Balanced diet - Your guide to healthy eating

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"You are what you eat!" - That's not just an old advertising slogan. What you eat has a direct impact on your life. Healthy and balanced nutrition makes you healthier, fitter and more powerful.

Healthy and balanced diet is the basis for our health.

Those who eat an unhealthy diet will sooner or later be presented with the bill.

Physical and psychological consequences can occur with a very unbalanced diet.

To make sure this doesn't happen to you, you need to know what wholefood nutrition really means. And above all, how you implement it.

You'll learn in this post,

Balanced diet: the basics

What does that even mean "balanced diet"? Only water and fruit? No, on the contrary - wholesome and balanced diet is Very diverse.

The right combination of fiber, healthy fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins is the key.

You should eat healthy and Food from all five main food groups consume. Not every group should be consumed in the same quantity. For example, the body needs more vitamins than fats.

All experts agree on this. Things get a bit more complicated when it comes to the distribution of food groups.

The German Nutrition Society, for example, sees it as follows:

Healthy diet - eat healthy

A video on Youtube caused a sensation. In it was the lecture "Coconut oil* and other nutritional fallacies" by Prof. Dr. Dr. Karin Michels from the University Medical Center Freiburg. Among other things, she put forward the thesis that Coconut oil* is very unhealthy and gives nutrition tips.

There are significant differences, which we have recorded for you here:

  • Ranked number 1 by the German Society: cereals and whole grain products.
  • 1st place with Dr. Michels: vegetables and fruit

Both say: For a balanced diet, man needs whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Only the order has been reversed here. The University Medical Center Freiburg recommends more vegetables than bread. You can find a good overview of healthy nutrition at the Website of the University Hospital Freiburg.

What they both have in common is that they recommend reducing meat consumption. We'll join them right away. Take a look at our recipes. There you will find mostly meatless recipes, often vegan variants are also there.

Whether you follow Dr. Michels or the German Society, the important thing is to know what's in your food.

Most often, industrially processed foods contain many artificial ingredients. In addition, too much unhealthy fat, sugar and very much salt. On finished products renounces the balanced diet. The healthiest products and foods are those with as few ingredients as possible.

A simple mnemonic: If you can't pronounce ingredients at all, you shouldn't put them in your mouth.

Instead of buying a ready-made sugo, you can easily make it yourself. Even without a bag or sauce from a jar, it works! And it even tastes much better!

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially with recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

Building blocks of the balanced diet

Do not worry, there are not only beans and pears or Low carb diet on your menu.

A good idea is to use seasonal vegetables and fruits. You can always try something new and you will be supplied with many important ingredients.

Fruits, vegetables and legumes as part of a wholesome diet

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends 650 grams of fruit and vegetables per day. (DGE) recommends 650 grams of fruit and vegetables per day. The following applies: three portions of vegetables and two portions of fruit.

One serving is roughly equivalent to a clenched fist.

A very precise listing on the subject of a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables is provided by the ÖGE (Austrian Nutrition Society). That's how big a portion is:

  • Lettuce 75-100 gram
  • Legumes 150-200 g cooked
  • Fruit 125-150 g
  • Vegetable or fruit juice 200 ml
  • Raw food 100-200 g
  • Vegetables cooked - 200-300 g

Portions also include your green smoothie in the morning or a fresh glass of orange juice. With your hot meals, you should always include vegetables or fruit. It's much easier to get to 5 servings that way.

But there are plenty of other tricks, that help you eat more greens.

Vegetables and fruits are simply great foods, as they are full of vitamins and minerals, yet low in calories. The phytochemicals also prevent diseases.

Balanced diet - This is healthy eating

A balanced diet is as simple as this: eat a mixed salad of at least 4 different types of vegetables and lettuce with every meal. The dessert is a piece of fruit of your choice. And you'll easily reach 5 servings per day :)

Potatoes are an exception to this 650 gram rule, as they fall under starchy foods.

For a change, how about a delicious Lentil salad with mixed vegetables? Or a Quinoa salad in glass?

Cereal products and potatoes

Since low carb is a big trend, pasta, potatoes and rice have a very hard time loading on our lunch plate.

They are very important for a wholesome diet and your digestion. They contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Balanced diet - bread and cereals

Beta-glucan, a certain dietary fiber, has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Therefore, a balanced diet also includes the mocked carbohydrates.

Make sure you choose the natural whole grain varieties and you don't include more than one-third grain products in your diet.

Whole grain contains complex carbohydratesthat keep you full for a long time. So you do not get ravenous appetite.

Take a look at our bread recipes:

Milk and dairy products

For many, a glass of milk with breakfast or in muesli is part of the start to the day. Milk and dairy products such as cheese and butter contain a lot of calcium and minerals.

The optimal breakfast ingredients for your balanced diet. However, you should choose the low-fat versions for daily use, because this way you can also save a few calories.

Balanced diet - milk and dairy products

Dairy products often contain a lot of saturated fats, especially whole milk products. Be careful not to eat too many, as this is not good for your cholesterol level.

Take a look at these recipes:

Meat, fish & eggs in the balanced diet

Meat and fish are often a critical issue when it comes to "eating healthy" because they contain cholesterol - which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But meat, fish and eggs are protein bombs. They contain important fatty acids and minerals and are important for a complete diet.

If you want to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, you need to be able to distinguish between the different types of fat found in proteins. Unsaturated fat can even help lower cholesterol.

Balanced diet fish instead of meat

The DGE recommends eating 300 to 600 g of meat and sausage per week. Fish should be eaten twice a week, and eggs a maximum of three times a week. Then you have all the nutrients covered and don't have to worry about cholesterol. Low-fat varieties are also recommended for a balanced diet.

However, I personally take a critical view of the sausage. It is highly processed, contains a lot of fat, additives and is anything but healthy. Since I prefer to pack Curd cheese spread or vegetables on my bread.

Take a look at these recipes:

Fat and sugar in the whole food diet

Good news: a balanced diet won't banish your favorite cake from your life. At least not completely.

Fats and sugar should only play a small role in your diet. Fats give you energy and important fatty acids that our body needs. Rather take vegetable than animal fats, for example from nuts.

Sugar is also a source of energy for us. Products that have a lot of sugar, unfortunately, often contain few other nutrients and a lot of calories - so not a guarantee of valuable food.

According to the German Nutrition Society, you can eat 60 to 80 grams of fat and 25 grams of sugar a day - but that includes the hidden fats and sugars in meat or cheese.

So you can eat balanced and healthy

As in many areas of your life, balance is important in food. Mix and match, try foods, and be creative in your cooking. But also keep the DGE specifications in mind.

In the beginning it is difficult to know all the ingredients, you have to read and research a lot. But with time you get an overview and know how you can eat healthy.

Balanced diet - Quick tips for beginners women

The basis for a complete diet is sufficient, low-calorie drinking - at least one and a half liters a day. Water or unsweetened teas are best if you want a bit of flavor.

If you want to do something good for yourself and your region at the same time, buy products from the farmer of your choice more often. Regional and seasonal products go hand in hand with shorter transport routes and thus more freshness. This also preserves the vitamins.

Balanced diet - vegetables and fruits

To preserve the good ingredients, you should prepare your meals gently. Steam vegetables and cook meat. The shorter the preparation time, the fewer nutrients are lost.

Eat few animal ingredients. This can help your Overacidify body. Instead, introduce two veggie days per week. This way, you automatically cook more varied meals and get to know new types of vegetables.

After you've cooked yourself something delicious, you should also take time to enjoy it. Eat consciously. In this way, you automatically place more value on your food and activate the natural feeling of satiety.

Healthy eating goes hand in hand with exercise. Try exercising for 30 minutes a day. It promotes physical health and helps maintain or improve your weight.

Good to know: An easy-to-remember rule for each meal is ¼ protein, ¼ grain/grains, and ½ vegetable/fruit.

Checklist for healthy nutrition

  • Use the variety of food every day
  • Whole grains and/or potatoes daily
  • Five servings of fruits and vegetables. Of which two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables
  • Animal products only in moderation - introduce two vegan days per week
  • Use fats, sugar and salt sparingly
  • Drink a lot
  • Use fresh food
  • Gentle cooking
  • Eat consciously and take time for it
  • Exercise and keep an eye on the weight

You should eat very little of it

A wholesome diet naturally avoids harmful or superfluous foods. That's really hard to do with some things. For a healthier, fitter life, it's definitely worth it for you.

Sugar and unhealthy fat are among the foods you should eat very little of. From too much white flour and especially salt, you should keep your hands off.

Balanced diet without sugar

Too much salt simply steals water from the body's cells and raises blood pressure. Ready-made products such as frozen pizza often contain a lot of salt. Next time you go shopping at the weekend, take a close look.

Sugar and carbohydrates in abundance lead to obesity. The energy contained in short-chain carbohydrates is contained, the body cannot use it evenly. This leads to a drop in blood sugar levels and makes you tired and listless. Most of the time, sweets or white bread do not contain much that is useful besides carbohydrates and sugar.

Speaking of white bread - you should replace white flour with whole grain flour as often as possible. Whole grain flour, whether made from wheat, rye or spelt, contains many healthy ingredients such as fiber, minerals and B vitamins. It satiates you longer, stimulates your digestion and has a positive effect on your blood sugar level.

Unhealthy fat (hydrogenated fats = trans fats) in excessive quantities leads to increased cholesterol levels. In the worst case, this can cause cardiovascular diseases. You can find these hydrogenated fats in deep-fried foods such as French fries, in long-life baked goods, crispy cookies, powdered sauces, coffee whiteners, and so on.

Vegetable fats are usually more trusted than animal fats. Switching from saturated to unsaturated fats can protect your cardiovascular system in small ways. Vegetable oils favor the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Flax and walnut oils are particularly healthy. But also cold-pressed virgin olive oil and rapeseed oil.

Our conclusion

A balanced diet needs an open eye and some discipline. It is by no means boring and consists only of fruit and water. The right amount and combination make it.

You can try a lot, eat healthy and do something good for your body - without starving yourself or giving up everything.

Just swap the chocolate pudding for a banana and the frozen pizza for a homemade one. You're already on the right track and can enjoy it.

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