What helps against mood swings?

What helps against mood swings

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What helps against mood swings? In this blog, we'll tell you how your emotional roller coaster can only go up!

Mood swings are like the weather: sometimes the sun shines, then clouds roll in, and suddenly a violent storm breaks loose.

If you sometimes feel like you're on an emotional roller coaster, you're not alone. Mood swings can hit all of us from time to time and present us with challenges.

But what helps against mood swings? In this blog you will learn everything you need to know to feel better again. Let's find out together!

What are mood swings?

Mood swings are changes in our emotional states that occur throughout the day or over an extended period of time.

Sometimes we feel cheerful and energetic, while at other moments we may feel sad or irritable.

These fluctuations can range from mild to severe changes in our mood.

It is important to understand that mood swings are a normal part of the human experience.😊

Everyone experiences them to some degree. However, they can sometimes be more severe and interfere with everyday life.

It is important to realize that it is normal to experience mood swings and there are ways to deal with them.

What are the causes of mood swings?

Mood swings can have a variety of causes. Here are some common factors that can contribute to mood swings:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress
  • Mental illness
  • Living conditions
  • Medication or drug use

Hormonal changes

If your mood sometimes changes unexpectedly, hormonal changes could play a role. Especially in women, hormones like estrogen and progesterone can affect our mood.

During your menstrual cycle, hormones can change. Before your period, a drop in estrogen can make you feel irritable or sad.

In the middle of the cycle, estrogen increases and you might feel energetic and happy.

Also, during pregnancy and menopause, there can be major hormonal changes that can affect your mood.

Every body is different, and not everyone reacts the same way to hormonal changes. Other factors such as stress, life circumstances or mental health also play a role.


Stress occurs when we feel overworked or under pressure. This can be caused by external factors such as work, school or relationships, as well as internal factors such as high expectations of ourselves.

When you're stressed, your body produces stress hormones like cortisol, which can have an impact on your emotional well-being.

You might feel irritable, anxious or down. It's important to manage stress in a healthy way to reduce mood swings.

Mental illness

There are several types of mental illnesses, such as anxiety disorders, depression, or bipolar disorder, that can be associated with mood swings.

In anxiety disorders, for example, mood swings may be manifested by persistent worry, nervousness, and fear.

People with depression, on the other hand, can experience extreme mood swings, from deep sadness to periods of hopelessness.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of manic elation and depressive despondency.

These sharp fluctuations can have a significant impact on the lives of those affected.

It is important to understand that mental illness is not caused by personal failure or weakness, but by complex factors such as genetic predisposition, environmental influences, and neurochemical imbalances.

If you suspect that you are suffering from a mental illness and notice mood swings, it is advisable to seek professional help.

A psychiatrist or psychologist can accurately diagnose and recommend appropriate treatment to manage your mood swings and improve your mental health.

Remember that you are not alone and there is help and support available to deal with mental illness.😊

Living conditions

The way we live, work, have relationships and deal with stress can have an impact on our mental health.

Stressful life events such as the loss of a loved one, financial problems, career challenges or Relationship problems can lead to strong emotional fluctuations.

When we find ourselves in difficult or unstable situations, this can lead to stress, anxiety or sadness, which can manifest in mood swings.

Our thoughts and emotions are sensitive to the challenges we face. The lifestyle we maintain can also influence our mood.

An unbalanced diet, insufficient exercise, Sleep deprivation and substance abuse can lead to negative mood changes.

It's important to pay attention to our circumstances and figure out how to deal with the challenges we face.

Self-care, healthy coping strategies, and positive support in our social environment can help us manage mood swings and promote our mental health.

Remember that you can influence the circumstances of your life. Look for ways to reduce stress, establish healthy habits and take care of your well-being.

Medication or drug use

Some medications have side effects that can affect our mood.

If you are taking medications, be aware of possible effects and talk to a doctor or pharmacist if you have concerns.

Abusing drugs or alcohol can also cause mood swings.

Drugs alter brain function and can cause severe changes in our mood, from great euphoria to deep sadness.

Alcohol can also affect our mood and increase depressive feelings.

It is important to understand that medications or drugs are not a long-term solution to mood swings.

They cannot solve the actual problems and may even lead to further difficulties. If you have problems with medication or drugs, it is advisable to seek professional help.

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What are the symptoms of mood swings?

When it comes to mood swings, there can be several symptoms that indicate your mood is changing.

It is important to note that these symptoms can be different for different people. Everyone experiences mood swings in their own way.

Here are some possible signs you can look out for:

  • You feel emotionally unstable
  • You have difficulty controlling your emotions
  • You feel restless inside
  • You have difficulty concentrating

You feel emotionally unstable

One day you feel happy and full of energy, but the next moment that can change abruptly. Suddenly you are overcome by sadness or you just feel exhausted.

These emotional roller coaster rides can be very confusing and stressful. You don't know how you're going to feel from one moment to the next, and that can affect your mood.

You may also react to small things much more strongly than usual. A harmless remark or a small change in your everyday life can suddenly make you very sad, angry or irritated.

Feeling emotionally unstable can be overwhelming. It can make you feel like you have no control over your emotions and they overwhelm you from one moment to the next.

It's important to understand that these emotional swings are not your fault.

You have difficulty controlling your emotions

If you have trouble controlling your emotions, they may overwhelm you and you may not know how to deal with them.

You may suddenly feel very angry or sad without any apparent reason. It's as if a small spark sets your feelings on fire and they get out of control.

You may also find that you experience your emotions more intensely than others. A small disappointment can throw you completely off track, or a small sense of achievement can make you euphoric.

It's as if the volume of your emotions is set much louder than others.

This difficulty in controlling your emotions can lead to problems in your everyday life. It can stress you out if you constantly feel overwhelmed by your emotions and are unable to regulate them appropriately.

It can also affect your relationships, as you may react unpredictably and confuse or hurt other people.

You feel restless inside

If you feel restless inside, you may have trouble relaxing and calming down.

It's as if your mind is constantly in motion, spinning mental merry-go-rounds and keeping you from focusing or finding peace.

This inner restlessness can also manifest itself physically. You might feel fidgety, constantly move your legs, or be unable to hold your hands steady.

It's like your body wants to get rid of that excess energy.

These feelings of inner turmoil can weigh you down and prevent you from focusing on other things or feeling good.

It can be difficult to find moments of relaxation and truly unwind when you constantly feel internally driven.

You have difficulty concentrating

If you have trouble focusing, your attention may keep wandering.

You find it hard to focus on one particular thing and direct your thoughts in a certain direction.

This difficulty in keeping you focused can affect different areas of your life.

Whether it's at work, studying, or in social situations, you feel like you're not as productive or effective as you'd like to be.

What helps against mood swings?

Now it's about why you ended up here. When it comes to dealing with mood swings, there are a few things you can try to help you feel better and stabilize your mood.

These are a few tips you can implement:

  • Self-care
  • Stress Management
  • Social support
  • Tools and techniques


Self-care plays a critical role in managing mood swings. It's about taking good care of yourself and taking action.

Here are some ways you can nurture and support yourself:

Take time for yourself

Give yourself regular moments of rest and relaxation. Find activities that bring you joy and help you relieve stress.

This can be anything from a walk in nature to a relaxing bath or reading a good book.

By taking time for yourself, you can lighten your mood and feel better.

Take care of your physical health

Your physical well-being has a great influence on your mood. Make sure you eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

Take care of yourself by paying attention to your needs and providing your body with the right nutrients and enough rest.

Be patient with yourself

Mood swings can be frustrating, but it's important to be patient with yourself. Give yourself time to adjust and experience positive changes.

Accept that there will be good days and bad days and that this is a normal part of life. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them.😊

Stress Management

There are several strategies that can help you reduce stress and find better balance in your life.

These include relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, Meditation or yoga, regular physical activity and sufficient sleep.

It's also important to manage your time well and set priorities to avoid undue stress.

In addition, you should consciously take time for yourself to recharge your batteries and recover.

Remember that stress management is an individual process and there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach.

Find out which strategies work best for you and incorporate them into your daily routine.

Take regular time for yourself to relieve stress and pay attention to yourself and your needs.

By actively working on your stress management, you can stabilize your mood and achieve a better sense of well-being in the long run.

Social support

You can benefit from family, friends or a support group who can provide emotional support and help you get through difficult times.

It's important to be open about your feelings and let other people know how you're feeling.

Sharing worries, fears, or frustrations can be relieving and make you feel like you're not alone in them. In addition to emotional support, social relationships can also offer practical help.😊

Whether it's doing activities together, laughing together, or getting help with everyday life, having people you can count on can help you feel better and deal with mood swings.

Invest time and energy in building and maintaining social relationships. Connect with other people, whether through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, or virtual contacts.

Look for communities or groups where you feel comfortable and feel understood and supported.

Tools and techniques

Tools and techniques can help you better manage mood swings and improve your well-being. Here are some ways they can help you:

  1. Keep a diary: Writing in a journal can help you reflect on your feelings and thoughts. You can record your moods and fluctuations and possibly identify patterns or triggers.
  2. Relaxation techniques: Try different relaxation techniques like breathing exercises, Meditation or progressive muscle relaxation.
  3. Exercise and physical activity: Regular Physical activity can have a positive impact on your mood. Exercise releases endorphins.
  4. Mindfulness: Mindfulness exercises can help you be in the present moment and consciously notice your thoughts and feelings without judging or evaluating them.

Remember that not all tools and techniques are equally effective for everyone. It can be helpful to try different approaches and find out what works best for you.

Of course, certain medicinal plants and supplements can also play a supporting role in your question, "What helps with mood swings?" Here are some supplements you can try:

  • Medicinal plants
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin B6
  • L-tryptophan
  • Homeopathy

Medicinal plants

One well-known plant is St. John's wort. It is often used for mild to moderate depression because it has mood-lifting properties.

It can help improve mood and reduce negative thoughts. Note, however, that St. John's wort may interact with other medications, so it is important to consult a doctor before taking it.

Another medicinal plant is lavender. Lavender has calming properties and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

You can use lavender as an essential oil by adding a few drops to a scent lamp or placing a lavender pillow under your pillow.

The pleasant scent can help relax you and promote a calmer mood.

Valerian is another plant that has a calming effect. It can help relieve nervous tension and promote better sleep. You can take valerian as a tea or in the form of capsules.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are important nutrients found in certain foods such as fish, Flaxseed* and walnuts. Not only can they be good for your heart, they can also influence your mood.

Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids in the brain can help regulate certain neurotransmitters responsible for mood.

They can increase serotonin levels, also known as the "happy hormone."

If you regularly eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids or take omega-3 supplements, it could improve your mood swings.

It is important to note that omega-3 fatty acids are not an instant solution. It may take some time before you feel their effect.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is an essential vitamin found in many foods such as chicken, fish, bananas and potatoes.

The vitamin is involved in the production of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers in the brain that affect our mood.

It helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter known for feelings of well-being and happiness.


L-tryptophan is found in certain foods such as eggs, meat, fish, dairy products and nuts.

When your body gets enough L-tryptophan, it can produce serotonin from it to balance mood swings.

It can help improve your mood, relieve stress, and make you feel more relaxed and balanced overall.

To get the benefits of L-tryptophan, you can supplement your diet with foods rich in this amino acid.


Homeopathy is an alternative healing method based on the principle of the rule of similars. This means that a homeopathic remedy that can cause similar symptoms in healthy people is used to treat similar symptoms.

With regard to mood swings, homeopathic remedies such as Ignatia, Pulsatilla or Sepia can be used to restore emotional balance.

These remedies are taken in highly diluted forms and are designed to help the body heal itself.

Our conclusion

In closing, I want you to know that you are not alone in your battle with mood swings.

There are many ways to feel better and increase your well-being. Self-care should come first, because you deserve to take good care of yourself.

Remember that there is no quick fix and everyone must find their own individual way to lift their mood.

Be patient with yourself and be proud of every little progress you make. You have the power to improve your mood and live a full life.

Believe in yourself and don't give up - you are stronger than you think.😊

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