Arm workout for women: Byebye flabby upper arms

Dumbbell weight loss tip

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Welcome to our arm workout for women! You don't need a gym to get strong, defined arms. All you need are dumbbells, your body weight and these exercises for biceps and triceps.

Gone are the days when only men had trained upper arms.

We women also want defined biceps and triceps.

And why? Well, because it's just sexy :)

Every woman is different. And every woman has a different training goal. More and more often, however, trained upper arms are on the wish list.

Not too muscular, but beautifully shaped they should be.

In our Arm training for women we tell you how you too can create beautiful Tight upper arms can get.

Why angle meat is created

Many women state that flabby upper arms are among their problem areas. One speaks from angle arms.

Untrained muscles and excess weight quickly turn arms into hanging meat. The upper arms become flabby and the fatty tissue hangs down.

But it doesn't have to be that way. With regular arm training, you can turn flabby arms into defined upper arms.

And you don't even have to go to the gym and lift heavy weights for hours. Because you can also train your upper arms in your living room.

Even with a regular 10-minute workout, you'll start to see results. Let's fight the battle against angled arms together.

Little motivation? In beautiful summer tops and dresses you can impress others with your trained upper arms :) And summer comes faster than we often like.

In a typical workout, we usually train the abdomen, legs, buttocks and in between the back. The arms are usually treated stepmotherly.

At the same time, regular exercise of the arms brings many benefits. Not only does it look pretty sexy. If you strengthen your arms, it's also much easier to lift heavy things, carry shopping bags, carry bottles of mineral water or open the pickle jar.

Arm training for women also strengthens the shoulders and upper back. So have Tension in the neck fewer chances.

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What muscles are strengthened during arm training

Everyone knows the famous biceps and its little brother, the triceps. But did you know that both consist of several muscle groups, which one is suitable for what and why you should always train both?

The biceps

It is probably really the most famous muscle in our arms. The biceps consists of two muscles. A long head on the outside and a short head on the inside. Together they make up the biceps and they make sure that we can bend the elbow.

However, the biceps muscles are much better known for their appearance. The long head is responsible for the width of the biceps. The short one for the height.

The triceps

The counterpart of the biceps is the triceps. It sits on the back of the upper arm and makes up 2/3 of the upper arm circumference. If it is not trained, it makes for the famous angled arms. The triceps is a typical support and push muscle and consists of three muscles: The long, inner and lateral head.

The forearm

The forearm muscles are involved in every arm exercise. These muscle groups are the most complex of the entire human body.

The forearm also consists of 2 muscle groups. The flexor muscle on the inner side and the extensor muscle on the outer side. Whether we lift something and lean on our hands or reach for something: The forearm is always live :)

Arm training for women

Why you should tone your upper arms

One side is, of course, the visual aspect. For both men and women, trained biceps and triceps are sexy. But strong arms also give us Self-confidence and help us with other sports.

Arm training will benefit you in swimming, climbing, push-ups, handball and much more.

Most arm exercises also train your shoulders and décolleté. Those who train can Lose weight efficiently on the upper arms!

What you need for arm training

If you don't have to lift and carry heavy things regularly, you can't avoid arm exercises. Targeted upper arm training is a must.

If you're just starting out, you'll need quite light Weights. 1 kilogram per dumbbell is ideal for arm training.

The longer you train and the more often you reach for the weights, the sooner you can replace the light beginner dumbbells with heavy ones. But don't overdo it.

At the beginning it is not important that you immediately lift 5 kg, but that you train your exercises for the upper arms. Correct do.

You don't have dumbbells at home? Then you can also go to Water bottles grab. Here you can also choose from 0.5 to 2 kg. By the way, bottles are the perfect equipment for Train away angle arms.

There are many training tools that target biceps and triceps. Today we present you exercises with dumbbells.

A change of diet

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The 21 best exercises for toned upper arms

Our workout is divided into exercises with dumbbells and bodyweight-only exercises. You don't have to do all the exercises in one workout at once.

Rather, the variety of arm training should be a guide. It is best to always choose different exercises, so your muscles always get new stimuli.

Do from each exercise 10 repetitions and two passes. It helps if you shake your arms well after the first set.

1. lift dumbbells sideways

The side lift is a strengthening exercise that primarily targets your shoulders.

With this you train all 3 parts of the deltoid muscle - especially the middle part (musculus deltoideus pars acromialis) and the upper fibers of the hood muscle (musculus trapezius pars descendens) are engaged.

Arm training women: Lifting dumbbells sideways

  • Stand up straight, stretch your back through.
  • In each hand you hold a dumbbell.
  • Hold the dumbbells at the level of your thigh.
  • Now slowly lift the weight until it is horizontal. Exhale.
  • As you inhale, lower the dumbbells again.

2. women pushups

Often we women lack the strength to perform push ups. If you feel the same way, here is a light version of push ups. So you can bring your upper arms in shape. Without training equipment.

Pushup for women

  • Lie down with your belly on the mat.
  • The palms are level with the shoulders. The elbows are against the body.
  • Put your legs in the air and now slowly push away from the yoga mat. Don't take any momentum, but perform the arm exercise purely with the strength of your upper arms.
  • Go back down with the body until the burst touches the mat.
  • And press up again.

3. arm workout for the triceps

This exercise from our arm workout targets your triceps. If you find the exercise too easy, just increase the weight. But also your thighs and butt will benefit from it

Arm training woman: triceps training standing

  • Stand upright and step forward with your right foot.
  • Bend the knee and extend the back leg through.
  • Now raise your arms simultaneously and slowly as high as you can.
  • Hold briefly and then lower again.

4. lift dumbbells above the head

And now it's time to really get to grips with the biceps. This exercise from the Arm training for women is not for the faint of heart :) Take for it quiet the heavier weight.

Important: Perform the exercise slowly!

Arm training biceps for women

  • Stand up straight.
  • Stretch your arms above your head and let them slide down very slowly.
  • As in photo two, your elbows are level with your shoulders.
  • Then you lift the weight right back up in the air.
  • Do not set down or discard!

5. sit-ups with dumbbells

With this exercise you can combine your arm workout with abdominal workout. The perfect all-rounder :)

Arm training woman: sit ups with dumbbells

  • Lie on your back.
  • Place your feet slightly bent on the mat.
  • In the right and left hand you hold a dumbbell.
  • Now start with sit-ups.
  • The dumbbells are crossed.
  • Change the upper dumbbell after each successful sit-up.
  • Make sure your arms are always firmly extended.

6. arm training for the biceps

Arm training for women: Train biceps with dumbbells
Here you should reach for heavy weights to challenge your biceps. In the photo it is 4 kilograms.

  • Stand upright and take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Your upper arms are directly against your body throughout the exercise.
  • Now very slowly lift the dumbbells to shoulder height.
  • And then slowly lower again - but not completely.
  • Just before your arms are straight through, lift the weights again.

7. biceps arm workout for women

How wonderful your biceps begin to grow, you can observe after a few units. Compared to other parts of the body, arm muscles grow relatively quickly. With this upper arm exercise you can immediately convince yourself of the result.

Arm training for women: Train biceps with dumbbell

  • Stand upright and take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Raise the elbow sideways until it is level with the shoulder.
  • Pull the dumbbell toward your head and then extend the arm out to the side.
  • The elbow remains in the same position all the time.

8. plank up as a workout for the arms

With this exercise in arm training for women you have a wonderful full-body exercise. Because here really every muscle group in your body is activated. This makes the exercise very difficult, but at the same time very effective.

Plank up as arm training for women

  • Start in a simple plank.
  • Your elbows are under your shoulders and your body forms a line.
  • Now straighten up into full planks (push-up starting position).
  • And then it's back down again.

9. bring dumbbells together in front of the body

This exercise from the arm workout for women will especially like beginners. The execution is very simple. If it's too easy for you, you can simply take a heavier weight.

Arm training for women: Biceps and triceps with small dumbbells

  • Stand up straight. Make your back straight. Hold a dumbbell in each arm.
  • Stretch your arms sideways away from you. The palms are at the level of the shoulders.
  • Now bring your arms together in front of your body. The arms remain well stretched throughout the exercise.

10. trunk rotation with weight

Now you can sit down. But there is no question of relaxing with this upper arm exercise.

Trunk rotation with weight

  • Sit down on the exercise mat.
  • Angle your legs and lift them off the floor.
  • Grab a weight and lift it alternately from right to left. But never put it down on the mat.

11. full body exercise for the arms

So, now it's getting really strenuous. Now your sense of balance is also challenged. Use smaller weights at the beginning, because the exercise is very demanding even without dumbbells.

Arm training for women


  • Stand on your right leg. Stretch the left leg and the left hand as straight as possible backward and forward.
  • The right hand is at the level of your buttocks and also firmly extended.
  • Now you start to exchange the position of the right and left hand. Your arms remain fully extended the entire time.

12. trips dips with table

Grab your coffee table. It's now being repurposed as a workout tool :)

Triceps dips against flabby upper arms

  • Place your palms on the table. The fingers point toward you. The legs are bent.
  • Now lift and lower your body until you almost come to the floor with your butt.
  • And up again until your arms are stretched through and your butt is level with the table surface.

13. boxing with dumbbell as arm training for women

The perfect exercise to release a little frustration. Of course disguised as Arm training for women. This way you can really work out.

Arm training for women with dumbbell in air boxing

  • Take both dumbbells to your chest.
  • Now stretch your right arm forward first. Continue until your arm is fully extended.
  • Pull it back to the chest and stretch the other arm.
  • Do this exercise a little faster. But still pay attention to correct execution!

14. arm training for the biceps

Arm training woman: train biceps and triceps

This time it goes steeply upwards. This challenges especially your biceps and gives crisp upper arms.

  • Stand shoulder-width apart and take a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Touch your shoulders very lightly with the weights.
  • Tighten your upper arms and raise the dumbbells above your head.
  • Hold briefly and then slowly lower again.

15. push-ups with table

Grab your coffee table again. Make sure it can't slip away. Either it faces the wall or is absolutely non-slip. Otherwise you could hurt yourself.

Pushups against angle arms

  • Form a plank with the body - that is, a line from the heels to the head.
  • Tighten the buttocks and abdomen.
  • Stretch your arms through.
  • Bend your arms and do push-ups on the table.

If you find this too difficult, you can do without the lowering and lifting of the body. Also in the normal Plank you train your upper arms.

16. one-arm planks with weight for your triceps and biceps

One-arm plank with dumbbell

This arm workout consists of two parts and tones your abdomen, legs and butt at the same time.

  • Get into the plank position with arms extended. To do this, touch the floor only with your toes and the palm of your right hand.
  • In your left hand you hold a dumbbell.
  • Now extend your hand backwards.
  • And then slowly lower it again.
  • Only at the level of your buttocks do you bend your elbow.
  • With the weight you touch your shoulders.
  • Then extend the dumbbell back again.

17. the bridge as arm training for women

This variation of the bridge is a good workout for the arms and also the thighs. So you kill two birds with one stone :)

Bridge for weak arms

  • Sit down on the exercise mat.
  • Angle your legs and place your arms behind your body.
  • Lift the buttocks a little off the mat.
  • And now slowly up until your body forms a line.

18. dips for your triceps and biceps

Here you should again reach for the heavier dumbbell. In addition to your triceps and biceps, your shoulder muscles will also be challenged.

Arm training women: Lifting dumbbells above the head

  • Hold the dumbbell very firmly (!) in your hands.
  • Lift it above your head and stretch your arms firmly.
  • Now lower the weight slowly and as deep as you can.
  • Then up again.
  • It is important that you change the upper and lower hand after about 5x lift. So that both upper arms are trained equally.

You can also hold the weight only at the top of the disc - then both hands are always equal. However, if the dumbbell slips out of your hands, this can cause serious injuries.

19. arm training with stretched upper arms

This exercise may look simple, but it is still very effective. If you find it too easy, just use heavier weights.

Arm workout women with dumbbell

  • Extend your arms forward. In each hand you hold a dumbbell.
  • Cross the dumbbells.
  • Now change the position of the right and left hand alternately by moving the right hand to the right and the left hand to the left.

At first you do this with very small movements. Then the distance between the arms becomes larger and larger as you alternate. Make sure that your arms are always fully extended.

20. train arms, abdomen, legs with weight

And another full-body workout for you. Because here legs, arms and abdomen are integrated.

  • Lie on your back.
  • Raise your legs and stretch your arms above your head.
  • In each hand you hold a dumbbell.
  • And now stretch your legs as high as possible. They must be stretched through.
  • Lift your shoulders off the floor and try to bring your fingers and toes together as much as possible.

By the way, this is a super effective for your belly :) Just do not despair! After time it gets easier!

21. stretch arms and shoulders

And finally, the arms have earned a little relaxation. We stretch them a little and hope that the soreness will not be too bad :)

Arm workout for women: Stretching arms as a cool down

  • Stand up straight and bend your knees a little.
  • Lean the upper body forward.
  • Stretch your hands back and raise them as high as you can. The palms point upward.
  • Lower the arms to the buttocks and then lift them up again immediately.
  • Important: The arms are well stretched the whole time.

What matters in arm training

Patience. You must give your muscles Time until they show themselves. It is very important that you pay attention to a clean execution during the arm training. If your arms start to wobble when lifting the dumbbell or if the arms are not From body lift you clearly have Too much weight.

Building muscle while arm training is a process that can drag on. That's why you should also different heavy Weights have at hand.

What you need to keep in mind with each exercise of your arm workout are your Knee. During all exercises you must always slightly bent be. Your back is straight. Your abdomen remains tense throughout the workout. Make sure you push your shoulders back to stand up straight.

Here's what you need to pay attention to as a beginner arm workout:

1. do not do too many exercises per workout

For the time being, look for only 3 exercises off. Later, of course, you can make more. But in the beginning a few are enough. Because too many exercises lead at most to overtraining of the arm muscles.

2. the right weight

Choose the weight of the dumbbell so that on each pass you can 10 repetitions manage. The last one should be hard for you. If you could go on forever, you need to increase the weight. If you only manage to lift the dumbbell 2-3 times, the weight is clearly too high.

3. also take breaks

Yes, you want your upper arms to get strong fast. But you also need to give your muscles time to catch their breath. You need to get used to the Training stimuli Adjust. Initially, take at least one day off between your arm workouts.

4. change the exercises

Every 2 to 3 weeks you should do the exercises for arm training change. This will give you the greatest effect. If you always do the same exercise, your muscles will get used to it. The training success will not be so great.

Whether there is a difference in arm training for women and men

Basically, both women's and men's arms are built the same. We have the same muscle groups. However, many men have naturally more pronounced muscles - even if they do not exercise.

We women have to work a little harder when it comes to arm training. For us, the total body fat percentage is higher. The muscles are often not as pronounced. You can see this, for example, in the fact that men who don't exercise can still do a few push-ups. This is rarely the case with women.

Arm training women

So the arm exercises are the same. Only we have to make much more effort. But that doesn't matter, we are more combative anyway :)

Do you get fat upper arms from exercising your arms?

No. Don't worry. Our arm workout for women will first make your upper arms slimmer and build light muscles.

You will not look like a bodybuilder. Or become extremely muscular. Through our exercises your arms will become rather slim and toned.

How exercising arms helps against angle arms

Angle arms are nothing more than excess fat. It accumulates in the place where the triceps should actually be. Especially when waving, bingo arms can be quite annoying. The fat pads flap along with the arm movement.

What can help is arm training. For women who are struggling against angled arms, however, the first thing to do is to lose body fat. That means doing a mixture of strength and endurance sports.

The finishing touch can then make targeted biceps or triceps exercises. For Angle arm exercises you don't need any equipment, by the way. You can do it just fine with a water bottle in the living room.

What a beautiful woman arm looks like

Upper arms like a bodybuilder? No, don't worry. You won't get them with our workout. With our arm workout your upper arms will become slim, yet strong and get an clear outline.

So that's exactly what many women want at the moment: well-toned biceps and triceps that you can only get from the Tense the poor sees.

After all, we don't want to participate in any bodybuilder competitions but we also don't want to be exposed as office workers.

So: class goes before mass. Arm training that engages your biceps and triceps will give you beautifully defined muscles. You don't have to be afraid of Popeye arms :)

Our arms just have to signal something to others - here's who can grab if need be.

Our conclusion

You don't have to join a gym for beautifully defined biceps and triceps. Arm workout for Tight upper arms you can also easily do in the living room.

You can start with simple water bottles. But then you should get yourself some dumbbells. Because you can attack dumbbells much better. A water bottle that falls out of your hand can land on your toes, which is anything but pleasant.

You can incorporate the weight into your daily workout. You can also add dumbbells to lunges or wall sits.

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