40 extraordinary resolutions you're guaranteed not to break


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You have broken your good resolutions for years? Permanent self-optimization makes you tired? And you like yourself just the way you are? We have 40 extraordinary resolutions for you that are really worthwhile.

You don't have any resolutions this year? Of course, you've consistently broken every one in the last few years.

The new year was supposed to be better. You wanted to become smarter, more athletic, healthier, more attractive, more social and simply irresistible. Be a better person.

But that's over now! You're not fooling yourself anymore. And anyway, nobody is perfect anyway. The sooner you accept the downward spiral, the better.

The new year is always an opportunity. The past is the past. We collectively hit the reset button. Resolutions can help us to focus on our goals.

Let's face it. We're not going to become better people by slaving away in the gym. Or forbid ourselves every piece of chocolate.

This will be a tribute to laziness, coffee consumption and a call for more self-love!

40 extraordinary resolutions you should make this year

1. reminisce

Bet you have a dusty box full of memories too?

Photos from school trips, your first crush, old poems? Or just postcards from friends?

Browse through old times. That feels so good!

2. start every day in a good mood

Sounds exhausting? Then you should establish that urgently.

Pin a nice saying on the bathroom mirror. Listen to good music.

Sing in the shower. And in a pinch, pull up your arms. Try this. That's the best resolution for morning grouches.

3. make a child laugh


What could be more heartfelt than a child's laughter? Take the time and romp, play, cuddle exuberantly.

This will not only make the dwarf happy, but also you.

4. a new family photo

The last picture is already outdated? Or looks totally stiff and kind of dusty?

Make an appointment for a new photo session. Be relaxed, have fun together.

Bet you'd much rather put something like that up in your shared apartment than a "Royal Family" commemorative picture?

5. treat yourself to something good every day

Of course, you don't deserve that. Remember, only beads of sweat and downturned corners of the mouth are evidence of sincere work.

That's bullshit, of course! Be nice to yourself. Make a long phone call to your best friend. Go for a long walk. Pick a bunch of wildflowers.

6. be generous!

You strictly follow the 10% rule for tipping? Be generous and reward good service.

That puts a smile on everyone's face. You too.

7. interest in strangers

Have you ever asked a cab driver about his country of origin? The street music about his favorite song?

Your neighbor's child about what he wants to be when he grows up? A bicycle courier, what he likes about his job?

Every day, countless opportunities arise to engage in conversation with people.

This is a great chance to broaden your horizons and should definitely be on your list for your resolutions.

8. another extraordinary resolution: to go off without a goal

When did this actually start, that everything always has to have a meaning? Just go off without a plan. You'll be surprised what happens to you.

9. pester grandma and grandpa with questions

Now is the time to quiz your grandparents. What did they play with as children?

What was grandma's favorite thing to wear? Which people did she find inspiring and how did they actually meet?

10. play guitar again

Get your old instrument out of the musty basement.

Did you used to be passionate about gambling? Let this love blossom again and add it to your resolutions!

11. visit a food market

There are regular food markets in almost all cities. Here you can feast internationally and get culinary inspiration.

It doesn't always have to be healthy! Indulge yourself once in a while!

12. give compliments

You think that the guy next to you has a great voice? Or your girlfriend has totally chic jeans? Just say so. Giving out more compliments should definitely be one of your resolutions.

13. be open for regional delicacies

Check out what each region has to offer. Eat fish sandwiches at the North Sea. Drink wine on the Moselle.

Snack on Mozartkugeln in Salzburg. Dance to street music in Berlin. Play Sissi at Schönbrunn. Learn to yodel in the Alps. Ride a bike in Münster.

14. take time for sunsets

Grab your girls and climb the nearest rooftop or hill. End the day with a cool drink and a colorful sky.

15. ride a bike more

Leave the car behind and ride a bike. Not only does it keep you fit, it also clears your head. And it's environmentally friendly, too.

16. plan a girls trip

It's time to plan a short trip with your loved ones instead of just having a coffee. How about an overnight stay in the mountains or a visit to a musical together with a subsequent overnight stay?

You don't even have to travel far, you can also experience great things in your own or the nearest city. A little tip for all stargazers: In August, the stargazers are Perseids on the schedule. There you can see many hundreds of shooting stars in the sky!

17. write "be childish" to your resolutions

Jump through puddles again. Sit on a swing. Dance in the rain. Do puzzles, paint, sing. And above all: Don't take yourself so seriously.

18. eat cotton candy

When was the last time you went to a carnival? Finally, enjoy your childhood treat: a huge helping of cotton candy. It's a must on your list of resolutions.

19. enjoy your food

fitness tracker fanStuffing breakfast down your throat in a hurry? Shovel in dinner in front of the TV?

And your smartphone is always in your hand at lunch? Focus on what you are doing right now! Be aware of the taste, the smell and the colors of the food.

20. write a letter

Can you remember when you once wrote a letter?

Sounds nostalgic, but comes so much more from the heart than a message via smartphone.

You always wanted to tell your sister how much you appreciate her? She'll be twice as happy to receive a letter.

21. decorate around

The daily grind hangs like lead in your 4 walls? Redecorate. With a few pillows, candles and plants you get a whole new sense of space.

22. turn off your cell phone more often

Did you know that the ringing of the cell phone triggers stress in the body? Why don't you try being unavailable? You'll realize you're not missing anything.

23. be nice!

Act on the principle: If you don't have anything nice to say, keep quiet.

24. becoming flexible as a resolution

Take a different route to college or work. Wear your watch on the right. Lace your shoes with your left hand. Throw your principles out the window. This makes you more attentive to new things.

25. learn to forgive

Stop carrying around old grudges.

Forgive the people who have hurt you.

And if that is not possible, then draw a final line. Because then your life may be more beautiful without the person.

26. organize a theme party

It doesn't always have to be Bad Taste. Celebrate the heroes of your youth, swap genders or dress up like in the 90s.

27. renouncing technology

Why not go outside without your smartphone? You don't have to look at your life through a display. Focus on what you're doing. Instagram and Facebook will forgive you for that.

28. buy local

The Internet supplies us with everything. From winter boots to flower pots to whole milk.

There's nothing that doesn't exist. But can that really replace the smell in the old bookstore? Or the friendly advice in the pretty boutique?

29 Sharing is Caring

Sharing connects and is super sustainable. More and more people are on sharing platforms.

So there are good reasons to consume less in the future. And the possibilities are endless: Living space, pets, drills, cars, clothes. :)

30. go sing karaoke

This should not be missing from your resolutions! Bet that you take yourself way too seriously?

Drop your inhibitions and go to a karaoke bar. It's a lot of fun and will be remembered forever.

31. give yourself a voice

There are more ways to be politically active than just going to the polls.

Sign up for platforms like campact.de. Here you can sign petitions and campaign for the things that are important to you.

32. delete your favorite apps

Now you're probably thinking: Now she is completely crazy!

But let's be honest: You're constantly hanging out in front of Instagram? You're on Facebook several times a day? And you love this funny game? Delete those apps! You're wasting your time staring at your phone. #backtoreality ;)

33. learn to accept criticism

Nobody likes criticism. After all, we all act to the best of our knowledge (by the way, everyone demonstrably does, even if we can't believe it :D).

But criticism helps us to become better and to work on our weaknesses. So we should rather be grateful for it. Instead of going directly into battle verbally.

34. support people who are not doing so well

Just buy a coffee for the homeless man in the shopping street. Or give him your apple, which you usually ignore in your pocket all day anyway.

35. learn to dance salsa

A must for your resolutions if you love good rhythms. Dancing salsa puts you in a good mood and is the best workout for your hips.

36. compliment yourself every day

Your hair is standing up in all directions? Your dark circles get you a role in Walking Dead?

Don't rant about the things you find terrible about yourself.

Take a good look. What do you like? Maybe you have soft hands or beautiful lips? You are a horny sow!

37. walk barefoot

Admittedly, we are very effeminate. The forest floor hurts our tender feet.

And walking barefoot on the grass, our feet only get dirty unnecessarily.

Don't be a princess! Take off your shoes and feel the grass on your bare legs. That grounds you and makes you happy.

38. be honest

Sometimes we just use little lies to get out of doing something.

Try honesty. You don't feel like meeting your girlfriend?

Tell her that you find the couch more tempting and ask for a new date. She will understand.

39. buy less

You must have these shorts! It looks so different from the other 8 in your closet.

You know she said mama to you. You were made for each other! - Bullshit! You don't need her! Consumption makes you demonstrably happy only for a short moment - and poor in the long run. ;)

40. collect your resolutions in a bucket list

I'm sure you're familiar with the so-called list of things to do. Write down all the things you would like to do in the next year. Go ice skating? Visit your grandma more often?

Hang up the list in a visible place. This will always remind you of your wonderful intentions.

Our conclusion

You don't have to drag yourself to the nearest gym starting January 1 if you're going to collapse under your optimization desires two weeks later anyway. Choose your resolutions wisely. Take the chance that it's all on the front burner. Think about what you really want and what makes you happy. And then start the new year relaxed!

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