Are you unhappy in the relationship? That's how you can tell!

Unhappy in the relationship

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Are you unhappy in your relationship? Somehow it doesn't feel right anymore but you can't let go either? We'll tell you the signs of unhappy love and what you can do about it.

There are times when the partnership just ripples along. Everyday life has settled in and the partner's quirks are also accepted. There are no more surprises.

Do you also wonder if you are still happy in your relationship? We'll tell you the important signs of unhappy love.

Many couples have an unhappy relationship. No one quite dares to broach the delicate subject.

A good partnership always consists of mutual give and take. But that alone is no guarantee for a lifelong relationship.

The first step to saving an unhappy love is open honest conversations.

You should definitely not be afraid to talk to your partner about issues that you feel are not going well.

Here's how to tell if you're unhappy in the relationship and what you can do about it.

10 signs that you are unhappy in the relationship

You can only recognize the small signs that you are not happy in the partnership if you deal with your feelings.

Observe yourself very carefully. Do many of these points apply to you? Then it could be that your relationship is coming to an end.

End unhappy relationship or continue?

1. dwindling self-confidence

In a partnership, both should feel loved and secure. This beautiful feeling strengthens self-confidence at the same time.

Do you feel unappreciated?

You also don't feel comfortable in your skin anymore?

This definitely has something to do with dwindling self-confidence. In a happy relationship where you feel loved, insecurities don't arise.

If you lack the necessary appreciation in your relationship, then you are also not happy in the partnership.

2. you only make yourself look good for others

A game night or a party night is coming up. You style yourself a few hours beforehand. However, as soon as an evening alone with your boyfriend is on the agenda, you do only the bare essentials.

Make up? Sexy clothes? Nah, really not.

Of course it's important to feel good in a relationship. No matter whether with or without make-up.

But if you only make yourself pretty for others, then this is also a sign that you are unhappy in the relationship.

3. you prefer to spend time alone than with your partner

You like to spend time alone? There's nothing wrong with that either.

Some people need more time alone than others. However, if you always prefer to be alone instead of with your partner, then you should consider whether you feel unhappy in the relationship.

4. you humiliate your partner

Now and then a few little side blows at your partner's expense are not bad, as long as they don't go below the belt and are meant in a fun way.

However, if you expose him or her to each other in front of others, it is no longer okay. A relationship is always based on trust.

Problems should therefore not be unpacked in front of others. Putting each other down is never part of a happy partnership.

It only creates distance between the partners. You feel lonely in the partnership and no longer as a team. This is a clear sign of relationship problems.

5. plans for the future? Yes, but without your partner

Do you find yourself thinking about the future from time to time? But your partner doesn't play a role?

Then you've already moved away from that relationship more than you may realize.

Unhappy in the relationship

If you haven't planned anything together for a long time, it's time to think about whether you're unhappy in the relationship.

6. you are no longer happy when your partner comes home

A long day at work is over. The best thing you can think of is coming home to your sweetheart? No? You would much rather be alone?

You wouldn't mind if he had to work longer hours either? This is clear evidence that you are in an unhappy relationship.

7. you can't think of anything else you like about your sweetheart

Do you have to think long and hard to find something you value in your partner?

Then it is high time to think about your relationship. If you can't think of anything you like about your partner, then the partnership is no longer intact and you should think about a possible separation.

8. you no longer allow closeness

Your partner takes you in his arms and you cringe? You don't want to be close anymore?

Sex decreases in long-term relationships, but the desire should not completely disappear.

If you find intimacy only uncomfortable, it's a clear warning sign of relationship problems.

9. you are just annoyed

No matter what your partner does, you're annoyed. But you weren't really a nagger before.

But why are you now? Does he just leave the toothpaste tube open and you could already explode? You suddenly hate the way he eats?

Then think about whether your partner is really giving you a concrete reason to nag, or maybe you just feel unhappy in the relationship.

10. you no longer recognize yourself

It is quite normal that you change in a relationship. However, if you no longer recognize yourself and ask what has become of you, then you should take this very seriously.

A partner should actually bring out the best in you and not change you completely.

What's to blame for you being unhappy in the relationship

How you can tell if you are unhappy in the relationship, you now know. But what is the trigger? What is really to blame for the fact that the relationship is at an end?

The everyday life

Do you still remember the rose-colored glasses? The first infatuation? You wanted to embrace the whole world and of course spend every free minute with your partner.

But where have all the butterflies in the stomach gone?

The daily grind has driven them all away. Of course, the first infatuation passes after a certain time. However, it should then be replaced by love.

But everyday life puts love to a tough test. Can you really handle the regular routines?

Unhappy relationship

The power of everyday life should in no way be taken lightly. Spontaneous activities no longer exist? Do you now need a schedule for evenings out together?

This can soon lead to relationship frustration. If you do not manage to master the challenge of everyday life, then sooner or later you will not be happy in the relationship.

Living - separately or together

In addition to everyday life, the housing situation can also bring relationship problems. Both living together and separately have a high potential for conflict.

Have you just moved in together? Then you have to make sure that everyday life doesn't destroy your relationship. A joint household requires a lot of organizational skills.

Divide the various tasks among yourselves or do everything together. The only important thing is that you don't dump everything on one partner.

Do you live in separate apartments or are you in a long-distance relationship? Then you enjoy more freedom than couples who live together.

The longing remains and the relationship may stay fresh longer. However, a long-distance relationship also carries the risk of estrangement.

To prevent distance from becoming a relationship problem, both partners should try to see each other as often as possible and enjoy the few moments together.

You see, the living situation can also be a reason why you feel unhappy in the relationship.

You are just not made for each other

Visually, your friend corresponds to your booty pattern. Also in terms of character everything is top. He has everything you want in a partner.

Still, you are not really happy. Something is missing. Is your boyfriend really your soulmate? Are you made for each other?

Sometimes it's just the little things that you're missing. But that is exactly what makes a perfect relationship.

To find out if your partner is your Mr. Right, you don't need a pros and cons list.

Just listen to what your heart is telling you. If you feel lonely in the partnership despite your boyfriend, then you are simply not meant for each other.

What you can do if you are unhappy in the relationship

Meanwhile, little work is done on a partnership. As soon as the first conflicts arise, the separation occurs.

Far too rarely do partners commit to their relationship. In any case, communication is important. We show you how to revive your partnership and when it is better to separate.

Do not wait too long

You are not happy in the relationship? Then don't hide it for too long.

Speak directly about the things that bother you. All feelings and thoughts should be communicated honestly and openly.

The sooner you do that, the sooner it can be worked on. Otherwise, he won't have the chance to react to it.

You deprive him of any chance to change something and save the relationship. Communication is one of the most important keys in a happy partnership.

Loving the relationship through small attentions

In this context, attention does not necessarily mean gifts. Rather, it is the small gestures in everyday life that make a relationship happy.

You need to give each other your attention. Actively ask him about the day, his thoughts and feelings.

Take time for each other and strengthen the partnership with shared experiences. Signal to your partner that he is important for you.

You can also show attention in small gestures. He says he has a headache? Then get him a headache tablet without being asked, because you want him to feel better soon.

He comes home totally exhausted? Then make him happy by giving him his favorite drink or cooking him something tasty.

You can show attentiveness in many areas of everyday life. Being attentive to each other is important for maintaining the relationship.

When you better separate

You are no longer happy in the partnership. Within a relationship it is important to find solutions for the problems together.

But if the compromises always turn out in favor of your partner and he does not respond to your needs at all, then it is better to make the jump.

Such an imbalance will not fulfill you in the long run. Rather, you will remain unhappy in the relationship alone.

In the worst case, an unhappy love can also make you sick. You feel only alone and emotionally abandoned. All this can even end in depression.

You try with all your might to save the relationship. In the long run, this robs you of all your strength. However, before it comes to that, you should rather separate.

Because love should not make you sick, but give you support and catch you.

Our conclusion

Be sure to take your partnership seriously. Watch out for signs of whether you unconsciously feel unhappy in the relationship. If this is only a phase, then you can work together on the partnership.

Take time for each other and give each other attention. However, if you are not happy in the partnership and always try to save the relationship alone, then it is better to separate.

Otherwise, this unhappy cohabitation can even make you sick in the long run. Then, at the latest, it is time to face the truth.

All the best for you!

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