Is a gut flora analysis worthwhile? My self test

Intestinal flora analysis

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You are thinking about having a gut flora analysis done, but are still undecided? Then you've come to the right place. I have tried a self-test and tell you what you need to pay attention to.

More and more people are struggling with food intolerances. Flatulence after cheese, diarrhea after bread or abdominal cramps after fish - these are just a few examples.

And you have not been alone in this for a long time.

Everyone has at least one person in their immediate circle of acquaintances who can't eat everything they feel like.

You know this too? Then you've come to the right place.

I'll tell you when a gut flora analysis is worthwhile and how it works.

After I have a Food allergy test I have madethat was the next logical step.

What is a gut flora analysis

More than 400 different types of microorganisms live in our intestines. They ensure that the intestinal flora is in balance and that digestion runs smoothly.

If some microorganisms multiply faster than others and displace the others, the intestinal flora becomes unbalanced. This leads to typical complaints such as flatulence, diarrhea or abdominal cramps.

However, the microorganisms have many more tasks than "just" rocking the digestive system. They

  • prevent bacterial overgrowth
  • strengthen the immune system
  • produce vitamins
  • ensure the distribution of nutrients and vital substances
  • Promote metabolism

At the Intestinal flora analysis they are closely examined. You look at the distribution of the bacteria and can see if there is too much of one type and too little of another.

You need to know that our intestinal flora is as individual as our fingerprint. This means that every microbiome is structured a little differently.

In addition, the composition of the microbiome is constantly changing. Depending on what we eat, whether we have a lot of stress and how the distribution of protein, fat and fiber is. If you increase the amount of fiber, it will have an impact on the gut bacteria.

Intestinal flora analysis guide

When and for whom an analysis of the microbiome is worthwhile

The right intestinal bacteria protect against digestive problems, while others are said to be responsible.

An intestinal flora analysis is worthwhile for everyone. However, it is primarily aimed at all those who have digestive problems or suffer from these complaints:

  • Bloating and distended abdomen - after eating or bloating for no reason
  • Diarrhea (diarrhea)
  • Abdominal pain
  • Blockages
  • Feeling of fullness
  • Nausea after eating
  • Allergies like hay fever
  • Skin rashes like neurodermatitis
  • Constant fatigue
  • Candida Albicans (fungal infection in the digestive tract)
  • Food intolerances
  • Constant colds and fatigue
  • Depression and bad mood

If you recognize yourself in one of these symptoms and do not know what caused them, then it is worthwhile to have a gut flora analysis.

But also all those who have few complaints can do a test. In this way, it is possible to detect at an early stage whether the intestinal flora is in balance. If deviations are already recognizable, one can act against it now and prevent worse.

I find it totally exciting that the immune system also starts in the intestine. So if you constantly have a cold, are tired or fatigued, then this may actually be due to your intestinal flora.

New studies have also shown that our intestinal bacteria transmit signals to the brain and can thus have an influence on our mood. Many studies are currently being conducted on the subject of intestinal flora and depression. Anyone who tests their intestinal flora can learn a great deal about their physical and mental health.

If the balance in your intestine is disturbed in the long term, diseases can develop. Typical examples are irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease.

In order to find out what is going wrong in your intestines, it is worthwhile to have an intestinal flora analysis.

Do you have the results, you can build up the intestinal flora. This often requires only small changes in diet.

This is what you need to know if you want to do a gut flora analysis

The good news is that you don't have to undergo an examination like a colonoscopy. For the analysis of the intestinal flora you only need a stool sample.

Your stool is then examined for certain intestinal bacteria and microorganisms. In this way, you can quickly see whether the ratio of your little roommates is correct or not.

You can do a gut flora test at a doctor who specializes in it. But you can also simply do it at home.

I have done a gut flora analysis for you and now tell you how it went and what the result says.

How you can do a gut flora analysis at home

For the self-test I went over the Cerascreen intestinal flora test came across. During the research I stumbled across it several times. The website says that it is a "diagnostic self-test for home use" that detects the composition of bacteria in the gut.

After the sample is taken, it is sent to a laboratory where it "analyzes the DNA of the intestinal bacteria using the latest biotechnology". For me, this sounds quite promising, which is why I dare to try this experiment.

Cerascreen intestinal flora test
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The test is intended for all those who suffer from digestive problems after eating. And also those who have a weakened immune system.

Everything you need to perform the intestinal flora analysis is included in the kit.

You will find in it

  • the instruction manual
  • a stool sample tube
  • a transport tube
  • a test ID card
  • the return envelope.

Whether or not you also choose to Cerascreen intestinal flora test It makes little difference whether you choose one or the other. They all work with the same technology.

With the Discount code "Wild10" you get 10% discount on the test! Just enter the code with your order!

Intestinal flora analysis

My self-test provides these readings

  1. Species richness and diversity index: What about the diversity of bacteria in the gut?
  2. Dysbiosis Index: Is there an imbalance between "good" and "bad" gut bacteria?
  3. Enterotype (type of intestine): Do I have a meat eater or vegetarian gut flora? Tense because I am vegetarian, let's see if my gut type is evaluated correctly.
  4. Composition of bacterial strains (phyla): How are the four strains Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria distributed in my intestine?
  5. Overview of all bacteria: What functional bacteria and what species and genera occur within bacterial strains?

Sounds totally exciting, doesn't it?

How a microbiome analysis works

I order the test online. I have to give my address and the test is on its way. By the way, it can be ordered in Germany and Austria. The evaluation is carried out by partner laboratories.

Within a few minutes, the test is already on its way to me and after three days it is on my doorstep.

The first thing I find in the packaging is the user manual. To be on the safe side, I read through them twice. I'm a little excited, after all, I've never done anything like this before.

Now comes the part where it gets exciting.

This is how the Cerascreen intestinal flora test off. How it is with other tests, I can't tell you, because I haven't done another one yet.

Take the sample

The stool catcher prevents the stool from ending up in the toilet. You have to catch the poop so that it is not contaminated and the result is correct later.

The catcher is glued to the seat of the toilet. To do this, you need to detach an adhesive surface from the paper on the right and left and stick it in the back of the toilet.

I don't need to elaborate on what comes next, do I? 😅

When the transaction is completed, the sample is taken. To do this, you unscrew the sample tube. You will find a sampling spoon inside. For the result to be meaningful, you have to take stool from three different places.

The entire sample should be about the size of a bean.

Fill the sample

I put the sample into the sample tube. It is filled with a liquid called DNA stabilizer. It ensures that the sample remains good until it reaches the laboratory.

The tube is now closed. Tightly closed - turn again to be on the safe side.

Shake the sample until it has dissolved in the liquid.

You can now dispose of the remaining stool sample in the toilet.

Send the sample

You are almost finished. Now you only have to stick the stickers from the test kit onto the sample tube. You will find two stickers. One goes on the sample tube and the other on the transport tube.

Once you have done this, push the sample tube into the transport tube. There is a fleece in the transport tube - you must not remove it. It prevents the sample from being shaken too much in transit and protects the precious material.

The transport tube now goes into the return envelope.

You keep the test ID card. Seal the envelope carefully and mail it the same day.

Yay made it. :) The intestinal flora analysis is ready from my side.

I register with the ID card code on the website. You can also download an app if you want. Now it's time to wait.

You will receive the result report about 5 days after sending the sample. To view the status, you need to enter the 7-digit ID number on the Cerascreen website. You can find the ID number on your ID card.

My result of the intestinal flora analysis

Of course, I don't want to deprive you of the final result.

After logging into the website, I see the following listing. My results report contains my personal intestinal flora profile. I can read the composition of my intestinal bacteria in it.

The report compares my results with those of a healthy comparison group.

In total, the report is 18 pages long. On the first page there is an overview. This looks like this for me.

Intestinal flora analysis result

The species richness

This is the diversity of the bacteria. In other words, the number of different types of bacteria. Every intestinal flora is composed differently. But what can be said with certainty: the greater the number of different types of bacteria, the better.

A three-color bar consisting of red, orange and green shows me that I clearly still have some catching up to do here. My value is in the lower orange range. This could also explain why I often have stomach pains after eating and can only tolerate many foods poorly.

The remaining figures read quite well. Here, I even score above average in some cases, which of course makes me happy.

The intestine type

Also part of my gut flora analysis is determining my type. There is the Bacteroides type and the Prevotella type.

The Bacteroides type is characteristic of meat consumers. A classic Western diet with many animal fats (also from dairy products), proteins and sugar feeds Bacteroides bacteria. They utilize animal proteins and saturated fats particularly well.

The Prevotella type is found in vegans. And among vegans who consume very few animal products. Those who eat a lot of plant products usually eat a diet very rich in carbohydrates. This pleases Prevotella bacteria, which multiply as a result.

According to the intestinal flora analysis, I clearly belong to the Bacteroides type. So I am a meat eater, although I have not eaten meat for 4 years. That surprises me at first glance.

But when I look at my diet, I realize that I eat quite a lot of dairy products. Eggs and the occasional fish also end up on my plate. For me, this result means: more vegetables, less animal products.

Prevotella bacteria need to be promoted because they break down dietary fiber into simple sugar molecules. The test result also states that they produce short-chain fatty acids in the process, which have health-promoting properties on the body.

Special bacteria in the intestinal flora

I'll make it short: Everything is in the green here. I am in the good midfield when you compare my intestinal flora analysis with the data of others.

There is one outlier, however: clostridia.

You've never heard of it? Neither have I.

Clostridia are a very large group of bacteria and a very natural part of the intestinal flora. However, some subspecies can cause problems. If they are present in too large a quantity, then you may suffer from diarrhea more often. This could explain a lot of things.

Intestinal flora bacteria composition

What my intestinal flora is influenced by

The results report also gives me tips on what I can do for a healthy intestinal flora. The most important role is played by diet, but sport and sufficient exercise also contribute.

However, I find a few sections of the analysis particularly exciting, and I'd like to tell you about them now.

The composition of our intestinal flora is determined in our early years. Factors also play a role here that one would not even consider, such as the type of birth, whether you were breastfed and whether you had to take antibiotics more often as an infant.

Studies have shown that genetics has an influence, however, factors such as medications, environmental factors, or diet have a much more significant effect on gut flora.

The intestinal flora continues to develop until adulthood, after which it stabilizes.

The diet

If you make an experience with the intestinal flora analysis, then you will get quite a lot of tips that will help you to get a healthy intestine. As an adult, we have a fairly constant composition of bacteria in the intestine.

If we want to make a lasting change, we have to change our diet in the long term. Your diet determines which bacteria can multiply - the good ones or the bad ones.

A classic Western diet with a lot of meat, sugar and processed foods can lead to a reduction of the species richness in the intestine. You can improve the intestinal flora through a varied and healthy diet.

Meals should be freshly prepared and contain many different foods - especially vegetables and fruit. If you eat 5 portions of vegetables and fruit a day, you provide your intestinal flora with important nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

The tip from the results report for me is: more fiber (i.e. plant-based foods) and fewer simple carbohydrates (sugar, white rice, wheat flour spaghetti and white bread). Admittedly, I have quite a sweet tooth and usually can't resist sweets.

That this will have a negative effect on my intestinal flora analysis experience was somehow predictable. But I didn't want to admit it 😅. Now I have it in black and white. Now I know what I have to work on.

The recommendations for action from the intestinal flora analysis summarized:

  • More vegetables
  • More fruit (difficult to do with a fructose intolerance)
  • Less white flour products
  • Less white rice (instead: brown rice or wild rice)
  • More nuts and legumes
  • More whole grain products
  • Drink a lot
  • Reduce stress (yes, I know)
  • Proper chewing

If you are interested in the Cerascreen intestinal flora test then I have a Cerascreen discount code for you. With the Discount code "Wild10" you get 10% discount on the test! Just enter the code with your order!

My conclusion

An intestinal flora analysis is worthwhile for all those who have problems with digestion and have already tried many things. If nothing has really helped so far, then it pays to take a look inside the intestines. With the Cerascreen test you get an evaluation of 18 pages with recommendations for action. You can either implement these on your own or additionally ask a nutritionist for advice.

I will now start with the recommendations for action at the end of the analysis. For me, that means less butter, no white flour, and more vegetables. Let's see if my bloated belly will be impressed and maybe get better soon.

All the best for you!

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