Detoxify liver in 3 days - the How-To Guide!

Detoxify liver

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Do you often feel tired and exhausted? And you don't know what the cause could be? Tiredness, back pain, high cholesterol levels, a feeling of fullness and increased susceptibility to infections are the consequences of an overloaded liver. We now explain how you can detoxify your liver. You only need three days for the cleanse!

Your liver is THE detoxification organ in the body. It stores nutrients and controls the metabolism. It works every day, every hour without a break. Today's lifestyle and diet often overload the liver.

Especially on and around Holidays it is particularly busy. A glass of mulled wine here, sweet pastries and a fatty piece of meat there - your liver has a lot to do.

That's why now is exactly the right time for a Liver detoxification.💪🏼😁

And it's easy to do in just three days! We will now show you how to detoxify your liver.

What functions does the liver have?

The liver is a vital organ, We should therefore always make sure that it can function well.

As you can see, a healthy liver is crucial for your health. It decides what happens to the Nutrients happens in your body.☝🏼

The liver

  • produces many hormones and enzymes,
  • regulates the level of cholesterol,
  • filters toxins from the blood,
  • controls the metabolism,
  • and provides for fat digestion.

If these processes no longer work, the serious damage for your body.

As we damage the liver with the consumption of sugar, alcohol and unsaturated fatty acids overload you need to cleanse it from time to time. Once the liver is overloaded, it works sluggishly and can be damaged.😣

Then it can, among other things no toxins or Pathogen which then enter the bloodstream.

So you can strengthen your immune system naturally!

How does the liver detoxify naturally?

First of all Blood from the Intestine into the liver via the portal vein. This blood contains both nutrients and harmful substances from food. In the liver cells, the harmful substances are then removed from the blood with the help of various enzymes and proteins. filtered.

Most harmful substances are converted into harmless substances in the liver, which are then released via the Kidneys with the Urine can be excreted. Some harmful substances are stored in the liver until they can be excreted, while others are excreted via the bile into the intestine.

The detoxified substances are released via the Bile is excreted in the intestine and excreted in the stool. A small proportion is excreted via the kidneys in the urine.

As the liver is constantly burdened with harmful substances, it is important that the Liver cells itself regenerate can.😊

In addition to their detoxification function produced the liver important proteins for blood clotting and metabolism, stores vitamins and minerals and helps with fat digestion.

How can you tell that liver detoxification is needed?

Other organs give through Pain signals a sign that something is wrong. Unfortunately, this is the case with your liver not. Your liver is an organ that suffers in silence. There is no such thing as liver pain.

Liver damage tends to manifest itself through other symptoms such as headaches, bloating, itching, tiredness and much more. So at first glance not so easy at recognize, When you should take a detox cure for your liver.👎🏼

This means you need to pay close attention to your body and be aware of symptoms. One Overload is a gradual process, who may even start without any complaints.

The biggest stresses on your liver are:

  • Unhealthy food (fatty, sugary)
  • Continuous stressful lifestyle
  • Alcohol
  • Nicotine
  • Too little movement
  • Overweight

Do you often feel listless and tired or do you have headaches and stomach aches, an immune deficiency or itching? Then you should take a Liver detoxification seriously consider!

Liver detox tips

About 25 percent of adult Germans have elevated liver values. This is due to the modern lifestyle and the fast and healthy diet. I also notice it myself, especially after family celebrations: I feel sluggish and often have a feeling of fullness.☝🏼

So you see how important it is to detoxify the liver!

How to detoxify your liver in 3 days

Yes, you read that right: you can cleanse your liver in just three days! Take a extended weekend time and recharge your batteries.

You renounce completely open hepatotoxic Cost, Among other things, this means no alcohol and no large amounts of fat and sugar.❌

Instead, your plate will be full of Alkaline foods such as vegetables, fruit, soups and co.

We have put together a three-day detox cure for you.

Day 1

You start on Friday. Make yourself no stressbut get involved in the detox.


Start the day with a glass of warm Lemon water, This immediately stimulates your metabolism.

For breakfast we recommend a Smoothie. Pineapple, orange and mango are not only delicious, but also bring the Digestion and boost the fat metabolism.😋

At lunchtime, you can conjure up a super tasty Salad with tomatoes and cucumber. As a topping you can add Sunflower seeds over your salad. You should mix the dressing from oil and lemon juice.

In the evening, round off the day with a tasty pumpkin dish. Sweet potato soup off. It fills you up and is alkaline.

Sweet potato pumpkin detox soup

Between meals you should always three hours lie

Be sure to drink much water. You can refine it with different fruits or fruit varieties. You can also make detox teas to further purify your body 🫗.

Exercise and wellness:

Take some time for yourself and go for a nice walk in the fresh air. Breathe in consciously through your nose and out through your mouth. So you can Toxic substances from the lungs.

As a relaxation measure, you can use your foot to make a few minutes via a Tennis ball roll. This stimulates your blood circulation.

In the evening you can enjoy a nice Bathroom treat yourself. An alkaline bath can help to bring your body back into balance. Due to the higher pH value of the water, the body excretes more acid. 🛀🏼

Day 2

On Saturday you will already feel that your body has Relaxation and will love the alkaline foods. So let's do this motivated continue!


Your breakfast is more varied this time Fruit plate! You can choose from many types of alkaline fruit: Apple, pear, pineapple, banana, fresh dates and figs, berries, cherries, kiwis, mango, grapes, melon and so on.🍍🍒

For lunch you make yourself a healthy green smoothie. Blend together cucumber, rocket, avocado, banana, mineral water and a pinch of pepper and you have a super tasty smoothie.

In the evening you are welcome to have another Soup to prepare. This time perhaps a Miso soup?

You can organize your drinks as you did on the first day. The only important thing is that you drink a lot! Don't forget! Oat tea is ideal for a detox cure.

Detoxify liver with oat tea

Exercise and wellness:

If you like, you can add a few Yoga exercises into the day. The spinal twist stimulates digestion and promotes deep, cleansing breathing.🧘🏼

A Changing shower (alternating between warm and cold) in the morning stimulates blood circulation. Incorporate it into your treatment.

Inhale chamomile, This is also good for your skin. Boil chamomile and hold your head over the steam for ten minutes. Afterwards, your pores will be wonderfully open for applications such as a face mask.

Another tip: Salt socks. Socks soaked in salt water have a detoxifying effect. Put on some cozy, warm woolen socks and lie in bed like this 🧦.

Day 3

And we have already reached the last day. After the cure, however, you should not will immediately turn to chocolate, potato chips and wine. Try to continue eating a healthy and alkaline diet.


I often have breakfast myself Porridge and it's also on your breakfast table today. But please use plant-based milk or water when preparing it.

My tip: almond milk, banana and strawberries. Or apple with blueberry and Cinnamon*. Super delicious and simply to make!

Apple cinnamon porridge

Have a drink in the morning boiled ginger water and gargle with Coconut oil*. Coconut oil* binds toxins that you get rid of by gargling.

For lunch you make yourself Vegetable sticks with a Avocado dip. Mix avocado with tomatoes, olive oil, lemon juice and pepper 🥑.

In the evening we have soup again. Today Pea soup with potatoes and coconut milk. It's quick to prepare and totally creamy. Hmm delicious!

Drink two to three liters a day, spice up your water with fruit and make yourself teas again.

Exercise and wellness:

Today it is called Work out! It's good for you and your soul and trains your muscles. How about jumping rope? Trampolining or go for a jog? The choice is yours.🏃🏼‍♀️

And relaxation is also a must. Treat yourself Me-time. Make yourself a heat wrap (simply wrap a hot water bottle with a damp cloth and place it on your stomach) and stimulate your liver, gall bladder and intestines. Snuggle up in a blanket, turn on your favorite music and switch off!

Use this detox time for other areas of your life as well: Put your cell phone aside. It will really relax you, believe me. Or take a closer look at your living space? Have you been wanting to sort it out for a long time? Now is the time.

This is detox for the mind and body!

What foods that detoxify liver naturally

Of course, you can also eat and process foods in your everyday life that your Cleanse the liver and support. Especially after the three-day detox, it is important not to immediately fall into the wrong old patterns.

Many of these foods can be used to make delicious Soups prepare!

Detox vegetables

You're definitely doing everything right with these foods:

  • Broccoli like radishes, stimulates your liver because the vegetables contain mustard oil glycosides 🥦
  • Bitter salads stimulate fat burning, which has a detoxifying effect on the body.
  • Ginger supports the immune system and thus also relieves your liver.
  • Beet is considered a blood purifierIt improves blood circulation and thus also helps the liver to cleanse itself. (Liver cleanse)
  • Green tea has detoxifying and degreasing properties that promote the health of your liver 🍵
  • Garlic stimulates the productivity of the liver. As a result, harmful substances are excreted and the organ is better protected.
  • Lemons neutralize acids in your body, stimulate digestion and activate enzymes that can detoxify the liver.
  • Turmeric contains curcumin, which protects the liver from harmful toxins and is even said to heal already damaged liver cells.
  • Artichokes contain many bitter substances that have a liver-detoxifying effect.
  • Linseed oil is anti-inflammatory due to the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, which is also good for the liver.

[/green_box]👉Notice: Supporting the liver also means avoiding foods that irritate the liver[/green_box].

Our conclusion

Liver detoxification is simply and is good for you. You should cleanse your liver and allow it to regenerate, especially before the holidays. You now know how harmful it can be when the liver is overloaded.

Take three days time and do a detox for your liver and your head. Have fun and all the best for you!

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