What is the best way to lose weight?

Stimulate metabolism and lose weight

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What is the best way to lose weight? Here you'll learn how to lose weight in the long term and in a healthy way, how to get rid of that annoying belly fat and how to keep your waistline trim. This is your strategy for weight loss!

Lightning diets sprout from the ground like flowers in spring. Fast diets are popular now ubiquitous everywhere.

No wonder - with the first rays of sunshine also comes the desire to finally lie down in the sun again. And to wear the new bikini. The bikini figure must come.

And what's the first thing that comes to mind when we think of summer? Lose weight.

One tries the cabbage soup diet, another a 1000 calorie diet and yet another eats only fruits and vegetables.

The women's magazines and journals are outdoing each other again with headlines like: "Lose 5 kg in 5 days" or "Lose 2 kg overnight". You can't get past these headlines.

But do diets really do anything? We say no!

And we all know that quite well. Because every woman has already one or the other diet behind her. At the end you have invested a lot of time, constantly hungry and you are dissatisfied with yourself, with his life and somehow the whole world.

The simple and only true answer to the question: "What is the best way to lose weight?" is: long-term dietary changes and exercise.

This is only half as fun and takes a while, but this way of losing weight is the healthiest.

Why diets are a waste of time

No matter which nutrition experts and trainers you ask. All agree on one thing: Diets are completely pointless.

The idea of eating nothing for a few days, or eating on one side and then being slim, is still firmly entrenched in people's minds.

Who would like to reduce weight, never has success with a fast Diät. The project is already condemned to the failure before the start, knows nourishing advisor and Personal Coach Martin Caesar from Munich.

The biggest mistake is dieting for a few weeks and then falling back into old patterns. So too little exercise and very unhealthy food. To have done the diet at all was a waste of time.

Why diets are so harmful

They force us to do without that is not only very difficult, but also anything but fun for the body.

Very often diets are one-sided. That is, you eat only certain foods for a certain period of time and do without others completely.

Let's take the cabbage soup diet as an example. 1-2 days this diet is perfectly fine. But then: ravenous appetite, fatigue, bad mood and vitamin deficiency. I tried it myself - never again! Here is my test report: "The cabbage soup diet in the test".

What is the best way to lose weight?

Strict prohibitions do not make sense. They make us much more crazy and harm the motivation.

Weight loss of more than 1 kg per week is unhealthy. Those who lose so much weight so quickly are not melting their fat. The only thing that is reduced is water retention and valuable muscle. Because body fat can not be melted so quickly.

And what follows the diet we all know: the yoyo effect.

Notice: Diets always bring short-term success. Only those who rethink their diet and turn their lives around a little will stay slim and fit in the long term.

What diet has to do with losing weight

Did you know that 70% of your weight loss success depends on your diet? If you train mega much, but eat wrong, you will hardly have success. The influence of nutrition on your weight is even more intense if you don't work out.

In both cases, you need a plan. Because if you don't have a plan, you will quickly lose sight of your goal. Especially then the danger is great that you fall back into old behavior patterns and the kilos do not fall.

Because we know how difficult varied and healthy food is, we have the We Go Fit Nutrition Plan created. It will help you achieve your goals.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially with recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

What is the best way to lose weight?

If you're determined, you need a good plan. But you should get down to business right at the start. That means no half-hearted flash diets.

Because with this form of weight reduction you will gain a lot of weight again in the long or even short term.

Much better: consider the reduction of weight as a long-term project. This project consists of two parts: Diet and exercise.

Did you know that already from the age of 20 the basal metabolic rate decreases? The body is fully grown and needs less food. Nevertheless, we always give it more than less. The result: we gain weight.

What is the best way to lose weight? Sport and diet? Only sports? Only diet? These are all good and valid questions. Basically there are three ways to lose weight. In all three cases, the goal is to reduce calories. Which form is best for you, you must ultimately decide for yourself:

  1. Reduce calories and lose weight by: Exercising more while eating the same as before
  2. Reduce calories and lose weight through: very healthy diet and without sport 
  3. Reduce calories and lose weight through a combination of healthy eating and exercise

Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages. If you choose option 1 and maintain the diet 1:1, you have to exercise a lot. If you are completely off with your diet (e.g. too much fat, sugar, etc.), even simple fitness exercises will be very difficult.

Kilos can fall even without sports. Nevertheless, the variant of sport and diet is the best and healthiest way to reduce kilos in the long term.

Because lack of exercise is very unhealthy. Too little movement has many effects on the entire body.

Step 1 in the question: "What is the best way to lose weight?" is a change of the entire lifestyle. So the eating habits and exercise, which is very likely to fall short. Right?

Can I lose weight specifically in problem areas?

No. Unfortunately, that is not possible. Even if many would like to talk you into it. An example: It is often said that you can lose weight with sit ups on the stomach. The problem with this is that it strengthens the muscles. But the fat does not disappear.

If you have belly fat, you have too much body fat all over your body. The fat is then deposited only on the abdomen. So in order to lose weight in problem areas, the fat must fall all over the body. Only then will the muscles become visible.

And for this to work, only sport and a healthy diet will help.

Our "Belly off training plan" is designed for just that. You'll find plenty of healthy recipes and the most effective abdominal exercises that will tone your belly.

Lose weight by changing your diet

We start with nutrition. Do you actually know what you eat all day? Try to remember what you ate today and yesterday. Do not leave out anything.

The first step is to realize that the excess pounds are self-inflicted.

This happens when we eat more calories than we consume over a long period of time. The body stores the excess energy in the form of fat deposits.

What is the best way to lose weight? The cabbage soup diet in the test

Over time, hip fat, belly fat, etc. grow. Once they are there, it is not so easy to get rid of them. Because it takes a lot of discipline.

Our Tip: Write down a few days exactly what you eat and when.

There are a few clear rules about how a healthy diet has to look like and how not. We give you a brief overview here.

The choice of the right food

Here you should pay particular attention to the energy density. That is, the calories per 100 grams.

You can replace many foods with high energy density with those with Less calories Replace. Like high-fat salami with low-fat turkey ham. We have prepared an example of a healthy breakfast for you. And show you what should not end up on the breakfast table.

This is what goes on the breakfast table:

  • Wholemeal bread or Low carb bread
  • Yogurt, milk, Quark spreads
  • Nuts
  • Eggs
  • Fresh fruit, vegetables, sprouts
  • Lean ham
  • Oatmeal and muesli without sugar eg in the form of Overnight Oats
  • Water, black coffee and unsweetened tea

Cross that off your breakfast list:

  • Household sugar in any form (jams, chocolate creams, spreads with sugar, cornflakes, in tea and coffee ...)
  • Croissants and other white flour products such as toast and bread
  • Purchased juices
  • High fat sausage
  • Ready fruit yogurts

Attention for snacks

If you eat a good, balanced breakfast, you will most likely not need a snack in the morning. If you do, think carefully: Are you just hungry or are you really hungry?

Because we can't tell the difference most of the time. Of course, the chocolate smiles at us when it is in sight.

Our Tip: Get rid of unhealthy foods. Ban chocolate, potato chips and the like from your household or at least from your field of vision.

Especially in the office, we tend to have snacks between meals when we're stressed. But it is precisely these snacks that make us fat. Because without controlling exactly how much we eat, we stuff ourselves with snacks.

That's a very bad idea. And after that, there's a sumptuous lunch. And what follows is a really bad midday slump.

At least as important as a regular sleep rhythm is a regular eating rhythm.

When hunger does strike, think carefully about what you've eaten for breakfast. Always reach for whole grains and muesli (preferably mixed yourself with fresh fruit). It was probably just too little and probably too much white flour - that keeps you full for a very short time.

But if the belly growls then but times, of course, must be something edible. Try to keep your head above water with fruit and vegetables until lunchtime.

How about vegetable sticks with sour cream and herbs? With this menu you get out very low in calories.

Vegetable sticks with yogurt: What is the best way to lose weight?

And it looks very delicious doesn't it? Mix carrots, cucumber, celery and bell bell pepper. This way you get a lot of vitamins at the same time.

What is the best way to lose weight? With drinking!

Get out the water carafe. From now on, you'll have plenty of water on your menu. And every day. Because in order to function really well, our body needs a lot of liquid. It should be at least 2 liters per day.

Once you change your drinking habits, you will soon see many great benefits. You will be fitter, have more power and very important to lose weight: Less appetite.

Because very often, when we reach for snacks, we are not hungry at all but actually thirsty. So this "hunger" can be fought quite simply with water. If you drink plenty of water on a regular basis, you won't feel like eating anything in the first place.

Bye bye sugar if you want to lose weight

There is sugar in yogurt, soda pop, cereal, snacks in almost 80% of all packaged foods. We consume far too much of it.

Sugar is unhealthy. Especially in large quantities. It makes us sick and fat. In addition, we eat a lot of empty calories with the small white crystals. Therefore, it is very important to reconsider your sugar consumption.

Do you really need a cube of sugar in your tea? Does it have to be fruit yogurt? The answer is always no. We've just gotten used to it. Now it's time to kick the overly sweet habit.

Lose weight best with sports

Yes, you can lose weight without exercise. But it takes a long time and is unhealthy for the body. The problem here is not the weight loss itself, but the lack of exercise.

Our bodies were never designed to sit for so many hours. Even if it is part of our daily work routine, it is anything but beneficial for our health.

That means movement!

Choose a sport that you really like. Because if you have fun and enjoy it, you can answer the question, "What's the best way to lose weight?" with a smile. And that gives you a boost of motivation at the same time.

What you definitely need to get lean in the long run is a Mix of strength and endurance sports (cardio training).

What is the best way to lose weight with strength training?

Strength training includes everything where muscles are built. Like bodyweight exercises but also exercises with equipment like DumbbellsSkipping Ropes or Gymnastic balls.

Compared to the time spent, strength training is very efficient. The muscles only start to grow after the workout and need a lot of energy to do so. So even at rest they burn energy and thus fat.

What is the best way to lose weight? Sport tips for weight loss

Strength training can build muscles that increase the body's energy needs. So we can eat more and consume a lot of energy even if we spend a day on the sofa.

But to achieve this effect, you need to make a little effort. Take, for example, an exercise with a dumbbell. Here you should manage 10 repetitions. With the 10th you go to your physical limits. How to choose the right weight and what it depends on, you can read in the article Exercise arm muscles experienced

But as a beginner, you don't start with weights right away. You first need to build up some basic muscles. Otherwise you won't be able to lift the barbell. You start with very simple bodyweight exercises like here in our Butt exercises Contribution or exercises from our HIIT training. Read also the Guide for muscle building for women by.

What is the best way to lose weight with endurance training?

Typical endurance sports are running, walking, cycling and swimming. To maintain your weight in the long term, you need strength training and endurance sports.

Endurance is simply part of a healthy lifestyle. You can soon see improvements in everyday life. For example, you will get out of breath less quickly when you take the stairs and simply feel more energetic.

Endurance training is good for slowly losing weight and keeping it off.

Start slowly with cardio. Don't expect to be able to run for 30 minutes straight overnight. In the beginning, even 5 minutes will be a lot. Alternate between walking and running and try to keep moving for at least 30 minutes - whether you're running, walking or taking quick steps.

what is the best way to lose weight with running?

Trials At least 2x per week To do endurance training.

If you choose to cycle, a leisurely Sunday spin around town won't help you lose weight. You need to get out of breath and cover a long distance. 30 to 40 minutes of fast cycling is a rough guide.

The same goes for swimming. Splashing around a bit and sitting in the hot tub won't make kilos fall off. You have to swim long distances to lose weight. By the way, the cooler the water, the more energy your body needs to maintain the temperature. This makes fat pads melt faster. One hour of breaststroke consumes 530 calories.

Ask yourself the questions as you train:

  • Do I like being outdoors?
  • Do I prefer to train indoors?
  • Do I prefer to have a group class or do I train alone?

You do not necessarily have to go to a gym. You can do many exercises without equipment and at home. This saves money and you are flexible in terms of time. The disadvantage: You have to bring more motivation.

Try to do 4x sports per week. 2x endurance and 2x strength training should be possible. Don't be alarmed: It doesn't have to be a marathon or lifting weights. Start slowly and begin with moderate endurance training - but keep moving for at least 30 minutes. And start your strength training with bodyweight exercises.

What you ultimately choose: Any movement is better than none! If you don't have the time or you don't feel well, just go for a walk. Because with every step you burn more calories than on the sofa.

My weight is not getting less

If your weight loss is stagnant and you feel like you're treading water, there could be several reasons.

If you're very athletic right now, you're probably building muscle. This also happens when you run or do other sports that don't directly rely on Muscle building target.

Muscle is always heavier than fat. So there won't be much change on the scale. Your weight will be balanced by the muscle gain and the fat loss. But you don't need to bury your head in the sand. Because with the first muscles it's really exciting.

What is the best way to lose weight?

Because muscles consume energy 24 hours a day. Lots of it. And they get it, among other things, from your excess body fat.

On the other hand, it may be that your Metabolism is a little sluggish right now. You have a slow metabolism if you have a very low energy turnover. If you eat the wrong foods and exercise little, you tend to have a slow metabolism.

Hunger also puts the metabolism on the back burner. This is also the reason why diets do not bring long-term success. Our body goes into energy-saving mode, we feel tired and depressed. And nothing happens to our weight.

That means for you: Check again your diet and whether your body fat percentage has changed. This works with a body fat scale from Amazon just fine.

Our conclusion

You now know the answer to the question: What is the best way to lose weight? Namely: through sports and diet. The mix of these two components is the healthiest way to lose kilos. And also the one that is the most sustainable.

You should keep your hands off diets. They are unhealthy and do not bring long-term success. Even simple changes in diet such as less or no sugar have a very positive effect on weight.

In sports, the mix of strength and endurance is a good help in losing weight. The advantage is also that the workout does not become monotonous. Good luck!

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