Avoid yo-yo effect: The 3 golden rules to success!

Prevent yoyo effect

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We all know, fear and hate the yoyo effect. But with the right method, you can lose weight without it and finally stay slim.

Jojo effect - just thinking about the word, it certainly makes some people's hair stand up.

You've finally managed to stick to a diet and were even successful at it - bähm, the kilos are already back on your hips.

In the worst case, even more than before. It's just pure horror. 😫

So why did you stick to plans so diligently for weeks, resisting temptations and losing weight with great joy, when now everything is back to the way it was?

And already you try it with the next diet. A few kilos lost and hardly you do not look, again the same mishap.

But what exactly is the yo-yo effect and what causes it? I would like to tell you in detail today!

How does the yoyo effect happen?

The yo-yo effect occurs when you start eating normally again after a diet. If the weight returns to the starting point after the diet or exceeds the starting weight, then we speak of the yoyo effect. It is strong after crash diets, where you have taken too few calories in a certain period of time.

The most common reason for the increase is the wrong diet. Most simply consume too many calories.

Scientifically, the effect is the extremely fast and absolutely unwanted weight gain. The very worst thing about the ups and downs of weight is that the new final weight is often higher than the weight before the diet.

Why does this happen?

Dieting puts your body in a state of emergency. In this situation, the body relies on its energy stores. It draws on your carbohydrate reserves and protein depots. You may lose muscle.

Muscles mean that your body needs fewer calories. As a result your basal metabolic rate decreases. To maintain your weight or continue to lose weight, you now need to consume fewer calories than before the diet.

Most return to their original diet after the diet.

If you go back to your old eating habits, your body will store the energy you have consumed as fat reserves for a rainy day. 👹😯

Our body doesn't even mean us any harm. It is a protective function. With fat reserves you can get through hunger phases later. The metabolism slows down and you consume even less energy.

But that's over now. You can avoid the yo-yo effect if you act correctly and here you will learn how.

Avoid yo-yo effect: This study reveals how!

Researchers of the University of Copenhagen have studied the phenomenon. Their message is actually quite simple: lots of lean meat, fish, low-fat dairy products and vegetables.

772 families participated in the study. They were from different European countries and had to follow a diet for 8 weeks. Their energy intake was reduced to 800 calories per day. In the process, they lost an average of eleven kilograms of weight.

And then it was on to the yoyo effect. The researchers wanted to know how to keep the weight off.

The glycemic index (GI) plays a major role here. Foods with a high GI cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. The body releases insulin and stores the sugar in the liver. So our blood sugar level drops again very quickly. We get ravenous hunger.

White flour products and sugary foods, for example, have a low GI. 👈

The participants were again divided into 5 groups and had to follow different diet plans for 6 months.

Here's the short version: The group that ate plenty of protein and low GI foods gained the least amount of weight back. Those who ate little protein and had many high GI foods in their diet gained the most weight.

Jojo effect

What can you do against the yoyo effect?

It's important that you boost your metabolism. Because after a diet, it is on the back burner. If you start eating as before, it is practically impossible to lose weight or keep it off. It means for you now: Eat healthy, get lots of exercise and do sports.

You can prevent the yo-yo effect if you stick to 3 basic rules holds.

  1. Adapt diet
  2. Exercise and sport
  3. Reduce stress

Let's look at this in detail now. It is not that difficult. If you stick to it, you won't gain weight after the diet.

1. adjust diet

If you want to lose weight and avoid the yo-yo effect at the same time, you need to pay particular attention to your diet. Otherwise the kilos will be back on your hips sooner than they were gone.

Change diet permanently

Change your diet slowly, but permanently. Give up burgers, fries and unhealthy snacks. Replace them with whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and lean meats.

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A conscious diet will not only bring you closer to your dream figure. You will also change mentally. If you eat healthy, you'll be in a better mood and have more power.

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Protein for muscle mass

Did you know that protein satiates longer than carbohydrates ever could? Your muscles need protein-rich food so that they are not broken down. The body forms messenger substances from protein building blocks. This makes you feel full for a long time. Protein reduces the risk of food cravings.

Lean meat, fish, dairy products, egg, tofu, nuts and legumes provide a lot of protein and should be on your menu from now on. But there are also very good options for vegans and vegetarians. many vegetable protein sources.

Avoid empty calories

Empty calories are provided by all foods that do not contain fiber or other nutrients such as vitamins or minerals.

The best example is sugar. It contains nothing at all for our body that brings it anything in the long term. Alcohol and white flour products also belong on this list.

You can eat 100 grams of gummy bears and consume 328 calories.

Or you eat 100 grams of strawberries, take 34 calories and at the same time a lot of vitamin C, folic acid, iron and calcium.

Prevent yoyo effect through diet

2. exercise and sports

You can't do it without exercise. You need to build muscles, burn ingested calories and always keep moving. If you exercised regularly before the diet, then you should continue this habit.

If you weren't a fan of sports, you should become one now.

More movement in everyday life

As a first step, try to get more exercise into your daily routine. Use the stairs instead of the elevator or get on your bike instead of the car.

At first it will take a lot of effort, but you will quickly get used to the changes. Instead of going out for coffee, you can convince your best friend to go for a walk. It's a lot of little things that will get you where you want to go.

Try at least every day 30 minutes to move.

Increase basal metabolic rate

If you increase your basal metabolic rate, you will lose weight. Even if you continue to eat as before. So that you can Increase basal metabolic rate can, you must Muscles Build Muscles consume namely more energy than fat tissue. More muscle mass increases the energy requirement.

But muscles have another advantage. When the muscle percentage increases, the body fat percentage also decreases.

Don't rely only on endurance training, but build muscles specifically. There are many exercises you can do at home. Do you know HIIT? The High Intensity Interval Training combines endurance and strength training and helps lose weight.

Increase your training intensity slowly

You should always increase your training intensity slowly. Especially if you have done little to no sports before.

Start with Sports twice a week an. They don't have to be long sessions. Even 20 minutes is perfectly fine. You will soon notice how your body changes positively and gets used to the load.

3. reduce stress

Take and give your body time if you want to become permanently happy with your weight.

Refrain from crash diets. With the various diets you can lose a few kilos quickly, but you mainly lose muscle and unfortunately no fat. After the diet you start to eat normally again and the kilos are back again.

Slowly lose weight

We all want to lose weight quickly. But this leads to the hated yoyo effect. Slow weight loss is much healthier and above all more effective.

You should no more than 0.5 to 1 kilo per week lose weight. This way your body is not overstrained and your metabolism can adjust well.

Reduce stress

Your body burns fewer calories under stress. There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, we eat more unhealthily under stress and on the other hand, our body cannot provide enough energy for digestion.

The more stressed we are, the higher our insulin levels. Insulin levels inhibit the conversion of fat into energy. Fat burning is much slower and worse when we are stressed. As a result, we store more fat in our tissues and gain weight.

Sport helps to reduce stress! But also plan regular rest periods and allow yourself time to relax even in stressful phases. But there are also Other ways to reduce stress - For example, yoga, meditation, a calming hobby.

So, in short, the total is about these 8 points:

  • Increase basal metabolic rate
  • More movement in everyday life
  • Increase training intensity
  • Change diet - long term
  • Eat protein
  • Avoid empty calories
  • Slowly lose weight
  • Reduce stress

This is the secret to a better metabolism!

What are the health consequences of the yoyo effect?

The cardiovascular system is particularly affected by the ups and downs. The risk of heart disease is much higher in women who constantly struggle with the yo-yo effect than in those who can maintain their weight.

Due to the yo-yo effect, inflammatory substances are produced in the belly fat. If we gain belly fat again quickly after a diet, the inflammatory substances multiply. They damage our blood vessels and therefore have a negative effect on our cardiovascular system.

You're probably wondering if it's not better not to lose weight in the first place. Because that way the yoyo effect would not set in. But this is exactly the wrong way. Being overweight is even more dangerous.

I find this video particularly informative

What happens to the metabolism during and after the diet?

We reduce our weight and need less energy after the diet. Our metabolism changes.

In a radical diet, the body does not resort to the fat tissue first. It breaks down muscles. This is because they consume a lot of energy.

So on a crash diet you see on the scale so quickly successes, because you lose muscle. By the way, even if you are not trained, you have muscles. They are just a little better hidden.

Less muscle means longer reserves for our body to get through the famine. Once the diet is over, our energy needs are lowered. If you now eat "normally" again, i.e. as before the diet, you will quickly gain weight again. Hello yoyo effect!

Jojo effect after the diet

Our conclusion

A healthy diet and sufficient exercise prevent the yo-yo effect. Avoid flash diets and change your diet permanently. Our tips will help you to lose weight successfully and finally stay slim.

All the best for you!

PS: If nothing really works, get expert advice from a nutritionist!

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