Slim & fat? This helps with Skinny Fat!

Lose weight without sports

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Am I Skinny Fat? What to do with a figure with little muscle and high body fat? We have all the answers to your questions!

Skinny Fat is a word that has become widely used.

The fashion word first took center stage when the British press called model Kate Moss too fat and flabby, even though she was slim.

"She is skinny fat" was written in big letters.

Literally translated, the two words "Skinny Fat" mean two opposites. Slim and fat. But what does that actually mean? Can you be slim and yet fat?

This article deals with a problem that many struggle with. But being skinny fat is not destiny, you can do something about it.

What is a Skinny Fat?

According to health experts, it is possible to be seemingly slim, but still fat. The buzzword describes a certain form of figure. Namely, that of people who appear slim when they are clothed. In a bikini, however, things look a bit different. You can't see any muscles worth mentioning. Instead, the people look gaunt.

Very many people are affected by this.

Thin people can develop internal fat deposits, especially on the abdomen and hips. Most of the time, they are considered harmless. However, this is a big mistake!

Our body consists of muscles and fat. Ideally, there are many muscles and little fat. However, you don't automatically have little body fat just because you're thin. Even slim people can have a high body fat percentage.

If you are Skinny Fat your body is slim, but not toned. Abdomen, legs, arms and buttocks are not trained, but soft and often with cellulite.

Am I Skinny Fat?

If you are Skinny Fat, you are thin, have a relatively high fat percentage and very little muscle. Especially women can answer the question: Am I Skinny Fat? often answer in the affirmative. And this despite the fact that many starve themselves for their dream figure.

Those who are affected by this very often lead a very unhealthy lifestyle.

Most people want to weigh very little. They literally starve the kilos off their bodies and orient themselves on the BMI (Body Mass Index).

This calculator provides information about height in relation to weight. However, factors such as water, fat and muscle percentage are not included.

Especially for us women, the results are often very consumed. This is also due to the different size of our breasts.

In concrete terms, this means that you have a low BMI value. However, your body has a high percentage of body fat. The body looks neither athletic nor muscular.

At the heart of the skinny fat issue is BMI. Too many people still base their weight on what the scale spits out. Body weight says nothing about whether someone has a healthy body or not.

Skinny Fat Training and Nutrition

Why Skinny Fat is a Health Problem

The main thing is thin and slim, many now think for sure. Yes, not everyone has to have a six-pack or super strong arms. We agree with you.

However, it should not be taken lightly. Because Skinny Fat is mostly because you lead a less than healthy lifestyle.

Skinny fat is when you lose weight quickly and at the same time do not exercise. Often skinny women have a very unhealthy lifestyle. Their diet includes a lot of sugar, alcohol, processed foods and little fresh and home-cooked food.

Alarmingly, too much body fat can have health consequences even in very slim people. Low-lying abdominal fat is associated with many cardiovascular diseases. Such as heart attack or stroke. Type 2 diabetes is also said to be more common.

Skinny Fat is therefore not a purely optical problem. As a health one!

How to get rid of Skinny Fat?

The good news: You can get rid of Skinny Fat. And you can do it with the right workout and the right diet! In the next lines you can read what you should avoid, which sport you should focus on and what you pay attention to in the diet.

In short, there are two factors you need to consider: 1. diet 2. exercise.

If you want to get rid of those pesky love handles, then it's time to define the body.

How to avoid Skinny Fat

  • Hands off crash diets!
    If you want to lose weight, do it slowly and for the long term!
  • Cook yourself
    Go for fresh food rather than processed food. Cook with lots of fruits and vegetables.
  • Hands off sugar
    Sugar is the cause of many diseases. Obesity is the least of these.
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
    Both raw and cooked. Best 3 times a day
  • Train properly
    Besides endurance, never forget about strength training!

What matters in the Skinny Fat diet

If you've had enough of Skinny Fat, start exercising and watch what you eat. No more starving!

During workout the body needs healthy fats and lots of proteins. They make the muscles grow.

If you skip breakfast, eat only fruit during the day and really dig in at night, you're not doing your body any good either.

Fast food, sugar, alcohol and sweets are taboo. They ensure that you consume unnecessary calories. This is how the body builds up fat deposits when you are not exercising.

Your diet should include plenty of tea, water, fruit and vegetables. Eat enough protein - chicken, fish or vegetarian alternatives like legumes are good choices.

We Go Fit Nutrition Plan
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It is often very difficult to eat right. Especially with recipes, you quickly reach the limits of creativity. That's why it's worth making a cooking plan. It's best to plan what you're going to eat for a week in advance.

A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

So that you can succeed, you can take part in our We Go Fit Program Create your personal nutrition plan. You choose between losing weight, building muscles or clean eating and specify your favorite foods.

We'll put together a nutrition plan that fits your needs and that's 100% for you. It's very easy. Give it a try :)

Why vitamins and minerals are so important

You also need to supply your body with plenty of vitamins and minerals. Especially in the transition phase, this is not so easy.

You may notice that you feel limp at the beginning after the workout. You will have sore muscles and be exhausted. This is perfectly normal.

Don't let that get in your way. But still listen to your body. It's telling you that it needs some support right now.

For our body it is mega exhausting when we make a dietary change and start to train at the same time. It first has to get used to it. You can support it with sufficient vitamins and minerals.

Did you know that 80% of your training success is due to nutrition? You can train as much as you want, but if you don't make sure you get enough vitamins, minerals, etc., all your efforts will be in vain.

In very stressful and training-intensive times, a nutritional supplement can help you fill the empty mineral and vitamin tanks.

What workout for Skinny Fat?

If you want to put an end to your skinny fat, you have to keep a few things in mind when you work out. The solution to lose body fat and strengthen the body is strength training. Forget about too much endurance sports, it won't get you anywhere.

Many Skinny Fat sufferers go jogging or pedal regularly. They hope to become athletic as a result. The widespread opinion that long Endurance training leads to a well-trained body, however, is wrong!

Many skinny fit women exercise too long with a low pulse. Thereby lose them even Muscle mass. The fat remains. Anything but what we actually want to achieve!

Forget about your desire to reduce body fat. You're not fat, you're just not muscular. If you build muscle, everything else will balance itself out.

Gain weight to lose weight: Build muscle with strength training

If you're Skinny Fat, you need to revamp your running training! The focus must move away from long-distance runs with low pulse to strenuous Interval training. This helps build endurance, make the cardiovascular system stronger and burn fat.

Running should be less often on the sports schedule. Instead, you put the emphasis on Strength training. Short and intense it should be.

The point is to build up additional weight in the form of muscles. Only then can the bad weight - that is, the fat deposits be lost.


  • Strengthen the body with muscle mass
  • Strength training is the focus
  • Build in endurance training as well - but in a lesser form

Many sufferers firmly believe that jogging will help them shape their dream body. They are downright afraid of going to the gym or at home. Strength training to make.

Skinny fat women have the apprehension of becoming a bodybuilder. However, this happens only after years of really intense training.

As women, we need have little fear of soon looking like bodybuilders. For us, it takes comparatively longer to build up muscle mass.

By training with weights, the feminine does not disappear. The opposite is the case. Intensive and regular training is associated with beautiful shapes and a sporty crisp body rewarded.

Muscles define the body and burn more fat than a sustained cardio workout. Skinny fat doesn't stand a chance.

Get rid of Skinny Fat

The solution: build muscle and burn fat

Build muscle and burn fat at the same time - is that even possible?

Remember: muscles are your friends! Not your enemies! They look sexy and are really good for your body. Muscles relieve our Joints. They help us with everyday movements.

Who builds muscle, reduces Automatically its Body fat percentage. However, you must not be afraid of gaining weight.

Muscle is always heavier than fat! Especially at the beginning of the training, this can scare you. As a training beginner, however, you can already read your successes on the scale.

Soon you can also see a difference in the mirror.

The best skinny fat workout is squats, Pull-ups and Push-ups. They build muscle and boost fat burning.

Our conclusion

If you are Skinny Fat, you have little body weight, little muscle and a high percentage of body fat. The main thing is thin, is a bad attitude.

Starving yourself slim can promote long-term consequences such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Build muscle and lose fat is the motto!

Now take a deep breath. You are not alone with this problem. However, you've given yourself skinny fat through bad eating habits and too little muscle building. So: Go to strength training, muscle building is the best way to fight it.

Good luck!

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