Tea for weight loss: These 7 teas make you slim

Tea for weight loss

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We love tea! You too? Very good! The hot drink is low in calories and healthy. How about a delicious cup of tea to lose weight? Many types of tea stimulate our metabolism, others calm the nerves and still other herbal teas help to relax.

If you reach for the right tea bags, you can Tea for weight loss use. You can just drink yourself slim. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?

The following applies in principle: Who drinks a lot, does something good for his body. As adults, we should be able to drink about 2 to 3 liters.

This not only quenches thirst, but helps with digestion and other important metabolic processes.

Anyone who regularly suffers from dry eyes and skin, headaches or digestive problems should drink more. And what exactly?

Preferably non-carbonated drinks, without sugar and artificial additives. You already know what that boils down to, right? Water and unsweetened teas.

Can you lose weight drinking tea?

Yes, you can lose weight if you drink tea regularly. The best known is green tea, which promises quick results on the scale. There are many studies that confirm the fat-burning effect of tea. In total, 7 types of tea are considered miracle cures when it comes to losing a few kilos.

Herbs and other ingredients in teas curb hunger, boost digestion, have an anti-aging effect, tone the skin, protect against disease, perk us up and give us an extra charge of power.

Best you reach for natural teas without artificial additives like flavors. The more natural, the better the varieties are for slimming. You will find artificial ingredients in many fruit teas - they are very often flavored. Swap them out for natural herbal teas and you can Lose weight with tea.

Why tea helps to lose weight

  • detoxifies and purifies the body
  • stimulates the metabolism
  • improves fat burning
  • curbs appetite
  • suppresses cravings for sweets
  • Is low in calories

Tea for weight loss

Which tea is best for weight loss?

These 7 teas make you slim and help you to keep the weight. Depending on the variety, you should drink them in the morning or in the evening.

What tea in the evening?

  • Peppermint
  • Green oat tea

What tea in the morning?

  • Green tea
  • Mate
  • Rooibos

Anytime: rosehip and ginger

1. green tea

The best tea for weight loss is and remains green tea. Green tea attracted great attention when the active ingredient epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) was discovered in it. It reduces the absorption of fat in the stomach and intestines and thus acts against obesity. Green tea is also said to combat the fattening stress hormone cortisol.

The caffeine in green tea invigorates, stimulates the metabolism and is said to increase the energy metabolism.

Originally, green tea comes from Asia. But it is also very widespread in Europe - fortunately. After all, it tastes heavenly delicious. Already more than 5000 years ago, people know about the positive effect of tea.

But it can do more than warm us. Green tea is said to have a health-promoting effect. The tea leaves contain calcium, iron, fluorine, potassium, manganese and magnesium. As well as a lot of vitamin C and bitter substances.

Especially recommended are the varieties Sencha and Gyokuro. They contain many bitter substances. They curb appetite and even reduce the desire for sweets.

The best time of day: 2 to 3 cups every day. Best in the morning and at noon instead of coffee. In the evening you should not drink green tea - because it makes you awake.

2. mate

Common in South America, mate tea helps lose weight because it suppresses appetite. Here chews fresh leaves to suppress hunger. The effect can be attributed to the bitter substances that suppress hunger.

By the way, mate also contains caffeine and saponins. This gets the metabolism going. Unlike coffee, however, the caffeine is released slowly.

The tea leaves contain many minerals and vitamins. They also have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. Mate has a laxative effect and, like coffee, stimulates digestion.

The best time of day: mate perks you up. Drink it in the morning and throughout the morning.

3. rosehip

The small red fruits contain bitter substances, which were already used in the Middle Ages as appetite suppressants. By the way, rose hips contain much more Vitamin C as lemons. The vitamin promotes fat burning, which is why this tea is often considered an insider tip for slimmers. Rosehip is also suitable for weight loss because its antioxidants and iron relax the nerves and give us more power.

By the way, rosehip tea is also a good remedy for colds. Its diuretic effect simply flushes viruses and bacteria from the body.

The best time of day: When you want. The best is 3 cups of rosehip tea daily.

4. peppermint

Peppermint has long been known as a slimming agent. The strong aroma of mint curbs our appetite. Cravings and the desire for sweets pass quickly.

So, if you want to lose weight with tea, but are plagued by binge eating, put mint on the menu.

Peppermint also stimulates the liver and gall bladder. The oils, tannins and bitter substances inhibit hunger. Those who often have a bloated belly should drink a lot of peppermint tea. The mint promotes digestion.

With tea, you should always look for good quality. So organic and ideally the herbs grow in Germany, Austria or the surrounding area.

The best time of day: Peppermint tea suppresses cravings. It stimulates the liver and gall bladder, both of which help to boost fat metabolism. Drink a cup of peppermint tea every evening, it also helps to fall asleep thanks to its calming effect.

5. ginger tea

The spicy tuber is a true all-rounder. Ginger contains many important vitamins (A, B, C) and the minerals potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium and sodium.

For those who are constantly cold, ginger tea is perfect. It warms pleasantly from the inside. In addition, the tuber is a good helper for the immune system.

Whenever you're in a real slump, you should brew yourself a cup of ginger tea. The pleasant spiciness invigorates and gives us new strength. By the way, ginger also fights nausea and stimulates digestion. A good reason why ginger is included in our Detox water recipes has landed.

The best time of day: a cup of ginger tea after each meal.

6. green oat tea

Green oat tea strengthens the heart and circulation. It has a draining, desalting and detoxifying effect. It also stimulates digestion and metabolism.

Those who suffer from water retention and want to detoxify the body, reach for green oat tea.

The tea was used as a remedy already 2000 years ago. Oat tea was then very well known and widespread. Today it is slowly finding its place back on the tea shelves.

The hot drink is considered to be a tonic. It was often used in the past for gout, rheumatism and kidney disease.

The best time of day: Green oat tea has a calming effect. It ensures a deep sleep. Drink it best before going to bed.

7. rooibos tea

The tea from South Africa is an efficient appetite suppressant. Because rooibos tea (redbush tea) itself tastes slightly sweet, it makes us forget the desire for sweets. In combination with vanilla, this effect is said to be even stronger.

Rooibos tea, thanks to its high iron content, gives us a charge of strength for the day. And this despite the fact that it contains no caffeine.

On the other hand, Rooibos tea is very rich in minerals. It lowers blood pressure, is effective against viruses and bacteria, is anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. The flavonoid quercetin makes us feel in a good mood after drinking the tea.

The best time of day: morning and in the morning 2-3 cups.

5 secret hacks about tea for weight loss

For tea to help you slim down, you really need to use it unsweetened drink. Also refrain from sugar substitutes, honey, Agave syrup* etc.

Relying only on tea to lose weight will not lead to the goal. The hot drink will support you in the diet. However, it can make them a Do not replace dietary change. If you drink a lot of tea and still eat unhealthy, you will not see results. Even if some teas stimulate intestinal activity or even carry the label "fat burner". It's not that simple after all.

The best effect have stimulating teas for weight loss, if you use them 30 to 60 minutes before the meal drinks

Change the types of tea preferably on a regular basis. This way, drinking will not be boring. Because losing weight with tea is only possible if you drink enough.

Give a little fresh Lemon juice in your tea. Lemon is said to help with weight loss. The citrus fruit has an alkaline effect in our body. This helps all those who often Problems with cystitis have

Prefer loose tea instead of tea bags. You can infuse loose tea leaves 2-3 times, because they release their ingredients slowly.

Tea for weight loss

That is why tea is better than water for weight loss

No matter which slimming tea you choose, the effect is similar for most of them. Make sure you drink at least 2 liters of liquid. If you want to lose weight, you have to drink a lot. Liquid suppresses hunger, brings the body to full speed and fights fat pads.

Tea for weight loss has a 5-fold effect:

It helps reduce calories

As I said, if you want to lose weight, the body needs a lot of liquid. While juices and other drinks contain calories, tea is suitable for weight loss. In fact, it does not contain calories.

Replace all other drinks with unsweetened tea or water.

It desalinates the body

Most people eat far too much salt. At the same time, they drink too little. This is a real problem for our body. It cannot get rid of the excess salt.

Teas of all kinds or plain water flushes salt from the body. This helps to lose weight.

It detoxifies the body

Every day our body produces a lot of "pollutants". In addition, environmental toxins, pollutants in food, medicines, cosmetics, perfumes, etc. join in. Stress, illness and too little exercise also contribute to more pollutants.

When we drink a lot, we flush these unhealthy substances out of the body with our urine. Fluid detoxifies the body through the kidneys, skin and intestines.

Unsweetened teas stimulate the metabolism and help flush out toxins even better.

It provides us with minerals

Whether tea for weight loss or normal herbal teas - all contain minerals. Our body needs minerals for its metabolic functions. They stimulate the metabolism and boost fat burning. Without minerals, vitamins cannot develop.

It contains secondary plant compounds

You consume a concentrated load of secondary plant substances with every cup of tea. These include colorants and flavorings, bitter compounds, caffeine and a total of 30,000 other substances.

Tea for weight loss contain a lot of phytochemicals. They inhibit hunger, lower blood sugar levels and promote the breakdown of fat deposits.

Tip: Much more effective than just drinking tea

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Our conclusion

There are countless varieties of tea for weight loss. You don't need to buy an expensive tea blend. Just look in your tea shelf, there is certainly one or the other slimming tea. :) And do not forget: Drink Gaaaanz much, then it works with the weight loss almost alone.

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