Green Vegetables List: These 9 varieties are incredibly healthy!

Green vegetables list

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Have you been wondering whether there is such a thing as a "green vegetable list"? Then you've come to the right place. I'll tell you what green vegetables there are and why you should eat lots of them.

Have you ever wondered why green Vegetables as often as Superhero of nutrition? I mean, sure, it looks fresh and crunchy, but what's really behind it? Today we're diving into the green wonderland of broccoli, spinach, zucchinis and co. and find out what makes them so incredibly healthy. 🦸‍♀️🥬

Imagine you could do something good for your body with every bite.

This is exactly what happens when you eat green vegetables. They are a great source of chlorophyll, the natural pigment that gives plants their green color. And a real treasure trove of nutrients.

And the best thing? Green vegetables are not only a Power package for your Health, but also an ingenious ally when it comes to Slimming goes. But not all green varieties are the same.

In this post, I'll show you which vegetables stand out in particular, how you can best prepare and why they should regularly end up on your plate. Are you ready to see your greens in a whole new light? Then let's get started! 🥰😋

Why are green vegetables healthy?

Green vegetables contain the pigment Chlorophyll. This is a primary plant substance. The plant needs it for photosynthesis - i.e. oxygen production. The more chlorophyll a plant contains, the healthier it is for us when we eat it.

Chlorophyll has this effect on our body:

  1. Detoxification: Chlorophyll binds toxins and helps to eliminate them.
  2. Digestion: It soothes the gastrointestinal tract and relieves flatulence and constipation. Chlorophyll reduces the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines.
  3. Anti-inflammatory: It has strong anti-inflammatory properties, relieves pain and swelling.
  4. Antioxidant: Chlorophyll can reduce free radical damage in the body. This can help reduce chronic diseases, cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Overall, the green dye has a strong detoxifying effect, improves digestion and protects our body.

You can absorb the most chlorophyll if you eat the vegetables raw or steamed. When heated, the pigment is partially destroyed - the vegetables change color from rich green to olive green to yellow.

Good to know: Green stuff only has Few calories and lots of fiber. It is therefore particularly suitable for losing weight. It keeps you full for a long time because it contains a lot of fiber. It can also be prepared in many different ways and stimulates digestion.

Green vegetables list cucumber

Green vegetables list - These 9 vegetables are particularly healthy

To eat healthy, you should Eat as colorful as possible. Did you cover all the colors of the rainbow at your last meal or do you always have the same colors on your plate?

To ensure that your body is supplied with the most important nutrients, you should eat the Vegetables regular alternate. Sometimes it's spinach, sometimes Brussels sprouts, the next week chard and broccoli and so on.

Because every vegetable has a different nutrient composition. ☝️

Ideally, greens should be on your menu every other day. As a rule of thumb, eat at least 3 good portions of green vegetables 3 times a week.

For every type of vegetable, the quicker you eat it after harvesting, the healthier it is to eat. That's why I like to buy at the farmers' market or directly from the farmer. In the supermarket, vegetables are often stored for a very long time and lose a lot of nutrients as a result!

With this list of green vegetables, you won't miss out on any nutrients at your next lunch or dinner:

  1. Spinach
  2. Chard
  3. Parsley
  4. Dark green salads (rocket, lamb's lettuce)
  5. Kale
  6. Savoy cabbage
  7. Brussels sprouts
  8. Paprika
  9. Broccoli


The green leafy vegetable is really healthy. Spinach contains many B vitamins, vitamin C and Beta Carotene. Vitamin K and Magnesium is in the green leaves.

You get the most nutrients when you eat uncooked spinach.

You are a Smoothie fan? Then spinach is perfect. But it also tastes delicious with potatoes or in a salad. Who likes Detox smoothies drinkswho should regularly have a hand Baby spinach into the drink. 🌿✨

But I can also give you a Delicious spinach pesto with walnuts highly recommend - in combination with Pasta and a green salad, you cover a lot of vitamins and nutrients in one meal.

If you want to "cook" spinach, fry it very briefly in the pan and then eat it straight away.

One cup of spinach contains about 24 mg of chlorophyll.


Do you know Swiss chard? The green stem vegetable is underestimated by many, yet it has plenty of power. Swiss chard contains vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin C. As well as a lot of Calcium and iron. 🥰 🥬

The green vegetable tastes wonderful fried with potatoes and is a delicious substitute for spinach. You can also prepare soups and stews from the leaves.

You can cut chard into salad or use it to make a Make pesto with pumpkin seeds.

One cup of chard comes to a strong 24 mg of chlorophyll.


Parsley is the Favorite spice herb in Germany. No herb has ever managed to take the place of parsley. In parsley you will find Vitamin A, C, K and iron. It tastes best and provides the most nutrients when used pure - so please do not fry or boil it.

It is important for a healthy immune systemIt has antioxidant properties, helps with drainage, stimulates digestion and gives you fresh breath. It is not for nothing that parsley is also one of the Herbs that help you lose weight! ⚖️🌿

Sprinkle it over salad, add it to soups, on pasta and potatoes.

One cup of chopped parsley contains a whopping 20 mg of chlorophyll.

The fresher it is, the healthier it is. That's why I grow parsley on the windowsill yourself - it also works in the apartment!


For me, salad is simply part of lunch. Whether you opt for Arugula or Lamb's lettuce doesn't matter what you choose. If you want to eat healthily, you can go for it.

Salad is a lower in calories Filling. Because 100 grams have only 12 calories. Ideal for detoxification and lose pounds.

Those who like it very healthy and particularly want to take a lot of nutrients, which should Dandelion salad or a mixed wild herb salad try it out. 🌿🥗

Leaf lettuce provides important nutrients. Green salad is a real Vitamin and mineral package.

But beware: the lighter the color of the lettuce (iceberg lettuce, Chinese cabbage), the fewer nutrients and less chlorophyll it contains. Therefore, always choose lettuce with dark green leaves - the darker the better.

Arugula has a high content of mustard oils and aromatic bitter substances. These kill bacteria and viruses and strengthen the immune system. Bitter substances help you lose weight and prevent food cravings!

Compare chlorophyll in a cup:

  • Dandelion leaves: 13 mg
  • Arugula: 2.6 mg
  • Lettuce: 1.5 mg
  • Lamb's lettuce: 1.1 mg
  • Iceberg lettuce: 0.23 mg


No vegetable contains so many Vitamins, minerals and Trace elements like kale. This is exactly why kale has ended up on my "green vegetable list".

Kale is an ideal winter vegetable. It lifts the Mood and keeps us healthy - kale is one of the most Foods that strengthen the immune system. Reason enough to put it in your shopping basket.

But that's not all. Kale provides firm skin, beautiful hairbuilds up the intestinal mucosa, detoxifies the intestinal tract and prevents osteoporosis. 😯🤩

You definitely shouldn't miss out on this green vegetable. Give it a try, there are lots of delicious recipes - from stews and casseroles to spinach substitutes and soups.

One cup of kale contains about 10 mg of chlorophyll.

Savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage is a wonderful source of many nutrients. Above all Vitamin A, C and K. Thanks to its high Dietary fiber content it stimulates digestion.

Savoy cabbage is said to protect against many diseases such as Heart attacks or Cancer is intended to protect. It reduces Inflammations in the body and can even Lower blood pressure.

It is popular in soups and stews or served as a side dish to hearty meals.

I'm not the biggest savoy cabbage fan myself, but I make a salad with it now and again or steam it as a side dish. The green leafy vegetable also works well in lasagne, casseroles or quiches. 🥬😋

One cup of savoy cabbage contains 9 mg of chlorophyll.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts should not be missing from the list of green vegetables. The Winter vegetables is an excellent source for Vitamin C and contains a lot of beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. You will also find plenty of vitamin K, folic acid, fiber and potassium in the sprouts.

Brussels sprouts are good for the immune system, digestion and Reduces inflammation in the body. It is also low in calories and high in fiber.

Brussels sprouts is usually referred to as Supplement served. You can steam them and season them with butter and onion. Many people also prepare Brussels sprout casseroles or a sauce with other vegetables.

I don't tolerate it so well because I it gives me a bloated stomachbut since I've been adding a little caraway, it's better.

One cup of Brussels sprouts contains 8 mg of chlorophyll.


I love green peppers! I especially like to eat the crunchy peppers as a snack between meals.

Peppers are a real Vitamin C Bomb. Just one half a bell pepper is sufficient to Daily requirement to cover.

Peppers are also said to have a number of health-promoting properties. The pods strengthen the Immune system, soothe sore muscles, improve eyesight and much more.

By the way, you get the full power of green peppers when you eat them raw. Try it on bread, for dipping or on its own.

If the slightly bitter taste puts you off, think about it: Bitters are super healthy for our body!

One cup of kale contains about 5 mg of chlorophyll.


Lots of Carotenes, vitamin C, B, folic acid, potassium, iron, calcium, seleniumflavonoids and sulforaphane - broccoli contains all this and much more.

Broccoli is also considered the Anti-cancer vegetables par excellence. The flavonoids and sulforaphane are said to suppress the proliferation of cancer cells.

But that's not all: the green vegetables ensure clean skin and help you lose weight. It also strengthens the nerves and is good for the eyes.

Broccoli does well as a soup, steamed as a vegetable, in vegetable sauces and casseroles.

If you're not a big fan of broccoli, then try the Growing broccoli sprouts. It's really simple!

The sprouts already contain all the vitamins and nutrients that will later be in the plant. Sprouts are therefore enormous power packs and super healthy!

One cup of broccoli contains about 4 mg of chlorophyll.

Other healthy and green vegetables are

  • Peas
  • Green asparagus
  • Cucumbers
  • Zucchini
  • Green beans
  • Green olives
  • Kohlrabi
  • Leeks
  • Celery stalk
  • Kale sprouts
  • Fennel
  • Onion greens

If you're looking for a great recipe that's packed with green vegetables, I can recommend this delicious green smoothie:

What effect do greens have on our body?

Green vegetables regenerates and keeps you healthy. It is not for nothing that the color green symbolizes life and vitality. It strengthens our immune system, repels bacteria and viruses and absorbs free radicals. But what makes green vegetables - apart from chlorophyll - so healthy?

Bitters purify the body

Green vegetables contain bitter substances. These stimulate the digestive system and produce enzymes, bile, gastric juices and insulin.

Bitters have a diuretic effect and drain your body. Bitters saturate and suppress cravings - So green vegetables are perfect for weight loss.

The substances that make the vegetables taste slightly salty and bitter also inhibit inflammation and protect your cells.

High iron content in green vegetables

Especially we Women often suffer from iron deficiency. Do you? Then you should definitely reach for green vegetables. They contain a lot of iron.

Spinach contains 4 milligrams of iron per 100 grams.

So it's off to the supermarket to get some green vegetables.

Green vegetables are full of vitamins

Green vegetables not only contain a lot of iron. You will also find numerous trace elements and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese and zinc in the vegetables.

Vitamin C, B and A are also included. So it is an excellent source of vitamins.

The decline in our brain activity with increasing age can be reduced by eating green vegetables. This is mainly due to the vitamin K they contain. 😯☝️

Lutein and beta-carotene are also involved in cell protection.

Your defenses are strengthened

The ingredients in green vegetables ensure a better metabolism. Blood flow, protect the Cell walls and stimulate the Blood formation an.

This will also Strengthening the immune system through nutrition. Especially the contained Vitamin C improves our immune defense.

Bioactive substances have many benefits for the body. They prevent oxidative stress.

However, the substances also inhibit inflammatory processes and destroy viruses and bacteria. They also render free radicals harmless.

Protection against arteriosclerosis and heart disease

Green vegetables strengthen the heart and protect against arteriosclerosis. Responsible for this is the contained B-vitamin Folic acid. This is mainly found in spinach and chard.

Green vegetables also contain Flavonoids. These bend Vascular diseases before.

Green is good for your eyes

You probably know that carrots are good for your eyes. But there are also many green vegetables that are good for your eyes.

Kale, in particular, keeps your vision sharp. It can even prevent age-related macular degeneration. This is a disease of the retina. Responsible for the protective effect are the ingredients lutein and zeaxanthin.

Green vegetables list broccoli

How do I manage to eat more green vegetables?

Do you find it difficult to include green vegetables in your diet? If you haven't eaten many vegetables up to now, it can be a real challenge at first - after all, they're similar to vegetables. a complete change of diet.

But I have some brilliant tips to help you eat more greens.

Prepare green smoothies

Green smoothies taste mega delicious. Once you get used to the color, you'll love them!

Try a smoothie with cucumber, celery, rocket, banana and avocado. You can also try out lots of combinations. You certainly won't get bored.

No shopping without green vegetables

To make sure green vegetables end up on your plate more often, pick up at least one green vegetable every time you shop.

Spinach, peppers, chard or kale - it doesn't matter what you choose. You can also try something you've never tried before. That's how you make it from yours break out of familiar cooking patterns.

However, reach mainly for seasonal vegetables.

Green snacks

You can eat many vegetables raw. Even broccoli and green asparagus. Prepare vegetable sticks and a tasty dip. This will give you a healthy snack between meals. Combine with a dip made from garlic, sour cream and fresh herbs for a healthy, low-calorie and nutritious snack! ✨🥰

If you are eating cold in the evening, cut up peppers, celery, herbs, cucumbers and the like and top your bread with them. You can also add green vegetables to your salad.

Use herbs

Fresh herbs such as parsley, chives, cilantro or basil spice up your dish and also improve the look. After all, the eye eats with you.

In addition, herbs are very rich in nutrients. To get the most nutrients, you should not cook herbs, but always sprinkle them on the food just before eating.

Tip: Many herbs can even be grown on the windowsill in apartments without a balcony! Take a look here: "These are the best herbs for your windowsill!

Vegetables healthy

My conclusion

Green vegetables are a true all-rounder. It's good for your eyes, a source of calcium, nutrient-rich, and also simply delicious! It's best to have them on your plate every day. After all, it is part of a healthy and varied diet.

A personal green vegetable list can help you not to forget your favorite varieties when shopping. Enjoy the taste 😋

Green vegetables healthy

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