How the pill causes nutrient deficiencies

Pill causes nutrient deficiency

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If you take birth control pills, you should read this very carefully. Here you will learn how the pill causes nutrient deficiencies!

Did you know that women who take the contraceptive pill are at risk of having a vital substance deficiency? The small hormone tablets not only ensure that ovulation is suppressed.

The pill robs vitamins, minerals and trace elements. There are now even dietary supplements that are offered specifically for women who take the pill.

Unfortunately, the fact that the pill can be the cause of nutrient deficiencies is still known to far too few people. Therefore, we would like to clarify here.

You'll learn in this post,

The fact is that the pill has a strong influence on health.

We pump our bodies full of artificial hormones every day and thus suppress the normal cycle. This has the advantage that we cannot become pregnant unintentionally.

But it also has quite a few disadvantages.

Birth control pills prevent us from building muscle, inhibit our desire for sex, can cause depression, and change our personality.

Pill causes nutrient deficiency

But weight gain, water retention and bad mood are also side effects of the pill. We quickly get rid of these three things after stopping the contraceptive.

The problem is the long-term consequences. One of them is that the pill can trigger nutrient deficiencies.

Connection between pill nutrient deficiency and health

Anyone taking birth control pills should keep a close eye on their nutritional needs.

Because no matter how healthy you eat, the pill will sooner or later cause a nutrient deficiency.

If you take the pill every day, you prevent your body from absorbing vitamins, minerals and trace elements from food. So even if you eat enough healthy food, your body simply can't absorb it.

Like nicotine and alcohol, the pill increases oxidative stress in our body. This means that free radicals can cause lasting damage to the cells. The risk of diseases such as cardiovascular problems is increased.

The pill causes these nutrient deficiencies

Even without the pill, it is often not so easy to have a balanced vitamin and mineral balance. This is usually due to an unhealthy diet.

If you also take birth control pills, you are even more at risk of a nutrient deficiency. You cannot take as many nutrients and vitamins as your body needs.

Pill nutrient deficiency

The Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists wrote that the contraceptive pill increases the need for folic acid (vitamin B9), B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and B12), and vitamin C. The use of the contraceptive pill also increases the absorption of zinc and magnesium. It also worsens the absorption of zinc and magnesium. You can also find this in this Read study.

What consequences this can have, you can read here.

B vitamins and the pill

A Study of the University in Florida shows that the pill triggers nutrient deficiencies. Precisely, it attacks especially the B vitamins.

We need B vitamins for energy metabolism and the nervous system. Those who take the pill may know bad mood. This is a consequence of the pill. Because we have too little B vitamins, we are irritable.

For example, vitamin B6. The need for vitamin B6 is up to 10 times higher in women who take the pill.

This vitamin does most of its work in protein metabolism - in the production of amino acids. In addition, B6 has a great influence on the nervous system, immune system and the function of certain hormones such as the sex hormones.

Vitamin B6 deficiency leads to acne, fatigue, susceptibility to infections, irritability, sensitivity to light, intestinal problems and concentration problems.

Pill nutrient deficiency vitamin deficiency

As a rule, there is no vitamin B6 deficiency. However, the need increases during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and when taking the pill for a long time.

But the vitamin B12 household can also suffer from the pill. Among other things, it is involved in the nervous system, metabolism, blood formation and detoxification.

It also has a great influence on cell division and energy metabolism. Typical vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are: Depression, mood swings, hair loss, muscle weakness, dizziness, nervousness, bloating, loss of libido, impatience, restless legs and emotional instability.

Foods rich in vitamin B are legumes, milk, egg yolk, nuts,fish, fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C deficiency due to pill

Nutrient deficiency pill and our physical well-being are closely linked. Especially vitamin C is mega important for the body.

For example, it is responsible for iron absorption from the small intestine, binds heavy metals and acts as a natural antioxidant.

Without vitamin C, cell protection in the body does not work. The body also needs this vitamin for the formation of collagen. It is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, tendons, ligaments. And ensures strong and healthy teeth and bones.

Pill nutrient deficiency

Vitamin C deficiency can have a negative effect on the entire body. There are many consequences of vitamin C deficiency that you probably wouldn't associate with nutrient deficiency and birth control pills.

From bleeding gums, fatigue, a weakened immune system, depression, irritability, dry skin, bruising, to aching limbs and joints, it's all there.

By the way, there is a whole range of foods that contain more vitamin C than oranges and lemons.

Zinc and the pill

A typical pill nutrient deficiency is too little zinc. We usually associate this only with beautiful nails and hair. Yet this micronutrient does so much more for our body.

We need zinc for wound healing, skin and connective tissue. The defense cells need zinc for a strong immune system.

Those who have too little zinc suffer from hair loss, brittle nails, cracked and dry skin, acne, loss of appetite and poor wound healing.

Magnesium deficiency due to the pill

For those who are nutrient deficient on the pill, they will also struggle with their magnesium budget. This is a mineral that is involved in more than 300 metabolic processes in the body. Without magnesium, virtually nothing works.

From heart to nerves, bones, digestion, kidneys and psyche, everything in our body can be affected by a magnesium deficiency. This ranges from cold feet and hands, headaches, irritability, muscle cramps, fatigue, back pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, palpitations, loss of appetite and even more.

Our conclusion

Anyone taking the contraceptive pill should be aware that the pill can cause nutrient deficiencies. This means that you should keep a close eye on your blood values and have a complete blood count at least once a year. Of course, it is even better if you look for a hormone-free contraceptive method. This way you will be spared a vital substance deficiency.

Incidentally, other studies also speak of the fact that the Iron absorption, selenium, iodine and manganese is hampered by the pill.

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