Train the back of the thigh - Start now!

Exercise the back of the thigh

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We all want toned legs. Let's get them in shape together! Exercises that train the back of your thighs are very helpful. In this article, I'll tell you what they are and what you need to look out for.

If you're reading this blog post, you're already one step closer to getting your body in top shape. Training the back of the thighs in particular is often neglected by most people.

You might be thinking to yourself: "Why should I train the back of my thighs? I'm concentrating on my legs in general anyway."

But let me assure you that a targeted workout for the back of the legs is just as important as other muscle groups, if not more so. Why? I'll explain that to you in the next few lines.

There are many reasons why women describe their legs as a problem area: too chubby, flabby and ripply.

The good news is that many of these blemishes can be easily eliminated. With targeted exercises, you can get your thighs in shape and do something for your health.

Unfortunately, it doesn't happen overnight. But it is worth training diligently and persevering. Find out now what you need to look out for if you want to train the back of your thighs, what the best exercises are and which muscle groups are involved!

Anatomy of the back of the thigh - what you need to know!

To understand why strengthening the back thighs is so important, you should understand the basic anatomy.

The back of the thigh consists of several muscles. The main muscles that play a role here are the thigh muscle (biceps femoris), the flexor muscle of the thigh (semitendinosus) and the flexor muscle of the thigh (semimembranosus).

The thigh muscle, also known as the "large leg biceps", runs along the back of your thigh. It stretches from the hip bone to the shin. Its main task is to flex your thigh and pull your leg backwards.

The other two muscles, semitendinosus and semimembranosus, also run along the back of your thigh. They are responsible for flexing your thigh at the knee joint.

What role do muscles play in everyday life?

The posterior thigh muscles, also known as the hamstrings, along with the gluteal muscles, are responsible for a wide range of motion.

Imagine you are standing up to bend down and pick something up. Your hamstrings work together to make this movement possible.

When you walk up the stairs, these muscles provide stability and control. When running, especially sprinting, they release energy to propel your legs forward.

Even in situations that you might not associate with leg muscles, they are active. When you sit down, they keep you stable. When you stand up, they help you to stand upright.

In short, the hamstrings are involved in almost every movement you make.

Overall, the muscles on the back of the thighs are much more important than they are often considered. They are not only crucial for your fitness and performance, but also for your daily mobility and well-being.

In the next few sections, I will show you how to train these muscles specifically. Stay tuned!

Why you should train your back of the thighs regularly

The back of the thigh is very susceptible to injury.

Footballers and track and field athletes can tell you a thing or two about how quickly injuries can occur when suddenly changing direction or braking abruptly.

In most cases, the muscle fibers of the back of the thigh are overstretched. The reason for this is that this muscle group tends to be neglected and a muscular imbalance occurs between the anterior and posterior thigh muscles.

By training the back of your thighs, you can avoid such injuries and also back pain.

What equipment helps if I want to train the back of my thighs?

You don't actually need any equipment to train your thighs. However, if you are already well trained, you can make the exercises even more effective with a few small aids. However, I don't recommend using equipment for beginners - your body weight is completely sufficient here.

This equipment helps you train the back of your thighs:


Minibands* are made of an elastic material and, unlike the Theraband, are a small continuous loop.

You put them around the thighs or ankles. Exercises like squats, bridges or leg lifts become much more intense.

The tapes are versatile and take up very little space. When you buy some, you get a set of 3-5 tapes with different thickness. Suitable for beginners and advanced.

Set of 5 fitness bands
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Thigh trainer

With the Thigh trainer* You can challenge your muscles in a very special way, even though the training device is tiny. It is a very handy and inexpensive training device made of foam that you can use to train the back of your thighs.

It helps you build up more resistance and thus target the muscle groups even more specifically.

Thigh trainer
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Dumbbell or kettlebell

Can I add a little weight? Sure! Some exercises can be made more difficult by adding a weight. However, beginners should start purely with their body weight.

Advanced users can increase the weight step by step during the exercises. Small dumbbells or kettlebells come in handy here.

It's best to get a whole set right away.

Dumbbell Set
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The basics of back thigh training

As a beginner exerciser, it's important to get your metabolism up to speed first and get your muscles, joints and tendons used to the load.

Notice that:

  • Warm-up exercises and stretching
  • Selection of suitable exercises
  • Training frequency and intensity

Warming up and stretching

Before you start training your hamstrings, it is important to warm up your muscles. This helps to prevent injuries and prepare your muscles for work.

You can start with light cardio training, such as running on the spot or cycling. Then you should do specific warm-up exercises for the back of your thighs. For example, you can do gentle leg flexor stretches to loosen up the muscles.

Check out this great video. Here are some great exercises for stretching the back of the thigh:

Selection of suitable exercises

There are many exercises that can strengthen the back of your thighs. Some of the best options are deadlifts, leg curl machines, kettlebell swings and good mornings.

These exercises directly target the back of the thighs. Choose exercises that suit your fitness level. As a beginner, it's best to start with simpler exercises and gradually work your way up.

Training frequency and intensity

The frequency and intensity of your training depends on your goals.

Even if you are highly motivated at the beginning, you shouldn't overdo it. Twice a week is sufficient for beginners. However, the two sessions should not be done one after the other. Take a day's break in between.

You can start with 2-3 sets per exercise and do 10-15 repetitions per set.

As you make progress, you can increase the intensity by using equipment or increasing the repetitions. It is also important to leave enough rest time between training sessions so that your muscles can recover.

Incidentally, it is more effective to train the entire thigh musculature. This includes the front and inner thigh muscles.

Training the back of the thighs: the most effective exercises for the living room

Let's pay some attention to the back of the thighs and work on our slim thighs together. These 11 effective exercises will help us do it.

Do 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions for each exercise.

1. good mornings

Good Mornings Exercise

  • Stand about shoulder width. The hands are behind the head.
  • Push your bottom back and bend forward in a controlled manner.
  • Keep your legs as straight as possible.
  • Attention: The back remains straight and your arms stretched.
  • Straighten up again.

2. standing balance to train the back of the thighs

Stand balance back of thigh exercise

  • You start in an upright stance.
  • Bend your knees slightly and lift your left leg.
  • Lower the upper body, keeping the back straight.
  • The right arm points to the back and the left to the front.
  • Try to get into balance and stay here for a short time. Then change leg.

3. bridge for strong legs

Bridge exercise back of thigh

  • Lie on the floor. Place your arms parallel to your body.
  • Open the legs slightly and bend them.
  • Now press the pelvis upward as far as you can. The back also comes off the mat. Press your heels firmly into the floor.
  • Lower the pelvis again without putting it down and start the exercise again from the beginning.
  • If you want, you can simply hold the position of the pelvis in the air until the force decreases. Important: Tighten the buttocks and legs very firmly.

4. bridge single leg

Single leg bridge for strong legs

  • Lie on your back and bend your legs.
  • Raise the right leg in the air.
  • The hands are on the back of the head.
  • Raise and lower the hips slowly. Make sure that the buttocks never touch the mat.
  • Push the hips up as far as you can.

5. training the back of the thighs with step-up

Step Up Exercise

  • Grab an elevation like a chair, garden bench or stepper.
  • Stand hip-width in front of the stepper.
  • Now step on it with one foot.
  • Lift the other leg off the floor. Angle it and lift into the air at a 90° angle in front of your body. The knee should now be about level with the hip.
  • Put the leg back down on the floor.
  • Now it's the turn of the other leg.
  • Hopp, Hopp: the whole thing now in quick succession!

6. squats with dumbbell

Squat with dumbbell

  • Start in an upright stance. Legs are slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  • Take a dumbbell with both hands.
  • Go down with your butt until your legs form a 90 degree angle.
  • The knees should not protrude above the tips of the toes. The upper body remains straight.
  • Push yourself back up.

7. strengthen thighs with deadlifts

Deadlift exercise - train the back of the thighs

  • Open the legs a little wider than shoulder width.
  • Bend the legs slightly and lean the upper body forward.
  • Grab the kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands.
  • Pull the dumbbell up about 15 cm and then lower it again.
  • Important: The movement starts from the lower back. The legs, arms and upper back remain in the same position throughout.

8. donkey kicks as an exercise for the back of the thighs

Train the back of the thighs Donkey Kicks

  • Get into the quadruped stance. Your hands are directly under your shoulders. The head is again the extension of the spine and does not hang down.
  • Now lift one leg off the floor, bend it at hip level, the sole of your foot points upwards and you push the sole of your foot a little further towards the ceiling.
  • Pull the thigh upwards (the angle of the leg remains upright). And then lift the leg back up to the starting position as shown in the picture. The upper and lower leg always form a 90° angle.

9. train the back of the thighs: Kickbacks

Kickback exercise

  • Get into the quadruped stance.
  • Your hands are directly under your shoulders. The head is the extension of the spine.
  • Now lift one leg off the floor. Stretch it completely.
  • Now pull the leg up as far as possible stretched.
  • And then lift the leg back to the starting position, as in the picture.

10. lunge for slender legs

Lunge as a thigh exercise

  • Come to the starting position: feet are hip-width apart, the gaze is directed forward. The abdomen is tense, the chest is open, the shoulders are tight.
  • Now take a big step forward. At the same time, lower the back knee toward the floor. But do not put it down!
  • Let float nicely 3-4 cm above the mat. :)
  • The buttocks and legs are tense.
  • Using muscle strength from the heel, push yourself back to the starting position.

11. leg lift in prone position

Exercise the back of the thigh

  • Lie on your stomach and stretch out your legs.
  • You can rest your head on your crossed arms.
  • Now angle your legs so that your heels face the ceiling. The knees and ankles stay together.
  • Lift the thighs off the floor in a controlled manner.
  • Lower it back down slowly.

Great tips for optimal results when training the back of the thigh

To get the most out of your workout, it's not enough just to train. There are factors that have a huge impact on your training. These include, above all, eating habits and rest periods.

Nutrition: One balanced diet is crucial for strengthening the back of your thighs. Make sure you eat enough protein, as protein helps build muscle. Also eat enough carbohydrates for the energy you need.

You can consider taking supplements such as protein powder or creatine. In most cases, however, this is not necessary because you already have good coverage through your normal diet.

Rest periodsYour muscles need time to recover so that they can grow and become stronger. Plan enough recovery time between training sessions.

Make sure you get enough sleep, as your body carries out repair and growth processes during sleep. Avoid overtraining by giving your muscles time to recover.

Performing the exercises correctly: To prevent injuries, it is important to use correct techniques during your exercises. Start without weights and equipment and build up slowly.

Make sure you warm up well and stretch your muscles before training. Listen to your body and watch out for signs of overuse or pain. If you are unsure, treat yourself to a few lessons with a trainer and have an exercise plan drawn up.

What can I do in everyday life to strengthen the back of my thighs?

If you don't have much time or motivation for training, you can also help strengthen your hamstrings in your everyday life.

Try it with this:

  1. Conscious walking and climbing stairsBe sure to actively use the back of your thighs when walking and climbing stairs. When walking up the stairs, push off with your heels instead of just using your toes. This strengthens the training for the back of your legs.
  2. CyclingCycling is a great activity to train the back of your thighs. It activates these muscles, especially with resistance.
  3. Hill runsIf you have the opportunity to run or walk on hilly terrain, take it. Walking uphill requires increased effort from your hamstring muscles.
  4. Balance trainingTry to keep your balance on one leg when combing your hair, brushing your teeth or standing in line. This not only strengthens the back of your thighs, but also your sense of balance.
  5. Consciously organize everyday activitiesWhen lifting heavy shopping bags or suitcases, make sure you activate the back of your thighs to carry the load. Avoid overloading your back.
  6. Sitting posturePay attention to your sitting posture. If you are sitting on a chair, tense the back of your thighs slightly to stabilize your legs. It is even better if you sit less and sometimes work standing up.
  7. Stretching and yogaRegular stretching and yoga can also help to strengthen the back of your thighs and make them more flexible. Choose simple stretching exercises and yoga poses that target these muscles. Take a look here: "11 great exercises to stretch the back of the thighs"

Our conclusion

If you want to train the back of your thighs, you don't have to go to the gym. You can easily do many exercises at home. If they are too easy for you, grab a weight or do more repetitions and repetitions.

Have fun training! 💪

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