Lose weight without sports - 19 tips with which it works

Lose weight without sports

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Losing weight without exercise - does it really work? We have collected 19 tips that will help you lose weight without a workout.

Can losing weight without exercise work? 5 kilos less in just one week, lose 2 kilos a day - various magazines tempt us with titles like these. However, many people forget that this is unfortunately not possible. And if it is possible, it is at least enormously unhealthy and harms our body.

To do this, you need to know that One kilogram body fat a calorific value of 7000 kilocalories has. So to really get rid of a kilogram of body fat and not just water, you have to put in a lot of effort.

To do this, you can rely on sports or adjust your diet. Ideally, it is a mix of exercise and food.

Sport helps us achieve our weight loss goals faster. But there are also many little tricks that help to lose weight in everyday life. Without a workout.

How does losing weight without exercise work?

It's actually quite simple: if you eat less energy than you consume, you lose weight. The body is then forced to tap into its own energy reserves.

What we all know: If we want to lose weight, we need to exercise. And we have to do it regularly. However, between work, university, household, family, hobbies and friends, it is often anything but easy. By the way, this is also the most common Excuse for sport.

No wonder, at some point we also want to relax and sit back. If only there were not the guilty conscience that constantly tells us: Lose weight without sports does not work!

But losing weight, especially in the beginning, is about burning more calories than you consume. Eating less and boosting the metabolism are at the top of the to-do list. Basically, there are two options. Either you reduce the number of calories you take in or you increase the number of calories you consume.

Lose weight without sports

Short and sweet: Lose weight without sports works out if you stick to certain rules.

Sounds too good to be true? It's not. Really works :)

These are our 19 tips for losing weight without exercise

#1 Keep your hands off sugar

A moment ago, you were enjoying a cake, and the next thing you know, that little everyday sin has landed on your hips. A little candy here, a little sugar in your coffee there, and a croissant in between - it's precisely these little treats that make you despair later on.

If you want to try to lose weight without sports, you have to be very consistent! That is: Hands off sugar!

Lose weight without sports without sugar

It is not only hidden in sweets, chocolate and cakes. Ready meals, ketchup, dressings and the like are also packed with the white sweetener. Go into sugar withdrawal. How this works best, you can read here: "21 days without sugar: A sweet tooth dares the self-test".

#2 Lose weight without exercise only goes without ready meals

Yes, sometimes it really has to go fast. Hunger is great and time is short. If you want to make the kilos fall, you have to be well organized.

You can prepare many dishes, store them in the cellar or refrigerator, or even better freeze them. Especially good for the office are Salad in glass, Lentil fritters or wraps. For this you can Make dressing yourself, Ketchup produce or healthy Instant soup prepare.

You can produce all this in stock. We are busy cooking and always provide you with new recipe ideas. Just look at "Food" and let yourself be inspired.

The problem with Ready meals are sugar, preservatives and colorants. This makes them tasty but also terribly unhealthy.

Your new resolution is therefore: Clean Eating - so cook and prepare yourself. That way you know what you are eating. No more convenience foods!

#3 Griffin to food with a low energy density.

Here you use the effect of the energy deficit. In other words, you consume fewer calories than you burn. This is not so easy when losing weight without sports. Which is why you have to be particularly strict with yourself here.

Lose weight without sports with healthy food

Foods that consist largely of water have a low energy density. Typical examples are a cucumber or a green salad.

#4 Lose weight by chewing well

It may sound logical, but many people do not do this. Any additional chewing helps you lose weight. This is because you eat slower and more thoughtfully when you chew.

This signals to the body when we are full. So if you chew well, you eat less food and are satisfied with small portions. This is how Lose weight without sports :)

By the way, this has also been proven in numerous studies. Among others by the Harbin Medical University in China.

#5 Take the bicycle or walk

Hop on the train or bus for 3 stops? Yes, it's terribly convenient, especially if the stop is in front of your house. But this is where you can burn some calories. Instead, hop on a bike.

You're doing a little sport without actually doing any sport. You're out in the fresh air, you're not late, you don't have to worry about the delicious smell on the train, and you don't have a seatmate who needs to cuddle.

Lose weight without sports

Just a few minutes of cycling or walking will help you burn off calories. You should walk at least 15 minutes every day.

We also leave the elevator and escalators aside. Climbing stairs makes the buttocks crisp, trains the legs and helps to lose weight without sports.

So you have at least a little exercise every day and get the circulation going. And remember: little movement is better than no movement at all!

#6 chores make slim

Tidying up, cleaning, vacuuming, washing windows doesn't sound like the dream leisure activity. But it burns calories. At the same time, you can get rid of annoying tasks.

Replaces the robot vacuum cleaner with a normal vacuum cleaner or broom.

If you put on your favorite song, sing along and dance, you can melt even more calories. At the same time, it's also more fun.

Here are a few numbers for motivation: 15 minutes of cleaning windows burns about 80 calories. Ironing 35 calories and hanging laundry 50 calories.

#7 Eats fat burning foods like chilies

Fat burning without sports works when our body is properly busy. We heat it up! There are a variety of fat burning foods, which give our body a lot of work and thus boost fat metabolism.

Typical examples are fresh pineapple, chili peppers, cabbage or Grapefruit. But also apples, celery stalks or oranges can help us lose kilos.

By the way, from chilies you can make a make great chili oil and with a few drops enhance any food.

Lose weight without sports with chili

The capsaicin in the red peppers boosts heat production in the body. For three quarters of an hour, our body produces up to 25 percent more energy. And it needs a lot of calories to do so. You've probably already felt this on your own body: If you eat spicy food, you'll get really hot.

If chili is too spicy for you, you can use pepper, mustard, radish, garlic or ginger.

#8 Opt for small plates to eat less

Don't let your eyes fool you. And certainly not by plate sizes. This has grown considerably in recent years.

A big disadvantage for our figure. Our eyes play a trick on us here. The bigger the plate, the smaller the portion of food looks. So you automatically grab more food, even though you wouldn't eat it otherwise.

A little trick: healthy meals are served on large plates. And unhealthy food is served on small plates.

#9 Who drinks a lot, loses weight

No, not alcohol. But water. And a lot of it. 2-3 liters should be at least on your plan and that daily.

The human body has a core temperature of 36 to 27° Celsius. To keep it that way, it needs a lot of energy. This is the only way to ensure that the processes in our body run smoothly.

Drinking a lot of cool water forces the body to warm the temperature of what is drunk. This requires a lot of energy.

It is best to drink cool water. It has no calories and can be easily metabolized by the body. However, since this will soon become boring, you can also use Detox water For this you take fresh fruits and vegetables, mix them with herbs and tap water. Yummy :)

Detox water for losing weight without sports

However you do it and which Tricks for drinking water you use, you should come up with the amount. This makes you more alert and the body fitter overall.

You will make eyes for how many Processes of the body water needed. We have imposed a challenge on ourselves and 3 liters of water daily drunk

Tip: A glass of water before eating reduces hunger.

Or you can have tea. But unsweetened. Do not use honey, sugar or other sweeteners. There are pleasant-tasting teas that do not require sweeteners.

There are herbal teas that help detoxify and boost your metabolism. You can also drink tea cold or lukewarm. It always tastes incredibly good. Especially when you can't or don't want to drink water anymore.

#10 Who wants to lose weight without exercise eats from red dishes

Sounds crazy? It is! With this simple trick you can support your weight loss project.

The signal color has a great effect on our brain. Those who serve unhealthy snacks on red dishes eat less.

Tip: You can buy red dishes online at amazon.

There's a study on this, too. The participants of the University of Basel ate fewer pretzels when they were served on red plates. They ate more often on white and blue plates.

#11 Get a standing desk

There is said to be a direct correlation between time spent sitting or lying down and obesity. The less we sit or lie down, the more calories we burn.

So if you want to lose weight without exercising, you should make sure to lie or sit as little as possible.

standing desk for losing weight without sport

And that goes for work, too. Instead of sitting, you can work at a standing desk. This boosts digestion and ensures that you automatically move more.

Tip: I ordered my standing desk from Amazon. 

#12 Treat yourself to a coffee after dinner

Yes, dear coffee junkies, you will certainly be pleased. Losing weight without exercise also works with coffee. The caffeine stimulates the body, promotes fat burning by making fatty acids easier to utilize.

So now we have coffee after the meal. But beware, this delicious hot beverage can also make you fat. You can find out when that is the case here: "This is how café latte, cappuccino and co make us fat".

#13 Who eats protein-rich, can lose weight without exercise

Protein keeps you full longer than foods high in carbohydrates. There are studies that have shown that food with a high protein content can help you feel fuller for longer. Lose weight without sports help

A lot of protein is found in lean meat, milk, fish and eggs. But you can also find a large amount of protein in vegetable protein sources.

Protein prevents your muscles from breaking down. If you do manage to work out, protein will help you build muscle. How about delicious Lentil fritters? A delicious vegan recipe with an extra load of protein.

Red lentils fritters vegan

Protein food has a low calorie density. Chicken, beans, etc. have much fewer calories than rice, for example.

#14 Low carb helps to lose weight

THE trend par excellence. The reduced number of carbohydrates effectively helps against body fat.

However, it is not only the amount of carbohydrates that matters, but also their type. Anyone who excludes bread and the like from their diet, but still reaches for vast quantities of sugar, will of course not be successful in losing weight without exercise.

If you eat a low carb diet, you also cut out sugar and white flour of all kinds. Instead, you nibble a few complex carbohydrates, lots of fiber, legumes, vegetables and fruit.

#15 Good sleep is the prerequisite for losing weight

If you are rested and sleep well, you can accelerate the weight loss process. After all, the body takes the rest time to recover and regenerate.

We get new power and can really step on the gas when awake. The metabolism runs at full speed.

There are studies that say that too little sleep leads to cravings. And basically that we eat more.

Especially in the evening, when the last meal was several hours ago, the hormonal milieu of our body changes. It enables optimal fat burning.

Lose weight without sports with enough sleep

How does it work? The insulin level in the blood is lower due to the lack of nutrient absorption. In turn, the growth hormone (HGH) is increased. And this has positive effects on our fat burning. The release of HGH is highest during deep sleep.

Who does not know this: When we go out, we are hungry around midnight. If we would lie at home in bed, this hunger would not arise. This does not mean that you should no longer go out, but only that you should watch your body a little and plan enough sleep :)

#16 Adds more fiber to the diet

Plant foods are not only healthy and delicious. They are also rich in dietary fiber. The indigestible plant fibers have a special property. Dietary fiber swells in the stomach after eating. especially in combination with water, the stomach is well filled.

This process creates a gel-like consistency. It slows down the breakdown of the nutrients in the food. The stomach stays full for a long time and we feel full.

#17 If you want to lose weight without exercise, you need to eat a lot of greens

Vegetables and fruit, and lots of them! Because we all know that greens are healthy. However, we usually eat far too little of it.

Fruits and vegetables are free from additives, additional sugar. Instead, they are rich in vitamins and important nutrients. Compared to other foods, apples and co. are very low in energy and should therefore not be missing from any menu.

The German Nutrition Society recommends 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. The best way to start your day is with homemade spreads and lots of vegetables. a Curd cheese spread on a wholemeal bread with colorful mixed vegetables is not only incredibly delicious, it also fills you up and is healthy.

curd spread with herbs

If you find it very difficult to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, you can also put them in the Smoothies pack

#18 Hide unhealthy to lose weight without exercise

Out of sight, out of mind. If you have delicious cookies in front of you all the time, you'll automatically reach for them. Ban unhealthy food from your household.

In turn, you put a bowl of fruit on your desk and the living room table. A very simple but effective trick to lose weight without exercise.

#19 Consciously take time for eating

Away with the cell phone! and the TV. How often do we sit in front of the TV or smartphone while we eat? Far too often!

Due to distraction, our brain loses track of what we have eaten. We no longer know what and how much we have shoveled into us.

There is a study of the University of Birminghamwhich states that people who are distracted during meals eat up to 10% more! Also the portion sizes could not be perceived correctly by the brain. The calorie intake per day is thus up to 25% higher than if you take time for eating.

Is losing weight healthy without exercise?

Who is an extreme sports muffle, must now be strong: Our body urgently needs exercise! It is not made to sit and lie down a lot.

So no matter how much stress you have, it's important that you exercise regularly. That gets your body and circulation going. If you have a smoking head from all the work you do, you should know that Sport best against stress helps.

Losing weight without sports is possible, but it takes a long time. Even if you are not a sports fan at all, the important thing is that you start and get started.

So in a nutshell: Losing weight without exercise - really with 0 exercise - is unhealthy! Whether you want to lose weight or not: Exercise is enormously important for the body!

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