Get rid of belly fat - 19 effective tips for the flat stomach

Flat belly trick: get rid of belly fat

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Let's be honest girls: we all want a flat stomach. And the good thing about it? We can achieve it if we follow certain rules for getting rid of belly fat. With which secret tricks you can burn belly fat, we reveal here.

At the latest in spring we all want only one thing: get rid of belly fat!

The excess pounds that have accumulated during the cold months now want to be eliminated quickly.

But how do you get rid of belly fat in the long term? What role does nutrition play in the desire for a flat stomach?

And which sport is suitable for losing weight on the stomach? The answer to all these questions is here!

No sooner do the sun's rays tempt you outdoors than the new miracle diets spring up like mushrooms. Zero diets, cabbage soup diets, last-minute workouts and other fancy trends all promise one thing: getting rid of belly fat.

Of course, quite simple with just one exercise.

But let's be honest: Unfortunately, it's not that easy. Because for a flat belly you have to work hard.

Unfortunately, these many diets and cures bring a result only in the short term. Your belly may be flat. But that's not because you've lost fat. Because first you lose water.

In addition, diets and cures, where you have to give up a lot, are very unhealthy. They are usually very one-sided and

Getting rid of belly fat is a longer-term project. Not something you can achieve overnight. Unfortunately.

But it is easily doable. :)

For a low belly fat that lasts longer than a few weeks, there are a few things to consider. Before we tell you the best tricks to get rid of belly fat, you must first understand how belly fat is formed.

Lose belly fat woman

The best tips to get rid of belly fat

Many little habits make our belly fat grow. And we don't even realize that we are contributing to it.

Did you know that you can get rid of belly fat by changing just a few little things in your daily routine?

But there are also a lot of myths around belly fat. Many of them are pretty crap to put it nicely :) But we have dedicated a separate article to this topic.

1. get rid of belly fat by drinking

Let's start with the tip that sounds the easiest, but for many is very difficult to implement: drink!

It sounds so simple, and actually it is. But in everyday life we usually forget about it. In the office and with full concentration, time flies. The water jug remains full and the stomach empty.

Did you know that our bodies often can't tell the difference between being thirsty and being hungry? The morning snack so popular with many - usually a chocolate bar or other unhealthy snack - wouldn't even have to be if we drank enough.

Get rid of belly fat by drinking

After all, if you drink a lot, you never feel so hungry. That is very exciting. And one of the findings of our self-test, in which we drank 3 liters of water a day.

However, sufficient liquid has many other positive effects. For example, headaches, digestive problems or concentration problems go away all by themselves.

Plain water is too boring for you? Why not try lemon water or other delicious Infused Water Recipes.

Of course, you can also drink unsweetened teas or eat fruit with a high water content - watermelons are the perfect example.

2nd tip for the flat belly: Do not give up breakfast

You immediately think of donuts, cornflakes, muffins? Nope, that's not going to work. Breakfast should definitely be healthy. If possible, it should be sugar-free and keep you full for a long time.

With your first meal, you decide how the rest of your day will go.

Nutrition experts still argue about whether you really need to eat breakfast. Or whether it's better without. We say: Listen to your body!

If you absolutely can't eat a bite after getting up, there's no point in forcing yourself to. If you recognize yourself in it, then just pack your breakfast. You can certainly have a bite at the office.

Get rid of belly fat: Breakfast to lose weight

If you have an appetite after opening your eyes, then you should eat something.

But no matter what type of breakfast you are - the important thing is: breakfast must be healthy.

The body cranks up the fat burning overnight. If we provide it with a sweet and unhealthy breakfast in the morning, it can get energy quickly. But after a short time you are already hungry again.

Cross that off your breakfast list:

  • Household sugar in any form (jams, chocolate spreads, spreads with sugar, cornflakes, in tea and coffee ...)
  • Croissants and other white flour products such as toast and bread
  • Purchased juices
  • High fat sausage
  • Ready fruit yogurts

This is what goes on the breakfast table:

  • Wholemeal bread or Low carb bread
  • Yogurt, milk, Quark spreads
  • Nuts
  • Fresh fruit, vegetables, sprouts
  • Lean ham
  • Oatmeal and muesli without sugar eg in the form of Overnight Oats
  • Water, black coffee and unsweetened tea

If you treat yourself to a healthy breakfast, you can get rid of belly fat. By avoiding sugar, you consume far fewer calories. If you replace white flour with whole grain products, you'll be full for much longer. And fresh fruit and vegetables provide plenty of vitamins and fiber.

Thereby our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. We know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat right.

Especially when it comes to recipes, you can quickly reach the limits of your creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

3. get rid of belly fat with vitamins and minerals

Belly fat often develops because we have ravenous appetite. We uncontrollably reach for chips, chocolate and the like.

Very often a vitamin deficiency is behind it.

For example, if you have too little magnesium in your body, it will crave chocolate.

If you want to lose your belly fat, you have to make sure that you take enough vitamins and minerals every day. Especially in the transition phase this is not so easy.

For our body it is mega exhausting when we make a dietary change and start to train at the same time. It first has to get used to it. You can support it with sufficient vitamins and minerals.

Did you know that 80% of your training and weight loss success is due to your diet? You can train as much as you want, if you do not pay attention to sufficient vitamins, minerals and Co, all efforts are in vain.

In very stressful and training-intensive times, a nutritional supplement can help you fill the empty mineral and vitamin tanks.

4. belly away trick: strength training goes to the fat reserves

If you do strength training regularly, you can lose weight very well on the abdomen. Strength training builds muscle and thus increases calorie consumption even at rest.

But because the body still needs a lot of energy, it draws on its fat reserves.

Get rid of belly fat with strength training

Strength training, however, does not have to be long-duration training right away. Simple bodyweight exercises can also build muscle. Just take a look at our "Belly off training plan" over.

Building arm muscles is comparatively easy. Sexy biceps and triceps can help you get rid of belly fat because you have more basal metabolic rate.

5. ban sodas if you want a flat stomach

Look carefully if you want to get rid of belly fat. Many supposedly healthy drinks contain sugar. Ban sodas, fruit juices and energy drinks from your diet.

They contain many artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. But that doesn't have to be the case. It can be a real problem for our belly. It bloats or puts on fat.

These drinks only bring you lots of calories that don't have to be there.

Better: water and unsweetened teas.

6. do not believe all the tricks and tips

There are many "flat belly overnight" tricks that mislead you and promise you that your belly fat will disappear overnight.

We have taken a close look at these claims. Unfortunately, most of them are fictitious or only target the bloated belly.

However, the conclusion is correct: The diet must be adapted and reconsidered. Because in many supposedly healthy foods, there are additives that make the belly grow. Whether by air or belly fat.

7th tip against belly fat: abstain from alcohol

A cocktail here, a cocktail there - tastes wonderful. But do you know that when you drink alcohol, you consume a lot of calories? Lots of them, in fact. On the one hand, this is due to the high sugar content that makes many alcoholic beverages so tasty.

But even non-sweet alcohol is high in calories. A small beer, for example, has 130 calories.

Cocktails like Pina Colada are only really delicious with cream. And thus become true calorie bombs. Thus, 100 ml of Pina Colada have 200 calories. But when does it stop at just 100 ml?

Get rid of belly fat: Give up alcohol

Exercising during the day, eating healthy and then hitting the gym in the evening - you can only dream of getting rid of belly fat. It's simply impossible.

The problem: You eat way too many calories. You can't burn that many. Especially when you have a hangover :)

If you do want an alcoholic drink, simply swap beer and cocktails for a glass of wine. Red wine is said to have many positive properties. It is even said to protect the heart - provided you stick to one glass :)

Alcohol has a very negative effect on the metabolism. Also the regeneration after training is much worse by beer and Co.

8. flat belly with citrus fruits

Sour makes you fun and slim. Lemon, orange and pineapple contain enzymes that naturally stimulate fat burning. In addition, the vitamin C in the fruits strengthens our immune system.

Our body needs a whole range of nutrients to get the metabolism working. You'll find a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits. Our body needs it to produce the hormone norepinephrine. It is involved in fat burning and ensures that fat is released from the fat cells.

Regularly reach for oranges, kumquats, limes, grapefruits, pomelos, pineapples, blood oranges. PS: By the way, there are plenty Fruits and vegetables that have much more vitamin C Cent contains as oranges and lemons.

9. get rid of belly fat with fiber

The term dietary fiber sounds very negative at first. We perceive fiber as something harmful. But if you want to get rid of belly fat, you should include plenty of fiber in your diet. They provide energy, keep us full for a long time and regulate blood sugar levels.

Dietary fiber aids digestion, ensures normal bowel function and has a positive effect on our cholesterol levels. They can be found in salads, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes.

Get rid of belly fat with vegetables and fruits

Dietary fibers, which are rich in dietary fiber, are only partially broken down during digestion. They absorb harmful substances from the intestine and transport them away.

They also keep us full for a long time because they have a very high water-binding capacity. This means that they swell up in the stomach, keeping us full and shortening the time food spends in the intestines.

Very important: If you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, you also need to drink a lot. This is the only way that the fiber-rich food can swell in the intestines.

You should eat about 30 to 40 grams of dietary fiber per day. That's 3 apples or 3 slices of whole-grain bread.

10. sleep helps to lose belly fat

A healthy body needs more than sport and a balanced diet. A capful of sleep is at least as important. The time in which the body can recover even plays a big role in getting rid of belly fat.

While we sleep, the release of cortisol is prevented. Cortisol is also known as the fattening and stress hormone. It influences sugar metabolism and is said to promote fat deposits.

But cortisol has a second negative property: it makes the muscles shrink. The hormone does this to protect our body from an energy bottleneck. And that's exactly the kind of bottleneck we have when we don't get enough sleep.

The duration of the necessary sleep varies from person to person. In principle, however, it should be 6 to 8 hours per night.

A continuous sleep rhythm is very important. That means going to bed at about the same time every day and getting up at the same time. Our body adjusts to this routine.

Of course, a midday nap is also allowed.

11. run away from the belly fat

Grab your running shoes and let's go. Cardio workouts - running, swimming and cycling are good calorie burners.

Jogging involves almost every muscle in your body. This increases the energy demand and makes you burn more calories. So nothing stands in the way of a slim stomach.

Running to get rid of belly fat

As Running beginner start you with long and slow endurance runs. For now, it's about building endurance.

Those who have a hard time with it, start with Nordic Walking. If you want too much too fast, you'll soon get tired - this hurts motivation and also uses little energy.

Very important: Comfortable and well-fitting training shoes! The shoe must enclose your foot tightly and provide good support, otherwise it can end painfully!

12. get rid of belly fat through sufficient exercise

You don't have to become a jock overnight. But you can incorporate more exercise into your daily routine than you might think. And you can do it without sports.

How about a regular girls' get-together? Instead of chatting over coffee and cake, just grab your running shoes and go for a power walk.

The walk brings a lot of fresh air, new thoughts, vitamin D (thanks to the sun) and good mood. In addition, of course, even with simple walking you burn a lot of calories.

1 hour of walking - that's about 6 km of walking - burn up to 300 calories. This only applies to flat routes. If you decide to walk uphill, it will be much more.

You can also move more in the office. For example, walk in circles every time you make a phone call, or create a Gym ball as office chair replacement on. Or how about a Standing desk?

One study showed that men who reduced their daily number of steps from 10,000 to just 1500 per day had 7% more belly fat in just two weeks.

13. HIIT against too much belly fat

Many people want less body fat, a slim figure and more muscles. And, of course, with little time investment. After all, who has a lot of time for training?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) or in German high-intensity interval training is the solution. HIIT is characterized by intervals, they consist of short and intense exercises, which are interrupted by training breaks.

Get rid of belly fat with HIIT exercises

That with High Intensity Interval Training Get rid of belly fat studies also show.

Scientists of the School of Medical Sciences the University of New South Wales in Australia discovered something exciting in 2012. For 12 weeks, the study participants had to diligently perform HIIT. Their abdominal fat shrank by an average of 17 percent during these weeks.

Tip: In addition to sports, try the Shape Shake from Foodspring*. It helps you lose weight and build muscle. If you are interested in Foodspring products, I can offer you a Foodspring discount code give. With the code WGW15FS you get 15% on your order!

14. belly away tip: tea makes slim

Who lose weight and Get rid of belly fat wants, he has to drink a lot. That much we already know.

Instead of water, you can also reach for tea. There is a whole range of teas that help you shed pounds.

Tea has the advantage that it provides no calories but still important ingredients that boost metabolism.

Probably the best known representative is green tea for weight loss. You simply drink a cup of it in the morning and before exercise. Whether hot or cold is up to you. A little lemon makes the drink even tastier.

Teas that help get rid of belly fat:

  • Ingwerteee
  • Green tea
  • Rosehip tea
  • Oat tea
  • Rooibois
  • Mate tea
  • Peppermint.

Why this is so and when you drink which tea best, you will learn in the article "Tea for weight loss: 7 wonderful teas make the pounds fall".

15. delicious flat belly trick: eat soups

Our secret tip: Start every meal with a soup. You will automatically have less appetite for the main course.

Of course, we are not talking about cream soups. We're talking about clear vegetable broths. They have almost no calories, provide you with liquid and are simply incredibly delicious.

If you get into the habit of eating soup every day, you can lose weight. You'll consume around 20 percent fewer calories, so you'll lose a few kilograms on your hips.

Natural appetite suppressants: make instant vegetable broth yourself to get rid of belly fat

You don't have to buy expensive soups or special diet soups. You can easily prepare a vegetable soup.

And those who would like to see our contribution to DIY instant vegetable broth knows, sacrifices 1x an afternoon and is provided with delicious soup all year round.

16. belly fat away with chili

Have you ever eaten really fiery hot food? You get real hot flashes and start to sweat. The body starts to cool us down and fight against the spiciness. And that's exactly how you burn a lot of calories.

But that's not the end of it. Chilies can do even more to help you get rid of your belly fat.

The sudorific spiciness stimulates the metabolism. It breaks down fat cells, boosts digestion and has an appetite suppressant effect.

You can put chilies on salads, soups and main dishes. By the way, just as effective as fresh pods are Chili oil and Chili salt. For both we have a great DIY tutorial.

If you are not a fan of chili, you can also use cayenne pepper. It has the same properties.

17. jumping rope as a belly off tip

You know the skipping rope from your school days, don't you? Did you know that it is a highly effective training tool?

With jump rope exercises you can burn up to 750 calories in an hour. That's quite a lot. In addition, the rope brings variety into your workout and makes the workout more interesting.

Jumping rope exercises to burn belly fat

Have a look at our Skipping rope exercises over. We'll tell you about 19 great exercises that make jumping rope very varied.

18. fingers away from weight loss shakes

Simply dissolve a powder in water, drink it and you'll have a flat stomach overnight. If it were that easy, we'd all be slim and trim. But it's not.

You should therefore look very carefully at weight loss shakes. Because their many artificial ingredients are anything but healthy. So that they have a nice color, smell delicious, taste good and of course have a long shelf life, a lot of stuff goes into the shakes.

Anything but healthy ingredients. Mostly quite a lot of artificial flavor enhancers and colorants. Quite disgusting, actually. Yet it is not difficult at all to make a How to make protein shake yourself.

19. ginger makes you slim

It is impossible to imagine Asian cuisine without this tuber. Also with us is diligently spiced with ginger. And that's a good thing. Because the "gingerol" in ginger stimulates the metabolism.

Ginger to burn belly fat

Gingerol has a soothing effect on the stomach and stimulates digestion. It activates the kidneys and has a draining effect on the body.

You can drink ginger as a tea or just mix it into your food when roasting vegetables. Give it a try. Tastes really delicious :)

20. reduce your calorie intake

Who Get rid of belly fat wants - and in the long term, who must Eating habits under the microscope. Because most of the time we simply consume far too many calories. And we don't consume them because we don't exercise or move enough.

But if you start eating fewer calories, you've already taken a good step in the right direction.

In addition to drinking plenty of fluids, reducing calorie intake is one of the most important tips for getting closer to that "belly off" desire.

And now for the slightly nasty news: to lose one pound of body fat, you need to burn 3500 calories.

How and why belly fat is formed

Scientists are still asking themselves this question today. Because the cause is still not completely clear. There are many different theories speculating about belly fat.

The fact is that abdominal fat is not accumulated in the same way in everyone. One woman has more, the other less.

One gains weight just by eating, the other can eat chocolate in masses and will put on little fat on the belly.

When women get a belly, it is usually due to the external abdominal fat. You can grab it with your hands. We women tend to put on subcutaneous fat. Less inner belly fat.

This is said to be primarily due to evolution. After all, there should be room in the belly itself for a possible pregnancy. But there is a whole range of other causes for belly fat.

Belly away workout plan

1. belly fat due to hormones

Estrogens are the female sex hormones. They are known to provide for the typical female body shape. So also for increased fat distribution on hips, buttocks, legs and breasts.

This is also the reason why many women who take the pill gain additional weight precisely in these problem areas.

2. belly fat due to lack of exercise

Many studies show that the development of fat pads on the abdomen by Lack of exercise causes can be.

The problem with too little exercise is that we cannot burn excess calories. Simply explained: they remain and are stored by the body in the form of fat deposits.

3. more belly fat due to stress

Yes, the dear stress makes not only our head sick, but also our body. If you have a lot of stress for a long time, you gain weight in your belly. Cortisol is then released in the adrenal glands.

It ensures that fat is accumulated on the abdomen. But the arms and legs remain slim.

4. poor diet leads to belly fat

It is usually a vicious circle. People who are under a lot of stress eat unhealthily. Too sweet, too fatty and too salty. All of this ends up back on our hips.

The 9 golden nutrition rules for your flat stomachWe will explain to you exactly what you need to pay attention to if you want to get rid of your belly fat with nutrition.

All these points can be summarized in a few words: An unhealthy lifestyle in many areas leads to fat on the abdomen.

Tip: In the Cookbook "Simply slim and fit you will find numerous healthy recipes that will help you lose weight. You can order it at Amazon.

5. slow metabolism makes belly fat

One speaks of a slow metabolism when someone has a very low energy turnover. People who eat the wrong foods and do little exercise tend to have a slow metabolism.

Hunger also puts the metabolism on the back burner. This is also the reason why diets do not bring long-term success. Our body goes into energy-saving mode, we feel tired and depressed. And nothing happens to our weight.

You must use your Stimulate metabolismso that the kilos fall!

What you should know about fat in the human body

Let's take a quick look at biology before we get to the tips for getting rid of belly fat.

A distinction is made between subcutaneous fat, visceral fat and intramuscular fat.

Subcutaneous fat - here we already have the culprit for our fat belly. All skin areas have a subcutaneous fat layer. But the amount differs.

Subcutaneous fat is the fat that causes us visual discomfort and is reduced with exercise and diet.

The visceral fat you find inside the body. It embeds the organs and protects them. Those who are very overweight usually also have an enormous amount of visceral fat, which is then very unhealthy.

And then there is the intramuscular fat. It is located between the muscle fibers and occurs only in very small quantities.

So, to get a flat stomach, you need to reduce the subcutaneous fat. Now that we know what to do, it's about getting rid of belly fat.

Our conclusion

Get rid of belly fat is a long process. Without a change in diet, sports is hardly feasible. Roughly summarized, it can be said that it is important to reduce the calorie intake and to burn more calories than to take in.

One way to achieve this is to change your diet - first and foremost by drinking more fluids. Be it in the form of water, teas or soups. Eating more fiber, which can be found in vegetables, fruit and whole grains.

As well as incorporating plenty of sports and exercise into everyday life. But stress should also be reduced if possible. By the way: Sport is a great stress Killer and burns calories at the same time.

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