15 little tips to help you stay in shape during the holidays

Fit through the holidays

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Staying in shape during the holidays? Yes, you can! I have 15 great and easy-to-implement tips to help you stay slim between Christmas and New Year's Eve.

Of course, we deserve to unwind and relax over the holidays. For all of us, this also includes good food - no question about it. And you deserve that too. 🧚‍♀️

But if you don't feel like carrying a lot of extra pounds into the new year, I have a few tips for you.

Starting a workout in January without fitness but with a small life belt is anything but pleasant. Every extra kilogram on our hips makes our workout more difficult, but our excuses get better. 🤦‍♀️

Good intentions are importantbut we don't have to make the start of the new year any harder than it already is.

If you don't want to start from scratch with your "I'm going to get fit this year" resolution in January, I have a few great tips for you to help you stay in shape even during the holidays.

These 15 little tips will help you stay in shape during the holidays

1. get a good night's sleep

Recover from the stress of the last few days. After a restful night you burn more calories. During sleep, muscles can grow (provided you exercise - I'm assuming that) and you reduce stress, which has a positive effect on the amount of body fat.

By the way, an undisputed fact: if you sleep, you can't eat. 😅

Fit through the holidays

2nd attempt interval training

Get more out of your workout by relies on interval training.

Calorie consumption is particularly high when training in intervals. In such a workout you do, for example, 60-90 seconds of planks, followed by a break. Then you start again from the beginning.

You really have to push your heart rate to the limit and take breaks. Mega strenuous, but very effective when it comes to keeping the Boost fat metabolism.

If you want to take it easy, go for a walk every day - walk for at least an hour at a brisk pace without taking a break. 👣

3. use small plates

Yes, that really works. It tricks the brain. 🤓

If you are serving the same dish on a small plate, use up to 20 % fewer calories to you, studies rise.

If there is still room on the big plate, our brain is told that there is too little food on the plate. So we load up much more than we should.

What's more, we're used to eating everything that ends up on the plate since we were children. So dessert plates are a better choice when it comes to eating! 🥰

Give it a try. It's really exciting how easy it works.

4. eat your vegetables first

Fit through the holidays

Green vegetables in particular are full of fiber - they help you feel fuller and fill your belly. So load up your plate with greens. In addition to fiber, you'll also get a load of vitamins that you can use after a hearty meal.

So don't start your first bite with meat, sauce and dumplings, but with the Vegetable side dish. This should end up on your plate in addition to salad. ☝️

If you feel the need to snack in between meals, you should try vegetable sticks. That actually works!

5. drink more water

This is a simple trick of the models. But drinking lots of water really helps if you feel hungry all the time. But you should stay away from alcohol. It dehydrates the body and makes us feel hungry even though we are actually full. 💦

Start every meal with a glass of water and you will consume fewer calories. In addition, you support your digestion with water and stimulate the circulation.

Try to get to about 2 liters per day. You can also homemade detox drinks help.

6. go for a walk

After dinner, take a walk around the block. The walk will make you feel fitter and re-energized.

You get fresh air and stimulate the metabolism. But it shouldn't stop at a short walk. Go for a walk every day for at least an hour at a stretch.

This is how you get your body going! Because the fact is: around the holidays we all have a enormous lack of exercise, which has a very negative impact on the body!

7. eat crunchy

Yes, seriously! A study has shown that we eat less when we can hear ourselves chew.

And what could be easier than crunchy food? And no: this is not an instruction to munch on potato potato chips. Carrots, celery sticks or homemade crunchy muesli are crunchy.

Fit through the holidays

8. eat less salt

Too much salt is bad for you. Our body counteracts this by Water retention forms. This can also lead to a few excess kilos. Instead, use spice blends such as curry or fresh herbs to add more flavor to your recipes. 😋

There is a lot of salt hidden in many processed foods. You can avoid this if you start cooking yourself. It's worth it!

PS: very many Herbs can also be grown on the windowsill pull it yourself!

9. fight bloated belly with yoga

Regular yoga is like a massage for the body. Organs, muscles and blood flow are stimulated. This leads to the fact that a bloated belly can not arise in the first place.

10. keep sweets out of reach

Out of sight out of mind. Especially holidays are known for having sweets everywhere. Just banish the cookies to the cupboard. That way, you're less likely to reach for them all the time.

In fact, several studies show that visual stimuli be tempted to eat more sweets.

Incidentally, the same effect occurs when you are on Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok and look at delicious recipes. Just a quick glance at them makes our cravings grow. 🫣

In doing so, you should make every effort to Curb cravings!

11. chew your food properly

Even if it tastes delicious: Shift down a gear!

Chewing is an easy way to get rid of kilos without dieting.

Our brain needs 20 minutes from the first bite to the feeling of fullness. So if you take your time, you'll eat less in the same amount of time and still feel full.

12. photograph your food

Fill your Instagram stream with #foodporn. A new study says that taking pictures of food helps us know how much and what we ate. Can you tell today what you ate two days ago? Looking at your smartphone can help.

If you want to lose weight, experts recommend a Diary in which everything you eat is noted down. There are free apps that also record calories 🙂

13. get to the weight

If you always focus only on cardio, you can only hardly lose weight. A good workout always consists of endurance and strength training.

Because Muscle mass is like a Power station and burns an incredible number of calories. Even when you're lying on the sofa!

Those who train diligently throughout the year and do not start only after the holidays, will achieve the best results and get back in shape faster even after a sweeping time after the holidays.

Barbell exercises for women

14. do not be afraid of fat

Our body needs fat to function properly. If you want to give up unhealthy things, it should not be fat, but sugar.

By the way, fat does not mean the rind of a roast or a greasy sausage, but healthy vegetable fats. You should eat about every day one tablespoon of olive oil to supply the body with healthy fats.

Currently, many swear by it, Olive oil before bedtime to take. It is even said to help you lose weight!

15. stop weighing yourself every day

Your body weight fluctuates throughout the day. It depends on what you have eaten, how much you have drunk and much more.

2x per week to get on the scale is enough. But then always at the same time. The best time is directly after getting up.

However, those who train should not rely on the scale anyway. Because muscle mass is heavier than fat. That's why trained people often weigh more than obese people.

Our conclusion

Discipline is everything. The main reason why we don't manage to stay in shape during the holidays is that we eat too many calories and don't get enough exercise. Treat yourself to something - instead of 4 cookies, 1 is enough and you'll have eaten a few calories less 🥰

If your cravings are high, think about working out in January - the more you eat, the more strenuous it will be.

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