Vitamins for the eyes: See better!

Strengthen vision

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You want to keep the perspective? No problem! A healthy diet and various vitamins for the eyes ensure good vision in the long term.

Our eyes have to do a lot during the day. Especially if you spend the whole day in front of the PC. But our eyes are also exposed to wind, sun and dust. Only when you go to sleep can your eyes recover.

If your eyesight deteriorates, you can't enjoy the movie at the theater, can't recognize your neighbors properly, or can only read something with difficulty. As a result, you are severely limited in your everyday life.

To prevent vision problems from occurring or getting worse, you should take the most important nutrients and vitamins for the eyes.

We have picked out all the important vitamins for you.

Vitamins for the eyes

The 9 most important nutrients and vitamins for the eyes

Our eyes also benefit from a healthy diet. Because like all organs, the eyes need an adequate supply of certain nutrients and vitamins to function well.

The vital substances protect the eyes from damage caused, among other things, by too intense light radiation. UV rays in particular promote the formation of free radicals. These attack the blood vessels and damage the sensitive photoreceptors of the retina.

Vitamins for the eyes, intercept radicals in the eye and prevent cell damage.

1. vitamin A for good eyesight

Surely you know the saying "carrots are good for the eyes". And there is some truth to it!

In fact, carrots contain beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. It protects the retina and lens from free radicals.

Vitamins for the eyes

In addition, the vitamin is an important building block of the visual pigment rhodopsin. This is responsible for light-dark vision and the differentiation of gray tones.

Without sufficient vitamin A, not enough eye pigment is formed. A deficiency becomes noticeable through night blindness or as visual impairment.

The vitamin for the eyes is also found in spinach, broccoli, apricots and fish.

Tip: Vitamin A belongs to the fat-soluble vitamins and should therefore always be consumed with some fat or oil. Only then can the body properly absorb the vitamin.

2. B vitamins for the eyes

B6, B12 and folic acid - These vitamins for the eyes play a major role in prevention. They can slow down the loss of vision in macular degeneration.

Macular degeneration is a disease of the retina that appears age-related. Affected persons can only perceive objects in a blurred way.

Legumes, nuts, meat and whole grains contain the B vitamins.

3. vitamin C strengthens the eyes

Vitamin C protects the eye from oxidative stress and cell damage. It intercepts the radicals that are created by sunlight. In addition, the vitamin strengthens the fine blood vessels in the eye.

Citrus fruits, soft fruits, bell peppers, collard greens, spinach and peppers are particularly rich in vitamin C.

4. vitamin E keeps your eyes healthy

This vitamin for the eyes has the similar function as vitamin C. It protects the eyes from radicals and thus also from cell damage. In addition, vitamin E strengthens the immune system.

You can find vitamin E in vegetable oils, nuts, grains and soy.

5. anthocyanins protect your eyes

Anthocyanins are plant substances found in eggplants, elderberries, black currants and dark grapes. They protect and strengthen the blood vessels in the eye.

6. lutein and zeaxanthin are vitamins for the eyes

The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin ensure healthy eyes.

Lutein has a special protective function for the point of sharpest vision. The point is called the yellow spot. The carotenoids also intercept free radicals before they can damage the photoreceptors.

Lutein is found in kale, spinach and parsley. Zeaxanthin is mainly in corn and green beans.

7. omega-3 fatty acids for eye health

The fatty acids can also reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Drying of the eyes is also prevented. Omega 3 foods are salmon, herring, sardine, mackerel, nuts, seeds and linseed oil.

See well

8. selenium protects the retina

Selenium is one of the trace elements and is involved in a variety of processes in your body.

Among other things, it supports the work of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. If the enzyme is impaired, cell damage occurs. Therefore, it is particularly important to cover the need for selenium.

Good selenium suppliers are nuts, seafood, fish, meat and eggs.

9. zinc prevents cataracts

Our body cannot produce the mineral itself. However, it is extremely important for our eyes. To avoid a zinc deficiency, you must cover your daily needs with zinc-containing foods. A deficiency can promote the development of cataracts.

Legumes, whole grains, red meat, walnuts, mushrooms and cheese provide you with the mineral.

What are the causes of declining eyesight

With increasing age, the eyes change. The lens loses flexibility and can no longer "focus" sufficiently. The muscles for close-up and television viewing, which stretch and compress the lens, tire.

Often, however, it is also medication, vitamin A deficiency or hormonal disorders that impair vision.

Smoke, dust and dry office air tear up the tear film. VDU work and tension in everyday life dry out the eye.

Strengthen vision

Another cause of declining vision is poor blood flow to the retina. The retina is the most perfused organ of the body. In case of poor blood circulation, malnutrition occurs and then his vision disorder appears.

Smoking, high blood sugar levels, obesity, lack of exercise and UV light all promote poor circulation.

How to do good for your eyes

A healthy diet and vitamins for the eyes form the foundation for good eyesight. However, our eyes perform quite a lot and are therefore also spoiled sometimes.

Lots of exercise in the fresh air is particularly good for them. This promotes blood circulation. Sufficient sleep and relaxation is just as important. Because who is relaxed and rested, also sees more relaxed :)

Healthy eyes

Eye yoga or Kneipp eye baths and neck wraps with arnica, rosemary and thyme also have a relaxing effect. If you read a lot, make sure you have good lighting. Otherwise your eyes will be strained.

Tip: Try the eye massager from Skandas. It makes your eyes really relax. You can buy it on Amazon.

Our conclusion

A balanced diet, with vitamins for the eyes and rest in everyday life can prevent eye problems and vision problems. But it is not only good for the eyes, but for our whole body and well-being.

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