Get your circulation going!

Get the circulation going

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Headaches, dizziness, sweating and a flickering sensation in front of the eyes - circulatory problems are a problem for many people. Find out what causes them and how you can get your circulation going here.

Do you know this: You get up after sitting for a long time and suddenly you feel dizzy or even black before your eyes?

Then you most likely have poor circulation.

Your blood pressure drops briefly. The blood vessels to the muscles contract, the blood flow to the brain and thus the oxygen supply decreases.

But why does this happen and how can you get your circulation going? We'll tell you here!

Get the circulation going

What are the causes of circulatory problems

Circulatory problems can often be traced to low blood pressure.

For the proper functioning of vital organs, a minimum blood pressure must prevail in the bloodstream.

In order to ensure sufficient supply to the brain and organs under physical stress, there are various endogenous regulatory mechanisms, such as the constriction of the ateries or the acceleration of the heartbeat.

If these regulatory mechanisms are insufficient or impaired, blood pressure can drop rapidly.

As a result, blood flow to the brain deteriorates and it is not supplied with enough oxygen.

The result is typical circulatory problems such as dizziness and weakness.

Too low blood pressure occurs with:

  • Lack of exercise - the most common trigger for low blood pressure is too little exercise. People who sit all day underload their cardiovascular system. This slows down the response in stressful situations.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle - Health-damaging behaviors can be to blame for low blood pressure. These include smoking, alcohol, drugs, unhealthy diet, sumptuous meals, obesity, stress, and mental health problems.
  • Weather fluctuations - People who react strongly to the weather often suffer from circulatory problems. This is particularly noticeable during temperature fluctuations or even on very hot days.
  • Rise quickly - who jumps out of bed in the morning, does not make it easy for the body.
  • Standing for a long time - can also cause circulatory weakness.
  • Prolonged stay in crowds - can be a cause of circulatory problems.
  • Overload during sports - not only too little exercise, but also too much of it can throw the circulation out of balance.
  • Medication and severe pain - various drugs and also severe pain have an impact on blood pressure.
  • Diseases - Of course, diseases such as cardiovascular problems. Thyroid insufficiency or varicose veins can also trigger circulatory problems.

What are the symptoms of circulatory problems

Everyone knows circulatory problems - whether after getting up quickly, after changes in the weather or in extreme heat.

Most of the time, you feel dizzy. However, this subsides again after a short time. Therefore, these cases are also called acute circulatory problems.

However, the symptoms can vary greatly. For example, dizziness, sweating, trembling, headaches, nausea or palpitations may occur.

It is also not uncommon for one's eyes to literally go black.

If you are often tired, have headaches or ringing in the ears, you should definitely see a doctor. And also if the circulation problems are permanent.

First aid measures for circulatory problems

If the case is acute, you need to get the circulation going again and stabilize it. The best thing to do is to lie down and elevate your legs. When lying down, the blood flows back to the heart more easily.

Salty foods such as salt sticks, pretzel rolls with salt, or a broth can help you get your circulation back up and keep it stable. It is very important that you drink a lot.

Sweet drinks like cola can also help in an emergency, because sugar drives up blood pressure.

Furthermore, fresh fruit, a handful of walnuts or a cup of coffee will bring your blood pressure back into balance.

10 tips on how to get your circulation going

There are some really helpful tips for keeping your circulation stable and preventing circulatory problems.

1. stand up slowly

You jump out of bed quickly in the morning? Then you don't make it easy for your body.

Take a little more time to get up. Your circulation needs the time to switch from sleep mode to wakefulness.

Stretch extensively and sit on the edge of the bed for a minute before getting up. This way you can prevent dizziness and start a new day fit and aware.

Stimulate circulation

2. get the circulation going with alternating showers

Get your circulation going with alternating showers. Shower as usual and then alternate between hot and cold several times.

This morning ritual really wakes you up, puts you in a good mood and promotes blood circulation.

3. breakfast you cheer up

If you suffer from weak circulation, you should not give up breakfast. Give your body a gentle start to the day.

A warm porridge, fresh fruit and a few nuts are ideal for this.

The first meal of the day sets the course for the day!

4. drink enough water

It can't be said often enough: drink, drink and drink! You need enough fluid to get your circulation going.

You should drink two to three liters of water a day.

This will also help you to increase your concentration at work and prevent headaches from occurring in the first place.

5. get circulation going with fresh air

You sit in the office all day? Make sure you get enough oxygen in between and make it a habit to ventilate the office twice a day.

Used breathing air has a high carbon dioxide content and results in fatigue and listlessness.

Fresh air also gets your circulation going and mobilizes new strength.

Get the circulation going with oxygen

6. get the circulation going with exercise

Sport is the best way to combat circulatory problems in the long term. Especially those who sit at a desk a lot should get up again and again in between and do two to three sports units a week.

It doesn't matter whether you choose running, cycling, swimming or strength training. The important thing is that you move and enjoy it.

Also try to integrate more exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or ride your bike to work instead of driving.

7. eat a balanced diet

It doesn't always have to be pizza or burgers. A balanced and vitamin-rich diet helps to get the circulation going.

People who sit for long periods and hardly move need a light and balanced diet. There should be plenty of vegetables on the plate.

Foods containing vitamin A and E promote blood circulation. Vitamin B helps normalize blood pressure and vitamin C helps the body absorb iron.

balanced diet for the circulation


8. nibble away the fatigue

If your circulation drops, then you should reach for these all-rounders: Nuts. They give you back your energy in a flash.

Just put a bowl of all different kinds of nuts on your table to munch on.

Walnuts in particular strengthen the heart and circulation.

9. go to the sauna regularly

You can get your circulation going with a regular visit to the sauna. The heat and cold stimuli promote blood circulation and strengthen the immune system.

Attention: But only go to the sauna if you feel physically healthy and fit.

10. get circulation going with acupressure

Acupressure is a healing method from traditional Chinese medicine. By tapping, massaging and pressing special acupressure points, the body energies can be brought back into balance.

Blood circulation is promoted, tension is released and toxins can be better removed.

Stimulate circulation with acupressure

Our conclusion

Temperature fluctuations, low blood pressure or too little fluid. Circulatory problems can have different triggers. But there are many tips that stimulate the circulation and get it going again.

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