Lose weight without dieting - this is how it works!

Lose weight without diet with diet change

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Can you lose weight without dieting? The answer is a resounding yes! Because diets are not suitable for us to be able to maintain our desired and feel-good weight in the long term.

Have you also been on a few diets? Maybe the cabbage soup diet, the Kornspitz diet or the potato diet? None of them really helped, right?

After the diet is often worse than before. Hello yoyo effect. The kilos are quickly back on the hips.

I would even go so far as to say that diets guarantee that you will never reach your desired weight. And they also bring a bad mood.

Losing weight without dieting, on the other hand, is a very effective method. But what does that mean anyway? How can you lose weight without dieting?

How you can lose weight without dieting

First, you need to take a few simple-sounding steps.

How to lose weight without dieting?

1. give up thinking in diets

Here quickly a cabbage soup diet and then a 30 day crash diet. Done. No! That is exactly your mistake!

Stop thinking in terms of diets. If you want to lose weight without dieting, you have to learn to eat right. This sounds mega simple, but it's not.

You need to develop an eating pattern that you can really follow through with permanently. The biggest problem with diets is that they are very short-term. You can only reach your goal with a long-term change in diet.

So now we say goodbye together to the word "diet" and replace it with "healthy eating".

Tip: In the book "Lose weight quickly and permanently without dieting" at Amazon you will find many helpful tips about weight loss and nutrition.

2. learn to eat right

I've already mentioned that briefly. But you could write a whole essay about that. You can learn something from people who are slim. And without any diet at all.

They manage to listen to their body and not give it more than it actually needs.

What you can learn from slim people

1. they eat only when they are really hungry. This is referred to as intuitive eating. For the most part, we've all forgotten how to do that. Snacks are waiting everywhere and then the desire for sweets and fatty foods comes out in us.

And we give in. And we were not hungry.

A distinction is made between real hunger and appetite.

Appetite for unhealthy things often arises in anger, boredom, restlessness or when you reward yourself for something. These are not reasons to eat!

You are only really hungry if you would now also eat something that you actually do not like so much. Everything else is ravenous hunger or appetite.

It's not the time of day that decides when you should eat something. It's your feeling of hunger. Listen to your body!

2. they enjoy their food. Not even quickly between desk, meeting and the way home. If you want to lose weight without dieting, you need to be aware of your diet.

And enjoy every bite. Eat mindfully and consciously. Chew your food thoroughly. It fills you up faster.

3. they listen to their body. Your stomach says stop? Then put the fork aside.

The saying from childhood is unfortunately still ingrained in our minds "If you don't eat that away, there will be bad weather tomorrow." Total nonsense, of course.

Eat intuitively and lose kilos

Listen to your sense of satiety and not to stupid old wisdom. You don't have to throw the food away. They will still taste delicious later.

4. they do not eat processed foods. There are a few exceptions, but you should not follow them. Because whether you are slim or overweight: processed foods are enormously unhealthy!

Of course, you can eat a piece of chocolate. But not the whole bar! If you feel like chips, you can eat them too, but stop after a handful. Learn to control yourself and show your food monster who is the boss here!

3. move enough

Yes, a little sport is a must. We all move far too little. This leads to the fact that we burn few calories. And that in turn makes itself felt on the belly and hips.

Move at least 30 minutes every day. More is better, of course. Start with small units and fast walks. After that you increase.

The good thing about sports is that you build muscle.

No, do not be afraid of bodybuilder muscles! This does not happen without an enormous amount of work.

Muscles increase your basal metabolic rate. So you burn more calories even when sitting or lying down if you have muscles.

Lose weight with sports and without diet

You're welcome to treat yourself to a piece of chocolate.

Nevertheless: 75% of the training success makes the nutrition.

What can help you lose weight without dieting

And then, of course, there are the brilliant tips that many women's magazines promise you. I don't want to devalue them. But just because you drink lemon water every morning or stop eating salt doesn't mean you'll lose weight.

But of course, they can have an additional effect. However, without exercise and a healthy diet, even 2 liters of lemon water a day will not help.

However, you can save calories with a few tips and tricks. And that is already a good step towards losing weight. After all, you've built up your own excess body fat.

And that is simply that you have eaten too many calories. Here are a few simple tricks that will help you lose weight without dieting. They will help you cut calories or replace "unhealthy calories" with healthy ones. Or simply eat less through small hacks.

1. lemons and herbs for flavor

You love herb butter in large quantities? Hello calorie trap! A squeeze of lemon juice and fresh herbs with a little olive oil does the same job.

Simply mix 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp olive oil and freshly chopped herbs together.

By the way, parsley contains a lot of vitamin C. And should help to accelerate the fat burning.

2. replace ice with grapes

You want to lose weight without dieting? Then try to greatly reduce your sugar consumption.

For a healthy snack in between meals, you can eat grapes instead of ice cream.

Put a few seedless grapes in the freezer. Let them freeze overnight and thaw them only briefly before sucking.

Tastes wonderful and saves an incredible amount of calories and sugar.

3. replace pudding with bananas and cocoa

You have a sweet tooth and love pudding?

Try a healthy alternative. Put a teaspoon of raw cocoa powder, a banana and a teaspoon of almond paste in a food processor.

Shortly in the refrigerator with it and then enjoy.

Almond paste also provides many calories. But these are so-called healthy calories. Nevertheless, you should not overdo it. For the quick hunger for sweets, however, it works wonderfully!

4. attention calorie trap salad

Lose weight without diet with diet change

You love to eat salad? That's good for a start. But watch out for the dressings! They contain sooo many calories. Especially if you buy ready-made sauces.

Either mix it up yourself, that will save a few little fatteners.

Or you can just use cold vegetable or chicken broth instead of marinade.

5. apple spritzer instead of apple juice

Nothing works for you without juice? Then at least always mix it with plenty of water. Even a small sip of apple juice adds flavor to the glass. And drinking is much easier.

Never drink fruit juices pure. Always add at least 3, preferably 5 parts of water.

Even better, of course, is to use flavored water. For this you can simply put lemon, orange or a fruit of your choice in the water glass. Mint also tastes really delicious!

6. take a small plate

Did you know that you can trick your brain so mega easy? Instead of taking a big plate, just take a small one.

You will get full faster. The plate helps to visually deceive your brain.

7. hide sweet well

If you have cookies, chocolate, etc. right in front of you, you're much more likely to grab them.

Therefore, hide sweets in the cupboard and keep them out of reach. Of course, it's even better not to have any sweets at home at all and to reach for a piece of fruit or a well-served whole-grain bread when you get cravings.

8. caffeine stimulates the burning of fat

A cup of coffee after a meal is said to help kick fat burning into high gear.

But do this at least 15 minutes after your last bite. Otherwise, your body will not be able to absorb many nutrients as well.

By the way: An espresso is also good before sports. The caffeine is even said to stimulate fat burning during sports by up to 30%.

You drink the coffee without sugar and milk, of course.

Caffeine helps to lose weight

9. zinc makes you full

Foods that contain a lot of zinc make you feel full faster, say scientists.

If you are full for a long time, losing weight without dieting is easy. After all, you don't eat as much.

You can find a lot of zinc in cocoa, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, emmental or oatmeal.

10. prepare vegetables properly

Zucchini, broccoli and the like are quite healthy and low in calories. But what we do with them is sometimes anything but low-calorie. We add lots of butter to the pan so that it tastes good.

However, the butter also adds a lot of calories to what is actually a low-calorie dish.

Next time, try steaming the vegetables with vegetable broth. This tastes really delicious and saves a lot of fattening!

11. eat bitter if you want to lose weight without dieting

Bitter substances in many foods make us feel full faster. You can find them in dandelion leaves, radicchio, chicory or grapefruit.

Incidentally, the body is also said to store less sugar when grapefruits are regularly added to the diet.

12. lose weight without diet with right spices

There are foods that stimulate the metabolism. Very well known are chilies, horseradish, Cinnamon* and pepper.

They help burn fat and add lots of flavor to your dish.

13. drink a lot of water

Did you know that a glass of water before eating makes you feel less hungry?

Works quite wonderfully!

By the way, if you drink half a liter of water in one go, your energy metabolism may be increased by 30%. And that even for 90 minutes!

Basically, our body needs plenty of fluids to function well. Water also stimulates digestion and prevents the desire to snack.

14. sleep enough if you want to become slim

Sleep helps to lose weight

Sleep is healthy for our body in so many ways. Not only because we can not eat calories during sleep :)

From seven hours of sleep per night, the weight loss rate can double. While we sleep, our metabolism runs at full speed and burns fat.

By the way: A cup of natural yogurt with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal is the perfect snack before bedtime. Low in calories and filling.

15. try to have less stress

Losing weight without dieting works when you are chilled.

Yes, easier said than done, I know. But under stress, we burn fewer calories and burn them even slower.

Insulin levels are increased, which further inhibits fat burning. This makes it difficult for our body to convert fat into energy. The stress hormone cortisol is responsible for this.

And to make matters worse, we usually eat much more unhealthily in stressful situations.

16. do not buy XXL quantities

Yes, the XXL-sized chip bag is on sale right now. And if you take three, the third is even free. But forget that again quickly.

Studies show that a large package size can fool our brain. Similar to the small plates.

With a large bag, we consume an average of 22 percent more calories.

Even if it is a little more expensive: Always take the smallest bag.

17. keep an eye on your calorie intake

Yes, I know: counting calories is stupid. But if you want to lose a few kilos, there's no getting around it.

To keep the weight off, you need to keep track of how many calories you can eat per day.

In no case should it be more than you burn. Because that's how you put on that flab. To lose weight, you need to limit your calorie intake.

But never lower your daily calorie intake below 1500 calories. This harms the body more than it helps it!

How to lose weight without dieting thanks to a change in diet

On a diet you do without certain foods for a while. You usually eat a very one-sided diet and eat only eggs and bread or drink only water for 4 weeks. Everything else is cut out. This can lead quickly to success.

But you usually only lose water and muscle mass.

That is mega unhealthy!

As soon as you start to cut down, you also cut minerals and vitamins from your diet. The one-sided diet causes deficiency symptoms, bad mood and even worse: the yo-yo effect.

Because once the diet is over, you'll eat like you did before and maybe even more.

You're gaining weight faster than you're losing it.

Starvation is simply crap. It's no fun and does absolutely nothing. Because just because you don't eat, you don't lose weight. That would also be too easy.

Why diets are unhealthy

If you don't eat despite being hungry, your body shuts down the metabolism. It has to save energy. It immediately stops burning fat. And falls into stress mode.

This causes the cortisol level to rise and the body to accumulate fat more quickly when we finally eat. It wants to store it for the next famine.

And in addition starving makes bad mood, powerless, listless and frustrated.

Therefore, only losing weight without dieting leads to the goal. The magic word is: change of diet.

You can eat anything. But only in moderation. You should keep certain foods to a minimum. These include sugar, white flour and animal fats.

As I said, you can still eat them. But instead of a whole bar of chocolate, how about one or two pieces? And in addition a delicious fruit plate?

Our conclusion

Lose weight without dieting is the solution for all who want to get rid of a few kilos. A change of diet takes longer but it is more sustainable and the only way you can really get to your goal!

Good luck!

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