This is how easy it is to change your diet

Successful change of diet

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Your goal is to change your diet. But you don't know where to start and how to change your diet? Then you are in the right place!

Eating healthy sounds quite simple at first. But very few people succeed in making a lasting change to their diet. Many quickly fall back into old patterns.

Yet we all know, by and large, what healthy eating is. The good news is that changing your diet isn't that complicated. At least not if you follow this guide.

The most important thing is your attitude. If you see the change as torture even before the start, you will not succeed. Therefore, you should definitely start the venture with joy and positive attitude :)

Here are the best tips that will guarantee you a healthy diet!

What is a change of diet?

Basically, it's about changing your unhealthy diet. And that is to diet with lots of healthy foods. Often the goal is to be able to lose weight with the change in diet. But that doesn't have to be the case, because slim people or those who don't want to lose weight also benefit from a healthier lifestyle.

So you're actively intervening in your diet and starting to improve your eating habits. It's a process that starts with shopping, moves into cooking, and finally ends on your plate.

Many are put off by the very word "change of diet". An impossible undertaking, many would think. But it is not.

The change may be a bit uncomfortable, but it brings numerous benefits to your health. In the long run, you'll benefit across the board from switching to a healthy diet.

Diet change lose weight and eat healthy

You must not see the change of diet as a renunciation, but as a gain. Your personal project to become fitter and healthier.

This is often not so easy, because we have to break our habits. And we humans are creatures of habit. They give us security and structure in everyday life. Unfortunately, these habits can also end in unhealthy eating behavior.

The basis of a successful change in diet

First, you need to create awareness. A permanent change in diet can only succeed if you know what you are doing wrong.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I eat?
  • How do I eat? Under stress, with pleasure or just too much?
  • What and how much do I drink?
  • How much sugar do I consume?
  • How much do I eat unconsciously? The chocolate bar in the afternoon is a good example.

Once you have identified the problems, you can take them by the scruff of the neck and change the diet.

Pay particular attention to the little things. Whether and how much sugar ends up in your coffee. Whether you eat an afternoon snack, drink soft drinks or otherwise eat unhealthily.

Write down what you eat and drink throughout the day. And especially the quantities. Once you have answered these questions, you can change your diet.

But ...

Don't rush things. Even if you're highly motivated now, take your time. An early start often ends with a burger and chocolate in your hands. :)

Take your time and feel your way through the tips we're about to reveal.

Successful change of diet

What are the symptoms of dietary change?

A change in diet does not come without symptoms. For a long time we have accustomed our body to the unhealthy way of eating, now it has to be weaned, which can lead to a few physical signs, such as

  • Craving
  • Bloated belly
  • Impure skin


Did you know that certain deficiencies can trigger cravings? A magnesium deficiency, for example, is said to cause us to Get a craving for chocolate.

Only when our body has enough vitamins and minerals at its disposal can it do its job properly. And support you in changing your diet. If certain minerals are missing, we make life difficult for ourselves.

This happens especially with strict diets. A healthy diet provides you with all the nutrients and can prevent cravings.

TipSometimes it helps to go for a walk around the block or drink a glass of water. There are also very good and healthy foods that fight cravings have an effect.

My Favorite snack is cottage cheese - How good that it is also suitable for losing weight!

Bloated belly

If you change your diet, your stomach may be bloated at first. He must first get used to the many vegetables - after all, this is new territory for him.

It is not uncommon to experience digestive problems at the beginning. This is because our body first has to learn again how healthy eating works.

However, it may also be that you have a you have food intolerance.

Impure skin

Don't worry, it will pass quickly. In 14 days at the latest, you will notice that your skin is noticeably clearer. In the first few days after the change, it may still be a little bit twitchy and your skin may not look its best. Now it's time to eat healthy and drink plenty of water.

How do I make a change in diet?

Choose whole, unprocessed and healthy foods. Avoid sugar as much as possible and choose fresh fruits and vegetables instead. Choose whole grains over white flour and drink plenty of unsweetened beverages like water or teas.

My most important tip above all others: Never go shopping hungry! When you're hungry, unhealthy foods look even more tempting. When I'm hungry, I eat a banana and a loaf of bread before I go shopping. And the danger is already averted.

Here's how you can change your diet:

  • Cook yourself
  • Fresh herbs instead of flavors
  • Drink a lot
  • Save sugar and fat
  • Boost metabolism
  • Eat varied

1. cook yourself

We all know that there is nothing healthy in most convenience foods. These additives (especially sugar) are only an unnecessary burden on health.

So the most important step in the diet change is that you start cooking yourself.

You can determine exactly what ends up in the cooking pot and what doesn't. What's more, you can control the amount you cook. And if, like me, you always cook too much, you already have a lunch for the next day. Just put it in a tupperware box and you're done.

From now on, we won't give you the excuse that you don't have time to cook.

There are tons of recipes that are ready in less than 20 minutes. A great many recipes can be frozen and quickly defrosted when hunger strikes. Like these delicious lentils bolognese.

Lose weight with diet change

Yes, during the week it is often difficult to eat healthy. That's why you should cook enough in advance. You can prepare delicious dishes and do not have to stand in the kitchen every day.

I love Oatmeal patties or Vegetable stews with legumes. You can portion them super and always has something quickly at hand.

Get to know and appreciate new foods. By the way, you don't have to throw away the "unhealthy" food. That would be a waste. Upgrade them with healthy foods. This will make it much easier for you to change your diet.

Whether you choose vegan, vegetarian, paleo, low carb or something else, it doesn't really matter. The basis must always be clean food. That is, home-cooked food without convenience products.

2. herbs and spices instead of artificial flavors.

Have you ever sniffed a very fresh basil or chopped parsley? The scent is stunning and it can help you change your diet.

Artificial flavors and additives from ready-made foods confuse our taste buds. Today, for example, many children and even adults do not know what a freshly harvested tomato from the balcony or garden tastes like.

Equip yourself with a whole lot of spices. Especially with spice mixtures, pay attention to what is contained. I have a huge spice rack and can prepare any dish mega delicious without artificial additives. Many herbs can be grown all year round on the windowsill breed.

I put my Make instant vegetable broth yourself. It is the basis for all the soups I prepare. Besides herbs, it contains only carrots, onions and celery.

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list of finished bouillon cubes? Colors, flavorings, any unidentifiable E additives and yeast. No one needs them.

In short, those who use herbs and spices save calories, artificial additives and are rewarded with lots of flavor.

Healthy change of diet without dieting

3. drink a lot

Ban soft drinks, milkshakes and sweet juices from the fridge. They contain lots of sugar and calories. Get rid of them.

Instead, drink plenty of tap water or unsweetened teas. Try to get to about 1.5 liters of liquid per day. I have a hard time with this and therefore start every meal with a soup. :)

If water is too boring for you, you can spice it up a bit with cucumber slices, ginger, orange, mint or lemon. A little natural apple juice in the water is also okay, but should be on the menu rather rarely.

Try our homemade detox water recipesif you want to bring more flavor into the glass.

4. consciously save sugar and fat and choose the healthier alternative

We all eat too much sugar and too much fat. This makes us sick and overweight. Therefore, try to avoid unnecessary fats and sugar as often as possible when changing your diet. The question, how much household sugar the body per day needs is quickly answered: 0 grams.

Admittedly: When it comes to dietary changes, sugar withdrawal is the most difficult undertaking. But just start small, if you want to give up sugar, and increase slowly.

Sugar in tea? Doesn't have to be. Sugar on strawberries? Must not be.

French fries every second day? Doesn't have to be.

Especially animal fats should be used sparingly. For example, a delicious breakfast sandwich tastes good with cottage cheese instead of butter. Sauces can also be prepared without cream. I use Oat Cuisine for this.

A homemade muesli is a thousand times better than the most expensive and healthy muesli from the supermarket.

You're in the mood for something sweet? That's also possible without sugar. You can prepare many sweet treats yourself.

Instead of chocolate I mix ripe bananas with Cocoa powder*. It works really well. The desire for chocolate disappears and you have eaten something healthy :)

Switch to a healthy diet

5. get your metabolism going

A sluggish metabolism is usually the result of an unhealthy diet and too little exercise. We feel tired and listless. At the latest now it is time to act.

If this is the case with you, the change in diet will be difficult for you at first. But soon you will feel much better. There is a whole range Foods that stimulate the metabolism and bring you new energy.

For breakfast, you can have plenty of carbohydrates. How about a delicious porridge, muesli or wholemeal bread with vegetables and cheese?

At lunchtime, there is plenty of variety on the plate. Fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Protein from dairy products and fish. And healthy fats from vegetable oils.

The carbohydrates are reduced again in the evening. Take a look at our recipes. You'll find lots of inspiration there.

Don't forget to drink plenty throughout the day.

Sport also helps you to boost your metabolism. You can also use sport to reduce stress, melt away the pounds and build muscle.

6. change diet with variety on the plate

The more different recipes you prepare, the more likely you are to succeed in changing your diet. Nothing is more dangerous than boredom on the plate.

So feel free to experiment with different ingredients. Get inspired by cookbooks, blogs and our recipes. By the way, in the photo you can see a vegan cauliflower curry.

Look beyond the end of your plate! Recipes from other countries are fun and increase the variety on your plate. Mediterranean and Asian cuisine is particularly delicious and easy to replicate.

In many cases, you're pretty well entrenched in your diet. That means the same thing every week. And that gets really boring.

Cauliflower curry vegan

Can you lose weight by changing your diet?

Yes, a healthy diet gives you more energy for everyday life. You eat a balanced diet, lots of vegetables and no artificial foods. This helps you lose weight. Wholesome foods keep you full longer.

So you're guaranteed not to be hungry from a home-cooked portion for longer than you would from a burger.

Healthy can also Counteract cravings.

When you change your diet, you automatically save calories. Unlike a diet, where many foods are banned, with a change of diet you reach your goal more slowly, but much healthier. The yo-yo effect does not occur.

Here's how changing your eating habits affects you

If you change your diet and follow through, you will never want to go back. For me, it's been two years now that I don't eat any, or at least very few, processed foods. And you know what: It feels so incredibly good and tastes so much better.

Food provides our body with energy. It influences how healthy we are, how we feel and whether we get blemished skin or are full of energy, for example.

If you only eat burgers and co, you can get bad skin, obesity, cardiovascular problems and even depression.

It is different with healthy and fresh foods. They are the basis for our physical and mental health.

The magic word is "unprocessed. Because such foods contain lots of micro- and macronutrients. The body needs these to have energy and stay healthy.

Nutrition experts always compare the stomach to a car tank. A good example, I think. If you put the wrong fuel in the car, the engine will soon become junk. The car can no longer drive.

If you eat a lot of unhealthy food, your engine will soon stop working. You feel limp, sluggish, have headaches and are really listless.

While refueling with vitamins and nutrients, you'll feel like a million bucks and could take out trees.

How do I eat healthy?

Healthy foods are unprocessed, free of chemicals and hormones. They are as natural as possible.

Sugo from the jar or as a powder from the bag? You'd better leave that alone! You can prepare your own sauce with just a few ingredients. You know what's in it and spare your body. Because ready-made foods contain lots of preservatives, colorings, flavorings, sugar, salt and fat. No one needs that.

Healthy foods are your best friends during and after the diet change. They contain lots of micro- and macronutrients.

Micronutrients? These are minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Macronutrients are divided into protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Let's go back to the sugo. If you choose the jar version, you're giving your body a lot of calories. As well as artificial additives. There is very little in the way of micronutrients.

If you prepare it yourself, it is bursting with micro- and macronutrients. That's where your body gets its energy.

Sounds complicated? But it's not. In the end, it's simply a matter of eliminating processed foods for the most part. You can prepare many recipes yourself in no time at all - you don't have to tear open a bag or open a jar.

Our conclusion

You want to change your diet? Then start right now! Yes, a successful change of diet is not that easy. But it is worth it. Your body and your mind will benefit from a healthy diet. You will have much more power and feel fitter.

Don't rush it, take your time for a conscious change of diet. Only then will you be successful. You have already taken the first step by not adding sugar to your coffee or tea. Snacking in between is of course allowed. But try to avoid it as much as possible.

Good luck :)

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