How to cope better with stress!

Dealing with stress properly

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Everyone has it. Nobody wants it. We show you how you can best deal with stress and what methods there are for coping with stress.

Well, I don't know anyone who hasn't been mega stressed at some point. Most of the time, many hectic situations arise at the same time.

As was the case with me the other day. I overslept, the bus drives away in front of my nose. Of course it is raining.

While I'm standing here waiting, my inbox fills up with emails and my cell phone rings. "What's keeping you? Today the meeting is already at 8 o'clock!" Great.

The colleague is already urgently waiting for feedback. And I certainly won't be in the office before 8:15.

On the side, my mum calls and asks if I haven't forgotten to come for lunch today.

Where is the pause button when you need it? It's enough to make you jump out of your skin. Pure stress.

Do you know such or similar situations? As long as it is not a permanent condition in your life, you don't have to worry much.

It only becomes dangerous when we are stressed very often. Or even suffer from permanent stress. Because that is anything but healthy.

Avoid stress

In such situations, you have to deal well with stress. The good news is that small things are often enough to make the situation less hectic.

You do not believe that? Then by all means read on! These stress management tips have helped me enormously. In the meantime, I master situations like those mentioned above with ease. Nothing can get me out of my calm so quickly anymore.

4 anti-stress tips that work immediately

  1. Breathe in and out deeply
  2. Chew a gum
  3. Move or go for a walk
  4. Make a to list with priorities

Why you need to know the trigger to deal with stress

What is the saying? Know your enemy! This is probably the most important tip. Because only if you know who or what is stressing you so much, you can take action against it.

Did you know that the most common triggers for stress can be summed up in the word NUTS?

Novelty (News). Situations that we don't know and in which we have never been before stress many people enormously. It could be a new job, the first big presentation in front of 150 people, or going on vacation all by yourself for the first time.

Unpredictability. Can you still remember your first visit to the gynecologist? Terrible, wasn't it? Novelty and unpredictability all in one. Simply pure horror.

For many, however, even a checkup at the dentist is included here. Simply because you don't know what will happen and are helplessly exposed to the situation.

Threat to the Ego (Threat). You present something at work and a colleague doubts your abilities in front of everyone.

Sense of Control (loss of control). Riding a roller coaster stresses you out? When we feel like we have little or no control over a situation, that's when stress happens. You don't even have to go to the fair for that. Standing in a traffic jam is enough.

If you want to counteract stress, it helps to identify the trigger.

How to deal with stress in acute situations

Now for the sobering news: The ONE tip that will make you never stressed again doesn't exist. At least it hasn't been invented yet.

Everyone must find their own strategies to deal with stress. And thereby protect themselves from the consequences.

The reason for this is that we all have a different stress level. While one is already in the stress of her life at little things, the other sees it not even remotely stressful.

You can implement these tips right away.

1. take a deep breath

Suitable for work is correct breathing. It is so simple and yet we make many mistakes. When we are under stress, we breathe very superficially, which means that too little oxygen reaches the brain.

As a result, we have trouble concentrating and make mistakes. And then we are even more stressed.

Breathe in deeply through your nose. In such a way that your abdomen rises and falls correctly. Ideally, you should go outside or at least open a window.

Works wonders!

2. chew a piece of gum

When we feel stressed, we tense up. Many clench their teeth tightly, which can lead to tension in the neck. And pain stresses us even more.

If you want to deal with stress, then you should have a pack of gum at the table. By chewing, you loosen your muscles. At the same time, you stimulate areas of the brain that have a positive influence on stress management.

Dealing with stress properly

3. laughter is a stress killer

Let's face it: we all laugh far too little. Laughter makes us happy and healthy, because it relieves stress and tension.

Every time you smile, you release happy hormones that help fight stress.

Try not to lose your sense of humor even in tricky situations. Sometimes even a short video with clumsy kittens can make you smile.

And sometimes laughter yoga exercises help to see everything a bit more positively again. Give it a try! :)

4. make a To Do list and prioritize them

Surely you know what is still to come. But it will certainly help you if you write it down first.

Now you set priorities and number the to-dos. Does everything really have to be ready by 5 p.m. today or can you postpone something until the next day?

Do you have a colleague at work? Ask her to take over a few To Dos. Assuming she's not also packed with as much work as you are.

Do one thing at a time.

Concentrate on task 1 and only then start with task 2.

Good time management can save us from a lot of hectic. Plan enough time for all to-dos and a little buffer for the unexpected. Plan at least a week in advance, then you know exactly what is coming up.

5. walk or move

It's like a zoo in the office again? Take a deep breath in and out. And then get out of the situation.

That doesn't mean you should go home or kick the can down the road. But consider doing a few chores on a walk.

Is there no time at all? Then at least move around a bit in the building. Often, a change of location helps you cope with stress and see things a little more clearly.

Just getting up and going to the coffee machine feels really good and helps to take a breath.

Exercise is one of the #1 stress relievers par excellence and helps you reduce cortisol.

Reduce stress by walking

6. set on anti-stress food

When things get really hectic, our brain only wants one thing: lots of energy.

You may be familiar with cravings for unhealthy foods when you're stressed. Our brain practically forces us to eat carbohydrates, fats and sugar.

That's when you like to reach for a chocolate bar. But that only makes the stress worse. The sugar gives you a quick energy boost.

But a short time later, blood sugar drops rapidly. A candy bar is not stress management.

But there is also the opposite. Namely, those who simply forget to eat when they are stressed and are hardly hungry.

In both cases, a healthy and balanced diet will help you. Our body consumes a lot of vitamins and especially zinc when we are in a hurry. Fill up the energy stores with healthy foods and dishes.

True brain food are nuts and fruit.

How you can relieve stress on a holiday evening

Very important: Even in the most stressful situations, you have to take time for yourself. That is the only way out of the misery.

We tell you what can help.

7. singing and dancing as stress management

Don't laugh at me now :). On really stressful days I put on a good song at home and dance and sing to it.

When I dance, I really shake it off. This loosens tensions. And when you sing, you automatically breathe deeply into your belly.

So fighting stress can be really fun. What is your favorite song? :)

8. get a cat

What? More stress? No, quite the opposite. A cat can help us learn to deal with stress.

If you have a little more time, then a dog can also help. However, for this you need on the one hand space and on the other hand at least 3 times a day for walking.

You can also walk a dog from the shelter and adopt one.

9. train to be able to deal with stress

At some point, even on the most stressful day, the end of work is in sight. Grab two bananas, drink some water, and then head to the gym.

Exercising is mega effective for getting rid of stress hormones. You just sweat it all out and feel like a new man afterwards.

Sport against stress

The sport demands all your attention. I love to go bouldering after stressful days. If I don't concentrate fully on climbing, I end up on the mat. But running or cycling also do a lot of good. You have to find out for yourself which sport really challenges you and is fun for you.

Exercise makes you more resilient in stressful situations. Therefore, get into the habit of doing something for your body at least 3 times a week!

10. read a book when it's stressful

When was the last time you had a really good book in your hands? Just six minutes of reading helps our body to come down.

Why? Well, when we read, we focus on the story. We forget everything around us. With a good cup of herbal tea and a cozy blanket, you just escape from the stress.

11. switch off the cell phone at the end of the working day

Do you really have to be available around the clock or be on your cell phone? The answer is quite clear: No.

Observe how much time you spend with your cell phone every day. You could definitely use this time more wisely and read a book or do sports.

This reduces stress. On the cell phone, many subconsciously get even more stress. The beautiful vacation photos of friends, the many advertisements and the feeling of missing something - it is constantly on our heels.

Just turn off your cell phone. It's a good stress reliever at the end of the day.

12. relaxation is good stress management

What relaxes you? We all tick differently. Is it the cat as mentioned above or a book?

Perhaps crocheting, knitting or painting is right for you. Also very suitable are outdoor activities such as running, walking or swimming.

13. deal with stress through sufficient sleep

Especially in hectic times it is often difficult to sleep in or through the night. But it is mega important that you get enough rest.

Listen to your body. If your eyes almost close while sitting during the day and you only get through the day with coffee, then you need more sleep. On average, an adult needs about 8 hours of sleep per day.

Only when we sleep can the body reduce stress hormones. If you find it hard to fall asleep, try soothing teas.

Stress management through sleep

Our conclusion

What stresses us and how it affects us varies from person to person. A little stress is even healthy, because our body can then really come to peak performance.

Only permanently hectic and rushing are anything but healthy. Try to reduce stress. However, you have to find out for yourself what this relaxation looks like.

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