Lose weight by jogging - That's how it really works!

Lose weight through jogging

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Lose weight by jogging - no sport is more effective to make kilos fall and at the same time strengthen our cardiovascular system.

If you want to get rid of a few kilos, you should focus on Lose weight through jogging set. There is hardly any other sport that is as good a calorie killer as running. If you do it right and keep a few things in mind.

Proper running helps your body break down fat reserves.

Compared to cycling, endurance running has the particular advantage that the entire body is worked. With cycling, you train your legs and buttocks.

When losing weight through running almost the entire musculature strained. Even the arms. And that ensures that the energy requirement increases. You burn more calories and thus become slim faster.

You'll learn in this post,

Lace up your running shoes, start running and be slim. It's that simple with Jogging and weight loss not. As with any sport, you need to watch your diet.

Overall, it's worth turning your life upside down if you want to lose weight. That means better nutrition and more physical activity.

Lose weight through jogging and proper nutrition

If you want to lose weight with jogging, you can't sprint off on the off chance and be knocked out after a few minutes. The secret is to build up endurance slowly and then really get going.

A long run with a low pulse boosts fat burning, experts say. As with all expert opinions, there are professionals who are convinced of the opposite. Both assumptions are backed up with studies.

But can you now lose weight with running?

Lose weight with running - this is how losing weight with jogging works

As with other sports, it's all about Lose weight through jogging about the fact that you have to Calorie intake keep a very close eye on!

On a day with very light activity and no exercise, the average calorie requirement is about 2000 calories.

Of this, our body needs 70 percent for the basal metabolic rate - in other words, for our body to function properly. The remaining 30 percent is for performance metabolism - i.e. our physical activity.

In order to lose kilos, we have to achieve a negative calorie balance. In other words, we must burn more calories than we eat.

In order to achieve this quickly, it is best to eat fewer calories and at the same time increase your metabolic rate.

If you don't rethink your nutrition habits, even the best training plans won't help you. Because 75 percent of your training progress is due to nutrition!

Running acts as a metabolism booster in weight loss. It boosts the metabolism. And ensures that your body can better utilize the nutrients. The rest is quickly excreted.

As an advanced runner, you'll probably notice that you need to go to the bathroom more often. This may be due to improved metabolism, some trainers say.

4 reasons why losing weight and jogging go well together

You reduce stress while running

Stress doesn't just make us irritable. It is poison for any figure. When we are stressed, we tend to eat unhealthily and irregularly. The stress hormones also make it easier for us to store belly fat. A vicious circle!

Lose weight with running - burn calories while running

Sports of any kind help against stress. When you run, you can simply sweat it away. Lose weight with jogging works out well, so you not only burn calories, but also Reduce stress hormones.

Doubly effective!

You consume calories

And not that little of it. How much you actually burn depends on your age, weight, running speed and fitness level. But you can burn up to 300 calories per half hour. My running distance of 6.3 kilometers gives me 335 calories.

You can increase your heart rate a bit more and burn off more calories if you relies on interval running. So alternate between fast and slow running and always insert short sprints.

But be careful when eating! A pizza has about 900 calories, to work them off, you have to go running for 80 minutes! So better not eat the whole pizza :)

Feelings of happiness while jogging

As a total novice runner, you may not be able to imagine this now. But it's really true. Running makes us happy. After a strenuous jog, we may be exhausted, but that's when the feelings of happiness come into play.

After we get through the run, we feel great. Those who are happy are less prone to frustration eating, cravings or eating out of boredom.

You live and eat healthier

Once you start your weight loss jogging project, you will change physically and mentally. You will start eating healthier all by yourself. Fast food and unhealthy foods will taste less to you.

Instead, you will feel more like home-cooked meals. And that is very good! Because without a change in diet you can't do it.

Sports of all kinds will make you feel better about your body.

Lose weight by jogging as a beginner

Before we get into any times, it's time to build up some basic endurance. You should be able to keep moving for 30 minutes. It doesn't matter how far you get in that time. It doesn't matter at the beginning. It's all about perseverance now.

Lose weight with jogging

Exercise increases the activity of fat-splitting enzymes. You can access fats more easily and quickly. During the run itself and also at rest.

As a beginner, it is very difficult to keep going for so long. That's why you can start with Nordic walking or very fast walking.

If you want too much too fast and start at full throttle, you won't succeed in losing weight through jogging. You'll just get tired too quickly and lose the desire to run.

By the way, you can burn more calories than running by High Intensity Interval Training dismantle.

Lose weight with running as advanced

If you exercise regularly, whether it's jogging, bodyweight exercises or strong strength exercises, you need more energy. Even when sitting on the sofa, you then consume more calories than someone who is not active in sports.

Running and sports in general increase your absolute consumption. And that's what weight loss is all about. You need to consume more calories than you take in.

So if you're already in good shape, you're welcome to help yourself. Of course, not masses of cake and other unhealthy stuff. But in between a piece is quite allowed.

But beware: running alone is not enough! As a runner, you should definitely build up muscles. Muscles that are not used during running.

For this purpose are suitable Bodyweight exercises particularly well.

Lose weight by jogging - is it possible or not?

Yes and no :) You can't lose weight just by jogging alone. You need to be more active overall. Move more often and try other sports as well. Running should be a part of your weekly workout. And remember again: 75% is the diet!

For a long time it was believed that you can actually lose fat exclusively through slow endurance runs. And that fat burning only starts after more than 30 minutes of exercise.

But a study by the Université Laval in Québec shows the opposite. The researchers say: The faster you run, the more fat you burn.

Lose weight with jogging - get slim while running

So how now? We ask an expert! Personal trainer Martin Caesar knows how to lose weight and burn body fat through jogging.

"Start with basic endurance training. 45 minutes 2-3 times a week for a month". This will help you build up your stamina. You need this condition for later training. More precisely, for interval running.

"In interval training you do short sprints. They last 1-2 minutes after which you run out loosely. Repeat the process 5-10 times".

This will make you more and more efficient. Losing weight with jogging is no problem if you don't forget about strength training. Because muscle-building exercises are at least as important as running itself.

A slow endurance run or intervals - what gets me there now? "A mix. For better fat metabolism, slow endurance running for about 60-90 minutes. For more endurance, speed and to be able to use the afterburn effect, intervals are suitable", Martin sums it up.

Our conclusion

Exclusively with running, i.e. without dietary changes and without muscle building, you will not succeed in losing weight with running.

Losing weight by jogging can only work if you consciously change your diet. And if you make your life more active overall. So take the bike more often, go on foot, etc..

Have fun running!

Consume more calories while running

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