That's why you should keep your hands off light products

Light products

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They hide behind names like "Light," "Wellness," "Zero," or "Sugar Free" - danger is afoot when you see these labels on products! Why you get fat and sick from calorie-reduced foods - and achieve anything but losing weight.

The yogurt says "only 0.2 percent fat". "Great!" thinks the slim-conscious woman, "I have a few kilos too much on my hips anyway and have to cut down on fat." A misconception - one that has stubbornly stuck in the minds of many people for many years.

"Low Fat" means "Low Life" - the human body needs fat to work well.

Fat for him is, among other things

  • Protection from cold
  • Basis for the digestion of fat-soluble vitamins A D E K
  • Basis for many brain functions
  • and a hormone formation site

Does fat make you fat? No - so we've already clarified that. Along with the lack of knowledge about fat-reduced products, there is also the misconception that low sugar products are good for us.

A clear distinction must be made here: If natural sugar is replaced by artificial sweeteners replaced, one clearly meets a Poor Choice. This is particularly true for light beverages. In addition, "light" or similar designations are not declared by law. Anyone who wants to may write it on products - so the sense is questionable.

Replacement at the expense of health

What exactly makes light products bad for the body, mind and soul can be explained quite simply: If a chemical process removes fat or sugar from food, you have to pay for Replacement provide.

Substances that have similar properties to fat or sugar without being fat or sugar. These chemically novel substitutes but our digestive system does not know and cannot handle it.

light products
Light products like sugar-free chocolate contain a lot of chemicals. Instead of helping you lose weight, they have the opposite effect.

Fat is also a flavor carrier and provides satiety. It is almost impossible to serve tasty food without fat. That is why many light products also contain vast quantities of Flavor enhancers - such as glutamate - are used. However, these lead to an increase in salivation and appetite. So you tend to overeat and thus quickly have more, rather than less kilos on the scale. Lose 10 kilos with light products - no way!

The body cannot be tricked

The body knows exactly what it needs. It cannot simply be tricked. If you save fat, the organism wants to use the Energy loss again balance.

If it doesn't get anything containing fat, it demands more carbohydrates, for example, because it can also store these as fat. The vicious circle takes its course. The desire to lose weight through light products develops into the opposite and causes great frustration.

Fat yes, but properly!

Low-fat foods that make you feel full? So there may be, but only in the short term. In the long term, fat is important to give the body the feeling that it is well supplied. In general, however, you have to distinguish between "good" and "bad" fats distinguish

So the secret to a healthy body is not reducing fat, but rather Change fat. So not "How much?" but "Which one?". Refined fat through cold pressed high quality oils is the right approach here.

That means deep-frying and frying grease and low-quality salad oils out of the kitchen shelves and good fat in. Go to Roast is Coconut oil very suitable - it has a high smoke point. A very good animal variant is clarified butter, it can also be heated long and high without hesitation. For salad use cold-pressed olive oil, walnut oil etc. - here are no limits to the variety.

Developed for piglet fattening

Now what about sugar substitutes? "Light" or "sugar-free" often means that artificial sweeteners are included. To this end, you should know that sweeteners were actually developed for piglet fattening. Piglet fast cheap thick and thus become ready for slaughter - that was the goal.

And that's what we eat and drink today, and we still believe it's healthy. But often we do not even know that - hidden under the aliases E950 to E999 become Sweeteners added to the food.

Light products
Take a close look at what's in the products

A sugar substitute that is often used is Aspertame. It is known by the names Nutra-Sweet, Equal, Spoonfull, Canderel, Sanecta or simply E951. Aspertame can cause great harm to the body. When it is metabolized in the body, it produces Nerve agents. These can have serious effects on the body: Hearing damage, blindness, memory problems, depressive moods - to name just a few.

Often, the body also tries to counteract the irritating substances with Water retention to dilute - puffy faces are the result. So there is no trace of "wellness" and "beauty".

Be honest with yourself

Eating calorie-reduced foods is often a psychological trick, a deliberate tricking of our soul. "I ate a light yogurt anyway, so I can eat more of that chocolate!" The bad conscience Drives to eat low-calorie foods, then reach for high-calorie unhealthy foods.

So let's be honest with ourselves and rather eat balanced of "real", full-fat and naturally sweet foods than much of "light" products.

Guest commentary by Hedi Döller

Writing and doing good - as an author and nutrition trainer, Hedi can best combine her two passions. Under Teresa of Ávila's motto: "Do something good for your body, so that the soul feels like dwelling in it", she helps with her tips for promoting health.

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