Vegetables for weight loss? These 20 varieties make kilos fall!

Vegetables for weight loss

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You want to lose a few kilos? Then treat yourself to a load of vegetables to lose weight! These varieties are especially good for that!

December is already a pretty mean month. Temptations lurk everywhere. Here a cookie, there a cookie.

Outside low temperatures, wind and gray skies. Who wants to go outside a lot? Since it nibbles but much cozier at home with a warm cuddly blanket.

And then in January we have the salad. Suddenly the scale shows more kilos. Annoying.

But you don't have to work yourself to the bone, start meticulously counting calories or even starve yourself. Because there are many varieties of vegetables for weight loss, which taste very delicious.

You won't even notice that you're losing weight on the side. Sounds good, doesn't it? :)

Situations, such as a Weight gain despite diet or even cravings can be prevented by eating plenty of vegetables.

Why are vegetables suitable for weight loss?

Every single food is metabolized differently in our body. Thus, it affects differently our feeling of hunger, the number of calories we burn and blood sugar. Vegetables are particularly good for getting rid of excess kilos because they have a lot of volume, are well filling, contain few calories and boost digestion.

I've done some research for you and looked around for the best vegetables for weight loss. I can tell you that much already: It will be mega delicious!

Vegetables have few calories

Vegetables contain few calories and a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. There are some vitamins that are said to boost metabolism. And that's wonderful for your weight loss project.

Some varieties are considered good weight loss vegetables, because they contain few calories, but still saturate very well. These are varieties that have a high water content - some vegetables can have up to 98 % water content.

Most vegetables are very low in calories. So you can eat your fill and save calories. Many vegetables are said to prevent cravings, which in turn means that you consume fewer calories later on.

It contains dietary fiber

No matter what kind of vegetables you choose, they all contain a lot of fiber. Your digestion benefits from this. In addition, dietary fiber is known for its ability to keep you full for a long time.

Some dietary fibers are difficult for the body to digest. Our body therefore needs more energy to break them down into their individual parts than we supply it with when we eat.

And there are vegetables with bitter substances. These bitter vegetables curb appetite, aid digestion and lower cholesterol.

The many fibers in each vegetable have a satiating effect, boost digestion and ensure a constant blood sugar level.

Vegetables have a lot of volume

Most vegetables have a low energy density. They provide few calories compared to their volume.

The main reason is the high water content. So you get well-filled by the large volume and take at the same time only a few calories. In other words, the stomach is full and the calorie account almost empty.

So to lose fat, you need to go into a calorie deficit. That means you need to take in fewer calories than you consume so that your body taps into the fat reserves you already have.

Tip: Nutrition plan

Thereby our We Go Fit Nutrition Plan support. After all, we know from our own experience that it is often very difficult to eat right.

Especially when it comes to recipes, you can quickly reach the limits of your creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose either the category of Slimming or Clean Eating and specify your favorite foods.

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What vegetables help to lose weight?

Start unpacking your shopping bag. Once you've read that, it's straight off to the market. Stock up on fresh vegetables. It's best to go for seasonal and regional vegetables in organic quality.

Put this weight loss vegetable on your list:

  • Radish
  • Kohlrabi
  • Tomatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumber
  • Green salad
  • Carrots
  • Sprouts
  • Celery stalk
  • Broccoli
  • Mushrooms
  • Cauliflower

Radish and radish

Both should land regularly on your plate. Because both radishes and radishes are considered true slimmers that have few calories.

In addition, both have a protective mechanism that protects them from bacteria, fungi and predators. And that is their pungency. Mustard oils are responsible for this.

They get the fat digestion in the intestine going and cleanse our body from the inside. They also have few carbohydrates, but a lot of fiber.

Treat yourself to a radish or radish bread, or simply slice the veggies onto your salad for weight loss. If you want to get a little fancier, the prepares a radish dip.

Radishes have just 21 calories per 100 grams. White radish even comes to only 14 calories.


Many cabbage haters could just make friends with kohlrabi. And you should do the same. Because it tastes not so intense compared to its relatives, but has many health benefits.

Kohlrabi contains a lot of iron. We need this to be able to transport oxygen into the cells better. And that in turn helps the body burn fat.

So give kohlrabi a chance. It tastes delicious raw in salads, cooked as a side dish with a little dill or in vegetable soups.


Tomatoes as a vegetable for weight loss

Japanese scientists have found that tomatoes contain a substance that stimulates our body to burn more body fat.

But my favorite vegetable can do even more. Tomatoes contain lycopene and carotene. Both are known to help the body store less fat.

You can make a delicious low-calorie sauce from tomatoes with onions and herbs, put them raw on bread, have them as soup or cut them into salad.

100 grams of tomatoes come to 18 calories.


Zucchinis are also never missing in my kitchen. The smaller they are, the more tender their consistency.

They are considered a vegetable for weight loss, because they contain so few calories. At the same time they have a good satiating effect.

Zucchini are very popular especially in the low carb diet.

Try to grate zucchini very small and add it to muesli or porridge. With zucchini, dill and cream cheese you can make a very low-calorie spread that is mega delicious.

100 grams of zucchini provide only 19 calories.


Along with celery, it is considered the weight loss vegetable par excellence. Cucumbers have really earned this reputation.

They taste crisp, fresh and have only 12 calories per 100 grams. No wonder, they consist of 96 % of water.

But behind the green skin, there's still room for vitamins and minerals. If you regularly reach for cucumbers, you can lower your blood sugar level and avoid cravings.

If you eat 100 grams of cucumber, you've consumed just 12 calories.

Cucumbers taste wonderful as a salad, as a snack, in a sandwich, or you can try Braised cucumber with salmon and dill.

Green salad

I love salad. For me, it must not be missing from any meal. I even have salad with stews. Green leafy vegetables are a great way to absorb vitamins and nutrients. There are not a lot of them in it, but salad makes you full.

Leaf lettuce has few calories, few carbohydrates, but fiber, which is satiating and has a good effect on digestion.

With the help of leafy salads, you can greatly increase the volume of your meals without increasing the number of calories. Therefore, lettuce is a good vegetable for weight loss.

And you can refine it with many other vegetables.

But be careful with the dressing: use only a little oil. When it comes to vinegar, you should use natural apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar boosts fat burning and prevents too many fat deposits from accumulating.


Carrots as alkaline food

My grandmother used to say that carrots are good for the eyes. But they also do something for our pounds to fall.

This is because carrots contain the dietary fiber pectin. When you eat carrots, the pectin swells in your stomach. You feel full and don't eat as much overall.

But there's more. The fibers of the carrot turn into a gel-like substance during digestion. This gel binds fat and sugar and ensures that we excrete it.

You can grate carrots raw onto your salad, cut them into pieces and snack on them, or add them to smoothies. The advantage of raw carrots: they have a mild dehydrating effect.

Cooked they taste wonderful in vegetable soups and as a side dish. As you can see: A vegetable for weight loss that is mega versatile.

Bean sprouts

Super crunchy and mega tasty. The fresher they are, the better they taste. As a big Asian food fan, I can not keep my hands off the sprouts.

Even though they seem quite inconspicuous, soybean sprouts are a very good vegetable for weight loss. The reason for this is the large amount of vitamin B.

Vitamins from the B group are involved in countless processes in the body. Among other things, they regulate our hormones. And these in turn ensure a balanced sleep and energy rhythm.

You can fry bean sprouts in a pan and season with soy sauce, add them fresh to salads or on a loaf of bread. Also delicious: soybean sprouts as part of the vegetable pan.

By the way, you can grow the sprouts yourself at home.

Celery stalk

When you think of losing weight, celery immediately comes to mind. The green stalks have a lot going for them. Celery has a detoxifying effect and can help with bloating and water retention.

The fiber in the green sticks keeps you full for a long time. It is also said that it promotes digestion and prevents cravings. At the same time, 100 grams of celery contain just 17 calories. It is therefore one of the lowest-calorie vegetables in the world.

Besides it is full of vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E and C. Potassium and calcium are also not neglected.

You can nibble celery just like that, add it to smoothies, use it as a salad or make a soup out of it. Yummy!


Did you know that in ancient Egypt people ate onions the way we eat apples today? That is, raw and simply bite off?

The one or other tear we have probably also cost the people, but they saw over it, because they knew how healthy onions are.

Secondary plant compounds in the onion stimulate digestion and have a detoxifying effect.


If you make a face just at the word broccoli, then you should give yourself another jolt. Because as a weight loss vegetable, it does really well.

In broccoli you'll find vitamins and minerals galore. If you can't get excited about it at all, then try home-grown broccoli sprouts. They don't taste as intense as broccoli, but they already contain all the vitamins and nutrients.

Broccoli contains mustard oils, more precisely glucosinolates, which have a very positive effect on our well-being.

Broccoli itself does well when you steam it and eat it as a side dish. You can add it to smoothies or vegetable soup. You can also make a pizza crust with it.

100 grams of broccoli contain only 30 calories.

By the way, also very tasty and even lower in calories: homegrown broccoli sprouts!


Calorie table vegetables asparagus

I could eat the green crunchy stalks all year round. But of course they taste best when they are freshly harvested in our country.

Then they also contain the most nutrients. And they are really something to behold: Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, folic acid.

And also very important is the amino acid asparagine. It has a draining effect on our body and acts like a small detox cure.

My favorite is green asparagus because you don't have to peel it :)

100 grams of asparagus contain only 20 calories.


Avocado is a vegetable for weight loss? No, actually not. Because strictly speaking, the avocado is a fruit. But because it is treated like a vegetable in culinary terms and prepared in a spicy way, it made it onto the list.

Avocados are full of nutrients, fiber and healthy fats. Especially their high content of monounsaturated oleic acid helps to lose weight. If you want to lose weight with avocados, it's best to slice them on your salad. The fats they contain can help you better absorb the nutrients from the other vegetables.

However, avocados have a lot of calories.

Mushrooms and other fungi

Are mushrooms vegetables or not? Actually, mushrooms are not vegetables, but because they are prepared the same way, I made an exception. Accordingly, mushrooms can not be missing from the vegetables for weight loss.

The most popular mushrooms are mushrooms with white cap, but there are also some with brown cap. However, except for the color, they do not differ.

Mushrooms saturate well and provide a whole range of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and are among the few foods that contain vitamin D.

You can make mushrooms as a soup, sauté them with onions as a side dish, simmer them briefly with soy sauce and serve them as a sauce, or stuff them with spinach and cream cheese.

100 grams of mushrooms provide 15 calories.

Tip: Try stuffed mushrooms with spinach and cream cheese.

Bamboo shoots

When was the last time you ate bamboo shoots? It's been a while, right? Put them on your menu!

The sprouts score points in several ways and are a good vegetable for weight loss. They are rich in satiating fiber and have a positive effect on high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Bamboo shoots taste mega delicious when you just sauté them with onion and soy sauce and eat rice with them. But you can also mix them into any vegetable pan or add them to soups.


If any vegetable is good for weight loss, it is cauliflower. In Austria, by the way, it is also called cauliflower. There are also variations in colors. You can buy the cabbage in classic white, purple or green.

It has a fine and mild aroma and does not taste too intrusive.

Due to its high fiber content, it is wonderfully satiating. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamins C and K. It also contains B vitamins, potassium and zinc. When preparing it, you should make sure that you do not overcook it. Most of the vitamins are lost in the process.

Cauliflower can be added raw to salads, grated and sautéed as a rice substitute, or made into a soup. Also briefly boiled and then fried, it tastes great as a side dish.

You can really get your fill with this vegetable. 100 grams come to just 28 calories.


Vegetables for weight loss

Did you know that 100 grams of peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges? The crunchy vegetable for weight loss comes in many shapes and colors. Green, red and yellow peppers are particularly well known.

By the way, these are not different varieties. The color indicates the degree of ripeness. Unripe peppers are green and then turn yellow and finally red.

But no matter which color you like or taste best, they are rich in vitamins and nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, as well as B vitamins and vitamin A.

Peppers go well with all spicy dishes. You can snack on them raw, put them on bread, fry them, stuff them, put them on salads, make a soup or sauce and do much more with them.

100 grams of peppers contain 19 to 30 calories per 100 grams, depending on the color. Whereby the green peppers are the lowest in calories.

White cabbage

Have you ever heard of the cabbage soup diet? The idea is to eat only white cabbage soup for a while and melt away the kilos. And that actually works.

Because cabbage can be digested by our body only with difficulty. It contains a lot of fiber, which has a satiating effect. For digestion, our body needs more energy than is supplied to it with cabbage.

In addition, the vegetable is suitable for weight loss, because it contains a lot of vitamin C, E, folic acid and B vitamins. You can also find calcium and magnesium in cabbage.

Fermented white cabbage - i.e. sauerkraut - is considered particularly digestible and digestive. You can simply prepare soups, stews, eat it as a side dish or salad. It also tastes wonderful sautéed with soy sauce.

White cabbage is low in calories, 100 grams come to just 25 calories.

If you are a big fan of sauerkraut, you should try try to make sauerkraut yourself!


Not my cup of tea, but still a very good weight loss vegetable: eggplant. The Mediterranean vegetable is also called eggplant or melanzani. Due to its mild taste, it can be used very versatile in the kitchen.

Because it consists of 93 % water, it is very low in calories. At the same time it contains valuable ingredients such as potassium, vitamin C, or vitamins from the B group.

Eggplant is best cooked and then used in various dishes. For example, on pasta, in ratatouille or as antipasti sautéed with oil and seasoned with salt.

Black salsify

Have you ever heard of it? The salsify is also called winter asparagus. For a long time it had disappeared and is now finally returning to the plates. Especially in upscale restaurants or hotels it is served with pleasure.

Salsify contains vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. When losing weight, the vegetable helps because it has a very high fiber content.

They stimulate digestion and at the same time saturate very well.

Black salsify is turned into soup, stews or casseroles. But you can also cook them and serve as a side dish or eat them as a salad. They can also be nibbled raw and mixed into salads.

100 grams of salsify contain 20 calories.

How to lose weight with vegetables?

Eating lots of vegetables uncontrollably will not get you there.

Because then you'll soon get sick of it. You should simply integrate it into your food.

How about a millet pan with lots of vegetables? Or one Spinach lasagna, which instead of pasta sheets zucchini pieces. contains? Stuffed mushrooms with vegetables and spinach also consist mostly of vegetables.

And a Vegetable skillet topped with a little cheese also tastes mega delicious. Recipes are a dime a dozen.

If you then treat yourself to a salad for dinner, in which you cut fresh vegetables. And in the morning you eat bread with cream cheese and radishes or cucumber slices, you can't get too few vegetables.

Clear vegetable soups are also particularly low in calories. I could go on forever. Once you get used to cooking with lots of vegetables, you'll feel the same.

But you should change your diet step by step. First, get into the habit of eating a salad and vegetables as a side dish with absolutely every lunch. Then you build up the side dish step by step until it is the main dish.

What drinks are suitable for weight loss?

Putting vegetables on your shopping list to lose weight is a good first step. But that's not the end of the story. Surveys show that a lot of calories are consumed through the wrong drinks.

So eating a vegetable dish and then drinking a soda is of little help.

Drinking a lot is the decisive factor in any diet. Liquid stimulates digestion, revs up the metabolism and suppresses hunger. However, this only applies if you drink the right beverages.

Two drinks in particular are meant here:

  • Still water
  • Unsweetened teas

Water has no calories and you can get it for free from the tap. It is the basis for anyone who wants to lose weight. If you drink a glass of water before every meal, you feel less hungry. The feeling of satiety sets in more quickly because the stomach is filled.

We consume calories during and after drinking. Especially when the water is cold and has to be warmed up in the body - our body needs a lot of energy for this.

If that's too boring, you can add a bit of freshly squeezed lemon juice, cucumber or orange slices to the water.

Herbal teas also provide variety. You can enhance them with ginger or lemon juice. In summer, add ice cubes to the tea, and in winter, drink it lukewarm. By the way, there are also Tea herbs said to help lose weight.

You should keep your hands off all other drinks. Especially alcohol, it makes our metabolism sluggish and makes it difficult to lose weight. In addition, alcohol contains many calories, which you should better save.

Our conclusion

If you are looking for vegetables to lose weight, nature offers plenty of choices. You can prepare countless recipes with them. It will certainly not be boring on your plate.

Enjoy it and good luck!

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