How healthy is beet juice really?

Beet juice is so healthy

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You want to do something good for your body and are looking for a drink that brings many benefits? Here you will learn why beet juice is healthy and why you should eat beet regularly!

Have you had your beet juice today? No? Then put it on the Shopping list.📝

Beet, also known as beet or beet, is a traditional garden vegetables. For a long time, it was banned from the kitchen or was only seen as a salad. Now it is slowly returning to the menu.

The dark red tuber can even be found in posh restaurants as risotto, carpaccio and co.🍴

The bulbous vegetable not only stands out because of its bright color, but also because of its impressive health benefits. Beet juice in particular is making a big comeback. And that's a good thing!

Why? Because Beet juice healthy is! In the juice you will find all the important Nutrients, that are also found in beet. And there really are a lot of them.

How does beet juice taste?

The taste of beet juice is often described as earthy and light sweetish described. The intensity can vary depending on Quality the beets and Kind the Preparation vary. Some people find the taste too strong. intensive or takes some getting used to, while others love him.😋

If the flavor is too intense for you, you can mix the beet with Mix different types of fruit or mix the juice into a smoothie.

Even if it tastes earthy, you should definitely try beet juice, as it is not only healthy but is also very versatile. Through the Combination with other ingredients such as lemon, ginger or carrots, the Refined taste be. If you like, you can infuse the juice with mineral water and add lemon 🍋.

Even if the taste is not to everyone's taste, you shouldn't be put off. Beet juice is a real Health booster and can be integrated into the diet in many ways.

What nutrients make beet healthy?

You want your Keep your body healthy and are looking for a way to improve your diet? Then beet juice could be just the thing for you!

The main nutrients in beet juice:

  • Betanin: This is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule, which gives beet its characteristic color. It can help to reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Nitrates: Beet contains high amounts of nitrate, which can be converted to nitrite when metabolized by bacteria in the mouth. Nitrite can help to lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels, which can have a Better blood circulation enables.🔄️
  • Potassium: Beet also contains a high amount of potassium, which can help to reduce the Blood pressure at lower and reduce the risk of strokes and heart disease.
  • Folic acid: These B vitamins play an important role in DNA synthesis and can contribute to the Risk from Birth defects for pregnant women reduce.
  • Dietary fiber: Beet is also a good source of dietary fiber, which can help to reduce the Digestion at improve and the Bowel movement at regulate.

Beet is particularly high in vitamin C, folic acid, iron and potassium. Vitamin C Supports the Immune system and is important for a healthy skin, while folic acid plays an important role in the Cell formation and Cell division plays.

Iron is for the Oxygen transport in the body and Potassium regulates the Water balance and the function of muscles and nerves.

Beet also contains nitrates, which can be converted into nitric oxide. This has a vasodilating effect and can therefore improve the Lower blood pressure. Carotenoids, such as beta-carotene and lutein, are also found in the red tuber and can act as antioxidants to protect against free radicals.

By eating beet or drinking beet juice, the body can therefore benefit from a variety of health-promoting nutrients benefit. This makes them a true miracle vegetable and should not be missing from any balanced diet.💪🏼

100 grams of beet contain

  • 407 mg potassium
  • 82 mg copper
  • 58 mg sodium
  • 44 mg phosphorus
  • 29 mg calcium
  • 25 mg magnesium
  • 0,9 mg iron
  • 83 µg folic acid
  • 11 µg beta carotene
  • 10 mg vitamin C
  • 5 µg vitamin K
  • 2 µg vitamin A

Beet consists of 90 % from water and therefore contain 41 calories per 100 grams.

Is beet juice healthy? The answer is quite clearly: Yes!

As a beet fan you certainly also taste

This effect has beet juice on our body

All these nutrients have Positive effects 🩷 Before I tell you in more detail about some of the benefits of beet, I have a Infographic for you, which shows many positive aspects of superfood!

Facts about beet
These are some of the many positive benefits of beet!

1. beet protects the heart

The plant substance betaine really has it all. It protects against Heart and Vascular diseases, by neutralizing the toxic amino acid homocysteine. This acid is produced during protein metabolism.

However, if you have a Folic acid deficiency a high homocysteine level can cause promote cardiovascular diseases.

And beet juice can help here, too. The beetroot contains a lot of folic acid. That is why Beet juice as Prevention against heart attack and stroke as a true miracle cure.🦸🏻‍♀️

Tip: You can order beet smoothie powder at Amazon.

2. beet juice for liver and gall bladder

Speaking of betaine: It not only protects the heart. But at the same time stimulates the liver cells and strengthens the gallbladder.

This ensures a rapid digestion. This allows you to eliminate toxins and metabolic waste products quickly.

3. beet for blood formation

The dark red beetroot contains a lot of Iron. We women need a lot of it. Many of us suffer from iron deficiency. It makes you tired, really limp and listless.

Beet is a good source of natural iron. So if you are constantly struggling with your iron balance, you should Beet juice drink.🥛

100 grams of beet contain one milligram of iron. This would be the Daily iron requirement already covered. However, the intestine cannot absorb all the iron from food. This is why the German Nutrition Society recommends 15 milligrams of iron per day.

4. beet juice against high blood pressure

The red tuber contains Nitrates. In connection with Saliva nitrate becomes Nitrite. And this widened the blood vessels, causing the Blood pressure drops.

However, long-term effects are not known. Therefore Beet juice a great supplement for high blood pressure. But never sufficient treatment, writes the German Heart Foundation.❌

According to a study from 2008, the consumption of just over two glasses Beet juice per day help to keep blood pressure in check. Volunteers who drank 500 milliliters of beet juice saw their blood pressure drop within three hours.

In addition, the blood pressure after drinking the juice was up to 24 hours lowered for a long time.

5. beet protects blood vessels and heart

Betaine also has the ability to Homocysteine levels at lower, which contributes to the prevention of heart disease. Homocysteine is a toxic amino acid, which is produced during protein breakdown in the body.

Beet is extremely useful for Prevention from Heart attacks and above all strokes, as it not only contains betaine, but also considerable amounts of folic acid. Regular consumption of beet or beet juice can serve as a real Prevention strategy against heart attacks and strokes.🫀

6. beet juice cleanses the body

The red juice supports every type of Detoxification. If you want to do a colon cleanse, you can speed it up immensely if you regular reach for beet.

In addition, the many vitamins and nutrients ensure a healthy strong and fit immune system.

The skin also benefits from beet. The beetroot is said to have a positive effect on boils, abscesses and acne.

Tip: If you don't like the taste of the juice, you can also Order beet capsules at Amazon.

So healthy is red beet juice

Study: Beetroot juice is really that healthy

According to a small Study with people over the age of 70, drinking beet juice promotes beneficial bacterial communities in the mouth that reduce blood pressure and Improve brain activity. The results were published in the journal Redox Biology.🗞️

For ten days, the scientists had 26 healthy older people nitrate-containing beet juice or consume a control drink without nitrates. The bacteria associated with good blood vessel growth and mental health increased with nitrate in the mouth. At the same time sank the diastolic (lower) Blood pressure by an average of five points.

Bacteria associated with certain diseases and inflammations decreased. Study author Prof. Anni Vanhatalo from the University of Exeter in the UK: "After only ten days our results suggest that nitrate-rich foods in the diet - in this case beet juice - can significantly change the bacterial composition in the mouth for the better.

Bacteria that work with Inflammations and Diarrhea be brought into connection with the took after drinking beet juice ab.📉

The preliminary study had investigated the blood pressure effects of beet juice in healthy, active older people with normal blood pressure. In the next step, the researchers would now like to find out whether beet juice is also effective in other age groups and in people with normal blood pressure. chronic diseases has an effect on blood pressure.

Don't be alarmed if your urine turns red. This is due to the beetroot's red pigment and is harmless.

Why beet juice is so good for athletes

Among athletes, the beet is considered natural doping. Many top athletes regularly drink beet juice.

A team of scientists led by Jae-Seok Lee from Kyung Hee University in South Korea has discovered that beet has the Increase stamina can.📈

Athletes benefit from the blood pressure lowering effect, from the high iron content and the better blood circulation. In addition, the heart needs less oxygen during a workout if you regularly eat beet.

Due to the increased blood flow, you supply the Muscles better after training. The shortened the Regeneration time.

Muscle and connective tissue injuries heal faster.

All of these things have a positive at Activity and Performance off.

How much beet juice should you drink per day?

Every day you can up to 250 ml beet juice drink. The actual amount depends on your health condition and what you want to achieve with it. Here is a summary of several studies:

  • Half a liter of juice a day can lower systolic blood pressure.
  • For iron deficiency, daily consumption of 250 ml per day can be helpful.

Hold Consultation with your General practitioner, if you want to relieve discomfort with the juice. They will be able to tell you how much is right for you.

Who should not drink beet juice?

If you are too Kidney stones or if you have any, then you should use beet not eat or drink. Their high oxalic acid content can cause weakened kidneys to slow down the formation and growth of oxalic acid. Growth from kidney stones promoted will.🙀❌

You should also use a high blood pressure even with Juice but always in consultation with a doctor as an additional measure.

Does beet juice have side effects?

If you don't normally eat beet, you should take it slowly with the juice. There's no question that beet juice is healthy, but your Body must first get used to it.

It can and will become Discoloration of the Chair and Urine come. This is nothing to worry about and need not concern you.

Who has a sensitive stomach has, can lead to Digestive complaints such as diarrhea or flatulence. The reason for this is the high fiber content in beets. Observe your body and keep an eye on how much you can tolerate per day.👁️

Rarely occur allergic reactions such as skin rash, swelling, itching or breathing difficulties. In such a case, contact immediately a doctor!

Side effects only occur with very few people most people can consume beet juice without any problems.

How can I make healthy beet juice myself?

Both the juice and the fresh beet contain an incredible amount of Nutrients.

You can benefit the most from this if you Beet juice do it yourself sets. Store-bought juices are delicious, but they often contain additives to make them drinkable for longer.

They are also heated to high temperatures, which can damage the vitamins. And as with all juices Sugar in the recipe.

The Full charge You can get nutrients with a Homemade beet juice. And it's not even complicated.😋

If you have a juicer, you can make beet juice yourself.

DIY beet juice colors your kitchen red. So it's best to put newspaper or kitchen paper underneath. This saves annoying cleaning. The best way to protect your fingers and nails from the red paint is to wear gloves. Don't wear your favorite clothes, the Dye is very persistent and can usually be not wash out of the garment.

Make beet juice yourself

  1. Take small turnips. You are still a little sweeter as giant beet tubers.
  2. Before you start juicing, you need to remove the beet Wash thoroughly and peel. You don't need to cook them beforehand.🫧🧼
  3. Cutting edge the beets small and into the juicer.
Tip: Beet leaves belong to not in the trash! Put them in smoothies or in your salad. The leaves have 7x as much calcium as the beets themselves. They also have 3x as much magnesium and 6x as much vitamin C. But there's more: 200x as much vitamin A and 2000x as much vitamin K.

Important: Fresh beets!

If you decide to buy beet, you must three points note:

  1. Beet from the Open land contains more nutrients. It is best to use organic beets.
  2. When buying, make sure that the beet is not soft. It must be feel plump. Only then is it fresh.
  3. Store the beets in the Refrigerator or in the cold cellar.🧊🥶

You can recognize fresh beet by the fact that the Leaves still on it are. If the leaves are wilted, the vegetables have already lost nutrients.

Beet juice healthy

Which is better: drink beet juice or eat the beets normally?

Both options have their advantages. Ultimately, it depends on your Preferences Some people can't bring themselves to drink beet juice despite its many benefits. Then it is often better to stop cook.

However, you should not ignore a few differences:

Nutrient content

Beet is full of nutrients, such as Vitamins (such as vitamin C and folic acid), Minerals (such as iron and potassium) and Antioxidants. If you drink beet juice, you can absorb these nutrients in concentrated form.

However, the Presses of the juice some of the Lost dietary fiber that are contained in the raw beets. If you eat the whole beets, you get both the nutrients and the fiber.

"User friendliness"

Drinking beet juice is not recommended due to its liquid form. Comfortable and fast, especially when you're on the go. It requires no preparation or cooking time. In contrast, eating raw or cooked beet requires time for preparation and chewing.


Some people consider the Taste for takes some getting used to. While some like the sweet, earthy taste, others find it less appealing.

If you belong to the latter group, drinking beet juice could be a way to soften or mask the taste. One idea would be to mix it with other juices or ingredients. Have you ever tried it with Ginger or Lemon tried it? This gives the juice a refreshing note and makes it even healthier!

At the end of the day there are No wrong decisionwhen it comes to reaping the benefits of beet. Whether you choose to eat the beets or drink the juice, both options offer numerous health benefits. If you really want to experience the best of both worlds, you can also combine them and add even more variety to your diet.

Can you lose weight with beet?

If you eat a lot of beet, you have more mitochondria and can thereby Burn fat better. An optimized fat metabolism leads to the melting of pounds in the long term.

Also the Better blood circulation should help to get rid of stubborn body fat more quickly.

Exclusively want to lose weight with beet, but will not work out. You have to change your diet in the long term.

That is: No sugar, little salt, no fast food, no ready meals and little white flour. Instead, drink plenty of fluids, eat lots of whole grains, vegetables, fruit and unprocessed foods.🥦🍞

My favorite recipes with beet

My conclusion

Even if many people find it hard to get used to: beet juice is healthy! Whether as juice, soup, salad or otherwise - beet has Positive effects on the entire body.

Here's one from me: Thumbs up for the dark red beet!

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