Strengthen connective tissue - The 10 best tips for firm and smooth skin

Strengthen connective tissue and get rid of cellulite

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There are many ways and means to strengthen connective tissue. How easy it is to turn sagging skin into firm skin, you can find out here.

First, the good news: you're not alone. Almost 80% of all women suffer from cellulite.

Sagging skin, dimples on the thighs and cellulite on the buttocks. We women know this all too well.

Whether we have beautiful firm skin without dimples and stripes is mainly decided by our connective tissue.

If the connective tissue slackens, we get sagging skin. Surely you also know Angle arms and the sagging skin on the upper arms? Oh how that sucks.

Especially when it gets hot outside and we want to slip into short shorts, tops or bikini.

If you think there's nothing you can do to change the Strengthen connective tissue you are wrong. There are ways and means that tighten the connective tissue.

Strengthen the connective tissue - how does it work?

There are a few ways that can tighten your connective tissue.

If you have your Strengthen connective tissue you should not expect miracles. A lot depends on genetics. If your mom or your aunt have severe cellulite, it is very likely that you will too.

But it is not hopeless! If you are very consistent are at the Tighten connective tissue visible success is possible.

So much up front: There are many beauty tricks that can supposedly help. Many others will advise you to simply do peelings or buy expensive creams and the cellulite will be gone.

We don't do that.

Because we know that the best weapons are nutrition and plenty of exercise.

1. strengthen connective tissue through sports

Strengthen connective tissue with sport

From now on, it's at least (!) 30 minutes of exercise per day. More is even better, of course. If you too little exercise, this has far-reaching consequences for your entire body. Being overweight is the least of your problems.

When we exercise, we lose body fat and build muscle. The more muscle mass, the firmer the skin. But a lot of exercise can do even more - namely, it stimulates the formation of new collagen fibers.

For us to succeed, a mix of strength training and endurance sports is ideal. Strength training allows us to build up muscles in the affected areas in a very targeted manner.

And when it comes to endurance training, you rely on a lot of Running, walking, swimming, dancing or Cycling. And that is best done outdoors. In order for the fasciae to remain supple, they need a lot of oxygen.

Fasciae are the soft tissue components of connective tissue. If we train them and keep them supple, they ensure a slim silhouette. And that in turn prevents orange peel skin.

For this, there are stretching exercises that strengthen your connective tissue by loosening the fasciae. Here you can Fascia Yoga set. These exercises specifically target the fasciae, making the connective tissue firmer.

So we're sticking to moving for at least 30 minutes every day. A mix of strength, endurance and stretching will get you there.

2. drink a lot can tighten the connective tissue

Before you read on, take a big sip of water. Because like almost all women, you are probably one of the few drinkers.

You should change that quickly. Our connective tissue needs a lot of fluid to be able to perform its tasks. The connective tissue stores water and ensures that the cells are plump. This makes the skin above look firmer and smoother.

Try to get to at least 2 liters of water or unsweetened teas.

Stay away from sodas, alcohol, and other beverages besides water and tea.

By the way, if you stir a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water and drink that before eating, your body can absorb protein better. Thereby it is easier to build collagen. And we need that for firm skin.

3. firm connective tissue and nutrition

Tighten connective tissue diet

White flour, sugar, too much coffee and too many dairy products are said to make the connective tissue flabby.

Sugar and white flour also cause us to gain weight quickly. And you won't find healthy ingredients in white flour or table sugar.

Swap white flour for wholemeal flour. Millet and oats are also especially good for our bodies. Look at our Millet porridge over! Tastes great!

You should avoid sugar for the most part - even Sugar alternatives can be unhealthy. It's best to get used to not eating so sweet. And if it must be, then to reach for honey or fruit.

Coffee dehydrates and that damages our connective tissue. But for our skin to look beautiful and firm, it needs a lot of water.

Foods that are rich in bases and fiber will help you tighten the skin. Be sure to eat foods that are high in silica, manganese and potassium. Vitamin C should also be in your diet in large quantities.

By the way: Vitamin C is not only found in oranges and lemons! You find Vitamin C in a whole range of foods.

These foods are good for your connective tissue

  • lots of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Millet and oats
  • Nuts
  • Pineapple (especially high in potassium)
  • Tomatoes
  • Onions and garlic
  • Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower
  • Vegetable oils
  • green tea (much manganese)
  • much green vegetables

By the way: Iron also plays a big role. Very many women have an iron deficiency and don't even know it. Typical symptoms are fatigue and listlessness.

Iron is so important for the transport of oxygen into the body cells. And thus at the same time for the tightening of connective tissue and skin. Iron is in many more foodsthan you think right now.

4. massages against weakness of connective tissue

Massages simply do you good. And the connective tissue is also said to benefit. Massages promote the exchange of cellular fluid.

Circular movements during a brush massage stimulate the connective tissue.

Massage the skin with the brush until it is slightly red and feels very warm. Stretching, pulling and tugging is forbidden - it will only make it worse. There are now very good massagers for the connective tissue, which can work wonders.

Which are and for whom the massagers are worthwhile, I have captured in a separate blog post.

After the massage the skin is very well supplied with blood and thus tightened.

Regular lymphatic drainage with a massage therapist can loosen water retention in the tissues.

By the way, also very helpful: sauna. Go to the sauna 1x per week, this stimulates the metabolism.

5. skin care to tighten connective tissue

Make peeling yourself to strengthen connective tissue

Peels and creams can help you get a strong connective tissue. But peels and creams alone will not get you there. Diet & exercise are much more crucial!

When peeling it is more of an optical illusion than permanent help. But you take what you get :). Exfoliation makes your skin look clearer and rosier.

During peeling, you rid the skin of dead skin flakes. Another positive effect is that peeling stimulates blood circulation. Peelings you can easily make yourself!

By the way: You can hardly see weak connective tissue on beautifully tanned skin. So you can help yourself with a little self-tanner.

Or you look at the best tips for quick tanning over.

If that doesn't work for you, you can treat yourself to a spray tanning. I have tested it and am excited about the tan from the spray gun.

I wouldn't buy creams against connective tissue weakness. You can just use a normal moisturizer and save yourself a lot of money. The positive effect comes mainly from massaging in the creams.

That creams against cellulite with coffee, ginger, birch leaves and Co really help, is not proven. Critics are of the opinion that these creams can not penetrate to the actual problem. Sounds logical.

6. alternating showers for strong connective tissue

If you take alternating showers every day, they should strengthen the connective tissue. You start with warm water and let the water jet move from the bottom to the top. And then do the same with cold water. Change the temperature for a total of 5 minutes.

Alternating showers work because when changing from warm to cold and vice versa, the cells dilate and contract. In this way, the showers rev up the microcirculation in the connective tissue.

The quick change really takes a lot of getting used to at first. But persevering pays off.

7. beware of the pill

Pill damages the connective tissue

As we already know, hormones have an influence on firm or sagging skin. Artificially supplied hormones, such as the contraceptive pill, cause us to store more body fat.

Most hormonal contraceptives contain estrogen or a form of estrogen. Simply put, an excess of this hormone makes us fat. In addition, the pill can promote a nutritional deficiency.

8. bye bye cigarettes if you want to tighten the connective tissue.

We all know by now that smoking is very harmful to the lungs and heart. But you're doing much more to your body. The blue haze damages your skin.

Smoking damages the elastic cells of the skin. This makes you look older because the skin sags. By the way, this can be seen most quickly on the face.

You also get wrinkles much faster, by the way.

9. try to keep your weight

Strengthen connective tissue - lose weight

If you want to strengthen your connective tissue, you should try to maintain your body weight. This means: Do not gain much weight and do not lose weight too quickly.

If you gain and lose weight frequently and quickly, it not only stresses your nerves. It also damages the elasticity and strength of the connective tissue.

Try to keep your weight constant. This will not only please your figure, but also your skin.

10. sun you only in moderation

Even if it feels good to lie in the sun - don't overdo it! On the one hand, you can get a sunburn. And on the other hand, very long sunbaths are bad for the connective tissue.

Too much UV radiation ensures that more collagen fibers are built up than broken down. This causes the elastic structures of the connective tissue to harden.

However, you should not completely avoid the sun. It helps you next to a few Food your vitamin D stores to fill.

What is the connective tissue actually?

You'll find connective tissue on and throughout your body. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, and even in your bones, muscles and organs. In technical jargon, connective tissue is called extracellular matrix. Another term often used for connective tissue is fascia.

The connective tissue keeps our organs in shape and in place. In addition, the extracellular matrix protects the organs and serves as a water reservoir. Directly on site, it plays a major role in defense reactions against pathogens of diseases.

Fasciae can only perform all these tasks if they are tight.

Today we are going to look at the connective tissue located in the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. In this layer of the skin there is a very dense network of collagen fibers.

This meshwork ensures that our skin is elastic and firm. Or just not.

Strong stretching, rapid growth or the rapid increase of fat cells injure the connective tissue.

Sagging and damaged connective tissue becomes visible through cellulite, stretch marks or spider veins. Or when the skin simply no longer looks tight.

From a purely medical point of view, it doesn't matter at all. Flabby connective tissue or cellulite have no negative impact on our health.

Tighten connective tissue as a woman

No matter what our fitness level or weight, cellulite can be stubborn. Whether we are thin, fat, tall or short makes no difference. All women are prone to dimples on the buttocks and thighs.

Whether the connective tissue stays nice and firm is, among other things, a question of genes.

In us women, the distance between the collagen fibers is greater than in men. This makes our connective tissues softer.

And then there are also the dear hormones. They make us the Strengthen connective tissue quite heavy. Due to the female hormone estrogen, the firmness of our connective tissue can fluctuate during the cycle.

Tighten and strengthen connective tissue

Researchers believe that estrogen stimulates enzymes in connective tissue that break down collagen fibers.

But now also something positive: The Collagen fiber density we can influence through diet and exercise and thus improve our Tighten connective tissue.

This damages your connective tissue

We do things every day that are detrimental to tight skin. Very typical connective tissue killers are:

  • Too little movement
  • drink too little
  • unhealthy diet
  • and again too little movement

Because in order for the connective tissue to remain firm, we need to move a lot. If we do not counteract gravity and age, the connective tissue becomes soft.

For this we need to build muscle and lose fat. If we do not do this, the connective tissue becomes a very soft mass.

An active lifestyle is the answer to flabby arms, legs and co.

Excess weight promotes connective tissue weakness. A high percentage of body fat also makes for unsightly dimples. By the way, you don't have to be severely overweight to have a high percentage of body fat. Also normal weight women can have a high body fat percentage have - the term is called "skinny fat".

By the way leads Too little movement also to poor blood circulation. And that also promotes dents on the buttocks and thighs. So get on those training shoes!

Our conclusion

If you want to strengthen your connective tissue, you need an active lifestyle. This means regular exercise and a healthy diet. Alternating showers, massages and peelings can have a supporting effect. However, you will achieve the most success with exercise and healthy eating.

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