6 delicious foods that lower your cholesterol without drugs

Lower cholesterol with oatmeal

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You have problems with high cholesterol? Then you should eat these 6 foods. They can lower cholesterol without medication.

Cholesterol, or cholesterol, has a bad reputation. However, as with everything, it always depends on the right amount.

Our body needs a certain value to break down cells or also to form vitamin D.

However, if the cholesterol level is too high, the risk of a heart attack is significantly increased. Medications are then often prescribed to bring the cholesterol back into balance.

However, more and more people are trying to lower cholesterol without medication. With the right diet and exercise, you can bring it into balance.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance. On the one hand, it is formed by our body itself, and on the other hand, we consume it with our food.

We need cholesterol for cells to function properly. It is also involved in the formation of hormones and bile acid.

Two types of cholesterol

There are two different types of cholesterol, which is transported through our body as lipoprotein (HDL or LDL).

  1. LDL cholesterol
    The "bad" cholesterol can be deposited on vessel walls if there is excess. This can promote arteriosclerosis, which in turn can lead to a stroke or heart attack.
  2. HDL cholesterol
    It is known as the "good" cholesterol. HDL collects LDL cholesterol in the body so that it can be excreted by the liver. It protects our blood vessels.

Lower cholesterol without drugs with these 6 foods succeeds

Anyone suffering from slightly elevated cholesterol levels does not necessarily have to take medication. The values can also be controlled by diet and eating certain foods.

1. avocado

Here she is again - our favorite fruit :) It simply goes with everything. Whether on a whole grain toast, in a smoothie, in a salad or in an omelet - you can go all out. But the exotic fruit also makes a great side dish. In chili, in soups, with chicken, beans or simply as a snack - there are almost no limits to your imagination.

Lower cholesterol with avocado

The positive effect on cholesterol levels has been demonstrated in a Pennsylvania State University study proves. Researchers put two groups of overweight adults on a low-fat diet. One group with avocado, the other without. Those who did not have avocado in their diet were able to reduce their LDL by 8 mg/dL. The avocado eaters, on the other hand, were able to enjoy 14 mg/dL.

2. oatmeal

They are the superfood among the cholesterol-lowering agents.
At breakfast you can either add oatmeal to smoothies, eat it with milk or make porridge. How about oatmeal cookies or spicy with vegetables, onion and a little salt?

Lower cholesterol with oatmeal

You can also use oatmeal to stuff meatballs or mix it into your burger meat.

3. tomatoes

Lower cholesterol with tomatoes
Whether fresh or canned, tomatoes contain lycopene. This ensures that cholesterol cannot settle in the blood vessels.
You can snack on tomatoes, make a salad, make a soup, or use them in sauces.

4. nuts - especially almonds

The Journal of Nutrition recently published a study. Patients with heart disease were asked to eat 8 almonds every day before breakfast. This improved their good cholesterol by 12-14 % at week 6. After 12 weeks, the values were better by 14-16 %.

Lower cholesterol with almonds

If you don't feel like eating plain almonds every day, you can also use almond milk or flour. Almond milk is great in smoothies or porridge. But you can also bake with it normally. From almond butter you can make delicious energy balls or cookies :)
Eating just 7 walnuts a day can lower your cholesterol by up to 7 percent.

5. green tea

The best strategy to avoid heart attacks and strokes is to reduce LDL only - without reducing HDL.
Green tea is supposed to be the solution to this. Here, too, there is a study. And this from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers have found that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels - by more than 7 mg/dL. But that only refers to the bad LDL level. The good cholesterol, HDL, remains unaffected.

Lower cholesterol with green tea

The hot drink helps you lower cholesterol without medication. The tea contains tannins and saponins. They inhibit the absorption of fats from food.
You can use green tea as a base for smoothies, drink it hot or cold. You can also cook your vegetables, pasta or rice in it. Give it a try :)

6. legumes

Many studies have shown that beans, lentils, peas and chickpeas play a part in reducing cholesterol. A study by the Canadian Medical Association Journal, shows that 3/4 cup of legumes can lower LDL cholesterol 5 %.
Doesn't sound like much? Someone who wants to lower their cholesterol naturally is happy about every single percent.

Lower cholesterol with beans

The great thing about beans and co. is that they can be used in very varied ways in the kitchen. Spicy, sweet, pureed, as a salad, as a side dish - you have many options. Legumes also look good in soups, on salads and in omelets.
And by the way: products with soy, whether tofu or soy milk, are cholesterol reducers. They contain sterols that lower cholesterol levels.

If you want to lower your LDL value, you should only eat a small amount of animal fats. Cream, butter and fatty meat are the classics that are on the menu of many people.

It's better to reach for vegetable fats such as safflower, canola or olive oil. They actually lower your LDL cholesterol level.

Our conclusion:

If you pay attention to your diet and regularly incorporate exercise into your daily routine, you can lower your cholesterol without medication. If you are affected by this, you should consult a nutritionist and work out a suitable diet plan together.

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