How do I get a flat stomach?

How do I get a flat stomach?

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Actually, you are quite happy with yourself. But something is bothering you a little bit: Your waist. You ask yourself: How do I get a flat stomach? We'll tell you!

You exercise every now and then, pay attention to your diet sometimes more sometimes less. But somehow the belly fat is hard to fight. Really annoying. So you've been asking yourself for a long time: How do I get a flat stomach?

It doesn't have to be a six-pack, but a slim and feminine waist, that would be something!

You are not alone in this. Almost all women say that their belly is the problem zone par excellence. Unfortunately, the stubborn flab accumulates here particularly quickly. Once a piece of cake too much nibbled already the belly forms.

A flat belly is simply sexy. Just when the winter holidays are over and you start to dream of the sea, the fat belly must go. After all, you want to go to the beach with your new bikini. So it's called: lose weight on the belly.

You don't want to go on the thousandth miracle diet or a hard boot camp? Yes, to be honest, no one does anyway.

That's why it's called train and eat intelligently. We work sustainably on the taut belly and do your body thereby something good. In addition, our tips for the flat stomach are not as unhealthy as others.

How to get a flat stomach

A flat stomach sounds to you like a goal you can never achieve? Nonsense! You can do it! And we tell you how!

What factors are crucial for a flat stomach

  • The right diet
  • and regular fitness

First of all, the good news: a zero diet is not necessary. In fact, we don't recommend it. Because if you train, you also need power and this comes from food.

Of course, a change in diet is advisable. Burgers and the like disappear from your menu. In their place are foods that help you to eat slim.

Today we dispel some big myths and show you what really helps on the way to a flat stomach!

But first to the most important thing.

How fat pads appear on the abdomen

There are many things that promote fat accumulation and cause waistline gold to grow. Probably the most important is the daily intake of Calories. If you eat more calories than you consume, you gain weight. Sounds logical, doesn't it?

In between, you can go overboard. But if you eat too many calories on a permanent basis, you will gain weight. And that first on the belly, then on the hips, thighs, etc.

How can I lose weight on the stomach?

For many, it becomes critical after 40 Years. Because here the metabolism slows down strongly. So if you want a tight stomach from the age of 40, you need to pay particularly close attention to diet and exercise.

Also Stress is a trigger for increased belly fat. In acute and prolonged stress, the hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline are released.

About half an hour after the stress, cortisol is added. It helps to balance out the acute stress. Unfortunately, it also ensures that our body puts on more fat on the belly.

In addition, most people eat very irregularly and unhealthily in stressful situations. Often, people just quickly reach for a candy bar. Bad idea!

But not always the belly is fat because of fat cells. Sometimes it's just an optical illusion. If you have a sensitive stomach excess air makes your belly look fat.

It is bloated and full of air. Often you also have a stomach ache from it. Tip: stay away from cabbage and beans. In addition, act our Tips against flatulence belly true wonders.

After these many rather bad news, now the good: Against all these things helps sport!

Sport against the fat belly:

Most of the time, several of these factors are at play when we have a fat belly.

What mistakes you should avoid if you want to lose weight on the stomach

Because so many make big mistakes when aiming to tone their belly, here are the most common ones Myths.

1. you train only the abdomen

Of course, this does not work. Because only by training the abdominal muscles stubborn flab does not disappear. However, the myth is very widespread. Many plunge into hundreds of crunches, but success fails to materialize.

For the flat stomach we need a mix of endurance and strength training. The body must be considered as a whole unit. So you also need to strengthen the back.

How to get a flat stomach? Exercises for the abdominal muscles

2. you think that you can burn fat only on the belly

Unfortunately, that doesn't work either. Where the myth comes from, we do not know. What we do know: It's not true. Because losing weight in one specific part of the body and only in that part doesn't work. Our hormones also play a role here. We cannot influence where the body stores fat.

3. you continue to eat as usual

If you want a flat stomach, you have to change your diet. Plenty of fruits and vegetables must be on your plate. Reduce the calorie intake. And look a little further down at our nutrition tips :)

Thereby our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. We know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat right.

Especially when it comes to recipes, you can quickly reach the limits of your creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

4. you drink weight loss drinks

Finger away from Diet products of all kinds! They are terribly unhealthy, even make us hungry again faster. They also contain artificial colors and flavors.

Replace sugar with unhealthy sweeteners. Drink water and unsweetened herbal teas. Just add a piece of fruit to the water in between. This provides taste and vitamins.

5. you train without a training plan

You know you want a flat stomach, but you don't know where to start? And how long you have to train per day? Or which exercises are good for the belly?

Create a one-time training plan. So you already know every day exactly what you have to do. What you have to pay attention to and what exercises there are.

But make sure you don't buy a plan that only includes abdominal exercises. You need nutritional recommendations and exercises for the entire body.

6. you train without an exact goal

Set very specific goals. Every week, set a goal that you can keep. So nothing completely utopian.

It has to be realistic and doable. You are welcome to reward yourself with a small goodie when you reach it.

How about a new pair of gym shorts or a nice sports bra?

7. you buy an ab trainer

It looks really great in the commercials, doesn't it? The models tell you that it's easy to get fit right away.

The ab trainer is the answer to your question: "How do I get a flat stomach?"

Total nonsense! The devices usually cost a lot of money unnecessarily and bring only little results.

Because we know: It takes a mix of strength, endurance and nutrition to get a toned tummy!

8. you buy a cream for the flat stomach

Sorry, but the cosmetics industry has ripped you off. In pharmacies and drugstores, many creams are offered, which are supposed to melt the fat on the belly. Without sports and dietary changes.

These are mostly creams that contain caffeine. It is supposed to break down the fat cells. There we prefer to drink the coffee :) Other preparations contain draining substances such as horse chestnut extract.

You should not expect miracles with such things. It can support you but crucial for your flat stomach are food and fitness.

How to get a flat stomach

If you're thinking to yourself: I don't have time to work out for 2 hours every day and cook complicated recipes. Then we have good news for you: You don't have to :)

Because in ordinary everyday life, you can do a lot more for your belly than you might think.

Even taking a few steps when under enormous stress or walking while talking on the phone helps to relax. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is also healthy, or simply taking deep breaths in and out. Exhale lowers the stress level.

With this, of course, the flat stomach is not yet secured. Still the question arises: How do I get a tight belly?

As mentioned, it is always a mix of sports and nutrition.

Proper nutrition for the flat stomach

If you want to lose weight around the waist, no matter how diligently you work out, if you don't adjust your diet, you won't achieve your goals. 75 % of success is the diet. Crass or?

So, if you want to lose weight on the stomach, you should put mainly healthy foods on the menu.

So we swap:

  • White flour against wholemeal flour
  • Sweets against fruit
  • Sugar against natural sweetness
  • High fat foods vs low fat protein

So if you want to lose weight quickly on your stomach, you should eat a lot of protein. Lean meat, fish and lean dairy products are now on your menu. In addition, a large portion of vegetables at every (!) Meal!

Oh no: Only salad left? No, don't worry. There are many delicious recipes that are low in calories, high in protein and taste delicious. Like this delicious millet porridge with yogurt and berries.

Sweet millet porridge with yogurt and berries: Millet dessert

Tip: Stay away from diet products! They contain many artificial additives, which our body often finds difficult to deal with. We get hungry again faster and eat more as a result!

Legumes of all kinds also keep us full for a long time. Simply include beans, chickpeas and the like regularly in your meal. Our body can only process the carbohydrates in pulses slowly. The starch and protein in beans fill you up quickly and for a long time.

If you don't tolerate beans well and get bloated from them, reach for lentils, they are easier to digest. Look but times with our Lentil fritters or DIY hummus over. Yummy!

Slim without carbohydrates?

You can try this for a while, but you should not rely on low carb for a long time. Especially when you train, your body needs carbohydrates. It gains energy from them and helps you to get through the workout well.

Without carbohydrates you will have no strength and no endurance. So if you train, you need carbohydrates.

What helps, however, is to avoid carbohydrates in the evening. You can find them mainly in pasta, rice and bread.

Diet tips for a flat stomach

There are foods that help us get a toned tummy and those that do the complete opposite. Our tips for your toned waist:

1. eat spicy

Now it's getting hot! The capsaicin in chili peppers boosts the metabolism. Whether you're too Chili oil, Chili salt or fresh pods is up to you.

2. grab pineapple & papaya

Many tropical fruits contain enzymes that help digestion. Good digestion helps to lose weight!

3. eat a lot of fruits and vegetables

The fiber in these foods keeps you full for a long time. In addition, fruits and vegetables contain a large number of vitamins. Tip: Eat colorful! The more colorful the healthier.

4. spoon natural yogurt

The bacterial cultures in yogurt stimulate digestion. However, do not take fruit yogurt. It contains a lot of sugar. It is better to mix natural yogurt with fresh fruit.

5. eliminate convenience products from the menu

Hands off! Even if it is quick and easy. Ready-made products contain many flavor enhancers, sugar and a lot of fat. This is very unhealthy and makes you hungry again quickly.

6. avoid sugar

Cut sugar and the kilos will fall. Reach for sweetness in fruit or Birch sugar*. But beware of the Sugar withdrawal!

7. eat lean fish and lean meat

You should eliminate fatty fish or meat from your diet. They often have a lot of calories.

8. drink a lot for the flat stomach

Drinks are at least as important as food. For a flat stomach, you should drink at least 2 liters every day. And that means non-carbonated water and unsweetened teas.

You can spice up the water a bit with fresh fruit to add a little flavor to the glass. Look at our Detox water recipes over.

How do I get a flat stomach?

Soft drinks of all kinds are something you should definitely stay away from. Anything with sugar in it. Even if it says "sugar-free.

Nothing is as low-calorie and healthy as plain water. Don't know how to get enough to drink? Check out our 3 liters of water Challenge over :)

Tip: Put a pitcher of tap water on your desk and set a reminder. Every half hour, drink a glass of water.

What also tastes very tasty is homemade lemon water. Supposedly, it even helps with weight loss.

What is certain: Vitamin C is healthy and supports fat burning. Lemons also have an alkaline effect on our body and help detoxify. In addition, the fibers of the lemon saturate, so we do not feel hungry so quickly.

If this is still too boring for you, you can Make your own iced tea. And without artificial additives or sugar. Just tea and fruit. Stunningly delicious!

How to get a flat stomach with exercise?

Now that we know what we no longer eat, we need to reduce existing fat deposits. The fastest way to do this is with sports. You must succeed in building up a calorie deficit. That is, to burn more calories than you consume.

But since sport is also the biggest enemy of stress, it has multiple healthy effects on our body.

The biggest mistake in losing weight on the abdomen is to just do it abdominal exercises. This does not lead to a good result!

If you want a flat belly, you also have to train the opponents. And in our case, these are the back and buttocks.

Of course, we also need exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles. But just not exclusively.

In sports it is the Mix of strength and endurancethat leads to long-term success. Because when we're annoyed by the fat on our hips, we all ask ourselves: How can I lose weight on my stomach?

How can I lose weight on the stomach? Strength training

You have to start by burning calories. This works with High Intensity Interval Training very good. Also running helps to sweat and melt fat on the abdomen.

By the way, endurance sports are particularly good at helping us reduce stress. We virtually run away from stress. Just like our body was used to in prehistoric times and what it is still adjusted to now.

Strength exercises specifically build muscles throughout the body, but especially in the abdomen and back.

Yoga can also be very helpful because it reduces stress and makes us more flexible. Also, gentle stretching can be pleasant when you have sore muscles from working out.

Our conclusion

How do I get a flat stomach? Through proper nutrition and sufficient exercise! If you want a toned stomach, you need to eat fewer calories. A mix of strength and endurance training helps to tighten the middle and say goodbye to the fat pads.

What can help you is a workout plan and nutrition guide. With our belly off plan you get:

  • 6 weeks step by step training plan
    (5x per week exercises for different muscle groups)
  • 25 highly effective exercises Without devices
    (with photos and detailed descriptions)
  • a running plan for beginners and advanced
  • 17 fitness recipes suitable for everyday use for weight loss
  • a shopping list With healthy and low-calorie ingredients
  • any amount Nutrition and motivation tips
  • Personal support from our experts in case of questions

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