30 tips for losing weight that really work

Lose weight tips to lose weight

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If you need weight loss tips, you are in the right place. These simple tips for losing weight will help you get rid of unwanted kilos in the long run.

Whether 3, 10 or even 20 kilograms: Losing weight is always very difficult - we women all know this. We wish we could lose a few kilos in the typical problem areas.

So that we can start fully motivated in the project, we cover ourselves with guidebooks and women's magazines. They often advertise weight loss tips that unfortunately do not work.

They often advise us to follow strict diets. However, this is usually quite pointless. At the latest when we break off the diet after 4 days in frustration, the kilos are back on our hips.

You'll learn in this post,

In addition, many diets are very one-sided. One may eat very often only very few foods. The body gets too few nutrients and vitamins through the one-sided diet. We feel tired and have no energy. And then?

Then only a chocolate can lift the mood. The vicious circle begins. The kilos go up again. We are disappointed, angry and demotivated.

We just wanted to follow the "ultimate weight loss tips" from the women's magazine and be slim and trim in 2 weeks.

So that this doesn't happen to you again, we have collected the best weight loss tips here. Those that really help to get rid of kilos.

Not 10 kilograms in 7 days or other absolutely unrealistic promises. But ones that are sustainable. And help you to keep your weight.

Slimming Tips Basics

It may be that you need tips for losing weight. That's quite normal at the beginning. How else are you supposed to find your way through the multitude of advice?

We tell you tips with which you can lose weight in everyday life. Without great renunciation and without horror diet.

So much in advance: If you want to get rid of flab, you have to rethink your eating habits. After all, the excess weight was not on our hips from one day to the next.

We have been eating more calories than the body actually needs.

Then there's a second component. Many people certainly don't like to hear this. But if you're looking for weight loss tips and want to be really successful, you also have to plan sports into your daily routine.

And the third point is psychology. There are ways you can trick yourself a little bit. Works great. Always :)

So the three big points are: diet, exercise and psychology. So if you're looking for weight loss tips from us, you'll first get advice on nutrition, then on exercise and sport, and finally a few psychological tricks.

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And the shakes are also delicious in taste. You can choose from 13 different flavors. My favorite is coconut :)

Lose weight the right way - this is how it works

Are you over-motivated right now and bubbling over with energy and drive? Shift down a gear! :)

The following applies to both sports and diet tips for losing weight: Good things take time.

So we need a long-term Change of habits.

The body must first get used to this. Give it time to adjust.

So before you get started with the weight loss tips, do some soul-searching and think about a typical day for you. What goes well? What is not?

Lose weight tips on diet

Let's start our tips for losing weight with nutrition. After all, this does not lead to sore muscles :) And for many is a good start to their own healthy weight loss program.

1. take it slow when losing weight

Yes, you have set yourself big goals and would like to implement all the weight loss tips immediately. But take it slow! Step by step is the motto!

Many people who want to lose weight start from one day to the next. From one day to the next, they give up sugar, sweets, fast food, etc. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this. However, this usually ends in a pretty blatant sugar deprivationwhich pleases neither our body nor our psyche.

But if you want to have long-term success with the change in diet, you have to shift down a gear.

Tip: Reduce unhealthy things slowly. First change one meal or habit, then the second and then the third.

2. eat balanced and colorful

Eat colorful? What is this strange tip for weight loss?

A very good one! Because when losing weight it is important that you eat very versatile. Only in this way can the body get all the important nutrients. In any case, you should not eat less than 1200 calories.

But you can also cut calories with healthy foods. The secret tip are Low calorie foods. These include, in addition to fruits and vegetables, lean meat, milk or fish.

Lose weight tips - low calorie vegetable skillet

That low-calorie doesn't have to be boring and is anything but just salad is shown by our Vegetable pans recipes!

By the way, there are quite a few Foods that boost your metabolism can!

3. lose weight properly with enough sleep

Yes, too little sleep actually makes you fat. Hormone balance is thrown into disarray when you're tired.

Then the body needs more energy to keep everything going. So we feel more hungry. And stupidly, for sweets and salty foods.

Therefore, try to sleep at least 8 hours. Go to bed regularly at - at least approximately - the same time. This also makes getting up much easier.

4. start the day fit

If you need weight loss tips that really work, you have to see every day as a new opportunity. This means that a healthy and successful day starts in the morning.

Take time for breakfast. It should consist largely of vegetables and fruit. This way, you provide your body with vitamins, fiber and healthy nutrients early in the morning.

So drop the croissant quickly! To work it off you have to climb stairs for 60 minutes!

Proper Weight Loss Tips - Breakfast

Porridge with lots of fresh fruit is perfect for a healthy start to the day. The oatmeal keeps you full for a long time! If you add a little cottage cheese, you charge your protein stores.

5. lose weight properly through regular eating

In a hurry again? Here a quick snack, there something to eat on the side and sometime very late in the evening. That's unhealthy and makes you fat!

If you want to lose weight, you should eat regularly. This applies to breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The body gets used to it. Metabolism and digestion adapt.

Whether three or five meals a day, opinions differ. Three larger meals that really fill you up are important.

6. lose weight properly by sharpening

Anyone who eats spicy food is guaranteed to load less onto their plate. And there is another advantage: chili, pepper, ginger and Co heat us up inside.

The body begins a cooling process. And for this it needs energy. The Metabolism is boosted and heat production increases many times over.

So how about a delicious homemade chili salt or Chili oil?

Tips for weight loss - chili salt and spiciness

And whether you eat spicy or not, chewing is very important! Nutrition experts even recommend chewing every bite at least 50 times.

In the brain, a feeling of satiety sets in much faster. Snaring has the exact opposite effect.

7. drink water instead of soft drinks to lose weight

For now, it's important that you cut calories so that you don't put on even more weight. If you follow weight loss tips, you can swap soft drinks for water. Soft drinks and sodas contain a lot of calories that you can easily save.

You may find it hard at first, but once you're over soft drinks, you won't taste them at all. Only then will you realize how sweet they actually are. And for those who now say, "I only drink Coke Zero," let me tell you that although it has no calories, it is very unhealthy. Artificial flavors, preservatives and colorants are not at all good for our bodies.

If you find normal water too boring to eat, you can spice it up with fruits and herbs. How about a little lemon and orange in the water? Or mint? Especially mint is mega good, because it is a natural appetite suppressant.

8. legumes are a secret weight loss tip

Beans, lentils, chickpeas and co. are simply great! Who has too many kilos on the hips, guaranteed too rarely reaches for legumes.

Be sure to give them another chance. Legumes are mega versatile and can be turned into many delicious recipes.

Tips for losing weight - legumes

The advantage is that pulses have a high fiber and protein content. So they make you very long full and provide a lot of energy.

Here you can go to the vegan chickpea patties.

9. drink a lot to lose weight

Let's stay on the subject of drinking. If you are looking for weight loss tips, you can do even more here. And that is to drink a lot.

We women in particular tend to drink far too little. Some don't even manage to drink a liter of water all day. Yet our body needs a lot of liquid to function properly. Water is a metabolism booster and gets the digestion going.

By the way, water is also a good appetite suppressant. Drink enough and at least one glass of still water before every meal. And you won't be so hungry anymore. That saves calories :)

10. do not make juice cure to lose weight

They are fully trendy, but our body needs more than just juice to have power. Who is looking for tips to lose weight and comes to such cures, should quickly forget about it.

According to nutrition experts, you will harm your body if you take only juice cures and powders mixed in water for a long time. They can help you live healthier. But they should never replace a healthy meal.

Basically, you have to question everything that makes you slimmer, healthier and fitter in less than 7 days. This is what many of these detox juice cures advertise. If you look at your Detox drinks or Make your own weight loss shakesyou also save yourself a lot of money.

But even then you should not give up solid food. This harms the body much more than it actually helps.

11. do not eat so much meat

Anyone who needs tips for losing weight should reconsider their meat consumption a little. Because meat often comes with hearty sauces, side dishes or breading.

These are pointless calories that you can easily save.

Pick one or two days a week when you eat meat. The other days, go veggie. This will also take your cooking to a whole new level.

You get to know new ingredients and lots of delicious recipes. And your body gets a lot more nutrients than from currywurst. While we're on the subject: Do you know our Lentil fritters or Chickpea fritters already?

Quinoa Slimming Tips

Or how about a delicious Quinoa salad in jar, a Low carb zucchini lasagna or a stuffed sweet potato? Sounds all mega tasty or? :)

12. eat healthy fat

Fat makes you fat, don't eat it! "If you follow tips like this when losing weight, you've already lost.

Of course, you should reduce unhealthy fats from fast food and the like. But there are also healthy fats that should definitely be on your menu.

Fat is not only a carrier of taste. It also keeps you full for a long time. And it's also healthy. Provided you use the right fat.

Avocado or nuts are a good example. They contain a high proportion of healthy fats. The body needs these for various metabolic processes.

So put an avocado in your protein shake or on your bread. You can sprinkle a colorful mix of nuts on your salad or nibble on nuts as a snack.

13. make the movie and girls night healthy

Often, girls' nights out or movie nights are inevitably associated with unhealthy food. But why should that be? It really doesn't have to be.

Swap salt sticks and chips for vegetables or fruit sticks. Peppers, cucumber, celery and carrots are delicious with a dip of sour cream and herbs!

Low carb vegetables - carrots

Also highly recommended are vegetable chips especially from carrots and beet. Yummy :)

14. tip to lose weight: Eat out rarely

Going out to eat is great. You don't have to cook, do the dishes or worry about anything. But you also don't know how healthy the food is. We also eat a lot more when we eat out.

It's also difficult because many foods contain unnecessary additives that we don't even know about.

That doesn't mean you should never see the inside of a restaurant again. But make eating out something special. Don't eat out every day, but e.g. only every 14 days or once a month.

15. pack a lot of greens on your menu

Green vegetables are healthy! Try to include greens in your diet at least 3 times a day. It contains many healthy nutrients and thanks to the high fiber content makes you full for a long time.

You can put it in smoothies, as a Salad for weight loss pour or simply nibble raw.

16. prohibitions do not lead to the goal

Anyone who has ever tried diets and tips for losing weight knows that this often involves banning foods.

And then? Then we want to eat them all the more.

You have such a craving for chocolate and you really can't do without it right now? Then go for the plain variety. It contains less sugar and because of the bitter taste we can not eat so much of it.

What we want to say: A total strict ban on food, only leads to ravenous appetite. Not to the goal.

If you have to strike, do it deliberately. Keep your goal in mind.

If you're in the mood for ice cream, you can just lick a scoop instead of a sundae.

17. give up snacking

In the office, you have to take a break sometimes. Often we automatically reach for a chocolate bar, gummy bears or something else. Spend your break in a healthier way!

Go for a short walk, make a Stretching exercises in the office Or find something else to do.

That brings us back to the topic of hunger or appetite and habit. Are you really hungry? Be honest with yourself!

Lose weight tips on sports and exercise

And then there is also sport. That doesn't mean you have to run a marathon right away! You can easily incorporate many tips into your daily routine. Every step counts and burns calories!

18. make sport a fixed point

If you are looking for weight loss tips, you can hardly avoid exercise. Even if it's really difficult at first, exercise will help you cut calories.

With a workday filled to the top, free time becomes scarce. The first thing that suffers is sport.

Lose weight tips for sport

Even if your To Do list is already very long, you need to set a fixed time for sports.

With our "Belly Legs Butt Workout Plan" you can train at home at any time of the day.

By the way, this will also help you to really go through with it and not find any more excuses.

19. start slowly with sports

If you want to stay healthy, you have to move. Our bodies are not designed for sitting or lying down. Even if the sofa calls after a stressful day. Stand firm! :)

If you are a beginner and plan to go to the gym 5 times a week, you will probably fail.

The initial euphoria gives way to sore muscles.

As the saying goes: step by step! This also applies to anyone who is looking for weight loss tips.

Instead of running to the gym 5x a week, your workout week can look like this: Monday - running, Tuesday - break, Wednesday - abdomen, legs buttocks, Thursday - a long walk, Friday - break, Saturday - hiking, biking or swimming.

20. start every day with stretching exercises

If you start the day actively, you have already done a lot for your health in the first few minutes after getting up.

So get up a little earlier than normal. 15 minutes is already enough.

Weight loss tips fitness and sports

Activate serve body through simple stretching exercises or by a small Yoga unit in bed.

Stretching is mega healthy. Not only for the body, but also for the mind. There are 7 good reasons to stretch every day!

21. lose weight properly by walking a lot

Try to make your everyday life more active. There are a number of simple tips that you can implement immediately.

The classic: Instead of the elevator, you simply take the stairs. Whether you're on your way to the subway, to the office or home - from now on you'll give the elevator a wide berth.

During your lunch break, you go for a short walk every day. Sunshine, fresh air and a little change of scenery are good for your mood.

You can also get off the subway or bus one stop earlier. It's not that far. And you've already taken a few more steps!

And who is in a good mood, is much more motivated when losing weight tips really implement.

22. strength training helps to get rid of kilos

When it comes to sports, anything is better than nothing! And the very best is strength training. You don't have to lift heavy weights. Even with Bodyweight exercises you can build muscle.

The advantage of muscles is that they consume a lot of energy. Even at rest. In addition, strength training stimulates the metabolism.

Dumbbell weight loss tip

Those who start with sports should rely purely on body weight. This is more than enough for the beginning. Later you can start with light weights or Dumbbells train the arms.

And when even that becomes too little for you, you reach for Barbell exercises.

23. endurance sports is a great weight loss tip

The healthiest is always a mix of endurance and strength. This is really good for our body.

Maybe not yet on your first runs at the very beginning - but that will get better after time. Promised :)

Endurance sports make us sweat, release endorphins and make us happy all around.

So grab a bike regularly, lace up your running shoes or swim as many lengths as you can.


Psychology can also help us get rid of a few kilos. There are weight loss tips with which you can simply trick your brain. If you are looking for weight loss tips, psychology is always a good place to start. Because even though we know that we trick ourselves, it always works out :)

24. the secret weight loss tip: new sports clothes

Yes, sometimes you have to treat yourself. Sport clothes for example. :) If you stock up on new clothes, you are much more motivated for fitness.

This is because the reward center in the brain is activated. We feel happy.

psychological tips for weight loss

Small rewards push your motivation and let you continue training full of power. Just reward yourself with a new sports bra when you have reached a goal.

25. small plate helps to lose weight

A typical one is the use of small plates. While the same food on the big plate looks like a mini portion, on the small plate it is a real main course.

Psychology has us quite in its grip here. Our brain is timed so that we get full when our plate is full. But we can trick ourselves with the size of the plate.

If you want to feel full faster, you put your food on small plates. It looks like a lot, but in reality it's not that much.

26. distinguish hunger from appetite

Often we are not hungry at all, but only have an appetite. Be it out of boredom or because we have just seen a super delicious food photo somewhere on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Co.

You must learn to distinguish these two from each other. Find distractions. Go for a walk around the block, drink a glass of still water or knit a scarf. Already the supposed hunger is history. And if it is, it wasn't hunger, it was just appetite.

This tip for losing weight is also attributed to psychology. Distraction always works :)

27. never go shopping hungry

But you probably know that anyway: If you shop with an empty stomach, you not only buy more, but also much unhealthier.

Pudding, chocolate, chips, cola and much more end up in the shopping cart. And if we have it once at home, the danger is much greater that we also zulangen.

28. harness a friend

If you are looking for weight loss tips, you should look for a fellow sufferer. Because in pairs you can better persevere. You can share experiences, recipes and ideas.

Lose weight exercises in sports - Partner Workout

You might even find a work colleague who wants to shed a few pounds with you.

29. make chips, chocolate and co. disappear

People who follow crash diets and weight loss tips from magazines often get ravenous. As if the diet were not the least evil, the apartment is full of chips, chocolate and other treats.

So if you really want to start the project, you first have to get rid of the sweets and snacks. But do not eat! Take into the office always works great :D

The temptation to abandon the healthy lifestyle is huge when you have unhealthy things at home.

If you have to leave the house for an extra ice cream or chocolate, you'll think twice. Especially if the craving comes in the middle of the night and you're wearing unicorn pajamas.

30. lose weight properly by finding eating triggers

When do you reach for food even though you're not actually hungry? Every person has different eating triggers. We have to find them.

Is it stress, anxiety, anger, or is it boredom after all?

Observe yourself very closely and take a few notes. If you are looking for weight loss tips, you must first know yourself very well.

Try to break these eating habits and distract yourself! Those who eat out of boredom should find a new hobby. Stress eaters need to learn to take breaks and switch off. Those who are out of anger, Must learn to let go of anger.

Our conclusion

If you are looking for weight loss tips, you will surely find them in this article. Don't worry, you don't have to follow all the weight loss tips. Pick out the right ones for you. But do not make it too easy for yourself :)

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