Which belly type are you? Take the test in our comparison

Test Which belly type are you

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Which belly type are you? There are 5 types and many causes of flab rolls. We'll tell you the best tactics to get rid of belly fat fast. Take the test!

Next to the buttocks, the belly is the number one problem zone for many women. If you want to have a toned and trained belly, not only sit-ups will help.

What exercises and diet is really useful depends on the type of belly.

So before you start training and Start a change of dietyou should be able to answer this question: Which belly type are you?

A total of six different abdominal types can be distinguished. Not every woman puts the same amount of fat in the same place. Besides the distribution, there is also a difference in the amount.

A good diet and exercise are crucial to get rid of the flab on your belly. For all belly types applies: Drink a lot in the form of Water and unsweetened teas.

What a big belly reveals about you

Different fat distribution on the abdomen reveals a lot about your lifestyle, sports and eating habits.

Test Which belly type are you

While abdominal fat accumulates in only one specific location for some, it is distributed in several locations for others. However, each individual abdominal type has something in common: special Nutrition and targeted Exercises can make the center taut.

A flat stomach is the dream of many women. Some go on very strict diets for it, others go to the gym to get closer to their goal.

But unfortunately, many give up on the way to the goal. The good intentions go down the drain because good results are not very easy to achieve. But why?

Well, most do not pay attention to the fact that every belly type needs a different diet and exercise. As they say, know your enemy! ;)

Because it's not about working out every day or starvation diets. There are effective and less strict methods to lose weight on the stomach.

We have 5 types of women belly and show you how to get the belly you want.

Which belly type are you?

A little information in advance: If you have belly fat, then you have simply eaten too much. The excess calories are stored in the abdomen, especially for us women.

It means for you now in any case: Adjust diet, reduce calories and stay away from sweets.

Your calorie deficit must therefore become just the right size. However, this is hardly possible for most people in addition to their job and everyday life.

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We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

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The tummy type

Your upper abdomen is nice and flat and looks trained at first glance. Below the navel However, the situation looks different: Your lower belly sticks out.

Here you have a small Lifebelt added.

Those who have this type of belly usually have no lack of exercise. Many, of these guys have demanding jobs or kids that keep them on their toes.

The tummy type also goes to work out regularly - either at home or even at the gym.

Why do I have a little belly?

What type of belly are you tummyYour lower belly is bulging and you wonder why. You've already tried so many things. It just won't go away, will it? No matter what you do. Often it is due to bad habits as performing the same exercises - always.

Often  Crunches and sit-ups wrong executed.

Also, not exercising correctly with exercise equipment can promote your belly fat. This is because incorrect execution increases the pressure on the lower back.

Therefore, the abdomen bends inward. Your lower abdomen comes out.

Sometimes also Fast food and snacks to blame for this. The little belly can then quickly turn into a life preserver.

What helps against the little belly?

Replace the sit-ups with special Push-ups for the abdomen. Lie on the training mat with your stomach.

Now you straighten up by leaning on your forearms and toes - so you go in Plank position. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Then lie back on your stomach and repeat the exercise.

Important: Take a few hours with a personal trainer. He will help you improve the exercises you do wrong.

After that, you can train at home again. You should also not only train the abdomen, but also include other exercises in your portfolio. Jumping rope or Start running are ideal. You'll boost your fat burning and rev up your metabolism.

Pay attention at work to healthy snacks. Snack on fresh fruit rather than chocolate. Reach for green vegetables and whole grains.

The belly type lifebelt

The life ring belly mark two to several larger fat deposits. Above and below the navel they protrude like life rings. Often the rings run over the entire waist.

A thick abdomen below the belly button is clearly visible. Sometimes the upper abdomen is also thicker than the lower abdomen.

Why do I have a life preserver?

What type of belly are you lifebuoyIf you can answer the question: What type of belly do I have? with the life preserver, you most likely have a Office job - so a lot of sedentary work.

You love carbohydrates and much Sweet.

Training? Nope, rather missing.

Lifebelt carriers are Sports muffle. From the age of 30, the human metabolism slows down.

If you continue to eat as usual and often reach for pizza, chocolate and co, the ring will not be long in coming.

What helps against this type of belly?

The life ring type is persistent and difficult to fight. But it works!

To get rid of the lifebelt belly guy, you need to make some changes to your life.

You should look at Give up sweets. Avoid Finished products and Alcohol. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, water, unbreaded foods, and low-fat meats. Healthy fats like avocado, nuts and fish are easy to eat.

Our tip: Start your workout with long walks (at least 5 kilometers per walk) and yoga exercises. After that you do endurance sports like swimming, cycling, Aqua Fitness or light jogging. Incorporate plenty of exercise into your daily routine.

The mummy belly

You have a very pronounced soft upper and lower abdomen? The abdomen type is caused by dilated connective tissue.

Why do I have a pregnancy belly?

What belly type are you pregnancyThe name reveals what the program is: if you have a pregnancy belly, you have just had a pregnancy.

Thanks to the offspring, there is little time for healthy food intake or training.

After birth, the belly often remains a little thicker in the lower area. Take your time. Your body needs time, to regress.

It takes alone Six weeks until the uterus has returned to its normal size.

Don't think about your weight all the time. What is important now is your baby and your health.

What helps against this type of belly?

You don't have to start exercising the day after you give birth. Many gynecologists recommend At least 3 months long to waitbefore starting again properly.

After 6 weeks, do light exercises every day, which in addition to the abdominal wall, also Pelvic floor muscles tighten. Avoid sit-ups and crunches in the first period. Your gynecologist can give you good advice here.

Reach for lots of fish, vegetables and fruit to get rid of your tummy. Low-calorie and healthy food is the motto.

By the way, there are special Mom courseswhere the pelvic floor is specifically trained. You'll also be among like-minded people. Your plans can be implemented more quickly.

The stress belly

Who counts himself to this belly type, has above all with Fat deposits on the Abdominal wall in the stomach and intestinal tract.

Often these women suffer from Flatulence, which further increase the volume in the intestinal area. Also frequent diarrhea characterizes this type.

This belly type is bloated but firm and lifts between diaphragm and belly button from.

Why do women have a stress belly?

What type of belly are you stress bellyWomen with a penchant for perfectionism are especially at risk of developing a stress belly.

Because under prolonged stress our body secretes a lot of Cortisol off. This is a hormone that deposits fat in the abdominal area.

Stress also causes you to work on a Irritable Stomach or irritable bowel syndrome. The bloated abdomen visually enlarges your center again by quite a bit.

When you have a stress belly, you often forget to eat because of all the work. If you do have time, you don't eat sensibly and in peace.

You sling quickly down something. The main thing that Belly Growl stops. It often happens that you quickly reach for a chocolate bar. A lot of coffee and energy drinks are also on the agenda.

What helps against the stress belly?

Come to the Rest and sleep yourself slim! You have so much stress all day. Rest at night.

Your greatest enemy is Leptin. This is a hormone that your body produces while you sleep. It regulates appetite.

Go to sleep earlier. Lass the Coffee away and relax yourself with yin yoga, tai chi, walking or conscious breathing exercises. You must urgently try to lower your stress level.

The irritable bowel can be treated with foods containing mangesium get to grips with - green vegetables and nuts are very rich in magnesium.

When it comes to sports, you shouldn't put any extra stress on yourself. Willingness to perform like in the office? No, thanks! Take it easy and do conscious Abdominal Way Workout.

The bloated belly type

Which belly type are you? Hopefully not a bloated belly! That can be not only annoying, but also painful. But if you feel bloated every now and then and have air in your belly, you're not alone.

Very many women have this type of belly. At Tomorrow is the Belly mostly flat. In the morning, the shock begins: in the middle and lower abdominal area, you gain a lot of girth.

It is perceived as particularly unpleasant. Finally, the clearly visible rock-hard ball with Belly Press connected. This type of belly can have slim and overweight women.

Why do I have a bloated belly?

The many air in the belly is usually caused by stress or intolerances or even food allergies.

What helps against the bloated belly?

What type of belly are you blue bellyKnow your enemy! Let yourself Food intolerances test. The most common are lactose, fructose and gluten intolerance.

If you know what you can't tolerate, you can adjust your diet.

There are many products for all kinds of allergies and intolerances.

If your stomach is often irritated, you should eat a lot, especially in the morning and at noon. In the evening, eat rather light and little food.

And very important: Take your time eating. Chew well and slowly. This will help your stomach to digest. Avoid carbonic acid.

In the pharmacy and drugstore there are also many prebiotic preparations that can support you. But also foods against flatulence such as caraway or ginger are very helpful.

The important thing is that you move regularlybecause this helps your intestines to remove excess air and stimulate digestion.

Our conclusion

Well, do you now have an answer to: Which belly type are you? If you know this, you can take targeted countermeasures and are already a big step closer to your goal. In addition, you can visit a nutritionist and provide yourself with a few good tips.

If you're wondering what a normal belly looks like, it's definitely not the belly you know from Instagram or other social media channels. Slight rolls of flab on your belly are perfectly normal, and as long as they don't get out of hand, you can keep them in check with enough exercise and a healthy diet.

All the best for you!

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