Become a vegetarian: The best 13 tips for beginners

Conversion to vegetarian diet

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If a change to a vegetarian diet is your desire, then you are in the right place! I'll tell you how I managed to become a vegetarian and what you need to watch out for.

You want to become a vegetarian? It's not as hard as you think. And you'll be doing your health a big favor by not eating - or eating very little - meat. There are a number of reasons to go meatless and try switching to a vegetarian diet.

That doesn't mean it's everyone's cup of tea. But it's worth a try. If you don't succeed, then you should greatly reduce your meat consumption. You'll be doing yourself and the environment a big favor.

I'll tell you how to make the switch to a vegetarian diet and what has worked wonderfully for me.

Vegetarian diet

How a conversion to a vegetarian diet works

Many people want to change their eating habits to a vegetarian diet, but don't quite know where to start. That was also the case with me at the beginning.

That's why I've written down some tips that I'm sure will work. They have helped me myself to give up meat.

#1 Reduce meat first

If you want to become a vegetarian, you should not do it overnight. Because you will definitely find it difficult. Especially if you've been eating meat, sausage and the like every day.

Start with 2-3 meat- and fish-free days per week. There are so many delicious recipes that do completely without meat. For example, I love spaghetti bolognese with lentils instead of ground meat. My absolute favorite dish!

On the days you still eat meat now, make sure it's good quality. Do not buy the cheapest at the discount store, but go to the butcher.

It is important that you become aware of how much meat you have actually eaten in the first period. By the way, this also includes spreads, sausage, rolls with ham, etc. - most people forget this.

You can replace meat spreads and pies with homemade curd spreads. Just mix pumpkin seed oil, onion, cottage cheese and salt. Yummy!

If you are missing recipes and you want to lose weight through veggie diet, then our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. We know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat right.

Especially when it comes to recipes, you can quickly reach the limits of your creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose either the category of Slimming or Clean Eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

#3 Find out about vegetarian diet

Educate yourself about veggies. Buy a book in which you can read about the background. From factory farming to environmental damage. And how much water and feed an animal needs to provide 1 kg of meat.

The effects of too much meat consumption on our health is also fascinating to read. Why you should do it? It will be easier for you to give up meat if you know how the meat lobby works. It's pure madness - I can tell you that already.

I can give you the book Vegetarian. Healthy.: All about vegetarian nutrition* very much to my heart. It is very well researched, clearly written and has a few surprises in store. You will also find 70 delicious cooking ideas.

#4 Get exotic inspiration

Indian and Asian cuisine is especially good for you if you want to become a vegetarian. You will find here a whole range of vegetarian recipes that are mega delicious.

In winter, for example, I like to prepare veggie ramen or Thai vegetable curry. Exotic spices like turmeric, curry, soy sauce, Cardamom* or ready-made spice mixes bring a lot of variety to your plate.

I regularly prepare sprouts, sweet potatoes, coconut milk, cauliflower and legumes. Take a look at our vegetarian recipes. You're sure to find some inspiration here.

You can find especially delicious recipes on Pinterest!

Conversion to vegetarian diet - recipes

#5 Know your conviction

Why do you want to become a vegetarian? Write down why you want to give up meat. Is it for your health? Do you feel sorry for animals? Do you want to protect the environment?

There are many reasons. If you have defined yours, then you will find it easier to switch to a vegetarian diet.

#6 Make sure you have enough iron

Especially we women like to have iron deficiency. This is simply due to our menstrual period. As a result, we even have a higher iron requirement than men.

If you immediately think of meat when you think of iron-rich foods, I can reassure you. There are many plant foods that also contain a lot of iron.

Since I decided to switch to a vegetarian diet, my iron levels are even better than before. Why? Well, because I now actively address the issue and consciously eat foods that are rich in iron.

I love apple rolls, and I've added extra iron-rich foods to them. I'm sure you'll love them too. Moreover, they are very easy to prepare.

Very important: In order for your body to absorb iron, it needs a whole load of vitamin C. Tasty sources of vitamin C are peppers, strawberries, kiwi, oranges and broccoli. Combine them with iron-rich foods to benefit.

Also very tasty vitamin C and iron-rich combinations: Bell bell pepper vegetables with potatoes or oatmeal fritters with broccoli or kohlrabi.

#7 Get inspired by others

It helps when you find like-minded people. That way you can share recipes and talk with them. I'm sure there's a Facebook group that can help you with that.

Professionals can provide you with a lot of experience and make the transition easier. And very important: We vegetarians have it hard enough already. Please do not proselytize or try to persuade anyone to become a vegetarian. Because that never ends well.

Maybe my meal plan for this week will help you too:

  1. Potato gratin with horseradish
  2. Oatmeal patties with red cabbage and sweet potato puree
  3. Polenta pizza with mushrooms
  4. Apple casserole with homemade peach compote
  5. Millet with tomato sauce and vegetables
  6. Lentil balls in curry sauce
  7. Stuffed mushrooms with cream cheese and spinach

Everything is completely meat and fish free. With every meal (except the apple casserole) there's a big bowl of mixed salad. And before that a soup.

#8 Eat enough protein

Also make sure that you eat enough protein when you switch to a vegetarian diet.

On the one hand, protein saturates well and on the other hand, it is important for the muscles. Legumes, nuts, cereals, dairy products contain a lot of protein.

Delicious combinations with lots of protein

  • Bean fritters with potatoes
  • Scrambled eggs with vegetables
  • Omelet with cheese and vegetables

So many delicious recipes can be conjured up from pulses. Once you've spent a little time with the recipes, you'll quickly realize that.

#9 Find the right meat substitute for you

I am not a fan of tofu and can survive well as a vegetarian. Many people initially think that becoming a vegetarian means eating masses of tofu. But that is nonsense.

For example, I love to prepare fritters from all kinds of ingredients. That's how recipes like oatmeal patties, chickpea patties with sweet potatoes or a kidney bean burger came about.

I don't need tofu or other substitutes for that.

The best thing you can do is just look around at our recipes. They are vegetarian or vegan and mega delicious! All self-cooked and photographed.

Meatloaf vegetarian - roast without meat recipe

#10 Have your blood values checked

If you want to become a vegetarian, you should check your blood values in advance. I do this once a year to see what has improved.

You'll be surprised how much better your cholesterol levels will soon be and how much better you'll feel.

I notice it relatively quickly after about 2 months. The typical midday slump that I had very often after a meal has simply disappeared. Since I eat a lot more vegetables, I also have more energy and no longer feel sluggish.

So you don't have to take supplements if you stop eating meat.

#11 Learn that you don't have to do anything at all

Don't stress yourself out. If the vegetarian diet doesn't work out right away, it doesn't matter. You have to find the right diet for you. Don't let anyone push you into anything. Neither from a meat eater to a piece of meat nor from a vegetarian to do completely without meat.

There are many forms of vegetarians. For example, ovo-lacto-vegetarians eat eggs and milk. While lacto-vegetarians eat dairy products, but no eggs. Then there are also vegetarians who do not eat meat but fish.

Just find what suits you and don't let it influence you. My mother was initially convinced that I could never survive without meat: "You'll see that you have no strength at all." 3 years later I have more strength than before :)

#12 Do not step into the sugar trap

Many vegetarian recipes and foods are packed with sugar. Just because you eat a vegetarian diet doesn't mean it's healthy. On the contrary, you can eat very unhealthy even as a vegetarian.

I make sure to combine a vegetarian diet with healthy eating. Instead of buying ready-made fruit yogurt, I take a natural yogurt and enhance it with fresh fruit, nuts and oatmeal.

With many veggie products supermarkets just want to make a good deal. So always keep an eye on the sugar content of the products!

#13 Attention to processed foods

We all know that highly processed foods are not healthy. Especially substitute products for vegetarians are often very artificial.

I usually keep my hands off veggie chicken nuggets, schnitzel and the like. You can treat yourself to it in between, but it shouldn't end up on your plate too often. You can prepare many spreads and other recipes yourself.

How it feels to switch to a vegetarian diet

Meat has a lot of calories and is very fatty. This makes it difficult for our body to digest. This makes us feel fuller for longer. So don't be surprised if you have to eat more often as a vegetarian. Vegetables, fruits and grains are metabolized faster than meat.

When you switch to a vegetarian diet, your body starts to detoxify. It takes a while, which can lead to a perceived crisis. For such a moment you should be prepared and have a healthy snack with you.

This can be a yogurt with fresh fruit, a granola bar, a cereal with fruit or my favorite: a banana shake with Cocoa powder* and peanut butter.

Many former meat eaters often feel lost when it comes to cooking. If they used to eat schnitzel with French fries on Mondays, lasagna on Tuesdays and steak with potatoes on Wednesdays, they wonder how they're going to get enough to eat just the side dishes.

They don't have to, and neither do you. There's plenty of inspiration and recipes online. Just take a look around.

In the first time you will get to know many vegetables, spices and herbs that you have never heard of. And they will taste mega delicious!

I personally did not have any problems with the changeover. I simply started eating much less meat half a year before. But I was never a particularly big meat eater anyway. Today, I much prefer to eat bread with cream cheese, cheese and 2-3 vegetables in the evening than a boring ham sandwich.

Black beans burger vegan

Why becoming a vegetarian is a good idea

Most of us have certainly thought about not eating meat anymore. And in fact, the experiment is worth it!

You can control your weight better

Studies have shown that vegetarians are less likely to be overweight than meat eaters. Because vegetarians eat more vegetables, their digestion and metabolism function better.

Constipation and other digestive problems are less common in vegetarians.

You can prevent diseases

Very many typical diseases of civilization are due to the fact that we eat the wrong food. Too much meat, too few vegetables, too much sugar. And on top of that, of course, there is too little exercise.

All of this leads to elevated blood lipid levels, which promotes heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

You get to know many new foods

If you've been flipping a chop in the pan every Sunday, now it's time to discover the really delicious recipes. I can not tell you how many new things I got to know.

Not a single day I wish back to the time when I still ate meat. All dishes are now so much more varied and delicious than before. Yummy!

Our conclusion

When changing to a vegetarian diet, you should take your time. Get used to meat slowly, then it will not be difficult for you. If you study the subject a bit, you will also realize that you really don't need it. I wish you many culinary highlights!

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