The strong urge to eat again becomes greater and greater. And already we have ravenous appetite.

Tip: bitter substances!

Good to know: No matter what's making you want to eat a whole bar of chocolate right now, bitters help curb that craving.

Mix a little of it into your smoothie or recipes and you won't get cravings later.

Today, we hardly eat any bitter substances. Instead, we eat everything that is sweet. And after that, we get even more of a craving for sweets. With slightly bitter salad, many already pull a face.

Yet bitter substances are so enormously important for the balance of our body. And even more important: they protect against cravings.

If you often suffer from food cravings, you should try the Products from Bitterliebe* try.

Bitterliebe has drops made from natural herbs that suppress the desire for sweets.

Bitterliebe anti cravings drops
Buy at Amazon* Note: This box contains affiliate links (images, titles, buttons). As an Amazon partner, we earn from qualified sales. Read more

The drops you simply take in between. Just look at the reviews, they are quite positive :)

Psychological causes of binge eating

But there are also Psychological factorsthat lead to a strong desire for unhealthy things. These include stress, frustration and attention: boredom! Very often, cravings for sweets or salty foods arise when we have nothing active to do. In other words, in front of the TV.

Physical causes of binge eating

Cravings can also physical causes have. If you eat too little throughout the day, your body will lack nutrients. And if you eat too irregularly, your blood sugar level goes on a roller coaster.

Even if you have drunk too little, cravings can arise. Our body often can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst. It plays it safe and reports: Hunger!

Flavor enhancers in convenience foods are particularly nasty. They fool us into thinking we are temporarily feeling full. Unfortunately, however, this disappears very quickly. And we're hungry again.

We women struggle with cravings for sweets, especially in the second half of our cycle. Here, by the way, can our No Bake Brownies with nuts Remedy the situation!

No Bake Brownies help stop cravings

It is really bad when binge eating becomes a habit. If you have repeated bouts of ravenous hunger, you should definitely talk to a nutritionist! There is a risk that you will no longer be able to stop cravings and will develop an eating disorder.

Stop acute cravings

You're in the mood for something really unhealthy and you already know that you'll regret it again? Then watch out now!

Very sudden cravings can be stopped if you find out the cause.

Stop cravings when bored

Generally, acute cravings do not last longer than fifteen minutes. If you manage to find something else to do to distract yourself, you can stop the cravings.

Put on your shoes and go for a walk around the block. No matter how late it is. You need to clear your head and get out of the "danger zone".

Grab your cell phone and call a dear friend. Just do anything that keeps you from eating.

And drink a big glass of water.

Stop cravings when hungry

If the impending binge occurs because you haven't eaten for a long time, you should eat something. But nothing unhealthy. And certainly not what you feel like at the moment. If you haven't eaten for a long time, your blood sugar level is very low. With new nutrients we let it slowly (!) rise again.

You should definitely stay away from sugar and white flour (pasta, toast, etc.). Go for complex carbohydrates and protein foods.

Complex carbs and fiber can be found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and potatoes.

Protein also helps to stop cravings. Both protein and complex carbohydrates are digested by the body only slowly. The blood sugar level rises only slowly - we are full longer and have power for a long time.

Concentrate on eating. Don't let yourself be distracted by TV, cell phone and the like. Chew consciously and enjoy the taste of the food. That way, you'll feel full faster.

Peppermint against cravings

If you suddenly feel like eating something, you can also trick your body a little. In many cases, this works.

Brushing your teeth and chewing gum are good ways to keep cravings at bay for the time being. By the way, this always works best when the taste of peppermint is involved. Peppermint can stop cravings because it triggers a natural feeling of fullness.

With this knowledge you can prevent cravings. Just take some fresh mint, chop it and let it steep in tap water for a while. This tastes mega delicious! And the munchies don't even come up.

By the way, there is a whole Set of other healthy foods for sudden cravings.

Stop cravings with micronutrients

A nutrient deficiency is often expressed through cravings. Your body tells you what it lacks. You just have to interpret it correctly.

Cravings for chocolate with zinc and magnesium deficiency

If you have very strong cravings for chocolate, this may indicate a magnesium deficiency. The Cocoa powder* chocolate is very rich in magnesium. Chocolate also contains a lot of zinc.

So you may be craving chocolate because your body isn't getting enough magnesium and/or zinc.

This is often the case with us women just before or during the days.

You can fight chocolate cravings with a simple trick. Grab a ripe banana, mash it with a fork and stir it into a bowl. Cocoa powder* (without sugar). Done! Tastes super delicious!

Stop cravings with chocolate

Looks really tasty or? It also tastes good! If you want, you can chop the bananas and freeze them. When it's frozen, add almond milk and chop it in the blender with Cocoa powder*. This makes the recipe even fresher and creamier. :) One speaks of Nicecream.

Tip: You can buy almond milk online. 

You'll also find plenty of magnesium in nuts, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, amaranth, quinoa, sesame seeds, poppy seeds and legumes.

Zinc is in sunflower seeds, wheat germ, cheese, oatmeal.

Cravings for sweets with too little chromium

If you are constantly craving sweets, things get a bit more complicated. Because here several nutrients can be affected.

If you have cravings for sweets and sugar, you might be lacking chromium, phosphorus magnesium (see chocolate) or sulfur.

By the way, our body needs chromium to fulfill the tasks of insulin. Phosphorus ensures that the body can provide us with energy. With sulfur, cells and tissues are built up and repaired.

You can stop cravings with too little chromium with corn, beans, whole grains, cheese or nuts.

Phosphorus deficiency can be treated with nuts, wheat germ, cheese, Cocoa powder* and legumes.

Sulfur is found in fish and seafood, nuts, dairy products, cranberries, horseradish, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage.

Constant craving for sweets - stop cravings

But your glutamine level may also be too low.

Complex carbohydrates are healthy. The situation is different with isolated, i.e. simple, carbohydrates. You can find them in white flour, white rice and sugar. These foods disturb the balance of the body.

For our brain to work properly, it needs glucose and the amino acid glutamine. If there is too little glutamine, we get cravings for sweets.

Now you must not reach for the chocolate bar. Instead, turn to glutamine capsules. Glutamine reaches our brain just as quickly as sugar, but it leaves the blood sugar level unaffected.

If you have a strong craving for sweets, you can dissolve two grams of glutamine in water and drink it. After just a few minutes, the craving is gone.

Have you ever seen a Sugar withdrawal dared?

Cravings for fatty foods with too little calciumc

When we get hungry, it often has to be something really fatty. Of course, we can meet this need with chips, fries, burgers, ice cream, cake and the like. Or better yet, we can cover our fatty acid requirements in a healthy way.

The gut, or rather the hormones in the gut (endocannabinoids), make us crave fatty foods. Evolution is to blame for this. At that time, it was urgently necessary for people to eat a lot of fat. After all, it was a matter of survival. Today, fat is everywhere. In very large quantities. Nevertheless, our bodies still tick like they did thousands of years ago.

Those who have a balanced fatty acid requirement are much less likely to suffer a binge.

Tip: All ingredients marked with * have a link. You can buy them directly from Amazon.

Coconut oil*, raw milk butter and Ghee* are very good sources of healthy fatty acids. Especially Coconut oil* is said to help because it contains a lot of medium-chain fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids are also said to stop and prevent cravings. You can find it in fatty fish, Hemp oil*, Linseed oil* or Chia seed*.

Try our delicious crunchy muesli with Coconut oil* and Honey*!

Stop cravings with coconut oil

It provides me with complex carbohydrates, healthy fatty acids and fills the belly quite healthy in the process.

But calcium deficiency can also be an indication of cravings. Calcium is very important for the function of muscles and nerves. It supports the health of our blood vessels and is involved in insulin production.

You can find a lot of calcium in broccoli, milk, yogurt, cheese, Chia*hazelnuts, almonds, kale, poppy seeds and sesame seeds.

Chromium and protein against carbohydrate cravings

The trace element chromium influences the control and regulation of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. And thereby on the carbohydrate metabolism.

You can find chromium in legumes, cheese, whole grains, nuts, mushrooms and broccoli.

By the way, stress causes our body to break down chromium!

So if you're craving pasta, rice and white rolls, you can counteract with chromium. You can find chromium in Capsules form buy

At the same time, you may be eating too little protein. However, our body needs a lot of it. It uses protein to build cells and muscles. In addition, protein gives tissue strength, is important for the formation of hormones and an active immune system.

You can get a quick load of protein from Chia*almonds, yoghurt, quark, salmon, quinoa and pulses.

Cravings for carbohydrates - quinoa helps with binge eating

How about a delicious Quinoa porridge with nuts and bananas raspberry cream?

Cravings for salty foods with too little silicon and chloride

Chips and pretzels - the main thing is salty? If that's your motto, it could be that you haven't drunk enough. Or that your body lacks chloride and silicon.

Chlorides occur in our body as a compound. Sodium chloride - i.e. table salt - is very well known. Anyone who sweats a lot, has diarrhea or does a lot of sports loses chlorides. They are very important for keeping the acid-base balance in the body in equilibrium.

And silicon can bind up to 300 times its own weight in water. As a result, silicon is better able to maintain water in the body. This is important for the elasticity of vision, cartilage and ligaments.

If you get a sudden craving for chips, grab 2 glasses of water. If you still have cravings afterwards, you can reach for foods containing chloride and silica.

You can find chloride in celery, coconut, rice, oats, banana and parsley.

Silicon is found in dates, nuts, beans, oatmeal, spinach and seeds.

Stop cravings for salty things with oatmeal

A delicious recipe with Oatmeal is protein oats by the way. So oatmeal with lots of cottage cheese, nuts and fruits. That fills the nutrient stores again!

Remedies against cravings - How you can prevent them

1. healthy breakfast against cravings

Create a solid foundation first thing in the morning when you get up. That is: Breakfast healthy and balanced. Whole grain bread with vegetables, yogurt with fruit, or oatmeal recipes are great to help cravings

Stay away from sugar and white flour of all kinds!

2. drink a lot of water

For our body to really function properly, it needs a lot of fluid. The signals for hunger and thirst are controlled by the same area in our brain. If you drink too little, you may feel hungry much faster, even though you are not hungry at all.

In addition, water tricks the stomach into feeling full. If you're worried that an attack is brewing, a peppermint tea can work wonders.

Tip: I order my peppermint tea from Amazon.

3. move a lot

So you don't have to wonder how to stop cravings, just distract yourself. Exercise is healthy, does your body good and gives you new ideas.

4. avoid light products

Advertising deceives us, that light products are healthy. Yet they are very unhealthy! They even ensure that we get more appetite.

5. always have something to eat with you

Instead of sweets, you should always have nuts, fruit or a yogurt with you. A little tip: strawberries are a good way of overcoming cravings.

6. eat regularly and balanced

Our body needs a healthy rhythm. Both when sleeping and eating. If you eat regularly and healthily and sleep for up to 7 hours a day, you are relatively safe from cravings.

Our conclusion

If possible, you should try to ward off a food attack in advance. This can be achieved with a healthy and balanced diet. This way, you won't have to stop cravings in the first place.

Observe yourself closely - when do cravings occur? Is it when you're bored? Or when you haven't eaten for a long time?

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