13 simple tricks: healthy eating is so easy

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Healthy eating is time-consuming, expensive and doesn't taste good. Right? Not true! We prove you wrong and show you how easy good food can be.

Nutrition is a topic that heats up the emotions. Passionate discussions spark around moral meat consumption.

About whether vegans are pedantic do-gooders. And how nutrition has to be in order to have any fun at all in life.

There are few topics (we'll leave politics out of this) where so much half-knowledge is disseminated and defended so staunchly.

The slogans of the regulars' table are hurled in each other's faces. And condemned those who "eat differently.

In surveys by the German Federal Statistical Office, almost half of Germans say that healthy eating is important to them. At the same time, the number of annual diabetes cases is rising continuously.

Cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer are still the leading causes of death in the Western world.

Stress and hereditary factors certainly play a major role. But nutrition is also immensely important for our health.

Whether the results of the polls are wrong? Certainly not. Hardly anyone would claim that they eat an unhealthy diet.

Eat healthy

"There are exceptions now and then.", "Actually, I eat well.", "Eating should be fun sometimes."

And, of course, food should be fun. The fact that unhealthy food tastes good to us, that we have a craving for burgers or sodas, is nothing but a bad habit.

And we can question these self-critically from time to time ;)

Healthy nutrition is so easy

Those who eat healthily are not only doing their health a huge service. We are also fitter and more efficient in everyday life. The midday slump disappears. And we can snack much more consciously without reaching the limits of our well-being.

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So it's not a matter of doing without in the short term. It's about permanently changing our eating habits. That way we feel better in our bodies. We are more likely to stay healthy. And excess pounds tumble by themselves anyway.

How to eat healthy: 13 tips for everyday life

Even if you eat healthy as a matter of course, there may still be some room for improvement. How you can relax and prepare your body for an even better diet. Healthier diet you can read here.

1. start slowly with good food

We recommend establishing new habits step by step. This makes the change much easier. Do you love fries? Then try a delicious and healthy version made from pumpkin: This is the secret to crispy pumpkin fries from the oven.

Tips for healthy eating

At the same time, setbacks can be avoided. Like binge eating in the evening, for example. Or unrestrained cravings for sweets, fatty or salty foods. Because those are the ones most likely to cause good plans to fail. ;)

2. what can you do without?

First, pick a vice that you can actually do without. It doesn't matter if it's the weekly frozen lasagna or the third spoonful of sugar in your coffee. Seems puny. But it makes a big difference.

3. go shopping properly for healthy food

Have you ever thought about why in the supermarket the vegetables and fruits are at the entrance? Because a cucumber and three tomatoes in the shopping cart soothe our conscience. And then we really hit the back rows.

Try outsmarting the supermarket and your brain. And start from the back. That's how you end up with fruits and vegetables. Healthy food ends up in the basket or cart. And you can not invoke the good conscience in advance ;)

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially with recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

4. regular eating rhythm for the biorhythm.

We are absolute creatures of habit. And our body also likes regularity! For this reason, we should always try to eat at similar times. This ensures that our biorhythm can regulate itself and we feel better!

5. do not skip meals

It doesn't matter if you eat 3 big meals or 5 small meals a day. You should definitely not skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. They provide energy for the day. And ensure that you are not so often overcome by cravings.

Tips for healthy eating

By the way, the most important meal of the day is breakfast. Are you also often at a loss as to what the perfect breakfast looks like when it has to be quick and healthy? Take a look here: Without breakfast - without me: My tips for your start into the day.

6. drink a lot for healthy nutrition

Dear ones, drink! Drinking is so important for the health of our body. Thirst is already an alarm signal from your body that you are dehydrated. So always try to take in plenty of water during the day. This will also flush toxins from the body.

Healthy diet always goes hand in hand with sufficient Water!

7. drink consciously to stay healthy

But of course it's not just about the amount, but also what you drink. Lemonades, water with "flavor", alcohol or sweetened tea are good for the fluid balance. But they contain far too much sugar.

healthy diet

If you have a hard time with tap water, you can simply spice it up a bit. This provides you with vitamins and helps your body detoxify. How do you do it? Click here: 7 ingenious recipes for homemade detox water.

8. eats green for enough vitamins

Establish more green vegetables in your diet. Broccoli, spinach, green beans and cabbage are one thing above all: mega healthy. The reason is chlorophyll. It stimulates blood formation, neutralizes free radicals and binds carcinogenic toxins in our body.

9. healthy diet with less sugar

When shopping, take a closer look at the ingredients. You'll be amazed at how much sugar is hidden everywhere. In addition, you can try to replace chocolate or other sweets with healthy snacks. For example, with berries or nuts.

simply eat healthy

Sugar in particular has a really bad impact on our health. And causes many diseases. Here you will find enough reasons to look for healthy alternatives: 25 reasons why you should stop eating sugar.

10. healthy diet with clean eating

Clean Eating states the following: To avoid processed foods. This way you avoid unhealthy and unnatural additives. Lots of sugar and bad fats. Healthy diet falls with home cooked Recipes quite simple.

11. cook yourself for healthy and good food

Healthy eating can be very simple. By cooking or preparing your own food, you are much more aware of what really goes into it. You can choose your own ingredients and, if necessary, simply replace them with better alternatives.

Tips for healthy eating

By the way, cooking yourself does not only refer to whole meals. You can also make your own vegetable broth or sauces. You also love ketchup so much? Then click here: Make ketchup yourself without sugar.

12. pay attention to BIO quality to eat healthy

Healthy eating has a lot to do with the Food quality that we consume. Good food to feel good is the motto. You can think what you want about organic. The fact is that enough studies have proven that organic fruits and vegetables are treated with less pesticides. People who don't eat organic have been shown to have much more pesticides in their urine. Disgusting, isn't it?

13. seasonal and regional shopping for a balanced diet

We are totally spoiled. Strawberries in winter. Mangoes are available all year round at the corner supermarket. Artificially grown food often has a terrible quality. Long transport routes also do the rest.

healthy diet

Whenever possible, eat seasonally and regionally. Here are more vitamins in the food. In addition, they have been treated less. If you find it difficult to track when what grows, buy your fresh food at the market.

Our conclusion

Healthy eating is not much more than a habit. Those who gradually change their eating habits gain a much better awareness of healthy food and their own physical needs. At the same time, well-being increases noticeably, illnesses are prevented and unnecessary pounds tumble off by themselves.

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