Anti stress tips that you can implement immediately

Anti stress tips

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Well, already arrived at the holiday stress? Here are the best anti-stress tips for this hectic time. Compact and briefly summarized.

More and more people suffer from permanent stress. And around Christmas and New Year's Eve, it gets even worse. A lot of things still have to be done at work, and the Christmas presents don't come automatically.

And what the hell is in store for the turn of the year this year? There's also a lot to be organized.

Take a deep breath and enjoy the next few lines in peace. Here are the best anti-stress tips that work immediately.

Anti stress tips

1. talk to yourself

It may sound funny or a bit strange, but actually talking to yourself helps. It helps to break the vicious circle of thousands of thoughts at the same time and to focus on one thing.

If you get really angry, you can say so. You can also swear, provided it is not too vulgar.

2. write down the stress

The anti-stress tip for all those who don't know what to do anymore: Get the frustration off your chest. Either keep a diary or simply take a piece of paper and a pen.

If you like, you can write down your To Dos or take time in the evening to write down your thoughts. You will see how quickly you feel liberated.

3. go offline

After reading these anti-stress tips, turn off your phone. Put it away. You may feel a little nervous and lost at first, but it will get better.

The beautiful vacation pictures of friends on Instagram, the many flashing advertisements - all this subconsciously creates stress. Just save yourself the trouble.

You don't always have to be available. A digital detox works wonders and helps reduce stress.

Instead of your cell phone, grab a book and a cup of tea. That feels really good!

4. chew gum

Anti stress tips chewing gum

Feeling super stressed right now? Grab a piece of gum. Chewing them helps us relax. A delicious anti-stress tip, right?

Why it helps: When we are stressed, we tense our neck, shoulders and jaw. This happens subconsciously. The result: terrible pain in the neck.

By chewing gum you can loosen the muscles. It's good for you and tastes delicious.

5. eat healthy

Take a look at what you've eaten in the last few days. When we are stressed, we often eat quite a lot of sugar and white flour. These simple carbohydrates provide quick power, but at the same time our body wants more and more of them.

Eating too unhealthy also causes blood pressure to skyrocket.

Better: Lots of vegetables, fruit, low-fat and plenty of water. Carbohydrates are of course allowed, but please not from sugar or white flour. But from whole grain products.

6. relax actively

After a long day, you just want to lie down on the sofa? Sounds very tempting, but if you get up and move around, you can get rid of stress much better.

What? Do something else? You're rolling your eyes? Trust me, it will do you mega good. Your body will release happiness hormones, which will reduce stress hormones.

Find a sport that is really fun. Even a long walk can help. By the way, fresh air is always a good idea! You can't get enough of it.

Yoga and meditation can also help you relax. Give it a try!

7. change your attitude

Uh, excuse me? Yes, you have read correctly! Very often, hectic is home-made. Positive thinking helps.

Often we simply have to accept that we cannot change the situation right now. It does little good to panic and then become incapable of action.

Most likely, no one will die if you don't finish the task today and do it tomorrow. Unless you are a doctor.

9. sleep enough

Anti stress tips

Only when we sleep can our body effectively combat stress. 6-8 hours is what an adult needs on average.

If you sleep less for a long time, your body will resent it very much. You will have trouble concentrating and your immune system will be more susceptible to infections of all kinds.

9. say no

Anti-stress tips are designed to help you deal with the amount you have going on. If you're constantly adding new to-dos, even the best tips won't help.

You're swamped with tasks and don't know what to do anymore? And then your best friend comes along with the suggestion to go to the theater.

All you'd have to do is pick her up, take her to the dry cleaners on the way, and then have dinner together.

If it's too much for you right now, learn to say no. No one will be angry with you if you justify it well.

After all, the theater will still be there in a month. Then you can at least enjoy it better and not be elsewhere with your thoughts.

Just listen to your gut more often.

Our conclusion

You can save yourself a lot of anti-stress tips if you learn to say no consciously. We ourselves are responsible for most stressful situations, and it doesn't have to come to that.

Try to relax with a cup of tea and a good book. And lace up your training shoes regularly.

Good luck and don't be rushed!

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