11 cups of anti-inflammatory tea you need to know about

Anti-inflammatory tea with coconut oil and turmeric

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kanaDu Anti-inflammatory tea helps you with headaches, muscle aches, colds and much more. Here you will find the ultimate recipe for a cup of anti-inflammatory tea.

Inflammations are not to be trifled with. They can permanently weaken the body and make us more susceptible to diseases. You don't always have to resort to medication right away; sometimes home remedies are enough.

A good example of this is the right choice of tea ingredients. They can prevent inflammation or reduce existing ones.

While inflammation generally helps your body heal wounds, tissue damage, or infections more quickly naturally and eliminate pathogens, it is not the only way to heal.

In the long term, however, inflammation can lead to serious diseases.

So if you want to stay healthy and fit for a long time, you should try to avoid them as much as possible. Here you can use a anti-inflammatory tea help

How does inflammation develop in the body?

Inflammation is not a disease. Rather, inflammation is the typical reaction of the body to influences such as diseases, injuries or viruses that trigger tissue or cell damage.

Through inflammation, the body tries to prevent the worst.

The most common causes of inflammation are pathogens, foreign bodies that have entered the body, extreme temperatures, chemicals or dead tissue parts that are treated as foreign bodies and, in autoimmune diseases, even the body's own cells.

If such a cause occurs, the immune cells are alerted by messenger substances known as mediators.

These include histamines, cytokines and prostaglandins. These messenger substances then also cause the typical symptoms of inflammation.

These include

  • Pain,
  • a strong reddening of the affected part of the body,
  • Tissue swelling,
  • Chills,
  • Fatigue and headaches
  • and often also functional disorders in the affected areas.

Histamine causes the small blood vessels to dilate, resulting in increased blood flow to the affected area. This causes the affected tissue to blush. Histamine also increases the permeability of the blood vessels, which causes itching.

Prostaglandins are responsible for the development of pain and, by acting on blood vessels, are responsible for the severe hyperthermia.

Cytokines are responsible for alerting immune cells. They also coordinate the activity of the immune cells. Due to the greater permeability of the vessels, white blood cells (leukocytes) and blood plasma reach the affected area directly.

There is a strong protein fluid accumulation, which is responsible for the swelling. The body tries to destroy the affected areas and eliminate pathogens.

When the leukocytes have done their work, they die. Thus, pus formation occurs in the area of inflammation. After the triggers of the inflammation have been destroyed, the healing process begins.

The body remodels the tissue areas that have been killed, it is replaced. However, if the affected area is too large, the body cannot accomplish this task without help.

This results in the formation of scar tissue that no longer has any function. This can cause further pain under certain circumstances.

However, inflammation can also be triggered by ongoing stress. As you can see, inflammation is a very broad term.

What are the most common inflammatory diseases?

Inflammation does not necessarily have to be caused by pathogens and viruses.

In some diseases, some of which are already more severe, inflammation counts as a serious symptom.

Conversely, it is equally possible that one of the following diseases is first triggered by a simple inflammation. These diseases include

  • Cancer
  • Asthma
  • Heart disease
  • Alzheimer
  • Tuberculosis
  • Periodontitis
  • Gastric ulcers
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Crohn's disease
  • Active hepatitis
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • and others.

You can support your body with natural means to get the inflammation under control. A lot depends on our eating habits. If you manage to eat healthy, you will be doing your body a great favor.

I can recommend the cookbook Secret Inflammations to you. You will find 70 simple but very healthy recipes that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The cookbook against inflammation
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The book was written by the nutritionist Silvia Bürkle. She explains in the guidebook very simply and with many examples how nutrition affects our body and which foods are good for it.

Why is tea anti-inflammatory?

Tea is rich in secondary plant compounds - above all polyphenols. These include flavonoids, phenolic acid and anthocyanins. Polyphenols occur naturally in plants, where we can perceive them as color or flavor compounds. They help plants to protect themselves from the sun or predators.

But they not only protect plants from harmful environmental influences, but have a similar effect in our body.

Polyphenols have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect and can regulate blood pressure, writes the German Federal Center for Nutrition (BzfE) on its website. And that's exactly what we benefit from when we pour ourselves a cup of it.

The active ingredients in the tea acts through two mechanisms

  • Reduction of pro-inflammatory signal substances in the body
  • Neutaslation of free radicals

When does anti-inflammatory tea help and when do I have to take tablets?

Anti-inflammatory tea is natural and organic. It has a supportive effect and for mild inflammatory symptoms. It has no side effects, unless you are allergic to one of the herbs.

Whether natural remedies are enough depends on the severity of your discomfort. Tea is a time-tested home remedy that can fight a whole range of inflammations in the body. The reason for this is the tannins (polyphenols) it contains. They have antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

However, we recommend the anti-inflammatory in tea form as a home remedy only for mild symptoms. In case of severe symptoms, we advise you to consult your family doctor, who can offer you better help against inflammation.

You can then take the tea in addition. They have a supportive effect, but in no way replace a doctor.

How much tea do I need to drink?

With home remedies, one cup of tea doesn't make a more noticeable difference. You need to reach for herbs and tea supplements regularly if you want to feel a change. Most teas only develop their effect when the body is regularly supplied with the ingredients.

Drink at least 2 cups every day to notice an effect.

Anti-inflammatory tea: the best ingredients

Especially ginger and camomile inhibit inflammation in the body. Ginger can be consumed as a tea or sautéed with vegetables; the gingerol it contains has an anti-inflammatory effect and protects the cells. Chamomile is traditionally consumed as a tea.

When choosing and buying herbs and ingredients for teas against inflammation, there are some criteria that you should consider.

Important for a healthy, natural basis is to rely on products from guaranteed biological Cultivation to pay attention. Here, not only nature and the environment was protected, but also the organic products offer a better and more natural taste.

Besides you take no toxins by pesticides or artificial fertilizers. You should also pay attention to quality and freshness.

Of course, the best and healthiest way is to grow your own anti-inflammatories or buy them at the health food store. Basically, you can mix the following ingredients as you like.

However, do not use more than two for a tea, as they may interfere with each other's effects. Herbs and plants with high anti-inflammatory effect include:

  • Chamomile
  • Sage
  • Kukuma
  • Ginger
  • Matcha
  • Green tea
  • Dandelion
  • Black tea
  • Echinacea
  • Rosehip

Likewise honey and Cinnamon*.

Chamomile as an anti-inflammatory tea

The flowers of camlle have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. They are also soothing and can help relax, which can speed up healing in case of illness. In case of sore throat, chamomile tea can be used additionally for inhalation.

The Chamomile is extremely versatile and probably one of the most popular medicinal plants. Originally, chamomile comes from Asia. However, it is completely undemanding and grows almost everywhere. The flowering time of chamomile is between May and June. According to experts, the optimal harvest time is three to a maximum of five days after flowering.

Anti-inflammatory tea

Chamomile contains different essential oils, which work well against inflammation.

In addition, it also has a decongestant, digestive, disinfectant effect and is the right choice for problems with the stomach and intestines. It is used not only as a tea, but also for baths and rinses, in ointments or creams.

  • Gastritis
  • Abdominal pain
  • Sinusitis
  • Colds
  • Inflammation of the mouth and throat

Sage as an anti-inflammatory tea

Anti-inflammatory tea from sage is particularly effective. Also the Sage offers a very versatile effectiveness.

For example, it is used for inflammation of the mucous membranes or irritable stomach syndrome and helps against excessive perspiration, especially sweaty feet and night sweats.

In addition, sage is effective against fungi, viruses and bacteria, it is antiperspirant and anti-inflammatory.

Responsible for this wide field of action are several essential oils that are in harmony to fight inflammation.

None of these oils is dominant, there is an even interplay. Sage can even kill germs. You can use the herb not only as a tea, it is also chewed, made into ointments and creams or cough syrup.

Sage is used for

  • Inflammation of the mouth and throat
  • Sore throat

Turmeric as an anti-inflammatory

Turmeric, also known as turmeric or Indian saffron is strongly antioxidant and therefore anti-inflammatory.

The plant itself originates from the areas of Southeast Asia, but mainly India, where it has been known for over 5,000 years as a medicinal plant for inflammation and other ailments.

Turmeric comes from the ginger plant family. The plant itself grows about a meter high, but interesting, as with ginger itself, is the root. The root tubers are dried and then pulverized.

Anti-inflammatory tea: turmeric

The turmeric powder can be prepared and enjoyed as an anti-inflammatory tea. The most important ingredient of turmeric is curcumin, which is also used in the food industry as a coloring agent and flavor carrier.

However, the active ingredient curcumin has other special powers through which its own physical health can be restored and promoted.

Thus, curcumin not only has anti-inflammatory, but also analgesic and anti-cancer effects.

In addition, it helps remove heavy metals from the body, while inhibiting bone loss. Thus, turmeric is the miracle cure for almost all ailments.

Turmeric relieves pain from

  • Arthrosis (joint wear)
  • chronic inflammatory bowel diseases

Honey as a natural anti-inflammatory

An anti-inflammatory tea without honey could be a miss, as Honey works very well. Swelling, increased temperatures and local pain can be relieved by honey.

In addition, the natural product promotes the growth of so-called fibroblasts, i.e. certain cells in the connective tissue. As a result, wounds heal more evenly and scarring is reduced.

In addition, honey has an antiseptic effect and is therefore also used as a wound dressing.

Cinnamon in anti-inflammatory tea

Cinnamon* is one of the oldest spices in the world. It is obtained Cinnamon* made from the dried bark of the branches of the tropical cinnamon tree.

There are two varieties Cinnamon*, the CassiaCinnamon* and Ceylon cinnamon, the first of which comes from China and is known as adulterated cinnamon. The Ceylon cinnamon is not only used for baked apples or gingerbread at Christmas, it can also be used to make delicious anti-inflammatory tea.

Cinnamon essential oils have not only anti-inflammatory, but also antiseptic, blood pressure and circulation regulating and relaxing effect on the intestinal muscles.

Anti-inflammatory tea with ginger

Ginger consists of well over 160 different ingredients, including a large number of pungent substances and special essential oils.

The root helps digestion, is antibiotic, antiseptic and immunostimulant. Against colds and nausea can be well fought with ginger.

Anti-inflammatory tea: ginger

For an anti-inflammatory tea made from ginger, the root should be thinly sliced or grated. If it is organic ginger, the peel may be used, if not, it should be peeled.

Then pour boiling tea water over it and let it steep for ten to 20 minutes. For a milder taste, we recommend adding one to two teaspoons of honey, which has an additional anti-inflammatory effect.

That is why we have also included ginger in our Syrup against colds packed. Tastes incredibly delicious and helps even against stubborn running noses.

Ginger provides relief from

  • Inflammation of the mouth and throat
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Skin inflammations

Matcha as an anti-inflammatory

Matcha is Japanese green tea,which has been ground to a fine powder. The powder is characterized by an intense green hue and a sweetish or slightly tart taste.

Matcha is considered a pick-me-up and health-promoting, which was already known in early Japan. In addition, Matcha, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect against Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

Matcha has its price, but we can assure you it's worth it. Matcha tastes good even to most people who are not green tea lovers, thanks to its special flavor. If you don't like it with water, make your own simply a matcha latte :)

Green tea is anti-inflammatory

Green tea is considered one of the best means of promoting and maintaining health. Anti-inflammatory tea from one of the countless varieties of green tea has been proven to treat over 60 diseases.

Even for those that are not inflammation-related. Among other things, green tea has a detoxifying, antiviral, antibacterial, immune-boosting, deacidifying, digestive effect and has been proven to help against tooth decay.

Green tea is used for these inflammations:

  • chronic intestinal inflammation
  • Arthritis (joint wear and tear)

Dandelion is a natural anti-inflammatory

If you thought dandelions were weeds or decorations, you were wrong. The daisy is one of the healthiest meadow plants.

Dandelion, in addition to teas, can also be used for summer salads. It has a diuretic and appetizing effect, is antispasmodic and boosts metabolism.

We recommend that you make a tea from the roots, as they are more substantial than the leaves. First you should let the root dry, then you can powder it or cut it into slices.

Then steep three to four teaspoons in a cup of hot water for five to ten minutes. But also as a salad dandelion has a very healthy effect on our body.

Black tea as an anti-inflammatory tea

For the production of black tea, the leaves of amellia sinensis are used. Unlike green tea, black tea has less tannins. Nevertheless, it is considered to have a strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Black tea is often used when someone has inflamed skin. However, you do not drink the tea, but make a poultice out of it.

Here's how you do it:

  • Fill a cup with hot water
  • Let the tea bag steep in it for 10 minutes
  • Pour away the first infusion, it contains too many tannins
  • Make a second infusion
  • Soak a cloth in tea and apply it to the affected skin area for 10 minutes


If you suffer from inflammation caused by infection, echinacea is the right choice for you. The purple coneflower targets pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Drink the tea if you suffer from colds and coughs, because in a study the effect of the plant on rhinoviruses (responsible for colds) has been proven.

It is one of the teas with the highest antioxidant content.


Rose hips are considered a popular home remedy for inflammation . The red fruits of the rose are full of polyphenols, vitamin C, pro-vitamin A and vitamin E.

They have been used for many generations as an anti-inflammatory. Rosehip powder is particularly effective in the joints, which is why it is often dissolved in hot water and drunk for rheumatism (joint inflammation).

Recipe for the ultimate anti-inflammatory tea

The advantage is the variety of active ingredients with minimal amounts of each natural product. This tea also offers a very good taste and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it is an excellent choice for your start of the day.

Tip: Combine tea with some vegetable fat. This allows the body to better absorb the active ingredients.


Anti-inflammatory tea

This is the ultimate anti-inflammatory tea with lots of healthy ingredients you'll be back on your feet fast
3.29 from 7 Reviews


  • 1 cm fresh ginger
  • 1/2 TL Turmeric powder
  • 1 TL Coconut oil
  • 1 Pinch Cinnamon
  • 1 TL Honey


  • Bring water to a boil. Stir in all the ingredients. Except the honey.
  • Let the tea cool to drinking temperature and then stir in the honey. If you add the honey too early, it will lose its beneficial properties due to the heat.
  • Drink the tea quickly and preferably with a glass of water.
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Anti-inflammatory tea

If you have high blood pressure or are taking medication to inhibit blood clotting, check with your doctor first.

Our conclusion

You now know a lot about anti-inflammatory natural products as an alternative to medications. Anti-inflammatory tea is a better choice for mild symptoms.

In addition, most natural products have a preventive effect against other diseases and help you lose weight or stimulate digestion. However, if you have specific health problems or are taking medications, you should first talk to your doctor about whether you can tolerate the natural and healthy tea.

All the best for you!

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