Healthy breakfast: How to start the day fit!

healthy breakfast recipe ideas for omlette

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A healthy breakfast is the ideal start to your morning. We show you the best tricks so that you can start your day full of energy and without cravings. And there are 3 quick and delicious recipe ideas for breakfast.

Do you also start the day in the morning like an Olympian? Are you showered, made up, coiffed and dressed in a hurry because you have once again turned off the snooze function? Then you are in the best company! :)

But what is often neglected in the morning routine is breakfast. Neither a chocolate croissant while standing up nor a cigarette and coffee in the morning are the ideal way to start the day.

But do you really have to eat something in the morning? And if so, what is quick and still healthy? You can find out all the information about a healthy breakfast with us, of course!

How important is a healthy breakfast in the morning really?

The opinion that breakfast is the most important meal of the day persists. And in fact, a healthy meal in the morning really gets us on track. It provides us with important nutrients and supplies our body with minerals and vitamins.

healthy breakfast cereal

In addition, we get more energy. This not only makes us feel fitter. It also helps us to concentrate better. And are therefore more efficient.

Do I have to eat breakfast in the morning?

Of course, everyone is different. And while some wake up with a huge appetite for a croissant and coffee, others have an appetite for something hearty. Or even for nothing at all.

Maybe you're one of those people who can't get a bite down in the morning. And that's perfectly fine, too. Because the most important thing is to listen to your body and take your needs seriously.

If you can't eat breakfast in the morning

If you don't have an appetite in the morning, drink a big glass of water. This way you can activate and hydrate your body. This is important because when we sleep we sweat and lose water.

healthy breakfast tips

As an alternative, of course, a delicious smoothie always goes. You can find inspiration here: Healthy smoothies: 9 delicious recipes for fruity vitamin bombs. And you'll see, the appetite for edibles comes by itself in the morning. :)

How to make your own healthy breakfast

Whether it's 6 a.m. or 9:30 a.m., here are the best tips for a healthy breakfast and a good start to your day.

1. make sure you have a good mix when eating a healthy breakfast

It's best to combine protein-rich foods with healthy carbohydrates. In addition, there's a lot of fiber. In other words, eat plenty of whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables.

This mix keeps you full until noon and ensures that your blood sugar level remains constant. So cravings don't stand a chance.

also include healthy fats in your first meal in the morning. This does not mean fatty sausages and the like, but healthy, (poly)unsaturated fatty acids from fish, avocado or nuts.

2. eat a lot of protein for breakfast

The basis for healthy breakfast is high quality proteins and complex carbohydrates, mixed with vitamins from fruits and vegetables. However, especially for athletes and those who want to lose a little weight, a healthy breakfast with a large amount of protein is important.

A protein-rich breakfast has the advantage that it keeps you full for a long time. The body needs a lot of energy to digest the proteins. This gets the fat burning going.

By the way, proteins also help to build muscles and ensure that your body does not build up the muscles. This can happen quite quickly with a protein deficiency.

3. healthy breakfast with the right carbohydrates

Do baked goods also regularly end up on your breakfast table? After all, they are popular breakfast classics! However, bread, rolls and the like often consist of simple carbohydrates such as white flour, which have hardly any nutrients.

healthy breakfast fast

Super, on the other hand, are the whole grain alternatives. They provide minerals and vitamins, as the whole grain is used in the production process. In addition to a variety of fiber, whole grain bread also contains unsaturated fatty acids, i.e. healthy fats.

The "good carbohydrates" in whole grain products have another advantage: They keep you full for a long time and prevent cravings in the morning.

By the way, croissants are in a really bad way. They contain virtually no nutrients or fiber, but a lot of sugar and unhealthy fats. That is, they do not saturate, but help to pretty swimming rings on the belly. Too bad actually. :)

4. watch out for the sugar traps

Supposedly healthy foods such as mueslis and fruit yogurts in particular contain a lot of sugar. No matter what the advertising images on the front promise, it is always worth taking a look at the nutritional value table for these foods.

At DM, for example, there is the possibility to buy individual products such as oatmeal, amaranth and unsweetened cornflakes. I store them individually and mix the different ingredients to my muesli in the morning, depending on my taste.

By the way, too much sugar is also hidden in fruit juices or store-bought smoothies. We recommend that you make the drinks yourself. Preferably from fresh fruit and vegetables that you buy seasonally and regionally.

It's also better to stay away from fruit yogurt. It's bursting with sugar. Simply mix your own yogurt with fresh fruit. Not only does it taste more natural, it also saves calories and sugar.

5. drink enough in the morning

A healthy breakfast also includes providing your body with proper fluids. On the one hand, you should not get dehydrated and get your organism going. On the other hand, it also ensures that you get full faster.

healthy breakfast: homemade fruit juice

Of course, coffee may be an integral part of breakfast. But a glass of water is a must. If you especially love your body, you still give Lemon, ginger and Turmeric to it. That an extra boost for your immune system.

If you have trouble waking up in the morning and are absolutely not a coffee fan, be sure to check this out: Coffee alternatives that wake you up and taste delicious.

Homemade smoothies or fruit juices provide you with vitamins.

6. fatty foods make you sluggish

What do croissants, sausage and butter have in common? They are quite fatty. And that makes our bodies quite busy. That means a lot of energy has to be spent on digestion.

This makes you feel really sluggish or you might even fall asleep after a sumptuous meal - also known as a midday slump. Of course, this is accompanied by the fact that we can hardly concentrate.

A less than auspicious start to the day, right? But don't worry. You don't have to eat low-fat yogurt for breakfast for the rest of your life. Just incorporate lots of fruits and veggies and spread the chocolate cream a little thinner on your bread. :)

7. a healthy breakfast takes time

Sure, you're in a hurry in the morning. Breakfast is often just an annoying accessory. But it's actually worth reserving 15 minutes for your morning meal. Because if you consciously take your time, you don't just enjoy it more.

We also experience a feeling of satiety more quickly when we eat thoughtfully. This makes it easier for us to notice when it's enough and how much our body really wants. We do not shovel superfluous calories into ourselves.

Many dishes can be prepared the night before, so the preparation in the morning is very fast. 3 quick and healthy recipes for a healthy breakfast you will find below.

3 delicious recipes for your healthy breakfast

All recipes can of course be varied according to your mood. We wish you a blessed appetite. :)

Muesli Bowl with yogurt and berries

Healthy breakfast: yogurt with berries and muesli

It's fast, healthy and different every day! Of course, you should decide for yourself what quantities you eat in the morning. I always do that according to feeling and daily form.

Ingredients for a healthy breakfast:

  • Cereal: as already written above, I prefer to use individual cereals and mix everything to taste in the morning. My favorites are unsweetened cornflakes, puffed amaranth, spelt crunchy and oatmeal.
  • Fruit: Classics like apple and banana always go. But also depending on the season fit strawberries and raspberries. Or even mango and blueberries. Actually, there are no limits here either. If your favorite fruit is not in season, you should prefer the frozen version - they are usually still rich in vitamins and nutrients.
  • Yogurt: Here, of course, it depends on your taste, which yogurt you use. Since I eat mostly vegan, I choose soy yogurt with vanilla flavor. But also Greek yogurt or any other variant is great - as long as it is reasonably low in sugar ;).
  • Toppings: The toppings are the highlight of every muesli. Flaxseed* and Chia seeds* are incredibly healthy and also look really good on your muesli :) Alternatively, you can of course choose almonds or experiment with the spices. What do you think of a vanilla yogurt with apple and Cinnamon*? Sounds great, doesn't it?

Yogurt Bowl as a healthy breakfast

Preparation for a delicious muesli:

  • To make everything happen quickly in the morning, you can cut the fruit of your choice into bite-sized pieces on the day of the presentation and store it in a closed can in the refrigerator. If you use frozen fruit, it has to thaw, of course. So put it in the fridge.
  • So in the morning you can now combine your cereals so that it suits you. When you have found the right amount, add 2-3 large tablespoons of yogurt on top. On top you garnish the fruit.
  • Depending on your mood, you can then refine the muesli with seeds, almonds or nuts. We love Chia seeds*because they are incredibly healthy. They contain more omega-3 than salmon, more iron than spinach and more calcium than milk. They are also richer than average in vitamins, potassium, zinc, folic and amino acids. Not bad, right? If you like, you can also use cocoa nibs, for example, Coconut flakes or add poppy seeds.
  • If you're a sweet tooth like me, then I recommend you start your breakfast with some Agave syrup* to refine it. In my opinion, this is easier to portion than maple syrup and gives the food a pleasant sweetness. Even better, by the way Date sweet be. Maybe you want to try this out. :)
  • Craving an extra boost of health for your muesli? Then add half a teaspoon Barley grass about it. Looks a bit like alien powder but it is considered the healthiest food in the world due to its nutrient density. It not only balances our acid-base balance. It also contains more minerals, trace elements, vitamins and chlorophyll than other plants. Thus, it prevents a variety of diseases.

Stuffed omelet as a healthy breakfast:

healthy breakfast recipe ideas for omlette with vegetables

If you like vegetables in the morning, then you are right here. An omelet not only contains a lot of protein but also allows a variety of vegetables to combine deliciously. The quantities refer to 2 servings. You know, sharing is caring ;)

Ingredients for the omelet:

  • 4 eggs
  • 30 ml milk or carbonated water
  • 1 tsp oil
  • 1 tablespoon chopped green onions
  • 2-3 large mushrooms
  • 2 tomatoes
  • And vegetables of your choice - for us eg artichokes
  • Arugula
  • Cottage cheese
  • Salt, pepper and chili to taste

Here, too, you can of course choose whatever your heart desires. Or the refrigerator gives ;) Peppers and zucchini also taste wonderful. Or arugula and sun-dried tomatoes.


  • The mushrooms must be cleaned, washed and cut into slices. The tomatoes are washed and cut in half. You should also wash the spring onions and cut them into pieces.
  • Here, too, you can prepare the vegetables the night before. But then you should make sure that everything drains well after washing. Otherwise, the vegetables in the can will swell overnight. This is not bad but also not really nice. :)
  • In the morning, put the eggs with the milk or water in a tall container and whisk properly. Here you can already add salt and pepper. The pan should heat up during this time.
  • Now add the mushrooms and fry them briefly. Then add the tomatoes and the spring onions. If you like, you can now season again. Chili gives the food a good spiciness. Take the filling out of the pan.
  • Fry the egg mixture on both sides. Carefully lift the omelet out of the pan and fill it. Enjoy your meal. :)

Wholemeal bread with healthy topping

healthy breakfast wholemeal bread

Whole grain bread or rolls are rich in fiber, keep you full for a long time and are healthy. But there's more good news. Because you can make them super easy do it yourself. And with this, the basis for a healthy breakfast is actually already created.

This will go on your whole wheat bread:

  • Wholemeal bread with Chive curd, radish, cress and cucumberFor this, simply mix 80 grams of low-fat quark with half a bunch of chives and season with salt and pepper. Garnish with fine radishes and cucumber slices and sprinkle with cress. Yummy!
  • Wholemeal roll with AvocadoAre you in a hurry in the morning? Then cut the avocado into thin slices and put them on the bread. Season with a little salt, pepper and Chia seeds* it's already a small feast. Do you fancy Guacamole? Then crush half a clove of garlic, chop 3 cocktail tomatoes and add the avodado. Mash everything nicely and season with salt, pepper and a little lemon.
  • Arugula and pomegranate seeds on a quark spread: great recipes for a quick quark spread can be found here: 6x curd spread. To do this, you just need to wash and dry about 80 grams of arugula and put it on the bread. On top of it put half a handful of pomegranate seeds. Season to taste. And enjoy. :)

Our conclusion:

A healthy breakfast is not so complicated, but very healthy. Only you should stick to some tricks and choose your ingredients carefully. If you are in a hurry tomorrow, you can prepare a lot of things the night before. With this in mind, bon appétit and a good start to the morning!

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