Meditate daily: This is what really happens in your brain

meditate daily

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Meditating is the panacea for everything. But what can just breathing in and out change? Especially in our minds? We'll tell you what really happens in our brains when we meditate.

The principle is simple. You sit down on the seat of your pants. Close your eyes. And breathe. 5 minutes or 10 minutes. Some make it for an hour. Some Buddhists even for days. Some claim they meditate for years.

Those who meditate regularly can better concentrate. Is focused and more creative. More relaxed and more serene. And has the wisdom the Dalai Lama. Just by sitting quietly and breathing calmly. Can not be so difficult!

Of course, I wanted that too. Serenity, Dalai Lama, Breathe. Sounds pretty tempting! So I sit down on my specially bought for this purpose Meditation cushion. Closed his eyes. Waited for the Enlightenment. And to the fact that the 10 minutes are up.

Meditate for beginners

After 2 minutes my head said: "Uh, do you notice anything yet?... Instead of sitting around here, you can clean the windows. Or clean up. Oh, call your mom again. An ice cream would be good right now."

Three more minutes hurt the Back. Slowly evolved breathe and do nothing as a thing of the Impossibility. I didn't last 5 minutes. The next day I skipped my new routine directly.

But what exactly is that supposed to achieve? And how? How am I supposed to become more relaxed and at ease by doing n-i-c-h-t-s? Or rather my Brain rebuild? Because that obviously had the least desire to do.

The art of meditation - what is happening to us?

The head is for thinking

At least most of the time ;) Researchers and Buddhists therefore recommend not to be so strict with our brain.

When meditating Thoughts come into the head, we should accept. The important thing is that we look at them from the outside and let them pass.

So the secret is not to get caught up in your own Head cinema to lose. And to consciously pay attention to stay in the present.

In doing so, it helps to focus attention on our Breathing to lay. This way we can give our brain a Employment without wandering off in our thoughts.

Why we always react the same way

In the course of our lives, we learn to react automatically. Our brain compares Experience and Emotions with a new impulse.

If we have experienced something like this before, we are likely to react in the same way. The more often we encounter such a situation, the better the Pattern burn in.

Small example? Your roommate never takes out the trash. How do you react? You could get upset. You could confront him.

Or rant about him in the back. Sound familiar? These are probably your Standard reactions. Our autopilot loves that.

What autopilot can do

While we are annoyed with our roommate, here's what happens: Certain areas in our head are activated. Among other things the Hippocampus and the AmygdalaThat is where our "fear center" is located.

These areas in the brain ensure that we see the world through our Thoughtsold experiences and emotions perceive. Instead of consciously using our senses to reaccept and reevaluate situations.

Hello, complex world

Our world always requires new Solutions and ways of thinking. When we have difficulty "getting out of our skin," we prevent ourselves from growing. We always evaluate the present with the Past.

This makes it difficult for us to talk about the Edge of the plate to squint out. Or to respond appropriately in deep conversations.

We easily misunderstand or misjudge situations biased.

This increases our stress level. We tend to anxious thoughts or feel in this complex world overloaded.

Psychological problems such as depression, panic attacks or serious illnesses can result.

Meditating gets the brain off autopilot

When we meditate, above all the prefrontal cortex activated. This is not so strongly connected to old emotions. So we train to see things directly through our Senses to perceive. And our brain does not even come up with the idea of evaluating.

We stop criticize or be frightened. We are open to new reactions. And will creative in reacting to more annoying situations.

So why not just laugh and put the garbage bag in front of the roommate's door? Maybe he just overlooked it ;)

Learn to be mindful and aware

Our autopilot forces us into a Infinite loop. We always react in the same way, we always act in a similar way. And we don't really get off the ground. Only when we start to think our thoughts again direct and to be, we can break the circle.

Daily meditation is healthy

This "being aware" can be achieved by Meditation train and practice. We learn in the Present to be

And to accept things without judging them. This makes us more alert and focused. We learn Acceptance and serenity. Lose ourselves less often in negative thoughts.

Lose yourself in the now

Meditating, by the way, is not just sitting quietly and doing nothing. Others can switch off better when they are in nature. Hiking, walking, staring at the sea. Maybe you are perfect with your senses in the present when you pet your cat.

Or you can really switch off while cooking. Doing a puzzle or digging around. Whatever it is. Put yourself in that situation as often as you can. Breathe consciously and be mindful. You should practice this. Every day for Several minutes. By the way, when you pull the corners of your mouth up, your brain additionally releases Feelings of happiness off ;)

Our conclusion

Meditation can do incredible things if we practice it regularly. Our Brain can react better to new situations. We are open to new things. And can be stupid Negative infinite loops break through.

Be patient with yourselves in the beginning. Give yourselves time, Rest at find. Each time you make it a few minutes longer. And get better and better at just "breathing". Try it - it is Quality of life for free. :)

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