Grow broccoli sprouts: This is how easy it is

Broccoli sprouts grow in jar

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Among all sprouts, broccoli is the secret superstar. This is how easy it is to grow broccoli sprouts, and here's what you have to watch out for!

Sprouts are wonderful! All they need to become vital substance powerhouses is a little water and a little time.

Already, previously simple seeds are transformed into wonders of vitamins and vital substances. You can obtain sprouts from many seeds.

Today I'm going to show you the healthiest sprouts around and how you can Pull broccoli sprouts can!

By the way, even if you do not like the green vegetables -. Pulling broccoli sprouts really pays off.

That is why it is worth growing broccoli sprouts

Broccoli sprouts are the healthiest of all sprout varieties. The little green plants are considered immune boosters. They are even said to have an anti-cancer effect.

In the tiniest of spaces, the sprouts already contain all the nutrients that the adult broccoli will later have.

And the very best: Pull broccoli sprouts is not even complicated! Already After 4 days you can harvest the sprouts. If you have a little more patience, after 8 days you can look forward to small green leaves that make your sprouts even healthier.

They go on salads, on bread, in smoothies, and you can sprinkle them on pretty much any dish. For those who aren't fans of the tree-like vegetable, something needs to be said: Broccoli sprouts taste only subtly like broccoli. So don't be afraid of them. :)

Now that we know how healthy sprouts and shoots are, you surely want to benefit from their positive properties, right?

You can't buy broccoli sprouts in the supermarket. At least I have never seen any.

So we have no choice but to take it into our own hands. And that's even better than buying. Because those who rely on the Pull broccoli sprouts can be sure that the full load will be Vitamins and minerals is preserved.

Pull broccoli sprouts

How to make broccoli sprouts?

You have three possibilities to grow the sprouts. It works in a sprouter, in a sprouting jar or in a conventional jar. The following applies to all methods: Sprouts must not dry out and love a humid climate. Already after two days you can notice a significant change in the seeds - the sprouts begin to germinate.

Now let's take a close look at each method. I'll tell you what to look out for and how it's guaranteed to work.

Tip: Buy broccoli seeds

It's best to order the seeds online or buy them at a health food store. At the garden store, the seeds are way too expensive and only available in small quantities. I have bought a large package broccoli seeds bought online*. I can manage with this for over half a year.

But if you prefer a little variety, there are at Amazon also sprout mixtures* from many different varieties.

There are then sunflowers, cress, alfalfa, radish, rocket, radish and much more in it. Each bag tells you exactly how to use them correctly. So you have lots of different varieties and can taste what you like.

How long do I have to soak the seeds?

You should place the broccoli seeds in tap water for about 6 hours. Make sure it is at room temperature - under no circumstances should it be hot or warm. The easiest way is to put the seeds in a cereal bowl overnight and pour on plenty of water.

The seeds absorb a lot of liquid - so don't be sparing with the water. I do not recommend soaking the broccoli seeds for longer than 6 hours. It may happen that they then tend to become rotten.

Grow broccoli sprouts yourself in a sprouter

The sprouter (also sprouting tower) is the best way to grow a lot of sprouts, taking up little space in the kitchen.

The purchase is always worth it when you have really acquired a taste for it. It facilitates your sprout cultivation many times over, because the seeds always have the perfect microclimate. They need it warm and humid to sprout. They must not dry out in any case, but they must not have it too wet either.

That's why it's worth getting yourself a sprouting jar for sprouts. The lids have holes through which air comes. Also, the jars are fixed in a rack, so that the water can drain off.

You only have to buy the glasses once and you can use them forever. I've been using mine for 5 years.

Set of 2 germination jars
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In these jars you can watch the progress of lentils, beans, cress, broccoli and mung beans really nice and cheer along :)

Once you have your germinator ready, you are ready to go.

You can easily grow broccoli sprouts:

  1. Soak the seeds in lukewarm water. They should be in the water for at least 6 hours. The easiest way is overnight.
  2. Off with it in a germination tray. The seeds should not be too close together. 1.5 tablespoons per germination tray is enough.
  3. Place the germination tray in a dark place. Broccoli seeds are dark germinators. They must not get any light.
  4. Water the broccoli sprouts at least 2x a day and renew the water regularly. They prefer temperatures around 20 °.
  5. When the first cotyledons appear, which should be about day 4, place them in a bright, but not too warm place. Please do not put them in the sun!
  6. After 4-5 days, your broccoli sprout growing project will be complete. Meal! :)

If you keep them growing, it's called microgreens. From the 6th to 12th day they look a little like cress. Spray the seedlings with cold water 2x a day.

Grow broccoli sprouts yourself in a germination jar

The alternative to a germinator is a germinating jar. This is a normal jar with a special lid. The lid is usually made of plastic and has small holes. So you can pour off excess water.

  1. Soak the seeds in the jar for 6 hours.
  2. Pour off the water and leave the sprouts in the dark.
  3. At least 2x a day you need to fill new water, water the sprouts 2-3 minutes and then pour off the water again. After 2 days the sprouts tolerate a little brightness. But no sun!
  4. Repeat the process of pouring water away 2x a day for 4 days, then your sprouts will be ready for harvesting.

Broccoli sprouts grow in normal jar

For starters, you don't need to get a jar or a germinator. Even a normal jar does its job.

But you need to be especially careful here that your seedlings don't drown in water.

That is, water 2x a day and rinse with well. Drain the water is a little complicated, but easily doable for a first try.

For the first test, I used a small glass jar and left the lid ajar but not closed.

Broccoli sprouts grow in jar

Help my broccoli greens moldy

In the first few days you will notice white fuzz on the seeds. These are fibrous roots, from which later form real roots. Many people think that this is mold and abandon the project of growing broccoli sprouts. The sprouts end up in the trash.

Please don't do that! The white fur is not mold. These are the later roots of the plant.

Just rinse the seedlings with fresh water and make sure they have enough water. But do not leave them in the water. Mold is rather unlikely.

How do I store broccoli sprouts?

You can store sprouts and shoots at 4 to 8° C in the vegetable compartment or vegetable zone. Since they are mostly water, broccoli sprouts are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. At low temperatures they stop growing and can be kept in the refrigerator for a week.

However, it is healthiest if you eat them directly. So wash them off briefly and then eat them immediately.

Therefore, I do not grow a whole lot of sprouts in one go, but leave 3-4 days between each culture. As soon as a jar is harvested, I put on a new one. So I always have more than enough sprouts in stock.

How to eat broccoli sprouts?

The best way to enjoy broccoli sprouts is raw and fresh. This preserves the valuable ingredients of the sprouts and germ buds. Many vitamins are lost during cooking.

Broccoli sprouts go well with salads, soups, raw costs, steamed vegetables, in smoothies, on pasta and rice. But even a simple sandwich with sprouts and vegetables can taste really delicious. Actually, they harmonize with pretty much everything.

Now is the time. You can eat your sprouts. But what do they go with anyway? Good question. The sprouts taste slightly like cabbage and a little spicy. You can imagine it something like cress.

If your stomach is very sensitive to cabbage, it could do the same to sprouts. It's best to blanch the sprouts very briefly, then they are more digestible.

How often to eat broccoli sprouts?

You can eat 1 to 3 teaspoons of fresh broccoli sprouts daily. As always, when it comes to nutrition, variety is key. So combine the little vitamin bombs a little differently each time to get the most out of your healthy diet.

Pull and eat broccoli sprouts

Why are broccoli sprouts so healthy?

In broccoli sprouts you can find the minerals iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and sodium. As well as vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, C and provitamin A. All these nutrients make broccoli sprouts healthy. They have anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer effects. Sulforaphane is known for its anti-cancer effect.

When chewing the broccoli sprouts, the mustard oils are released. The pungency is said to fight infections and help against inflammatory diseases.

The vegetable is interesting because of the mustard oil sulforaphane and its precursor glucoraphanin. The mustard oil is present in all types of cabbage, but nowhere is the concentration as high as in broccoli sprouts. Sulforaphane has a strong detoxifying and antioxidant effect, says a study by the University of Heidelberg.

No matter which sprouts you want to grow: They are all healthy. The germination process allows us to absorb the valuable ingredients. If you just eat the seeds, that is, without sprouting, there is little point.

Only through germination, the seeds become soft and easily digestible.

The water activates the enzymes of the seeds and starts their metabolism. They begin to produce vitamins, secondary plant compounds and nutrients. The seed begins to grow.

In the early 1990s, the positive properties of sprouts and sprouting seeds came into focus. Today, broccoli extracts are in many nutritional supplements and are celebrated in research as cancer protection. At the latest now broccoli sprouts pull is really hip.

Especially in the cool and cold season, when we quickly get sick, sprout cultivation is worthwhile.

Why are broccoli sprouts spicy?

Even if you would not assume it at first glance: Broccoli is very closely related to arugula, mustard, radish, horseradish and cress.

The small green sprouts are pumped full of mustard oils. This makes them pleasantly spicy when eaten and gives rolls, salads and soups a spicy hot note.

The sulfur compound sulforaphane is particularly valuable. In the sprouts is 100x as much as in finished broccoli. So remember: growing broccoli sprouts provides you with a lot of nutrients. There is much more in the sprouts than in full-grown vegetables.

But broccoli sprouts also contain many minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals.

Why are broccoli sprouts spicy

Our conclusion

Growing broccoli sprouts is really quite simple. For a first test you can use a normal jar. Once you've acquired a taste for sprouts, it's worth buying a sprouter or sprouting jar. Now I have sprouts almost every day on my bread, salad and in almost all dishes. Tastes mega delicious and is very healthy!

Good luck with your sprout cultivation!

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