Feeding for beautiful nails and strong hair: 21 Power Beauty Foods

beautiful nails strong hair

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You can get strong, beautiful nails and thicker hair simply by eating right. These are the best foods for nails and hair.

Especially in winter, fingernails and hair are often brittle. Expensive shampoos promise improvement.

But often this is not the case. You spend a lot of money - but beautiful nails and hair are a long time coming.

There are also many supplements that strengthen your nails and hair.

But even through a normal and healthy diet you can do something for your skin, hair and nails.

Our nails are formed by keratin. They grow below the base of your nail - in the cuticle.

If your nails are healthy, they will grow smoothly, without ridges and discoloration.

When you should rely on nutritional supplements

For your body to "produce" hair and beautiful nails, it needs certain nutrients. If the nutrients are missing, your nails and hair will become brittle, fragile and dry. The skin becomes impure, sallow and looks gray.

If you are affected by this, you need to change a diet. However, it may take some time before you see an improvement. The body must first compensate for the glaring deficiency before it can build up a nutrient store from which skin, hair and nails can benefit.

That's why it's worth taking natural supplements for a month. In it you will find the nutrients in concentrated form. Your body can absorb them immediately.

Look for high bioavailability and natural ingredients. I take 2x per year this Biotin gummy bears* on.

Biotin gummy bears
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They contain a mix of nutrients and vitamins for skin, hair and nails.

But of course you can also do a few additional things when eating. Now you can find out what should be on your menu especially often.

What are the best foods for strong nails

Your nails are brittle, lackluster, cracked and tear even at little things? Then you should eat these delicious foods more often.

Blueberries for beautiful nails

They are not only super delicious, but also healthy. Blueberries contain many antioxidants that protect your body from free radicals.

Those who cannot fight off free radicals have a high stress level, which affects all body cells. Beautiful nails and strong hair are then history.

Blueberries are one of the most antioxidant-rich fruits, along with nuts, apples and millet.

Tomatoes for shiny nails

Strong hair beautiful nails food tomato
And not cooked, but raw. Because in tomatoes is biotin and lycopene.

Thanks to lycopene your nails will be healthy, thick and not brittle. A little extra: if you eat a lot of tomatoes, you help your nails to keep their shine.

Almonds strengthen nails

They are not only an important and healthy source of protein. Almonds also contain magnesium. It nourishes hair and nails and makes them strong.

Magnesium is nature's anti-stress killer. Stress, by the way, is one of the most common causes of hair loss. There is a lot of magnesium in soybeans, cocoa beans, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds.

Sweet potatoes boost growth

Make sweet potato fries yourself

If you want beautiful nails, you should put sweet potatoes on your menu. And do it regularly.

They are rich in beta-carotene. Our body converts it into vitamin A and thus ensures that the cell growth of the nails is boosted.

Milk against brittle nails

A lot of research is still being done in this area. But one thing has already been established: There is a connection between vitamin D deficiency and hair loss.

We need calcium for strong hair and beautiful nails. To absorb calcium, you need vitamin D.

Did you know that 90 % of adults suffer from vitamin D deficiency in winter? You can find out with a simple blood test.

Water for the nail shine

Here we are again with the old topic :) Your body needs enough liquid.

Only in this way can hair and nails shine healthily.

If you can't manage to drink water, include plenty of juicy fruits and vegetables in your diet. And soups also hydrate our bodies.

Green beans for beautiful nails

strong hair beautiful nails green beans

The main component of green beans is silicon. Our body needs it to strengthen the nails.

Ripe bananas for strong nails

Wait until the skin of the banana is really nice and yellow. Because ripe bananas are a good source of zinc and also silicic acid.

Together with vitamin B6, your nails will become really strong.

However, eating very ripe bananas is not everyone's cup of tea. I don't like it that much either. But bananas do wonderfully in pancakes and cookies. Give it a try!

Carrots against dry nails

Strong hair beautiful nails carrots

Raw carrots contain a lot of vitamin A. It prevents nails from becoming dry and brittle.

Nibble on a carrot in between. This makes not only beautiful nails, but is also good for the figure :)

Broccoli for more iron

Iron is another important component for healthy nails. Iron helps build red blood cells. They increase the oxygen content in the tissues.

Iron deficiency is actually the most common cause of brittle and cracked nails.

How to make your hair more beautiful through nutrition

Did you know that you can tell how you're eating by looking at your hair itself? Similar to a drug test, nutrient deficiencies can also be detected in hair samples.

Lenses: Power for hair and nails

They may be small and somewhat inconspicuous, but they are incredibly valuable to our bodies.

Legumes provide our body with protein and biotin. Our body needs protein for the production of keratin. Biotin is important for protein metabolism.

You have no idea what you should prepare from lentils? How about lentil dal, a veggie stew with lentils, lentil bolognese or lentil salad in a jar? Check out our recipes!

How red meat helps against thin hair

You should treat yourself to a juicy steak in between meals. Besides a lot of protein, there is another important substance in the piece of meat that is responsible for beautiful nails and strong hair: iron.

Those who suffer from iron deficiency often have thin hair. That doesn't mean you should eat red meat every day. Because that would be anything but healthy. Red meat contains a lot of saturated fats.

Too much of it is associated with heart disease, cancer and also diabetes. But you should eat 1x per week.

If you have had brittle nails and hair for a while, you can have your iron levels checked during a blood draw.

As a woman, you should have your iron balance checked every year. Due to menstruation, we need a lot of iron every month. You don't have to go to the doctor for an iron test. You can also do it at home. There are now a whole range of self-tests.

The Iron self-test from Cerascreen helps you to measure the concentration in the blood. To do this, take a few drops of blood from your fingertip. Use the enclosed envelope to send the sample to a laboratory, where it is analyzed.

You can read the result on the website within 2 days. In addition, you get a list of foods that contain a lot of iron and helpful tips for your everyday life.

Spinach for strong hair

Food strong hair beautiful nails spinach

It may not be everyone's favorite vegetable. But it provides a lot of beta-carotene, folic acid and vitamin C.

This ensures strong hair and healthy nails. If you are not quite convinced taste, then you can just always stir a small amount of it under food. Then you also do not taste it :)

Whey protein in smoothie

Your hair needs protein to produce keratin. They need it to grow nice and strong. If you don't eat enough protein, you put the growth of your hair on pause.

Try adding a spoonful of Whey Protein to your smoothie. Small plus: Whey protein helps you to curb your appetite and to be full longer.

Beer for beautiful hair

Yes, you heard right :) There is a lot of silicon in beer. It ensures that our scalp is supplied with blood.

This in turn causes our hair to grow better.

Even 10 milligrams of silicon a day strengthen the hair. But that doesn't mean you should drink beer every day. But a sip of beer here and there can not harm the silicon level.

Oysters for a portion of zinc

You can find a lot of zinc in oysters. Our body needs it to function smoothly. One serving of oysters contains 74 grams of zinc - much more than any other food.

You don't feel like eating oysters every day? Understandable, hardly anyone can afford that. Try beef and poultry instead.

Zinc is very important for both skin, hair and nails.

Pumpkin seeds makes hair strong

The small green seeds contain a lot of zinc. Zinc is indispensable for beautiful nails.

It strengthens our immune system and promotes protein production in the body.

A handful of pumpkin seeds will make your nails and hair strong because you'll be getting plenty of magnesium as well as zinc.

Eggs against thin hair

They are a good source of protein and contain many vitamins. Among them vitamin B7 - also called biotin.

It plays a major role in the formation of keratin. Those who have brittle nails and thin hair often suffer from biotin deficiency.

2.5 milligrams of biotin daily ensure beautiful nails and hair. You can hardly get that much from food. You'd have to eat 300 eggs to get it.

Brazil nuts for hair growth

In a study it was proven that rats with selenium deficiency have only sparse hair growth. 6-8 Brazil nuts per day cover your daily needs.

Salmon for well-groomed skin

The fish is a good source of protein and biotin.

You'll also find omega 3 fatty acids in it, which reduce inflammation in the body and nourish your skin.

And don't forget: Your scalp also benefits from it. Omega 3 also makes beautiful nails.

Walnuts against dull hair

They contain a lot of omega 3 and are a good source of biotin and vitamin E.

If our body does not get enough biotin, our hair becomes dull, matt and brittle.

Our conclusion

Health is delicious! Simply incorporate these 21 foods for beautiful nails and strong hair into your diet. The important thing is that you focus on variety. Nutrient-rich foods liven up everyday life, make eating more fun and provide us with necessary energy.

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