Burn 300 calories at the office: lose weight at work without sports

Burn 300 calories at work

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Are you well involved from 9 to 5 every day? Do you find it difficult to integrate sport into your daily routine? Find out here how you can still burn up to 300 calories. Without any sport.

Long days at work don't just cause the psyche to suffer. It also our sports program usually falls behind. Totally understandable, who wants to torture themselves into the studio when the couch is calling?

But there are totally great tricks how to make your own During work many Burn calories can. This not only makes us feel fit, but also increases our overall well-being.

Find out how you can easily get fit at work, lose calories and even reduce your stress levels. Without affecting your productivity?

Burn 300 calories: With these 7 tips it works

You don't have to struggle to get to the gym in the morning before work to fit enough exercise into your daily routine. With our 7 tips, it's easy to do while you're at work. And it's even fun. :)

1. move a lot on the way to work

Of course, it's not always possible to walk or bike to work. But even those who use the car or public transport can still integrate some exercise into their daily routine.

Those who use the car park it 2-3 streets away from the office and walk the remaining 500 meters to work. Those who rely on public transportation simply get off 1-2 stops earlier and walk the distance.

2. taking stairs instead of riding elevator helps to burn calories

Great news! You'll never have to squeeze into the much too small elevator with your boss again. From now on, it's all about climbing the stairs. Of course, you'll burn a lot of calories when you go upstairs.

By the way, climbing stairs works your legs and bottom in particular. This means that you train the muscles that tend to be neglected during sedentary work.

Did you know that you can even sit your butt flat in the office? Terrible idea! Here are 5 great exercises to help you flatten your butt. Buttocks sitting train (without anyone noticing ;)

3. drinking coffee stimulates the metabolism

Good news for all passionate coffee drinkers! The caffeine in coffee stimulates the metabolism. Depending on the caffeine content and your body, it can even contain up to 10 %. So it's three times better to walk past the coffee machine in the morning. ?

Of course, it's important that you then rein yourself in a bit with milk, sugar and toppings. After all, these are real calorie bombs. How your coffee becomes a fattener and what you should watch out for? Does coffee have calories? This is how cappuccino, cafe latte and co. make us fat.

4. off to the bar table: simply burn calories

Maybe your office already has the option of working at standing desks. If not, it's time. ? Because sitting all day is not only terribly exhausting, but also unhealthy for our entire body.

standing desk for losing weight without sport

It's especially great if you can alternate between sitting and standing during working hours. The fact that you are constantly on the move means you can burn 150 calories in a day.

Lydia has already tried working at a high table. Here you can find out how she liked it and how she was able to work on it: Standing Desk Experience: The First Week with Standing Desk. 

5. spend lunch break outside

The lunch break is far too good to spend in the canteen. That's why you should definitely take some time to go for a short digestive walk. This helps to reduce stress, boost digestion and burn calories.

The fresh air and daylight are also good for you. Especially in winter, you can refuel your vitamin D storage and boost your immune system properly. So grab your favorite colleague and get out in the air! ?

6. drink enough, helps to burn calories

Did you know that you burn calories just by drinking? Half a liter provides about 26 calories. At 2 liters a day, that's 104 calories! If that's not enough of an incentive to reach for the water glass. ?

drink more water, always cold, strengthen immune system

Staying hydrated is incredibly important for the body to work properly. Drinking enough boosts the immune system, makes you feel fitter and eliminates toxins from the body more quickly. Performance water is too bland?

We have put together the best recipes for delicious water with fruit. Not only does it taste good, it also helps to detoxify. Take a look here: 7 ingenious recipes for homemade detox water.

7. hold meetings while walking

Small discussion groups in particular are ideal for holding meetings while walking. Depending on the size of the office, the meeting can also be moved outside. This stimulates our blood circulation and allows more oxygen to reach the brain.

This ensures that we become more productive and can concentrate better. Moderate exercise also ensures that our heart pumps better and relieves the strain on our back. And of course we burn a few calories during a 30-minute walking meeting! Even up to 140 calories.

Our conclusion

Of course, these tips for burning calories are no substitute for an active lifestyle. But they will help you to keep moving in the office and air out your bum from time to time. They also have a positive effect on our stress levels and our psyche in general. Sounds great, doesn't it? Have fun trying them out!

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