Wisdom tooth extraction: These are the best recipes after tooth surgery

Wisdom tooth pull recipes

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The wisdom teeth have been extracted. Now it's all about gentle nutrition. But that doesn't have to be boring. I show you quick and delicious recipes for eating after tooth surgery.

Congratulations! You made it through, the wisdom teeth are gone. And now? Off to the sofa and a light diet for the next few days.

I'm sure your doctors also told you that you can eat normally now, right?

I have bad news for you: Few people can eat as usual after dental surgery. At least for the first 3-4 days soft recipes are on the menu.

Because the hamster cheek is not long in coming for most. With me, it grew every time overnight. Despite cool and 2-hour change of the cooling pads.

When the time comes, you just have to make the best of the situation. That's why I've written down my recipes and tips.

If you search Google "food after wisdom tooth surgery and recipes" then you are in the right place.

My most important survival tip before tooth surgery

If you are about to have your teeth pulled, here is a very important tip: Stuff yourself to the top! Until you can't anymore. 😁

I ordered a large pizza, a big salad to go with it, and finished it off with an apple and a piece of chocolate. You should really treat yourself here. My dental surgery was at 12:30 p.m. Thanks to the pizza, at 11 a.m. I didn't need to eat anything else all day.

If you have the dental surgery in the morning, then eat breakfast like a king, especially a lot of whole grains and cereals should be on the plan - so everything that keeps you full for a long time.

This is really important especially on the 1st day. Even if you wanted to eat, it would be difficult. The injection has a very long effect. So you only have a little feeling in your tongue, cheek and so on.

It can happen that the chewing movements are uncontrolled and you hurt yourself in the oral cavity. This means that on the first day, even the best prescriptions will not help you much after the dental surgery. Everything feels unpleasant. If your stomach growls now, it can even harm the healing process.

The most important rules:

  • Reach for soft foods and drink plenty of
  • Avoid dairy products and spicy foods

Ice after wisdom tooth surgery

A particularly good tip came from my dentist. I should start eating ice cream two to three days after the operation. But ice cream without milk.

The cold ice cools the mouth and can have a slight decongestant effect. Ideally, I should suck ice cubes, but frozen bananas pureed with a blender are also fine. You may know this homemade healthy ice cream under the term Nicecream.

Prohibited in any case are milk ice cream and ice cream with sugar. Allowed are homemade fruit ice cream or frozen ice cubes from teas.

You can read more about eating and sucking ice for inflammation of the mouth and throat from my colleague Janina: "Can you eat ice cream after tonsillitis?

Tip: Ice cubes of sage, chamomile or arnica tea reduce swelling.

Soft food after dental surgery recipes

You should not eat this after wisdom tooth surgery

You should also avoid using straws. Sucking can cause the wound to open up again - this also applies to cigarettes, by the way.

Even two weeks after the tooth surgery, you should not bite hard foods. This puts a lot of stress on the jaw and the gums are still quite sensitive.

Overall, the No Go foods can be divided into inflammation promoters and blood thinners. I'll explain exactly what these are in a moment.

Avoid foods that promote inflammation

Avoid any meals in your diet that could cause inflammation, increase bleeding or delay wound healing.

These include:

  • All kinds of dairy products
  • Caffeinated beverages and foods (coffee, green tea, etc)
  • hot drinks and food
  • Beverages that contain carbonic acid
  • Spicy food
  • Alcohol

Yogurt, cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese and Co contain lactic acid bacteria. They can settle in the wound and promote gingivitis. Milk is also suspected of impairing the effect of antibiotics. Replace dairy products after wisdom tooth surgery for about a week.

Caffeinated beverages and foods should be avoided while the wound is still open. These drinks cause blood pressure to rise, which can lead to bleeding after surgery.

Hot and carbonic irritates the wound and can lead to poorer wound healing.

Spicy food and drinks should also be avoided. They inflame the wound and at the same time hinder healing.

Alcohol has an anticoagulant effect and promotes secondary bleeding. It worsens wound healing and should never be combined with painkillers or antibiotics.

Based on this list, I have defined these foods that I have eliminated from the menu after the dental surgery:

  • Yogurt and other dairy products
  • Chili, pepper
  • Excessive salt
  • Sugar - except natural fructose
  • Crumbly and hard food
  • Foods that are difficult to chew

Avoid blood thinning foods

To avoid interfering with wound healing, you should avoid blood-thinning foods for the first three days. These are:

  • Spices like garlic, ginger, paprika
  • Fruits like grapes, cherries, blueberries, raisins, pomegranates, apricots
  • As well as: Walnuts, licorice, olives.

Important: Rinse your mouth after eating

No matter which recipe you ultimately choose, it's important to brush your teeth carefully after each meal and rinse your mouth well.

Good oral hygiene ensures that wound healing progresses more quickly and prevents inflammation. Remove food residues with an antibacterial mouthwash and use a soft toothbrush to brush the teeth and be especially careful near the wound.

In between, I rinse with thyme tea and sage tea, as this prevents inflammation.

Tips with which recipes succeed after wisdom tooth surgery

Basically, all soups and porridges are good. In the first two days you eat the clear chicken soupwithout herbs. But after two days at the latest you have eaten your fill and still hungry.

Then mashed potatoes, carrots and zucchini come just in time.

The most important tips for eating recipes after wisdom tooth surgery:

  • When seasoning, use a little rather than too much.
  • Eat soups and porridge lukewarm rather than hot.
  • Potato dishes are very good fillers.
  • Fruit puree made from apple, pear or banana is a great snack.
  • Anti-inflammatory teas are a great addition to your diet - especially sage tea here.

To keep the food from getting boring, I've jotted down a few recipes and tips for eating after wisdom teeth extraction.

I got all the ingredients the day before the wisdom teeth were removed. That way you don't have any stress. And you don't have to leave the apartment with a fat cheek.

These recipes and tips are of course not only suitable for wisdom tooth surgery, but for dental surgery in general.

Quick recipes after wisdom teeth extraction

The breakfast

For breakfast, we have untoasted bread with a spread. What helped me survive very well was avocado. Make sure you buy a ripe and soft one. If necessary, you can quickly ripen with a few simple tricks.

I also bought a few spreads that are not dairy based. Spreads with margarine and egg or hummus are perfect.

You can also eat fish without any problems. But make sure that it is unseasoned. The toast is cut into narrow strips, of course. This makes it easier to chew.

Tip: Reach for whole wheat toast, it keeps you full longer.

Recipe after wisdom tooth surgery

The main course

The classic main course does not exist after dental surgery. I tried to eat a little throughout the day and not just breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It's less stressful if you spread your meals throughout the day. If you have a real jaw, even chewing and opening your mouth can be difficult.

Once again a reminder: Every meal after wisdom tooth surgery ends with oral hygiene! Otherwise you risk bad inflammations and slow down the wound healing.

Soups after wisdom tooth surgery

Soups in all variations are ideal. On cold days you eat them lukewarm and on hot days they also taste cold.

If you get tired of clear soups, you can cook vegetables. I've been eating a lot of zucchini soup. Refrain from using solid meats or vegetable chunks. A clear vegetable broth will do in the beginning.

Zucchini soup

Here's how: Chop a shallot and a clove of garlic. Fry them and add the diced zucchini. Now pour in water. Add soup cubes and a little salt. Puree and you're done.

You can put the zucchini through any Any vegetables replace. It is also delicious with carrots, broccoli, kohlrabi, mushrooms and potatoes. The only important thing is that you do not use cream!

If the soup is not filling enough for you, cook a few floury potatoes with it. They provide a creamy consistency and a full belly.

Clear soups taste very good with soup noodles. I chose asterisks because you can swallow them without chewing.

Porridge after tooth extraction

If you ever don't feel like soup, you can whip up a quick porridge. I cooked a lot with semolina, oatmeal and millet. This also gives you some vitamins and keeps you full longer than soup.

Apple and pear porridge with golden millet

Millet porridge recipe healthy

Peel the apple and pear, remove the core and dice both. Pour a little water and bring the apple and pear to a boil.

Simmer for 5 minutes. Puree the pear-apple mix and pour the porridge into a pot.

Cook golden millet in a second pot. Depending on the variety, this can take half an hour. The millet must be really soft - many make the mistake of taking the millet off the stove too early - it is then quite firm to the bite and in my opinion not so tasty.

You have to cook the millet with three times the amount of water. I cook a little more millet and then add it to the soup. So you can prepare a coffee cup full.

When it is soft, stir it into the apple pear mix while it is still hot - let the mixture sit for half an hour.

Now stir in 3-4 tablespoons of soy yogurt.

Banana apple oatmeal porridge with Cinnamon*

Millet porridge recipe

Peel, core and dice the apple. Bring him in a little water and with a little Cinnamon* for cooking.

After 5 minutes, you can remove the apple from the heat and mash it together with a banana to a pulp.

Lift a little Cocoa powder* to add more flavor to the porridge. If you like, you can also add a little more Cinnamon* take.

Finally, stir in the rolled oats and let them sit for 15 minutes to soften nicely.

If you are very hungry, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegan yogurt to the porridge.

The dinner

In the evening, the process is repeated. You can choose from soups, porridge or toast.

Those who are already a little fitter can resort to rice.

Zucchini have accompanied me through the evening. Just cut them open and fry them briefly in a pan with a little salt to taste. You can do the same with mushrooms.

More menu tips after pulling teeth

Potato mash with spinach

A very good companion and faithful friend after wisdom tooth surgery for me was the potato. I boiled floury potatoes, seasoned them with a little salt and mashed a sip of oat milk.

Blanch some spinach and mix it into the mash.

In addition, there are foods rich in vitamin A and zinc, which provide good wound healing, such as:

  • Spinach
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Pak Choi
  • Chard

Mashed potatoes

Try a mashed potato that is half sweet potato or one where you replace some of the potatoes with parsley roots. This brings more flavor to the plate.

All kinds of sauces go well with it. If you have little time, just take a tomato sauce.

Jello prepared with oat milk is also a good dessert. Use a little less sugar and it will go through.

Pancake from bananas (without milk, of course) are a delicious dessert that satiates for a long time.

ShakeIf you want to keep it liquid for the first few days, prepare a shake. Put 1 can of coconut milk, 1 banana, a handful of strawberries, oatmeal in a blender. Blend the ingredients until you have a fine shake. Thanks to the oatmeal, it will keep you satiated for a long time. You can replace the coconut milk with oat or soy drink.

Better than bought: Make mouthwash yourself

What to eat 3 days after wisdom tooth surgery?

After 3 days it is already much easier. After the wisdom tooth surgery, you can now start to eat milk again in small quantities and you can also eat well-cooked vegetables. Basically: Listen to your body. If you are very swollen, then extend the phase with soups and porridge for two or three more days.

After the sutures are removed, discuss the further procedure with your dentist. You may have to go on a light diet for two days immediately after the extraction.

My conclusion

Wisdom tooth surgery is anything but fun. Your body needs rest after wisdom teeth extraction. The easier your food is to chew and digest, the faster you will be fit again.

Fortunately, there are many recipes after wisdom tooth surgery that will make your life easier.

Hang in there! Soon you'll get over it! :)

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