That's what your sleeping position says about your character!

Sleeping position Meaning

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At night, our body relaxes and our brain can process what we have experienced. Why your sleeping position is important and what it says about you, you will learn today.

There is nothing more pleasant than falling into bed after a long and tiring day. Get under the fluffy blanket, snuggle up and you're off to the land of dreams.

Thereby our body refuels new energy and recovers from the stresses of the day. The brain processes everything that has been experienced and stores important information. We fill up with strength on a whole level for everything that lies ahead of us.

Good, restful sleep is essential for a healthy life. But have you ever kept an eye on your exact lying position when you fall asleep?

Your perfect position for falling asleep reveals more about you than you realize. By the way, most people keep their chosen sleeping position for the rest of their lives and can only sleep in a very unrelaxed way if they do otherwise.

Psychologists and sleep researchers have analyzed different attitudes and draw conclusions about our personality, our strengths and weaknesses, and even manage to determine our character.

Why you should pay attention to your sleeping position and what it says about you as a person is what I want to show you now.

What does the sleeping position say about the psyche?

Many sleep researchers and psychologists have studied the question of what our sleeping position and character have in common.

The American psychologist and book author Samuel Dunkell is quoted particularly often. According to his theory, we develop our favorite sleeping position in childhood. It accompanies us throughout our lives. In his research, he also deals with the extent to which we subconsciously adopt our sleeping position and what it reveals about us.

It is obvious that the sleeping position says a lot about us, even if we are not aware of it. It expresses our innermost feelings and needs, which are often hidden from the outside world.

So the next time you slip under the covers and settle in for a good night's rest, pay attention to your sleeping position - what does it say about you?

Sleeping in the fetal position, that is, lying on one's side with legs drawn up and arms against the chest, reflects the need for security.

The starfish position, where you lie on your back with your hands clasped behind your head, shows an open attitude towards others because everything is out in the open, as well as self-confidence and inner balance. Sleeping on your stomach indicates openness, but also difficulty trusting others. People who sleep in this position are usually independent and strong-willed.

Finally, sleeping on your right side may indicate that you are very social and like to meet new people, while sleeping on your left side may indicate that you are more introverted and thoughtful.

But let's take a closer look at that now!

The sleeping position meaning, character and health

Prone, supine or side position? What do you prefer for falling asleep and staying asleep? We will now tell you why the sleeping position is important and what influence it has on your character. You'll be surprised how many similarities there are for you, too!

By the way, surveys show that 70 percent of people prefer the side position, followed by the supine and prone position.

The side sleeper (the melancholic position)

If someone assumes a relaxed lateral position with a straight back, knees drawn up and arms close to the body, it is a sign that they have achieved inner balance.

Such people are open to new experiences and always look forward to unknown possibilities. When we have achieved an inner balance, this also radiates outwardly and makes us attractive!

These people are known for their wit and are often called clowns or jokers by those around them. However, despite the jokes, they remain determined and focused on achieving their goals. Moreover, everyone who knows them notices how reliable and accurate they can be.

People who sleep in the melancholic position are considered to have complex personalities. They are said to be friendly and open, but also cynical and suspicious.

Making decisions is not one of their strengths. But once they have made a decision, they are stubborn and want to go through with it at all costs.

Is sleeping on your side healthy?

From the orthopedic point of view, this sleeping position has significance for the spine. It is considered the most common variant and relieves the vertebrae.

Sleeping on your side can be a beneficial position for many people, whether you sleep stretched out or in the fetal position. However, it's important that you invest in a proper mattress and pillow height when sleeping on your side. This will ensure that your spine and neck are optimally supported throughout the night.

An unsuitable mattress or a pillow that is too high/too low can increase neck pain. For people with back pain, this sleeping position is important because it allows the spine to maintain its natural shape.

The back sleeper (the soldier position)

In the soldier position you sleep on your back. Your chin is pointing upward, your legs are about shoulder-width apart. Your arms are at your sides.

Those who sleep on their backs are known as the "king of sleep" and go through life confidently during the day.

Most often, this type of sleeper is an only child. The back sleeper demands a lot of attention from his environment and is not averse to being the center of attention. Equipped with a lot of self-confidence, they are not only at peace with themselves, but also with their environment.

You are considered reserved and secretive. Showing big feelings? You only do that in exceptional cases - after all, you don't want others to look inside you.

A back sleeper who holds a pillow in his hands is considered a good listener and is also said to be particularly helpful. With advice and action, he supports his fellow man and always has the right words ready.

As a back sleeper, you hardly change position at night.

Is sleeping on your back healthy?

From a medical point of view, the supine position is clearly more advantageous than the prone position. If you sleep on your back with your legs stretched out, you relieve the strain on your back.

The body is better supplied with blood and the organs are not unnecessarily stressed, as it is in its natural state. This particular posture also allows for maximum relaxation, as the spine assumes an almost neutral position when lying down.

The supine position is not suitable for everyone. People who have problems with heartburn or snoring, for example, should be careful. If the upper body is lower than the stomach, acidic stomach contents can slosh up into the esophagus and cause pain and inflammation.

Sleeping on your back can have a negative effect on the flow of oxygen to your lungs because it means your airway is not fully open and causes loud snoring.

Disadvantage for fellow human beings: Most snorers are back sleepers. Lying on the back favors the loud sleeping noises many times over!

The stomach sleeper

As a stomach sleeper, your legs are either slightly spread or they are completely close together, sometimes one leg is bent. The head is turned to the right or left side. Often one hand is under the head or pillow.

If you like to lie on your stomach, you are one of those people who always want to be in control. This trait is even more pronounced when you hold a pillow tightly. This type of person tries to protect himself from unpleasant surprises and wants to have everything well planned.

Typical character traits of belly sleepers are a strong sense of order, ambition, punctuality and great attention to detail. If there's one thing he doesn't like at all, it's spontaneous changes of plans. His thin-skinned nerves can sometimes get out of balance.

Is sleeping on your stomach healthy?

Even though stomach sleepers love this position very much, unfortunately it is not healthy. The problem is the twisted head position. It leads to neck and shoulder pain in the morning. When you sleep on your stomach, you hyperextend your cervical spine for several hours at a time. You quickly notice this in neck pain, which becomes more intense from day to day.

However, if you have problems in your lower back, you should pay attention to this sleeping position. It can relieve the lumbar spine and takes the pressure off the intervertebral discs.

The fetal position

Do you know someone who sleeps in the fetal position or do you even do it yourself? People who fall asleep and sleep through the night in the fetal position do so with their knees drawn up, their backs rounded and their arms bent. Just like a baby in the womb.

Curled up and contracted, these people want to protect their sensitive exterior from the outside world - and this is exactly what makes up their character. People who sleep this way often feel helpless and insecure in life.

Sleeping positions meanings like this are characterized by a not so strong self-confidence. People who love to sleep like this are introverted, considered shy and need some time to open up.

They are considered to have above-average creativity and practicality. It is not unusual for them to let their feelings carry them through life, to trust their gut instincts and to be pleasure-seekers.

Is this sleeping position healthy?

Yes and no. If you sleep in this position too often, you risk neck and back pain. The extreme huddling can cause tension to build up. Existing neck pain can be aggravated by this.

At the same time, this position is considered very familiar and intimate. Those who are prone to it should try to stretch really well in the morning while still in bed and straighten the back vertebra by vertebra.

In the great self-experiment: sleep with the weighted blanket! 

The log position

If you slumber in the tree trunk position, then you count as a side sleeper. However, with the special feature that your arms are stretched downward. You lie on your side, with your legs only very slightly bent and your arms stretched out.

As a side sleeper with outstretched arms, you count among the problem-free contemporaries. Your character is characterized by impartiality and relaxation. You are open and outgoing. You get along well in large groups of people and quickly find the place you want to have. Sometimes it is in the front row and sometimes you are the quiet listener - you know exactly what you want and need.

Other people describe you as loyal and like to trust you with their secrets.

Is this sleeping position healthy?

Like the classic side position, sleeping in the tree trunk position is a healthy sleeping position that many people find particularly comfortable. You relieve the strain on your back and spine.

But sometimes you tend to pull your shoulders forward and fall into the fetal position, which can promote neck pain.

You can watch a great video about sleeping position and especially neck support here:

What is the best and healthiest sleeping position?

The best sleeping position depends on individual needs and preferences. Sleeping on your back or side keeps your spine in a neutral position, so this would be the ideal sleeping position.

However, some people find it difficult or uncomfortable to sleep this way and may need to try other positions until they find one that is comfortable and properly supports their spine.

It should also be noted that the right mattress can also influence the quality of sleep. A mattress with the right amount of support can make all the difference for a restful night's sleep.

If you have physical complaints, such as neck pain, coughing or back pain, then you should pay attention to your sleeping position and by no means ignore it. Certain positions can alleviate discomfort and promote relaxed sleep.

The best sleeping position for

  • Neck pain: side or prone position
  • Shoulder pain: back or side position
  • Back pain: supine or lateral position
  • Hip pain: supine position
  • Cough: supine position with elevated upper body
  • Heartburn: Side position
  • Pregnancy: lateral position
  • Period pain: embryonic position

Our conclusion

Your sleeping position can say a lot about your personality and outlook on life. It is also important to consider the health effects of your sleeping position.

The right mattress, pillow and sleeping position can make all the difference for a restful night's sleep. Try different sleeping positions until you find one that is comfortable and supportive for your spine and body.

Good and restful dreams!

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