How to burn belly fat really works

HIIT workout go belly fat

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You want to burn belly fat? Here are the best tips against the fat pads on the belly!

Belly fat is really annoying. It is terribly stubborn and just won't go away. There are lots of myths about burning belly fat, which we would now like to dispel once and for all.

Here you will learn how to burn belly fat and which tips are total nonsense.

But this much must be clear to you right from the start. It won't be child's play. But it can be done. And you can do it!

What you need is a sophisticated plan. Because simply eating salad, drinking water and exercising like a madwoman won't get you there.

If you want to burn belly fat, it comes down to the right mix of

  1. Nutrition
  2. Sports
  3. and lifestyle.

How to burn belly fat really works

Belly fat is nothing more than stored energy. Our body has stored it for a rainy day. Now it is up to us to use this energy and not to add new ones.

For this you need to know that every person needs a certain amount of energy per day. If you eat too much, the body puts on a cushion. And this is in the form of belly fat.

You can burn belly fat only when you consume less energy than your body needs. Then the body is forced to use the stored energy (fat). It begins to burn fat deposits on the abdomen, thighs and hips.

So we have to take energy away from the body so that it draws on the reserves. Or in other words: eat fewer calories = burn belly fat.

It does not matter what you eat. The only important thing is that the energy (calories) is less than what you actually need.

The amount of energy you need to survive during the day - without exercising - is the Basal metabolic rate.

You can increase your basal metabolic rate. This works on the one hand by eating less than your body needs. But you can burn belly fat fasterif you additionally Doing sports. Because then your body consumes the excess energy.

Overall, sport leads to your basal metabolic rate becoming higher. Even during rest periods. When you exercise regularly, you build muscle. In order for our body to maintain muscle mass, it needs a lot of energy.

And you can already treat yourself to a piece of cake. :)

As we said before, a mix of diet, exercise and lifestyle will get you there. But let's take a look at each area for ourselves.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially with recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

Why food alone does not help burn belly fat

You know those little annoying ads you get all the time? You are supposed to eat 5 food items and you will have a slim belly. If you make the mistake and click on it, it plays a long video.

And in the end, you're just as smart as you were before. I'll make it short: No food in the world will burn your belly fat. Not even chilies. It's simply not possible.

There are foods that stimulate the metabolism. But you can't lose weight specifically on the stomach with them. But that doesn't mean that these foods are unhealthy. The advertising is just very exaggerated.

Just like that, there are the commercials that warn you about the ONE food that makes for a fat belly. This is also complete nonsense.

But of course there are foods that contain mega many calories and thus make you gain weight faster. But not only on the belly but on the whole body.

You can eat ANYTHING you want. There are no very specific fat-burning foods against belly fat.

Burn belly fat

Why low carb does not automatically mean fat burning

Our sports science consultant, Werner, doesn't think much of low carb diets. In his opinion, this form of nutrition works mainly because people are starting to cook for themselves and healthily for the first time here.

And thereby eat more vegetables and less convenience food.

However, it is true that a very high-carbohydrate diet can promote body fat. However, it is important that you distinguish between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates.

Bad carbohydrates are also called simple sugars. These include white flour, sugar, potato chips and fast food. These should be avoided as far as possible, even in a normal diet. Because these are precisely the fatteners.

If you eliminate these foods from your diet, you've already taken a huge step in the right direction.

To do this, you include healthy foods in your diet. How: Eat lots of vegetables and low-sugar fruit, and you'll automatically eat fewer calories and be healthier.

But this also works if you allow yourself carbohydrates from time to time. But then good carbs like from whole grain pasta, whole grain rice and Co.

This is why sugar and co. make you fat

White flour, sugar, chips and the like are mega tasty. But the carbohydrates from them pass very quickly into the blood. When this happens, our body produces insulin. This hormone is also called "fat storage hormone". It promotes the storage of body fat.

High sugar foods but also white flour products must be replaced if you really want to lose weight.

How you need to eat to burn belly fat

We now know that you can eat ANYTHING. But will you choose strawberries or gummy bears?

Burn belly fat by eating

Strawberries are Low calorie snacks. They have only 34 kcal per 100 g. Unlike gummy bears, strawberries contain vitamins A, B, C, D and E.

You will also look in vain for household sugar, preservatives and colorants in strawberries.

Do you understand what I'm getting at? You need to be aware of what and how much you eat if you want to burn belly fat.

Just leave the candy bar aside and grab a piece of fruit instead. You'll provide your body with plenty of healthy nutrients. On top of that, fruit fills you up and helps your digestion.

Why drinking leads you to your goal

Drinking is really important. Your body needs fluids to function well. It needs it to flush out toxins. But also to fuel your metabolism.

By the way, the best choice is still water or herbal teas. Unsweetened, of course.

If you drink about 2 liters of water a day, you will feel much less hungry and more active overall.

The top diet tips against belly fat

  1. Start every meal with soup. Soups are filling and contain few calories. Provided you prepare them without cream! Cream soups also work wonderfully with potatoes, which in turn saturate very well.
  2. Eat a salad with every meal. Salad also contains few calories. Mix colorful ingredients into the salad to absorb more nutrients - like cucumbers, lettuce, peppers and co.
  3. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Often we are not hungry at all, but only have an appetite. You can get a grip on that very well with a glass of water. In addition, the liquid boosts your metabolism.
  4. Give up sugar and white flour. You know: they make you fat and at the same time contain no healthy nutrients for the body.
  5. Eat healthy and treat yourself to 5 servings of vegetables and fruit a day. If you have vegetable soup and salad on your menu, you have already made 2. At breakfast, add 1 piece of cucumber and tomato on wholemeal bread. And you have already done the vegetables. :)

By the way: 80 percent of your training success depends on your diet! So if you don't eat right, you can train all you want - nothing will change.

How you can burn belly fat with sports

Gosh, can't you do it without exercise? Yes, of course you can get rid of belly fat without sports. But it will be very very hard. Exercise helps you burn more calories and increase your basal metabolic rate.

Besides, exercise is mega important for your health. Starting with your back, which will soon start to hurt due to lack of exercise. Up to the joints and the oxygen transport in the blood.

There's no discussion - you have to move more! That's the only way you can stay healthy.

Try to exercise 3 times a week.

In the beginning, it doesn't matter what you choose, the main thing is that you start. Walking, swimming, Zumba, climbing or running? Try to find a sport that you enjoy.

Especially at the beginning it is often very exhausting and you can't imagine that it will ever be fun. But it will, once you've built up some stamina and strength.

Sport helps to rev up the metabolism.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, it helps if you reserve fixed training days for yourself. Don't let anything or anyone dissuade you. Unless it's a real emergency.

Endurance training or strength training

But what now? Is endurance training better for burning belly fat or is strength training the solution?

The answer lies somewhere in the middle. If you want to strengthen your body effectively, you need a mix of both types of training.

Strength training strengthens your muscles. You become more stable overall, which you benefit from during endurance training. And: Don't worry, you won't become a muscle mountain! Cardio training will give you more endurance, which you will benefit from during strength training.

Endurance training is also so important because we all move far too little anyway. Our bodies were never made to sit so much or simply do strength exercises.

Therefore: Lace up your running shoes and let's go!

The best way to get rid of belly fat

  • 2x strength training
  • 2x endurance training

What you need to know: It is not possible to burn belly fat with specific abdominal exercises. So if someone tells you that you should do 20 sit ups and that this will melt belly fat, you must not believe it.

It's more about you strengthening the big muscle areas in your body. Like stomach, buttocks and back and then lose weight.

You need to build muscle and lose fat all over your body, then the fat around your hips will melt away too.

Foodspring Shape Shake can support you in this. Its great advantage is that it helps both muscle building and fat loss. It is low in calories and rich in protein at the same time.

The protein keeps you full for a long time and provides the ingredients your muscles need. In Shape Shake from Foodspring contains 70 grams of protein per 100 grams, which is more than in any other shake.

If you are interested in Foodspring products, I can give you a Foodspring discount code give. With the code WGW15FS you get 15% on your order!

Foodspring Shape Shake
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And the shakes are also delicious in taste. You can choose from 13 different flavors. My favorite is coconut :)

Why swimming is a secret weapon against belly fat

The best sport to lose body fat is swimming. It is a good way to get the body used to exercise, especially for beginners.

Even overweight people benefit from this, because the joints are protected in the water. It doesn't matter whether you choose chest or endurance training.

It's important that you don't sit in the warm whirlpool, but do your laps in the sports pool.

You can get about 500 calories per hour. So: Always keep swimming!

For whom HIIT is suitable

Have you ever heard of HIIT? The acronym stands for High Intensity Interval Training.

With this training method you conjure up a toned body. And you don't even need expensive equipment.

The workout is short but mega intense. Because it pushes the pulse so high, the kilos should fall quickly. With HIIT you strengthen your muscles and get more endurance. You kill two birds with one stone.

However, you already need a good foundation for this. That is, endurance and strength, so as not to overtax the body.

A HIIT workout is not for beginners.

Why you need to change your lifestyle to lose weight

Try to become more active overall and move more. Think about your typical free time. What do you do there?

Drinking coffee with your girlfriend? I'd love to! But do you really have to sit down in a cafe or can you just go running together once a week?

If you are not a running fan, then just go for a big walk. The main thing is not to sit, but to move.

You have two healthy legs - use them. That goes for climbing stairs, too. Give elevators and escalators a wide berth.

Take the bike or walk more often. If you're early, you can hop off the subway a stop early and just walk that bit.

You can also do a lot of shopping on foot. Just leave the car behind.

Try to question your life a bit and turn it upside down. Plan your weekends actively and try to infect your friends with it. Together it's always much easier.

This is how I do it

  • 1x per week bouldering - 2 hours
  • 1x per week strength training - 1 hour
  • Running 2x per week - between 30 and 50 minutes
  • Weekends: at least 1x another sport. In winter - skiing, touring, ice skating. In summer: swimming, via ferrata or hiking.

And during the week, weather permitting - walks in the woods. I already have a colorful mix and lots of exercise.

Instead of going out to eat, I persuade my girlfriends to accompany me on a run or a walk. At first, the looks were a bit surprised. In the meantime, however, they have gotten used to it 😄

Burn belly fat with sports

That's why stress makes you fat in the belly

By the way, stress also fits perfectly into the lifestyle theme. In fact, stress can make you fat and prevent you from burning belly fat.

If you are under constant stress, your hormone balance is disturbed. It produces too much of the stress hormone cortisol. And it is precisely this hormone that promotes the storage of belly fat.

That's why it's mega important that you schedule enough relaxation time. Try to find leisure activities that reduce your stress level. By the way, if you immediately think of your beloved sofa, you're wrong.

The two biggest enemies of the stress hormone are: Sports/exercise of all kinds and sufficient sleep. But not loitering on the couch. But rather proper sleep or exercise.

Our conclusion

If you want to burn belly fat, you have to rely on a good mix of sports, nutrition and lifestyle. Changing only individual components does not lead to the goal. If you really want to succeed, you have to turn your life upside down. But then it succeeds for it surely!

Good luck!

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