Here's how you can boost your fat metabolism!

Boost fat metabolism

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You want to boost your fat metabolism, but don't know how? With these tricks your metabolism comes to peak performance!

What is the saying? The summer figure is made in winter! When you get your fat metabolism going, those pesky fat cells melt away like ice in the sun.

You've probably been there: you work out, reduce your calorie intake, and lose weight fast - at first!

Then it comes to a standstill, even though you continue to exercise diligently. At least that's what I found out for myself the other day.

So that I can feast on ice cream sundaes in the summer without a guilty conscience, I took a closer look at the human metabolism and especially the process of fat loss. One thing is certain, the metabolism and our summer figure are directly related.

So it's time to boost our metabolism!

I'm going to explain to you exactly how fat loss works and what makes breaking down body fat so difficult.

And most importantly, I'll tell you simple tricks to boost your fat metabolism while working out and lose fat more effectively and in the long run.

How fat loss works and what happens

In order for you to understand how fat loss works, you first need to know what happens in your body during metabolism.

The term metabolism describes all biochemical processes in the body. This includes the uptake, transport and conversion of nutrients as well as the release of waste products.

Metabolism is therefore fundamentally important for our survival, as every cell in the body must be supplied with nutrients.

And it forms the basis for fat loss.

To break down fat, your cells first need energy anyway, i.e. calories. As a rule, you take in energy through meals. You supply your body with proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Through the digestive process, these nutrients are broken down into smaller units and transported to the cells. Your body now gains energy.

The body first draws on the energy you provide it with food.

If this energy, the kilocalories, is exhausted, the body uses its own fat cells. Through certain processes, fat is split and energy is now obtained from the resulting fatty acids.

So to lose fat, you need to go into a calorie deficit. That means you need to take in fewer calories than you consume so that your body taps into the fat reserves you already have.

By the way, one gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories. To lose one kilogram of body fat, you need to get rid of 9,000 calories.

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What makes it hard to lose body fat

Now, if you think that you can just give up calories to drive fat loss, you're sadly mistaken.

If your body gets the signal of not getting enough food, it actually slows down your metabolism! The metabolism is shut down and this hinders the fat burning processes. Worst Case! Plus, your muscle mass will be degraded. This is even worse because muscle is the largest metabolic organ and drives fat loss.

In short, if you want to boost your fat metabolism, you can't go hungry. You must raise and lower the amount of calories gradually. This way, your body can better adapt to the new circumstances and doesn't shut down.

A large difference in calorie intake will definitely lead you to lose body fat in the first moment. In the long term, however, the process stagnates. I had to experience this myself. Frustrating stagnation.

Your body will quickly adapt to the low calorie level. There will not be much more in terms of weight loss after 3 weeks.

But you can trick the metabolism, the creature of habit! I'll tell you a simple method: Instead of eating 2000 kilocalories every day, you can only eat 2000 kcal on the first two days, 2200 on the next two and then only 1800.

Swish, your metabolism is confused and you benefit from it. I recommend a moderate calorie deficit of 200 calories.

So, the approach "train more, eat less" does not help you at all. Eating sensibly is the motto!

Boost fat metabolism

How to boost your fat metabolism while working out

Speaking of training, this of course also plays a role when it comes to metabolism and burning fat. Because physical activity stimulates the burning of energy and thus our metabolism. You build muscles that consume lots of calories.

When you exercise, the body gets its energy from two nutrients and reserves: fats and carbohydrates. Depending on how intensively you exercise, the percentages of the two energy sources differ.

If you put less strain on your body, you take in more oxygen during your workout. Thus, more fats and less carbohydrates are burned (aerobic metabolism).

When you are under higher stress, you take in less oxygen, then more carbohydrates and less fat are burned (anaerobic metabolism).

This is due to the fact that fatty acids are also broken down by oxygen. This then melts your fat pads. How well fat burning works depends essentially on your oxygen supply.

Unfortunately, there is no training that really relies exclusively on the fat reserves. Intensive training with an aerobic metabolism is optimal, as higher loads always burn more fat than low loads.

In order for you to train so aerobically, you should raise your load limit.

It's possible! According to one study, beginners were able to train at a load intensity of 50 percent, while trained athletes burned the most fat at an intensity of even 65 percent of maximum power. Your oxygen uptake capacity can therefore be improved and fat loss can be boosted.

Why the combination of strength and endurance training leads to the goal

It's all in the mix. As I have only had to realize myself, our body is a little creature of habit.

Always the same workout leads to the metabolism shutting down, because our body quickly gets used to linear training. But since we need an active metabolism for fat loss, it means to bring variety into the training plan!

Boost fat metabolism with strength training

As you already know, the muscles are the largest metabolic organ. This means that the more muscle mass you build through strength training, the more metabolism takes place. Even when you rest! Your so-called basal metabolic rate increases.

After an intensive strength training also the afterburn effect takes effect. Your metabolism is active even after the training and reduces body fat! Strength training is a great way to lose weight, with you can lose weight quickly.

Tip: Try to train especially your large muscle groups, this consumes more calories. By the way, the butt muscle is a very large muscle. Include it in your strength training. Crack butt and fat loss in one, can it get any better?

Boost fat metabolism with endurance training

By endurance training you improve the aerobic metabolism. Endurance training according to the extensive interval method with long-term intervals (5-9 minutes load, 6-12 repetitions, 2-3 minutes rest), can increase the number of mitochondria.

Mitochondria are also known as the power plants of the cells and form ATP (adenosine triphosphate). All muscles and organs in our body use these molecules as an energy supplier.

The more mitochondria in your body, the more ATP is produced. This is perfect if you want to speed up your fat metabolism.

In short, the combination of strength and endurance training gives you a great basis to accelerate fat loss. The training is especially effective if you do the strength and endurance training on different days. This way you can easily reach your goal.

Improve fat metabolism while running

5 boosters that accelerate your fat loss

You can also boost your fat metabolism with a balanced lifestyle and an adapted diet. With these simple tricks you get the extra boost that accelerate your fat metabolism.

A good start to the day

The right start to the day not only lifts your spirits, but also your metabolism. An energy boost in the morning really gets your metabolism going. A bowl of porridge can be just the thing.

Activate metabolism = drink plenty of water

Super simple: drink lots of water. Your metabolism works far more effectively when the water content in your body is right.

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends drinking 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Cold water is particularly recommended, as your body has to expend extra energy to heat the water to body temperature.

If you get bored of water, you can also make yourself a delicious tea. Green tea not only tastes super good, but also helps convert fat into fatty acids.

I like to drink a glass of water before my meals (about 30 minutes) so that I get full faster and thus eat less.

Take in protein to boost fat metabolism

You already know that your muscles are very important for fat loss. So it's not a big surprise that a sufficient protein intake is accordingly important for fast weight loss. After all, proteins are very important for your muscle building.

Another plus: Protein-rich foods in the morning prevent cravings that set you back throughout the day.

Hot, hotter, metabolism - (chili)

You like it spicy? Very good! Now all chili friends get their culinary money's worth. According to a study published in the Biophysical Journal, chilies can strengthen the autonomic nervous system and boost the metabolism. Responsible for this is capsaicin, an active ingredient that gives red chilies their spiciness.

Boost fat metabolism with good sleep

Our dreams come true: While we sleep comfortably, our metabolism really gets going and the fat metabolism is boosted. (Boost fat metabolism). So good sleep does something good for the body. Quality sleep means deep, coherent sleep in the first 3 hours of the night.

While you sleep, your muscles regenerate and hormones like leptin and ghrelin are released. They regulate hunger and satiety.

A study by the Swedish University of Uppsala shows that lack of sleep can make you fat, because lack of sleep can lead to increased production of the appetite stimulant ghrelin.

Poor sleep can also cause blood sugar levels to rise, which increases insulin resistance and can ultimately lead to diabetes.

So take your well-deserved breaks and dream while your body works for you.

No-go's if you want to lose body fat

With many things, you intuitively know that they do not contribute to weight loss and fat metabolism. I would like to summarize a few points for you.

  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Irregular meals
  • Drink too little water
  • Fast Food
  • Too little movement

Our conclusion

Fat pads are annoying. They annoy me, they annoy you. Luckily, we now know how effective, fast and long-term fat loss can work. Stick to our tips: Varied workouts, enough sleep and the right food. Then it's no longer "the summer figure is made in winter" for you, because you already have a hot beach figure in the cold winter and bring every snowman to melt - just like your fat cells. Have fun!

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