Does eating ice help with tonsillitis?

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Angina is incredibly uncomfortable and painful. The only good thing about tonsillitis is that you can eat ice cream until you burst! Or can't you? Here's what you need to know about it!

Catching angina is not that uncommon. You can even catch it easily when talking to a sick friend.

Whack! A few hours later, the first symptoms appear and your fate is sealed.

The throat is red like fire. Swallowing causes terrible pain. Tonsillitis is simply horrible.

The good news is that you can now eat your favorite ice cream. As we have known since childhood, if you have tonsillitis, you need to eat ice cream.

But is that really true? Or do you just tell children that to make them feel better? Is ice cream a good remedy for tonsillitis? We'll tell you today!

How does tonsillitis occur?

Tonsillitis occurs when your tonsils become inflamed. This can have several reasons.

Most often, the inflammation is caused by bacteria, especially group A streptococci. The bacteria are transmitted by droplet infection, such as coughing, sneezing or talking. But viruses can also trigger tonsillitis.

In winter and spring, you are more likely to catch acute tonsillitis. In some cases Avert colds but also still.

Tonsillitis can manifest itself in various ways. For example, there may be pain and swelling in the throat area or the tonsils may turn reddish and have small white or yellowish spots.

Sometimes pus foci also form on the tonsils. All this does not sound so pleasant, but do not worry, in most cases tonsillitis is harmless and subsides on its own.

If tonsillitis occurs more frequently or lasts longer than three months, it is called chronic tonsillitis.

Chronic tonsillitis is characterized by the fact that the tonsils are often smaller than in acute tonsillitis and the depressions in the tissue, called crypts, are closed.

Since the tonsils are permanently colonized by bacteria in chronic infection, there is a higher risk of complications.

If you have tonsillitis more than four times a year, you should talk to your doctor about whether it would be better to have your tonsils removed. The operation is performed mainly on children from the age of four.

What to do for burning throat?

First of all, it is important not to further stress the immune system. Relaxation plays an important role here in order to have enough energy for the body's defenses.

You should not go straining with your swollen tonsils, but rest. The pain in the throat area indicates that sharp or hard foods should be avoided.

Acidic fruit juices and milk are also not good in this case. Instead, you can drink soothing chamomile or sage tea and gargle, as they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Thyme tea and mallow tea can also work wonders.

There are generally many different Teas that quickly relieve sore throat can help!

Nevertheless, a sore throat does not mean that you have to give up any pleasure. Supposedly, if you have tonsillitis, eat ice cream and the pain is gone.

Does eating ice help with tonsillitis?

Basically, eating ice cream during tonsillitis is not harmful as long as you follow a few things.

Ice has a cooling effect and can relieve pain, which has a calming effect on inflamed tonsils.

But it should not be too cold. Too cold ice can irritate inflamed tonsils and slow down the healing process. So you should let the ice thaw a little or eat only lukewarm ice.

You should also make sure that the ice cream does not contain any sharp-edged pieces or hard ingredients such as nuts or chocolate pieces, as they can put additional stress on the already irritated tonsils.

If your favorite ice cream is milk ice cream, I have bad news for you: You should avoid it. Dairy products cause mucus to form, which can lead to breathing problems.

So you'd better reach for a fruit ice cream and wait with your favorite milk ice cream until you're healthy again.

Do ice cubes or crushed ice help with tonsillitis?

In addition to the classic popsicle, you can also resort to ice cubes or crushed ice to provide some relief for swollen tonsils.

But again, make sure the ice isn't "too cold," as ice that is too cold can actually prevent inflammation.

Therefore, it is important to suck the ice cream slowly or keep it in your mouth so as not to irritate the sensitive tonsils.

You should also make sure that the ice is not contaminated with germs, as further infection can delay or even worsen healing.

So it is best to make ice cubes or the crushed ice yourself. This way you can be sure that the ice is fresh and free of bacteria.

Should you really eat ice cream after tonsil surgery?

After tonsil surgery, you should watch your diet for a while.

Ice is also a good "painkiller" after tonsil surgery, as it has a cooling effect and can thus relieve pain and swelling in the neck area. But be careful, the ice should not be too cold, otherwise it can worsen the pain and inflammation in the neck area.

Again, suck the ice cream slowly or keep it in your mouth to avoid irritating the sensitive areas of your throat.

On the question of which ice is recommended after almond surgery, the same applies here: No sharp edges, not too acidic, avoid dairy products and classic ice cubes and crushed ice.

However, it should be noted that each patient may react differently to the surgery. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions of the attending physician and, in case of uncertainty, to ask whether eating ice cream is recommended or not.

From personal experience, I can tell you that ice cream does not taste good after tonsil surgery. In general, it is very likely that tastes change somewhat during the healing process.

I usually resorted to ice cubes or crushed ice to ease the pain. This way I didn't have a sore throat for a while and also took fluids.

Besides eating ice cream, what else is helpful for tonsillitis?

Here is a list of some more Home remedies that help with angina can. Because besides a delicious popsicle, there are other ways to relieve a sore throat:

  • Gargle salt water: A solution of warm water and salt can help relieve pain and inflammation in the throat area.
  • Drinking chamomile tea: chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and thus can help with tonsillitis.
  • Drink ginger tea: Ginger also has an anti-inflammatory effect and can help relieve pain in the throat area.
  • Honey ingestion: Honey has antibacterial properties and can therefore help fight infections in the throat area.
  • Apply neck compresses: Warm or cold wraps around the neck area can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Especially well help curd compress with apple cider vinegar.

However, it is important to mention that home remedies alone are not always enough and in some cases medical treatment is required.

Therefore, if you have a severe sore throat, fever or other symptoms, you should see your doctor.

Our conclusion

So, when it comes to the question of whether eating ice cream helps with tonsillitis, I would say yes, it can definitely help!

It is a simple and inexpensive home remedy that can be quickly and easily prepared at home or already waiting for its use in the refrigerator.

But it is important not to make the ice too cold and to suck it slowly or keep it in your mouth so as not to irritate the sensitive areas of the throat.

All the best and a speedy recovery!

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