How to boost your metabolism and lose weight

Stimulate metabolism and lose weight

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Are there really foods that can stimulate the metabolism? And does it really make you fitter and healthier? Can exercise boost metabolism and what are the benefits? We tell you how to rev up your metabolism!

It's really unfair. One friend is constantly eating chocolate, donuts, pizza and spaghetti. She is slim and slender, has no problem to keep her weight. She doesn't even think about it.

And you gain weight just by looking at it. And that even though you're eating really healthy or even on a diet.

What does this have to do with? With the dear metabolism. It can be the key to top athletic performance. Or it can have the complete opposite effect: If the metabolism is set incorrectly, it can also be the source of really stubborn excess weight.

But you don't have to resign yourself to your fate. We'll show you how to boost your metabolism and make it work for you, not against you.

Metabolism diet

What the metabolism is and how it works

Metabolism is also called metabolism. This refers to all biochemical processes of the body that take place in the cells. Thus, metabolism is the basis for all processes in the body.

What we eat is first crushed by our teeth and then sorted in the stomach into what is useful and what is not.

We take in the food, and the body does the rest all by itself. It takes all the important nutrients, minerals, vitamins and trace elements from the food itself.

The metabolism therefore ensures that all our bodily functions keep running. At the same time, it removes waste products and toxins from the body in no time at all.

It is also responsible for the fact that we lose or gain weight and that our body gets the energy it needs.

A healthy liver is a prerequisite for a healthy metabolism. Incidentally, the metabolism is controlled by the hormonal and nervous system.

As you can see, metabolism and weight are very closely related. If you have an active metabolism, you can lose weight more easily.

There are many factors that influence how active the metabolism is:

There are very many factors that affect your metabolic rate.

Age: The older you get, the slower your metabolism becomes. That's why it's much easier to gain weight as you get older.

Your muscle mass: The more muscle you have, the more energy you burn at rest. Men, by the way, naturally have a higher percentage of muscle.

Your height: The bigger you are, the more calories your body consumes.

Your sports activity: Any kind of exercise burns calories. The more exercise you do, the more calories you burn.

And many other factors.

No matter what your prerequisites are, if you want to boost your metabolism, your body needs targeted micronutrients and vital substances. Also omega 3 and vitamins.

For this you can buy special kits and supplements. Like the 21 days Metabolism cure set from VitaCare*. It has particularly good ratings on Amazon and a very good price-performance ratio.

21 days metabolism cure
View at Amazon* Note: This box contains affiliate links (images, titles, buttons). As an Amazon partner, we earn from qualified sales. Read more

The products help you prevent the yo-yo effect and support you in losing weight. How it works exactly, you can read on Amazon. The product page is very detailed and explains the exact process.

7 tips on how to boost your metabolism through nutrition

If you have a sluggish and slow metabolism, your diet will help make it worse.

Most of the time this happens through our subconscious eating habits. You should consider these. Take your time and observe yourself carefully.

Stimulate metabolism: diet for better digestion

It makes a huge difference whether you eat more proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Protein boosts the body's energy metabolism the most. In order to digest protein, the body needs a lot of energy.

You should avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar, such as chocolate, candy, or convenience foods. They slow down the metabolism.

You should also use salt sparingly. It promotes water retention and is suspected of promoting obesity.

What you can eat a lot of are fruits and vegetables of all kinds. When it comes to fruit, you can still make sure to take fruits that do not contain so much fructose and are considered low in calories, such as watermelon.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially with recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

1. eat light and small portions and never starve!

To really rev up your metabolism, avoid heavy meals. Too much fat and meat make you sluggish. You may be familiar with this in the form of the midday slump. The body needs all its energy for digestion. There is no power left for work.

If you eat light and healthy, you won't have a midday slump.

At the same time, you should not eat too little. If you go on a radical diet and eat too few calories, you will not lose weight.

The body then switches to the so-called "hunger mode". It fights for survival and stores a lot of fat for a rainy day. If you eat too few calories, you risk decreasing your metabolic rate. The metabolism becomes sluggish and slow.

Ideally, you don't eat 3 heavy XL portions. Instead, spread healthy snacks throughout the day. Fruits, vegetables, salads, seeds and nuts are ideal.

But beware: nuts have a lot of calories!

2. make sure you have enough vitamins and minerals

Only when our body has enough vitamins and minerals at its disposal can it do its job properly.

If certain minerals are missing, we make life difficult for ourselves.

Especially when digestion is already problematic or very slow, we must pay special attention to healthy food.

The only problem is that our intestines are then often no longer able to absorb the nutrients. It goes on strike.

In such a case, it is worthwhile to take supplements for a while. They replenish your empty stores and bring intestinal health into balance.

3. drink a lot of water

Did you know that we are often not hungry at all, but only thirsty? But our body cannot interpret the signals correctly.

Your new favorite drink should be water. Without carbonic acid. Only with sufficient liquid can our body perform its tasks well.

Boost metabolism with lemon water

Drink a glass before the meal Water with lemon or Apple cider vinegar. This stimulates digestion. Also Ginger tea helps boost metabolism.

In total, per day you should aim for 2 to 3 liters of liquid come. Try it. You will see how much better you will feel.

Only with the help of fluid can our body flush out environmental toxins, metabolic toxins and other harmful substances.

4. make sure you get enough protein

If you want to lose weight or build muscle, you should make sure you have enough protein on your plate.

But the Proteins in food also have other properties that you should keep in mind when you're Stimulate metabolism would like.

For example, protein can boost the metabolism and even very well. Namely by 20-30%. Carbohydrates and fat only manage 3-10%.

5. eat foods that stimulate the metabolism.

In principle, yes. But do not work for every body type Food that supports the metabolism stimulate the same. In very good feed converters, the effect of food on metabolism is less than in others.

Nevertheless, their effect should not be underestimated in any case. The best known fat burners are:

Chilies and cayenne pepper

The hotter the better. The capsaicin in the pods can stimulate digestion and metabolism. The spiciness also reduces appetite. Well then: Don't be too sparing with spicy food. How about homemade chili salt?

Boost metabolism with spicy foods like chili

Coffee and green tea

The caffeine in these two drinks gets our body going at full speed. Of course, only if you do without milk, sugar, cream or honey.

6. fiber for your digestion

If you want to boost your metabolism, you definitely need to eat enough soluble fiber.

The soluble dietary fibers from foods such as pectin, oligofructose, inulin, etc. play a major role in metabolism. They help to eliminate cholesterol and lower blood lipid levels.

Dietary fiber keeps us full for a long time. This is because the soluble substances swell up as they do in the stomach. You can find them in fruits and vegetables. At the same time, this has the positive side effect that fruits provide us with lots of vitamins and few calories.

7. leave the fingers from bought diet shakes

At least, the advertising promises us highly and sacredly that these shakes help you lose weight. But you know what: You don't need that at all. You can simply mix a protein shake yourself.

It contains few calories and satiates thanks to the protein. If you prepare the shake yourself, you know what's really in it. And the biggest plus: it does not taste artificial :)

Protein shake to boost metabolism

For this protein shake, for example, you only need 2 tablespoons of low-fat quark, 1-2 handfuls of berries and milk. Sweet berries like strawberries or raspberries are especially delicious.

How you can stimulate the metabolism with sports

Sport is probably the best way to get the metabolism going. Those who focus on fitness burn energy and build muscle. Since muscles consume more energy when at rest, this increases the basal metabolic rate.

Basically, any exercise is better than none. But in between, you should definitely make sure that you work up a sweat! That's the only way to lose weight.

The great thing about exercise is that you still burn calories afterwards. Even hours later, the metabolism is still elevated.

Endurance sports for an active metabolism

Swimming, cycling or running - you decide. It's best to alternate the sports regularly. That way, the training effect is the highest. To ensure that your endurance training works well, you need to follow a few basic rules.

If you want to start running, you'll be interested in our Running plan for beginners.

Stimulate metabolism with endurance sports running

Variety determines your success

Sometimes cycling, sometimes swimming, sometimes running fast, sometimes slow - make sure you have enough variety. This will prevent you from getting bored and your metabolism from getting used to it. Don't forget to take breaks. Always take a day off between one training day and the next.

Challenge your body

Yes, running the same route at the same time every day is quite pleasant. But the effect on your body wears off. It gets used to it. Your plan to boost your metabolism will not work. Grab your training gear 2-3 times a week and let's go!

Strength training stimulates the metabolism

Strength training of any kind helps you build muscle. And muscle burns more calories than body fat.

Don't worry, you don't have to look like a bodybuilder! Even simple bodyweight exercises for Abdomen legs buttocks or other muscle groups like the Thigh help you get the metabolism going.

If this is too little for you, you should visit our HIIT Workout drop by. This allows you to burn a lot of calories in a short time. It is terribly exhausting, but at the same time very effective.

Tips stimulate metabolism in everyday life

Even in everyday life you can do many small things that help the metabolism on the jump. The first will surely make you especially happy now :)

Move as much as possible

This is not purely related to sports. But purely to everyday life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk or ride a bike.

Switch from a normal sitting desk to a standing desk. This way you move automatically and burn calories.

When talking on the cell phone, it is a good idea to walk in a circle. Or start a round around the block during the lunch break.

When you're moving a lot, your body needs to burn more calories consistently. It will learn to use the available food better.

Good sleep increases the metabolic rate

Too little sleep not only makes you tired and grumpy, but also sick in the long run. Too little sleep is very bad for your health and can slow down your metabolism. If you sleep too little, you even increase the risk of gaining weight.

stimulate metabolism with sufficient sleep

For all those who often sleep badly, this is certainly frightening now: A 5 week study found that persistent sleep disturbances and irregular sleep schedules slow metabolic rate by up to 8% on average.

You see: The possibilities are there. You just have to implement them :)

Why doesn't my girlfriend gain weight and I do?

She eats constantly, always has something sweet with her and always loads her plate extra full at the buffet. Yet your friend is not gaining weight. Why is that?

The faster your metabolism is, the more calories the body needs. That's why some people can eat much more without gaining weight than others. Your friend has a brisk and not very effective metabolism. It is very difficult for her to gain weight.

It's biological that some people just gain weight faster than others. Every person is different. Just as different as our characters are our abilities to filter energy from food and digest it. Only 10 to 20 percent of all people are really good metabolizers.

Those who are good metabolizers have a great advantage in extreme situations. If there is a shortage of food, it is more likely that these people will be able to survive.

If you're among the remaining 80 to 90 percent, you'd better have food with you at all times. Because this part of the population is more at risk of starvation.

Fortunately, we don't have famine anymore. We have food in abundance everywhere. The problem that results: Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.

The metabolic rate

How fast and active your metabolism works is measured by the metabolic rate or metabolic rate.

This is the amount of calories you burn in a defined period of time. Or in other words: your calorie consumption. And this Calorie consumption we can increase, if we use the Stimulate metabolism.

The metabolic rate can be divided into 4 categories:

The basal metabolic rate (the basal metabolic rate). This is the metabolic rate when you are resting or sleeping. Or in other words, the minimum amount of energy your body needs to maintain important functions. Like: body heat, breathing, heartbeat or brain.

The thermal effect of performance. These are the calories that you consume consciously while the training burn.

The thermal effect of food: this is the energy that your body needs to Metabolize food to be able to. Because for digestion the body consumes calories. Some foods are harder to digest. Like whole grain products or protein - that's why we feel full for a long time.

The sport-independent thermogenesis. These are the calories we consume in everyday life. Mostly these are subconscious movements like standing up, moving our arms, standing, walking or simply stretching at work.

Stimulate metabolism with diet and exercise

The body types and their metabolism

Whether you are a woman or a man, you can basically distinguish between three body types. Very often, however, people cannot be assigned to a single type. There are mostly mixed forms.

The ectomorph type

Women who belong to this body type have a rather lanky figure with long arms and legs. Hands, feet, shoulders, face and hips are usually narrow. The chest flat and the forehead high.

Due to their fast metabolism, ectomorph body types have a low fat and muscle percentage. It is very difficult for this type to build up mass. This is because their metabolism works very fast. The body can hardly absorb energy from food into muscles and fat.

If you are the ectomorph type, you need to eat a lot and enough. Especially a lot of protein. Your energy stores are empty again very quickly.

Stars and starlets who are ectomorphs: Kate Bosworth, Lena Meyer-Landrut.

The endomorphic type

For us women, the endomorphic type stands out for its pear shape and typically feminine curves. Women who are endomorphic type have a lot of bust, wide hips and round buttocks.

The muscles are not particularly well defined. The body fat percentage is higher compared to other types.

The endomorphic type has narrow shoulders and wrists. The face is roundish. Arms, legs and neck are rather short.

This body type builds muscle quickly. But at least as fast fat. This is due to a slow metabolism that quickly stores energy from food into fat and muscle. If you recognize yourself in this body type, you will have a hard time keeping the balance between body fat and muscle.

Stars and starlets who are endomorphs: Kate Winslet and Barbara Schöneberger.

The mesomorphic type

Those who belong to this body type build up muscle mass very quickly. Accordingly, the physique is also athletic.

Mesomorphic types often tend to have a strong upper body, strong shoulders. The waist and hips, on the other hand, tend to be narrow. Hands and feet usually turn out a little larger.

Women with this body type have little body fat. However, in contrast to the ectomorph types, their muscles are stronger and defined.

Without enough exercise and a healthy diet, they quickly put on body fat on the belly and hips.

It's not as complicated as you might think. Metabolism can be boosted in several ways.

On the one hand, of course, about diet and exercise, and on the other hand, with a few tricks in everyday life.

Our conclusion

If you have your Stimulate metabolism you'll just have to put up with a few Changes in your habits tackle. Eat healthy and exercise as much as possible. Avoid convenience foods and eat plenty of fresh foods like fruits and vegetables.

The mix of exercise and diet will result in boosting your metabolism.

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