Drink more water: 15 tricks that help immediately

Water drinking tricks

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Drink more water - yes, I can't hear it anymore either. But what must be, must be. We'll tell you the best tricks that you don't know yet and should definitely try.

Drink, drink, drink. Yes, I know, it's important. But also really difficult.

I always notice that I haven't drunk enough in the evening: my head hums and aches.

Time to really drink more. I have collected the best water drinking tricks and tried them myself. So: drink water for 5 days - at least 2 liters every day. Let's go! Cheers! :)

What's the point of drinking more water?

Water is vital for our body, as more than half of it consists of water. It serves as a component of all body cells and fluids and is fundamental for metabolic processes, biochemical reactions. Through water, our body controls temperature.

We also need water so that the kidneys can excrete metabolic waste products through the urine. Water is also excreted through digestion, respiration and perspiration.

Depending on body size, weight and exertion, our body needs two and a half to three liters of fluid to function. We take this in through drinking and through our diet. Our body cannot store water.

If you drink too little on a permanent basis, kidney damage and many other physical problems will result.

Good to know: Do not drink only when thirsty!

Even if it seems illogical at first: Don't drink only when you are really thirsty, because then it is already too late. Thirst is your body's own warning signal to alert you to a deficiency. You need to start reaching for the water glass much earlier to prevent thirst from developing in the first place.

Drink more water

How can I get myself to drink more?

Many people find it difficult to drink enough water. If you want to get yourself to drink more, combine hydration with eating. Always drink a glass of water before and after you eat. Eventually, this will become a habit and your body will demand it.

Many people face the problem that pure tap water is too boring for them. It's much easier with a little taste. Cut fruits and vegetables into small pieces. Herbs like mint also taste delicious. This gives you the chance to discover delicious flavors every day. Try it with ginger!

Likewise, cold herbal teas can help you reach for your water glass more often.

For others, tricks like sparkling water work. A little fizz in the water and bland tap water tastes much fresher. You don't have to buy water bottles, just a one-time device that makes your water fizzy.

I have this in use and am very satisfied with it. Read the many good reviews and inform yourself about it if you know the problem "too little drink".

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13 tricks to help you drink more water

There are quite a few tips and tricks to learn to drink more water. In fact, it is a process that must be learned. The body first has to adjust.

You have to find out for yourself which tricks work best. Everyone ticks a little differently - but I'm sure you'll find the right one for you. You have to succeed in integrating fixed rituals into your daily routine. In the beginning you have to remind yourself regularly, then you will automatically succeed in drinking more water.

Drink a glass of water in the morning

Even if you think you haven't sweated much, your body loses water during the night. To ensure that all body processes work, you should compensate for this fluid loss right at the beginning of the day.

A glass of water in the morning boosts circulation and activates the kidneys, which immediately begin to break down harmful substances.

If you struggle with this, trick yourself: Put a glass of water on the nightstand. Before you even get out of bed, drink it all.

Whether it's lunch or dinner, drink a glass of water before every meal. You'll get used to it very quickly. That way, your water consumption always stays nice and constant. In addition, drinking before meals helps you consume fewer calories - so if you want to lose a little weight, you'll benefit from this in particular.

Use water apps to remember

There are apps for everything. Including drinking more water, of course. You can find a myriad of free apps in the app store.

They will remind you to drink when the time comes and show you how much you have drunk in the evening. Set it to remind you every two hours. Many apps let you know how much fluid you've just consumed with just one click.

Additionally, you should find a Water Buddy at work who is having as much trouble as you are. You can now constantly motivate each other. Taking a quick break? Take your glass out to the patio and toast with your buddy.

Use the hair tie trick

Sounds fun, doesn't it? Works great! Suppose you have to drink 10 glasses of water a day.

Give 10 hair ties around your right wrist. Every time you drink a glass, the hair tie changes arms.

Drink 1 glass = hair tie on the left arm. By the end of the day, all hair ties should be on your left wrist. If not, you know what to do.

Keep a drinking list

Apps and hair ties not your cup of tea? If you want to drink more water, you can simply keep a To Do List. Instead of letting an app remind you, scribble 8 glasses on a piece of paper that's clearly in front of you. Whenever a glass is emptied, cross it out.

On the list to consider: For every sip of coffee, add half a glass of water to your drinking list. Coffee dehydrates the body!

Always have water with you

Sounds simple - and it is. Always have a bottle of still water in your purse. For the office, get a pitcher. If you always have liquid within reach, you will automatically drink more. Take a bottle of water with you when you go shopping or for a long walk. There are no excuses then.

Get a bottle for on the road, which you fill up again and again. That way you can always see how much you've drunk.

Values the water

Grab an orange, lemon, nectarine, strawberry, lime or whatever you feel like. Cut the fruit open and put it in tap water. You have a good refreshment with great taste. Ginger and mint are also very tasty.

By the way, particularly well suited are Water jugs with a built-in strainer*. So you can add fruit and herbs to the water and don't have to worry about them ending up in the drinking glass.

I looked around on Amazon and found a Pitcher with built-in strainer* that measures 1.5 liters. Perfect for keeping an overview and drinking a lot.

Look but also times at my delicious detox water recipes over. They are anything but boring and provide a lot of variety in the water glass.

This gadget makes it even easier to taste. This special water bottle uses your sense of smell to fool your body into thinking you're drinking syrup, cola and the like.

air up starter set: water bottle with pods
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The scent in the pods ensures that the brain is tricked. Great invention for all those who, despite many tricks, hardly come up with the necessary amount of water!

Eat vegetables and fruits containing water

There are many fruits and vegetables that are full of water. Cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, oranges are typical examples. Instead of an unhealthy mid-morning snack, just grab a big piece of watermelon. Not only will you be hydrated, but you'll also get plenty of vitamins and minerals.

At lunchtime, a big mixed salad can make sure you stay hydrated. An iced soup cools very well from the inside on hot days.

By the way: When you eat spicy food, you automatically reach for more water. Pepper, mustard, chili - just mix a little of it into your food.

Drink from a straw

You go to the movies and order a medium drink - suddenly you have half a liter of liquid in front of you. Do you know this? Why do you manage to drink so much at the cinema? It's simple: With a straw, you automatically drink more. Try it out!

There are also many drinking bottles that work with this principle. For me, it works just wonderfully.

Drink mineral water

Many people find it helpful to switch from still tap water to mineral water. The bubbles make the water seem less boring and you automatically drink more.

You don't have to lug tons of water bottles to do it. You should have a Buy Soda Stream*, so you can turn tap water into mineral water - without polluting nature with additional plastic and producing a lot of waste.

If you like, you can then add fresh mint, some thyme, basil or rosemary - taste through the herb garden.

Put the herbs in your water pitcher. Add a slice of lemon and you're done. Tastes super refreshing.

With a few delicious syrups you can thanks to the mineral water Make lemonade yourself.

Make your own iced tea or lemonade

I just recently made iced tea myself. Conclusion: Super tasty. Add a tea bag of black tea to the pitcher of hot water. A little honey adds sweetness. Now squeeze a lemon into your tea. Chill for 2 hours and you're done.

You can also make from green tea, fruit tea and herbal teas Make your own iced tea, how, you can read in this blog post.

Refill each glass

You have drunk an empty glass - fill it up again immediately. Before you put it away, take another sip. With this trick, you can easily drink more water without having to make big changes.

Reduce stress

A study on drinking behavior has shown that stress in everyday life causes people to lose sight of their fluid needs and forget to drink. So avoid putting pressure on yourself in your daily life, which leads to neglecting your basic needs.

Use beautiful drinking gadgets

You buy expensive new sportswear as an incentive to motivate yourself to exercise. The same logic can be applied to drinking: treat yourself to a nice carafe, a pretty water glass (perhaps with a print) and/or a new water bottle. Because believe it or not, you'll automatically reach for it more often. The eye also drinks with you!

How much water should you drink in a day?

Drink about 30 to 40 milliliters of water for every kilogram of body weight every day. In other words, if you weigh 60 kg, your daily water intake should be 2.1 liters (1.8 to 2.4 liters). However, in summer and with many activities, your fluid needs increase significantly more.

What drinks are best?

Water is the best drink to quench your thirst and keep you hydrated. It has few calories, is inexpensive and readily available. Unsweetened tea is also calorie-free and an excellent substitute when water gets old quickly.

Diluted juice spritzers are a good alternative for in-between. A glass of juice alone, on the other hand, is a calorie and sugar trap and not suitable for avoiding dehydration.

Drink more water

5 days drinking more water: My experience report

Day 1: Hello water belly

Good morning, dear world. For breakfast, we'll have half a liter of performance water. The first sips are still quite easy. In between, just eat a little and then drink again. It's going great.

When I arrive at the office, the water jug is right next to me. A full glass and a full pitcher want to be emptied by lunch time. It is 11 o'clock. The jug is half full. But I go through with my "drink more water" project. Until the jug is empty, there's nothing to eat. And already it works. :) Unfortunately, the appetite suffers.

Tip: Drink your first liter of water before you think about lunch. If you stay on the ball in the morning, you can already reach half of the day's goal. Then you don't have to have a water belly in the evening.

In the evening, another big glass with dinner and the day is done. My conclusion from day 1: If I don't constantly remind myself to drink, I forget to. Before lunch I have a decent water belly.

Day 2: The pitcher talks to me

I start as I did the day before with a large glass of water. If I can manage the half liter in the morning, I won't have to struggle so much at work. The pitcher is already waiting on my desk. "Drink, drink," he whispers to me. Or am I just imagining it? I hope I'm not going crazy.

This time I am lucky. It has already at 10 o'clock 25 ° C. There one becomes automatically thirsty. Until lunch I manage the jug. In the afternoon, however, it is really difficult this time. Before I go home, a whole glass waits for me. Eyes closed and through.

Day 3: Things are slowly getting easier

Oh no, not water again. On the third day for breakfast, it's already getting pretty monotonous. Filling the pitcher with tap water, I set to work.

Everything works fine. My body is slowly getting used to all the water. I no longer have to go to the bathroom every few minutes.

It's 4 p.m. and I have finished my water quota. I am very proud of myself. I have another small glass of water for dinner and that's it.

But maybe it's also because of the fresh mint that I harvested from the balcony in the morning.

Day 4: Fresh and lively into the day

I notice that I am much more alert than usual. I'm really not a morning person. After my usual glass of water in the morning, I am fit and full of motivation. Again, the water is waiting in the office.

Drinking a lot is already much easier for me today. I automatically reach for the glass every quarter of an hour and take two sips. By lunch time, the jug is empty. The appetite is also there because I didn't have to compulsively drink more water quickly.

Day 5: Pure motivation

Today is the last day. Yay. Full of motivation, I treat myself to the first glass of water before breakfast. By lunch this time, I've even drunk a glass more water than I actually need.

Also in the afternoon the jug empties quickly. In the evening, I feel like going for another big run. After the jog, a quick glass of water and the prescribed amount is done.

My conclusion to drink more water

It's difficult at first. Very difficult. But it gets easier. In the office, I often suffer from headaches and concentration problems, especially in the afternoon. Both of these have now completely disappeared into thin air. My tip: Try it by all means! And don't give up!

Anyone can learn it, you just have to force yourself to be happy.

TipSet clear water goals for yourself. Once you've achieved them, treat yourself to something great. How about a manicure, a relaxing massage, a good meal or a movie at the theater?

Rewards help you to persevere and motivate you even more. Maybe you treat yourself to a nice water jug, a great water bottle or something similar.

Drink more water

My conclusion

Drinking more water is important. Yes, we all know that. I hope you do well with our tips. Just try them all. A different tip will work for everyone. No matter which one you end up using, try to make a routine out of drinking. After the first 5 to 7 days, your body will get used to it and will automatically ask for more fluids.

Have fun trying it out!

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