Are there foods without calories?

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You want to lose weight and wonder if there are foods without calories? Those that you can eat a lot without gaining weight and that even help you lose weight? Then you've come to the right place!

If you want to lose weight or maintain your body weight, you've probably asked yourself whether it's without sport and it actually Foodstuffs that are completely calorie-free are.

Food that you can eat en masse, without even one gram to increase. That sounds almost too good to be true.

But is that even possible? Is there really Food without calories? 🤔

I took a closer look and tell you everything you need to know about very low calorie foods.

I can tell you this much already: There are actually a number of foods that contain so few calories that they hardly weigh a thing. They are often referred to as "zero calorie" or "negative calorie" foods - but beware, this is a little misleading.

Because although these foods Extremely low in calories they still contain small amounts of energy. The trick, however, is that your body burns more calories to digest them than they provide.

In this post, we dive deep into the topic and look at what these foods are, how they benefit your body and how you can incorporate them into your daily diet. We'll also explain how these foods can help you with your Weight loss goals can support.

From crunchy vegetables and juicy fruits to some surprising candidates - I'll show you how to make the most of these superfoods and get that little bit closer to your dream weight. Without having to go hungry all the time or go on unhealthy diets.

Ready to uncover the secret behind zero-calorie foods? Then let's get started and find out how you can integrate them into your everyday life to lose weight healthily and without giving up. 🌿

Which foods contain 0 calories?

The only Food without Calories are water, unsweetened teas and black coffee. You can and should drink a lot - apart from coffee, where, according to studies no more than 4 cups per day be. At least 2 liters of liquid per day. A little more is even better.

Water ensures that all processes in our body can run smoothly and that we eliminate harmful substances. It Stimulates the metabolism which plays a major role in the Slimming plays. It also prevents us from getting hungry again quickly.

But don't despair. Even though there are only liquid foods without calories, I have a few very low calorie Tidbits found for you. 😋🤗

Drink a glass of water before eating and your feeling of fullness will come faster.

Why are there no solid foods without calories?

As soon as you eat something other than liquid, you can't get by without calories. Solid foods without Calories there is simply not.


In order for you to have something to bite into when eating, the food needs a solid component. With low-calorie food, these are usually vegetable fibers.

These fibers always contain Dietary fibereven if the plant itself consists mainly of water. If the water content is higher than 93 %, it can be classified as a food without calories. Incidentally, experts also speak of calorie-free foodstuffs, if they are per 100 grams less than 30 calories included. ☝️

And then there are the treats that our body is so hungry for. plenty of energy for digestion that you almost burn them off during the meal.

Delicious Food without caloriesthat you should eat regularly:

  • Cucumber
  • Watermelon
  • Zucchini
  • Green salad
  • Vegetable broth
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Radish
  • Mushrooms

Across the board, these are therefore Vegetables. Fruit such as berries, strawberries or watermelon is also very low in calories, but due to its higher fructose content, fruit does not make it into the ranking.

But let's look at it in detail now. I'll also share a few recipes and give you tips on the easiest way to incorporate the foods into your diet.

The right low-calorie diet with We Go Fit

Before we look at which foods have very few to no calories, I would like to share our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan introduce.

You can use it to create your own personal nutrition plan. It is tailored precisely to you, your needs, goals and preferences. Do you want to lose weight? Gain muscle mass or simply eat healthier?

If you tell us your goal, we will create a plan that provides you with healthy and balanced recipes every day.

And the best thing? It is no A mass product, but really a plan that suits you perfectly and is tailored to you. We have a huge database of recipes for you that are varied, delicious and healthy.

👉If you are interested, then take a look at our We Go Fit nutrition plan!

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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Top 23 foods with very few calories

These foods only contain Very few calories. Nevertheless, they fill your belly wonderfully. At the same time, you take in important vitamins and minerals with every bite. Me strongly advise against 0 diets! 🙅‍♀️

If you want to be low in calories at your meals, eating the right foods actually makes that work out quite easily.

Many plant-based foods contain few calories because they are used for largely from water consist of. As a result, they are usually low in fat and carbohydrates.

According to experts, these foods should be classified as calorie-free (i.e. less than 30 kcal per 100 g):

  1. Vegetable broth
  2. Konjac noodles
  3. Cucumber
  4. Chinese cabbage
  5. Leaf salads
  6. Radish
  7. Mushrooms
  8. Zucchini
  9. Asparagus
  10. Tomato
  11. Sauerkraut
  12. Chicory
  13. Pointed cabbage
  14. Celery stalk
  15. Spinach
  16. Paprika
  17. Fennel
  18. Eggplant
  19. Carrot
  20. Savoy cabbage
  21. Kohlrabi
  22. Cauliflower
  23. Arugula

1. vegetable broth

100 ml Vegetable stock contains 4 calories

Start every meal with a vegetable broth. This way you take in a lot of liquid and the worst hunger is already satisfied. You will eat less and the liquid will stimulate digestion and metabolism.

A recipe for an extra low-calorie broth you can find here.

Ingredients such as zucchini, broccoli or kohlrabi help you to eat low-calorie and still get full. Seasoned with fresh herbs.

2. konjac noodles

100 gram Konjac noodles contain 8 calories

If you can't keep your hands off pasta but want to do something good for your figure, you should reach for konjac noodles (also spelled konjac noodles).

They are gluten-free, low-calorie and alkaline. This makes them suitable for any weight loss program. In Japan, this noodle alternative has been known for a long time. Here, they are slowly finding their way into supermarkets.

The noodles are made from the root of the Konjac plant (devil's root). You can simply replace conventional pasta 1:1 with it.

Konjac noodles are one of the foods with 0 calories because our body can not digest can. So you eat it and excrete it again. In between, the pasta fills you up for a long time because it swells in the stomach.

In Southeast Asia, konjac root in the form of flour is the basis of many dishes.

How many calories your dish actually contains depends very much on the sauce you use! If you want to keep it low in calories, use a Homemade tomato sauce with herbs or a vegetable sauce.

The calorie-free "jellyfish" (a jellyfish) also comes from Japan. It is served cooked, the white meat is quite firm and is said to taste delicious. Jellyfish is often combined with wakame (seaweed) and a little soy sauce. All three dishes are virtually calorie-free.

So it's worth thinking outside the box and taking a look at Japanese cuisine.

3. cucumber

100 gram Cucumber included 12 calories

Food without calories - cucumbers

If you are looking for food without calories, you will inevitably stumble upon the cucumber.

Among all the common foods you can buy in the supermarket, cucumber is at the top of foods with 0 calories.

Cut the cucumber in the salad, prepare soup from it, snack or cut it into pieces and spread with herb curd.

If you find it difficult to drink enough, you should bite into a cucumber more often. It consists of 96 % water. It also scores with vitamins A, B1 and C and as an ingredient in still water.

4. Chinese cabbage

100 gram Contains Chinese cabbage 12 calories

From Chinese cabbage you can prepare delicious salad and soup. But you can also simply cut it into strips, use as a soup garnish, stew and snack.

You will find a lot of vitamin C, B vitamins and folic acid. In 100 grams you will find 25 mg of vitamin C, which is already a quarter of the recommended daily intake.

It consists of 94 % water and may land quiet often on your menu.

5. leaf lettuce and lamb's lettuce

100 gram Leaf lettuce included 14 calories

Food without calories - lettuce

Since I got into the habit of eating a salad with every meal, I can't imagine eating anything else. Such a salad can be a real treat with fresh vegetables.

The only thing to be careful about is the dressing. Use vinegar and oil, not ready-made dressings, to save calories. If you want to go completely low-calorie, just use a little cooled vegetable broth instead of vinegar and oil.

Leaf lettuce fills the belly and in a very low-calorie way. It consists of 90 % of water and should be on the table every day. You can combine it with many other vegetables.

So from now on, soup and salad belong on your menu every day. If you implement these two tips, you will have already saved a good amount of calories.

6. radish

100 gram Radishes have 15 calories

Radishes are still completely underestimated. They are usually more of a decoration on the plate. But you should trust them to play a leading role.

You can Radishes in a delicious dip or soup, or simply snack on them with a piece of wholemeal bread. They also do well in salads.

In the small red crunchy balls you will find vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. And the minerals iron, calcium and potassium.

They are particularly healthy when they are spicy. That's because the mustard oils boost our immune system. You're most likely to have luck with spiciness if you buy the red balls at the farmers' market.

7. mushrooms

100 gram Mushrooms contain 15 calories

In mushrooms are many important vitamins and minerals. With a water content of 91 %, they should not be missing in the lean kitchen.

You can fry them, turn them into sauce, make soup, add them to casseroles and stews, and more.

8. zucchini

100 gram Zucchini contain 17 calories

I love zucchini. The vegetable is so incredibly versatile.

From soup, salad, side dish, sauce to cake, zucchinis can be transformed into pretty much any dish. And the good thing about them is that they are very low in calories and have hardly any flavor of their own.

Because of their high water content, they come to just 17 calories.

That's why they should be on every menu. Click through the We Go Wild recipes. We've already prepared a whole lot from zucchinis.

9. asparagus

100 gram Asparagus included 18 calories

Once the asparagus season starts, many people can't be stopped. They peel, slice and cook for all they're worth. And that's a good thing. Asparagus is very low in calories.

You can cover a third of your daily folic acid requirement with just 100 grams. Also Antioxidants you'll find plenty of them.

However, asparagus can only help you lose weight if you don't serve it with calorie bombs like high-fat sauces. Try Asparagus salad with strawberries or soup.

10. tomato

100 gram Tomatoes contain 18 calories

Yes, I confess: tomatoes are above pretty much everything for me. In the past few years I have started to use them even grow yourself on the balcony.

Quite unconsciously, I also do something good for my figure with it. I prepare salads, soups and sauces from it.

They are an essential part of healthy and varied cuisine. The antioxidant lycopene gives the fruit its red color, lowers our cholesterol levels and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammations in the body.

11. sauerkraut

100 gram Contain sauerkraut 19 calories

Sauerkraut as a low calorie food

You don't like sauerkraut? Eat it anyway between meals. Your intestinal flora will thank you. It loves Fermented vegetables namely about everything.

Sauerkraut is formed when white cabbage ferments. During this process, probiotic lactic acid bacteria multiply and gave the cabbage its typical sour taste.

These are the very bacteria that support your gastrointestinal flora.

The fermented white cabbage contains so much vitamin C that it can even replace fruit.

The typical winter vegetable contains 0 grams of fat. However, it does not have a good reputation as a slimming product. This is mainly due to the hearty side dishes such as bacon, sausage, etc. However, sauerkraut can also be used to prepare a delicious Szeged goulash and save many calories.

12. chicory

100 gram Have chicory 20 calories

Have you ever eaten the bitter salad? Even if you're not a fan of bitter foods, you should definitely give it a chance.

Your intestinal flora is particularly happy about a load of fresh chicory.

If your food without calories or with only a few kcal does something good for your stomach, then you do your entire health a big favor. Many diseases start when our gastrointestinal flora is not in balance.

If you want to give it a try, I recommend Chicory orange salad.

13. pointed cabbage

100 gram have 20 calories

Did you know that cabbage was the poor man's food par excellence for a very long time? Fortunately, however, it is making a comeback.

Unlike regular white cabbage, the pointed variety is more digestible and does not bloat the stomach.

You'll find quite a bit of vitamin C in it.

Look here, Lisa was on a diet: "What the cabbage soup diet really does: My experience!

14. celery

100 gram Contain celery 21 calories

Celery juice as food without calories

Celery is known mainly from television. Whenever someone is on a diet, the stalk is eaten. It has become the weight loss symbol par excellence.

But you can also turn them into soups, stews or sauces. It's especially delicious as a raw vegetable salad with apple and sour cream.

You should appreciate this vegetable not only because of the few calories, but also because it contains many vitamins. You'll find vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C in it. On top of that, there's a load of calcium and potassium.

Like many other foods without calories, celery provides you with every liquid. By the way, if you want, you can also Prepare juice from it. Tastes mega refreshing!

15. spinach

100 gram Fresh spinach contains 23 calories

Put it in a smoothie, add a few leaves to a salad, prepare a sauce or side dish, turn it into a soup or even lasagna. Just as varied as the little green leaves are, they are just as healthy.

In spinach you will find many nutrients and few calories. It contains a lot of vitamin A and calcium. So if you regularly put spinach on your plate, you will strengthen your bones and do something good for your eyesight.

Super tasty: Vegan spinach pesto with walnuts!

16. paprika

100 gram Contains paprika 23 calories

Red and yellow peppers can be found in many dishes. But no matter which color you choose, the peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges.

In addition, it contains magnesium, potassium and antioxidants. By the way, the green bell pepper has the fewest calories.

By the way, the green and red bell pepper are the same vegetable. The green is simply harvested unripe. Thus, it does not develop sweetness and remains low in calories.

Green peppers taste wonderful on buttered bread, sliced as a snack or on a salad.

17. fennel

100 gram Fennel has 24 calories

I like fennel best when it is cut into strips or cubes and sautéed in a pan with other vegetables. But I don't say no to soup either 😋

In fennel are vitamins A, C, E, K, folic acid and beta carotene. Also potassium, calcium, manganese and magnesium.

Did you know that the tuber is almost Twice as much vitamin C as oranges has?

18. eggplant

100 gram Have eggplant 25 calories

Eggplants (melanzani) consist of 93 percent water. This makes them low in calories and healthy at the same time.

By the way, you should definitely eat the peel. It contains vitamins of the B group and vitamin C.

However, you should not eat eggplants raw. The bitter substances are not easily digestible and can irritate the stomach.

19. carrots

100 gram Carrots (about 1 piece) have 25 calories

Carrots most often end up on our plates in soup, in salads or as a side dish. But you can also simply snack on them.

They are known mainly for their orange color. This is due to the beta carotene, which our body converts into vitamin A. And that in turn is mega healthy for the eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

Carrots taste delicious as Soup with ginger and coconut milk!

20. savoy cabbage

100 gram Savoy cabbage included 27 calories

You either love him or hate him. There's rarely anything in between. But if you want to eat healthy and low-calorie, you should give savoy cabbage another chance.

You can use it to make sauce, soup, side dish, roulades or use it as an ingredient in smoothie.

Maybe its ingredients will convince you: vitamin B6, folic acid, calcium, potassium and iron.

21. kohlrabi

100 gram Kohlrabi contain 28 calories

Luckily, my beloved kohlrabi makes the cut. :) I could nibble it every day at work. Simply peel and cut into strips. Already can be merrily nibbled on it.

But you can also cut kohlrabi raw in the salad, stew or fry.

For the healthy diet makes it interesting the high content of calcium and potassium.

22. cauliflower

100 gram Cauliflower contain 28 calories

Fried cauliflower rice vegetarianDid you know that you can make brownies out of cauliflower? That it is a wonderful rice substitute and can even be turned into a pizza dough?

So cauliflower is much more than just a side dish to fill you up. It is increasingly becoming the center of attention. And that's a good thing.

Especially in the low carb cuisine, he has grabbed a fixed place.

23. arugula

100 gram Arugula included 30 calories

Arugula just makes it into the ranking of foods without calories. With 30 calories per 100 grams, the slightly spicy salad is a real treat.

If you find it too spicy, simply mix it with lettuce. This also saves calories again.

You can also add arugula to your smoothie or enjoy it chopped on buttered bread with salt.

With every bite of arugula, you're also getting plenty of vitamin C. As well as iron and potassium.

Which types of fruit count as 0 calorie foods?

The fruit with the fewest calories per 100 grams is watermelon. Watermelon consists of about 90 % of water and contains only about 30 calories per 100 grams. This makes them a very low-calorie and refreshing food for anyone who wants to keep an eye on their calorie intake. 🍉

Other low-calorie fruits are strawberries, lemons and raspberries. However, always bear in mind that the calorie content of fruit can vary depending on how ripe it is. The more fructose the fruit contains, the more calories it hides.

If you want to know more about it, have a look here: "These types of fruit are particularly low in calories!“

How can I save calories?

A low-calorie diet requires thoughtful nutrient choices. The following points should play a role in your food choices:

  • Sugar only in small quantities: Both fat and sugar cause the calorie count of foods to skyrocket rapidly. Suitable alternatives to table sugar are Birch sugar* and Erythritol*.
  • Fiber and waterGood foods contain a lot of fiber and at the same time a lot of water. This increases the volume of your meal and makes you full.
  • Complex carbs and proteins: Your body uses a lot of energy to digest them.

Carbohydrates contain the same amount of calories as proteins. So why are sugary foods often considered unhealthy and fattening, while many protein-rich foods are marketed as perfect for dieting?

Sugar is hidden in pretty much all processed foods. It is an effective and very cheap flavor carrier. Protein, on the other hand, does not have such a subtle taste and is therefore rarely added to any food.

Look here: "Changing your diet can be that easy!

Four steps to really save calories

By changing your behavior, you can save calories. It's very simple if you are very conscious about it.

  1. Meal planning: Prepare food in advance for several days, or at least plan exactly what you're going to eat and buy all the ingredients for it. The more planned and structured your approach, the less likely you are to fall into the "What should I cook? There's pizza from the delivery service" trap.
  2. Targeted shopping: And never when you're hungry. If you create a precise meal plan, you prevent spontaneous purchases. If you don't have any calorie bombs at home, you won't be tempted by them.
  3. Take time to eat and cook: We all have stress, but it's worth taking time every day to prepare and eat consciously. Laptop, tablet, TV, smartphone - you need to banish them from the table. Then you can focus on the food, chew slowly and consciously.
  4. Do not snackThe biggest calorie trap is snacks. People eat them in between meals and pay little attention to them. They are usually packed with sugar, unhealthy fats and salt. If you reach for a food without calories instead, you take in a lot of minerals and vitamins at the same time.

Are flavors a good choice to reduce calorie intake?

I keep seeing ads for flavor drops and sprays. The US market in particular is currently flooded with supposedly calorie-free foods - even chocolate dip or peanut butter without calories.

There are Flavor Drops and sprays with bacon, birthday cake and even pizza flavors. Just sprinkle, drip or spray a little on low-calorie foods and you're supposed to feel all-round happy. They are advertised as a convenient way to change the taste of food and drink.

Who wouldn't want a birthday cake-flavored cucumber?

I strongly advise you not to use these additives! 🙅‍♀️☝️

No research has yet been carried out into their effects. They are artificially produced, extremely unnatural and many users report cravings after taking them. Sugar substitutes are often used and are under observation because they are said to have an influence on the Intestinal flora and can change them.

I don't think much of drops for the water either. They are anything but natural and contain additives that are harmful in large quantities. health Risks can represent.

Calorie-free chocolate dips and the like use these flavoring drops to add flavor to a paste made of water and cellulose - sold to us as healthy, calorie-free, but very expensive. Hands off!

All these sprays, drops and drops can affect our natural sense of taste and encourage our preference for unhealthy, processed foods. Some users also report that they were addicted to them and that a conventional apple no longer tasted good.

That should give us food for thought!

Use fresh, natural ingredients instead of artificial flavorings to improve the taste of food. You can, for example Make your own detox waterwhen you add fresh cucumbers, berries and herbs to the water. Or your body deacidify with alkaline drinks such as herbal teas.

Our conclusion

If you only want to eat food without calories, you will most likely stay hungry. Except for water, unsweetened teas and black coffee, nothing will end up on your menu.

When you want to save calories, whether at home or in the officedrink a lot, start every meal with a vegetable broth and treat yourself to a bowl of salad every day.

Enjoy the taste! 😋❤️

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